Q2 Honors U.S History Study Guide

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US II - 2nd Quarter Review

Identify the following:

- Young fashionable women of the 1920s
- Harding’s corrupt friends
- manufacturing techniques that divided tasks
- African Americans who moved north in large numbers
- Someone who made and sold illegal alcohol
- When government spending exceeds its income
- When a bank seizes property
- A group of professors who advised FDR
- Roosevelt’s policies for ending the Depression
- Law assisting older Americans and the unemployed
- Concessions to aggressor nations to avoid war
- Total state control over citizens
- American policy of aid to allied nations
- Extermination of millions of Jews by Nazis
- Military dictatorship based on nationalism

Answer the following questions with the required information:

- A secret illegal bar from the Prohibition era was known as what?
- The belief that your nation needs to be protected from immigrants is called what?
- What was the Scopes Trial?
- What was the international treaty that attempted to abolish war called?
- Prohibition was enacted by which amendment and repealed by which?
- The Bonus Army was formed by army veterans who demanded what?
- When did the depression begin?
- What was the New Deal? What was the first 100 days?
- One of FDR’s first actions as President was to suspend what?
- The purpose of the New Deal programs was to do what?
- What were the immediate causes of WWII in Europe?
- The Munich Pact of 1938 was an example of?
- What date was Pearl Harbor attacked by the Japanese?
- What did Hitler call Germany’s quick strikes?
- What finally brought the United States into WWII?
Document Based Questions - There will be a series of questions in different formats pertaining
to the document, maps, timeline and political cartoons below.

“We [Sacco and Vanzetti] were tried during a time that has now passed into history…a time
when there was a hysteria of resentment and hate against the people of our principles, against
the foreigner, against slackers…”
- from Vanzetti’s Last Statement

“During the war we necessarily turned to the government to solve every difficult economic
problem… When the war closed… we were challenged with a peace-time choice between the
American system of rugged individualism and a European philosophy of diametrically opposed
doctrines- doctrines of paternalism and state socialism.”
- from American Individualism

“This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from
honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured,
will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we
have to fear is fear itself…”
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

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