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l OM o ARc PSD|2 35 24 4 09

Name: _ _

Units 13–14 QUIZ Date:


Listen to Helen’s and Mark’s conversation. Check (�) the correct answers. (4 POINTS)

1. Where are Helen and Mark going? 3. How can they get there?
□ A bank and a department store. □ They can walk up Second to Main and turn left.
□ A bank and a gas station. □ They can walk up Second to First and turn right.
□ A gas station and a department store. □ They can walk up Second to Main and turn right.
2. Where is Smith’s Department Store? 4. What is Mark going to buy?
□ On Second Street. □ A sweatshirt.
□ On the corner of First and Main. □ A tie.
□ On Main, between First and Second. □ A sweater.

Complete the sentences. Use the prepositions in the box. (4 POINTS)

across from between next to on the corner of

1. The department store is on Main Street. It’s between Green Avenue and Park
2. The department store is across from the bank.
3. The restaurant is next to the department store.
4. The restaurant is on the corner of Main Street and Green Avenue.

Imagine you are at the drugstore in part B. A tourist is asking for directions. Circle the correct words. (3 POINTS)

Tourist: Excuse me. How do I get to the bank?

You: Just walk down Park Avenue ( to / on) Main Street.
Then turn (left / right ). The bank is on the ( left / right).

Units 13–14 Quiz

l OM o ARc PSD|2 35 24 4 09

Match the verbs with the correct words or phrases. (5 POINTS)

1. had __b_ a. a trip

2. played _c__ b. fun
c. tennis
3. took __a__
d. new people
4. went __e__
e. swimming
5. met __d__

Complete the conversations. Use the simple past form of the verbs in parentheses. (6 POINTS)

1. A: Did you have (have) a good weekend?

B: Not really. I studied (study) all weekend.
2. A: Did they do (do) anything last weekend?
B: Yes, they Went (go) hiking in the woods.
3. A: Did she get (get) anything at the mall?
B: No. She went shopping, but she Didn´t buy (not buy) anything.

Read the article. Then complete the sentences. (3 POINTS)

1. Zachary got up early on Saturday and Went to the laudry room (to do laudry).

2. Zachary slept on Some clothes (from the laudry) on the floor.

3. Zachary’s parents came home because Zachary Didn´t answer the phone.
l OM o ARc PSD|2 35 24 4 09

Name: _ _

Units 15–16 QUIZ Date:


Listen to four phone conversations. Circle the correct words. (4 POINTS)

1. Linda is (in class / at home / on her break ) now.

2. David is going to (do laundry / study for a test / help his parents ) tomorrow.
3. Jasmine is going to ( go on vacation / go to a concert / stay home) tomorrow.
4. Ben is going to (go to work / go to bed early / see a movie) tonight.

Complete the sentences with the past of be. (4 POINTS)

1 Tonya wasn´t at home last night. She went to a party.

2. Dan’s parents were teachers. They worked at a high school.
3. Was Jacob in class yesterday?
4. Marcos and Paula were born in the United States, not in Costa Rica.

Complete the questions in these conversations. (4 POINTS)

1. A: Were your parents born in the U.S.?

B: No, they weren’t. My parents were born in Japan.

2. A: Were did you grow up? B: I

grew up in Tokyo.

3. A: Who was your first English teacher? B: My first

English teacher was Mr. Sato.

4. A: When did you come to New York? B: I

came to New York in 1998.

Complete the conversations with the correct pronouns and prepositions. (5 POINTS)

1. A: Can I speak to Carl, please?

B: I’m sorry. He’s on his break.
2. A: Hi. Is Tom there?
B: Yes, but he can’t come to the phone. He’s in the shower.
3. A: Hi. Is Beth in, please?
B: No, she’s at the mall. Do you want to leave her
a message?

Units 15–16 Quiz 1

l OM o ARc PSD|2 35 24 4 09

Circle the correct words. (5 POINTS)

1. A: Do you want to go shopping on Saturday?

B: I’m sorry, I can’t. I (’d like to / have to / want to) work on Saturday.
2. A: What are you going to do tonight?
B: I have an important test tomorrow, so I (don’t want to / ’d love to / need to) study.
3. A: Let’s see a movie.
B: I (’d like to / have to / need to), but I can’t.
4. A: Do you (have to / need to / want to)
come to a party at my house? B: Thanks. I
(’d love to / have to / need to)!

Read the article. Then write questions for the answers. (3 POINTS)

1. Where was Sally Ride born? In Los Angeles,


2. What did she study (at Stanford University)? English and


3. When did she leave NASA? In 1987.

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