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How well can you do these things? Check (✓) the boxes.

1 can ... Very well OK A little

lntroduce myself and other people (Ex. 1) D D D

Say hello and good-bye (Ex. 1) D D D
Exchange contact information (Ex. 2) D D D
Understand names for everyday objects and possessions (Ex. 3) D D D
Ask and answer questions about where things are (Ex. 4, 5) D D D

SPEAKING How ,are you?

A Complete the conversation. Use the sentences and questions in the box.
Francisco Hi. How are you?
My name is Francisco Diaz.
Nicole l'm fine, thanks. ___________
Oh, are you in my English class?
Francisco Pretty good, thanks.___________
How about you?
Nicole And l'm Nicole White.
✓ Hi. How are you?
Francisco lt's nice to meet you, Nicole.
Nicole Nice to meet you, too. ___________ Well, have a good day.
Francisco Yes, 1 am.
Francisco See you in class.

B PAIR WORK Practice the conversation from part A.Use your own information.
Then introduce your partner to a classmate.
"Manica, this is my friend. His name is Kenta...."

SPEAKING Is your phone number ... ?

CLASS ACTIVITY Write your phone number on

a piece of paper.Then put the papers in a bag.
Take a different paper and find the owner.
Write his ar her name on the paper.
A: Kamal, is your phone number 781-555-1532?
B: No, it's not. Sorry!
A: Bruna, is your ... ?


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