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Filed in District Court

State of Minnesota
8/23/2023 2:42 PM



State of Minnesota, Case No. 62-CR-23-4250


Jordan Lee Addison,



I. I, Jordan Lee Addison, DOB: 01/27/2002 have reviewed the charges against me, and I
understand them. I am charged with
o Count 1: Speed 55-zone 140/55, in violation ofMS: 169.14.2(a)(3) Misdemeanor:
o Count 2.' Reckless Driving, consciowb: disregarding a substantial or
unjustifiable risk, in violation ofMS: 169.13. I (a) Misdemeanor.

2 I hereby plead guilty to Count I the offense of: Speed 55 Zone 140/55 as amended and
certified as a Petty Misdemeanor:

3 I am pleading guilty to count l, as amended and certified as a petty misdemeanor

because on or about July 20, 2023, within the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, State of
Minnesota, l did the following: drove a vehicle in excess of100 MPH in a 55 MPH

I make no claim that I am innocent of the charge to which I am entering a plea of guilty.

5 I understand that I was charged with a misdemeanor, which carries a maximum sentence
of a $1,000 fine and/or 90 days jail.

I have fully discussed the charges, my constitutional rights, this petition, and any of the

possible consequences that could happen if I were not a US citizen, with my attorney,
Gerald A. Miller.

I understand that (under the original misdemeanor charge level) I have the following
constitutional rights; which I knowingly, voluntarily and intelligently waive (give up) by
entering this plea of guilty:
a. the right to a trial to the court (judge only) or to ajury in which I am presumed
innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt; and in which all jurors in a
Jury Trial must agree I am guilty before the jury could find me guilty.
b. the right to confront and cross-examine all witnesses against me;
c. the right to remain silent or to testify for myself;

Filed in District Court
State of Minnesota
8/23/2023 2:42 PM

d. the right to subpoena and present witnesses to testify for me in my defense;

e. the right to a pretrial hearing to contest the admissibility of evidence obtained fi'om
a search or seizure and/or information I ofiered to the police in the form of a written
or oral statement.

8. Understanding the above, I am entering my plea of guilty fi'eely and voluntarily and
without any promises except as noted in number 9 below.

9. I am entering my plea of guilty based on the following sentencing agreement:

Count] is amended to and certified as a Petty [Misdemeanor

I Plead guilt}: to count 1 as amended and certified as a Petty Misdemeanor:
Count 2 is dismissed
117a); within 90 days of the entering of this order a $300. 00 fine plus an
additional surcharge of $300. 00 pursuant to MS 169.14 subd. 2 (8)(d) plus an
additional surcharge of $86. 00 making a total of $686. 00.

10. I understand that if the court does not accept the agreement stated in number 9, that I
have the right to withdraw my plea of guilty and have a trial.

ll. I am not entering thisplea in person. This plea is being entered through my attorney. I
knowingly and voluntarily give up any right I have to be present at sentencing and to
exercise my right to speak on my own behalf at sentencing. I request that the court
sentence me in my absence, but according to my plea agreement that is contained in this

Defendant Date

Gerald A. Miller states that he is the attorney for the defendant in the above criminal case; and
that he has: l) personally explained the contents of this petition to the defendant, 2) that to the
best the defendant's constitutional rights have not been violated.

2%" 07,
GeraiQKMmer, Esq. (73180) Date
Gerald'Miller, RA.
2915 Wayzata Boulevard South
Minneapolis, MN 55405
(612) 341-9080 Phone
(612) 341—9079 Fax

Filed in District Court
State of Minnesota
8/23/2023 2:42 PM


IS/ Steven Heng August 18, 2023

Prosecutor Date
Steven Heng
Assistant St. City Attorney

Judge of District Court Date

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