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The Fields of Electronics-Understanding Electronics Using Basic Physics [Book


Article  in  IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine · October 2002

DOI: 10.1109/MEI.2002.1044329 · Source: IEEE Xplore

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J.J. Shea


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crystal material properties into one This excellent book would benefit Phone +1 800 225 5945
well-written volume. novice and even well-seasoned techni-
cal presenters. ISBN 0-471-22290-9192
Preparing and Delivering 192 pp. - $54.95 (Hardcover), 2002
Effective Technical Reactive Polymer Blending Traditionally, circuit theory is used to
Presentations W.E. Baker, C.E. Scott, and G.-H. Hu, model electrical and electronic circuits
D. Adamy Editors as lumped components. However, this
Artech House Publishers Hanser-Gardner Publications method does not always provide ade-
685 Canton Street 6915 Valley Ave. quate solutions and insight into com-
Norwood, MA 02062 Cincinnati, OH 45244 plex problems that often face today’s engineers. Many circuits, either due to
Phone +1 800 225 9977
291 pp. - $129.95 (hardback) 2001 their large size, high-frequency tran-
Phone +44 (0)20 7630 0166
sients, high-speed switching, or high Blending of dissimilar polymers can
current/voltage, do not behave as ex-
ISBN 1-58053-017-6 be difficult, because the polymers tend
pected from circuit theory due to the in-
280 pp. - $69.00 (Hardback), 2000 to phase segregate in order to minimize
teraction of component fields and
the interfacial tension of the system.
At some point in his or her career, ev- nonideal components. Circuit theory
Nevertheless, blending of polymers is
ery technical professional has to make a does not account for the electric and
attractive because of the possibility of
presentation. It may be a conference magnetic fields generated by every elec-
preparing a material that has a unique
presentation, a sales pitch, approval for trical circuit. These fields are the cause
combination of properties. One of the
a project, a class, project review, or any of many types of EMI/RFI problems,
strategies for dealing with this problem
variety of reasons. Your goal for making circuit noise, and nonfunctional equip-
is reactive polymer blending. In this
the presentation depends entirely on ment. By characterizing the nonideal
technique, compatibilizers are formed
how effectively your presentation co- characteristics of electrical circuits, in-
in situ when the polymers are blended.
mes across, rather than solely on the cluding wire effects, proximity effects,
After a short background on this ap-
technical content. This book provides and parasitic effects, the designer can
proach, the book discusses the differ-
practical guidance for making effective develop better circuits.
ent types of polymers that can be
This book was written to bring to-
technical presentations. blended by this method, effects of reac-
gether two topics: circuit theory and elec-
It covers the entire range of prepar- tive blending on polymer morphology,
tromagnetic field theory. It is another
ing a presentation, right from the be- the roles of particular molecular struc-
outstanding and practical reference by
ginning of an outline to the actual pre- tures in reactive polymer blending, and
Ralph Morrison. While containing many
sentation, gives many practical tips, the rheology of these polymer blends.
of the themes and drawings from his pre-
and advice to improve your presenta- Subsequent chapters discuss reactive
vious books on grounding and shielding,
tion. The chapters are grouped into blending in extruders and the design of
the author has added many new topics in
topic areas that include defining objec- extruders for this process. Reactive
the areas of analog and digital design and
tives, using visual aids, designing and blending has been used most often with
power facilities. While the book does not
polyamides, and one chapter is de-
producing visual aids, room logistics, teach circuit theory or electromagnetic
voted to rubber-toughened poly-
presentation techniques, handling theory in the traditional sense, it rather
amides prepared by reactive blending.
multiple speakers, and real world tips. brings a physical meaning and picture to
The final chapter describes the use of
Not only does this book give very good what is actually happening in an electrical
low molecular weight additives. This
advice for preparing good presenta- circuit from a field point of view. This is
book would be useful to anyone con-
tions, but also it helps to insure a pre- intended to give the designer a more
sidering this method of polymer blend-
sentation that will convey the message complete understanding to circuit design
ing, which can be expected to yield ma-
and the action that you want the audi- and layout. It is a bridge between circuit
terials having improved mechanical,
ence to take away from your work. theory and physics.
thermal, and electrical properties.
There are also many helpful tips on us- There is a review of the electric and
—K.F. Schoch, Jr.
ing the latest presentation equipment magnetic fields in all the basic electri-
to your advantage including com- The Fields of cal components (RLC) before review-
puter-aided presentations, VGA pro- Electronics—Understanding ing the practical circuit concepts. Some
Electronics Using Basic of the circuits described include utility
jectors, video projectors, and storage
Physics power, antennas, waveguides, trans-
media. The author provides advice on
formers, analog circuits, relays, digital
real world situations involving the R. Morrison
circuits, and distribution facilities.
work review, marketing, technical con- John Wiley & Sons
ference, an after-dinner technical talk, 605 3rd Ave 4th Floor
and presenting a prepared paper. New York, NY 10158 (continued on page 52)

September/October 2002 — Vol. 18, No. 5 49

changers. For more information on the industry. Throughout the year, WAI cables have been injected with the pro-
IEEE-SA visit: organizes events such as the Interwire prietary CableCURE silicone-based
and Wire Expo trade shows, technical restoration fluid on three continents,
Wire Association workshops and symposiums, and an- with a success rate of 99.5%.
International (WAI) Events nual International Technical Confer- InfrastruX Group, Inc., a subsidiary of
WAI is holding its International ences. Its publications and technical Puget Power, Bellevue, Washington,
Technical Conference on 6-8 October products include Wire Journal Interna- was formed in 2000, with the intent to
2002 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada at tional (WJI) and the annual WJI Refer- acquire providers of specialized utility
Le Centre Sheraton Hotel. For more ence Guide as well as a host of technical contracting services. InfrastruX pur-
information go to handbooks, reports, and videotapes. chased UTILX Corporation in the fall
WC_EventsCalendar/Tec_Con/images/ For more information, visit the WAI of 2000.
montrealreg.pdf. or call WAI Technical Web site at Senior Vice President, Glen Bertini,
Information Director at +1 203 453 who directs the Wire DynamiX group,
2777. The WAI, Inc., founded in 1930, stated that the name change was neces-
is a worldwide technical society for the CableCURE Becomes Wire sary to reflect a broadening of the com-
wire and cable industry professionals. DynamiX™ pany’s perspective to include other
WAI is dedicated to the promotion, The CableCURE services division business opportunities, which fall out-
collection, and dissemination of tech- of UTILX Corporation has a new side the core CableCURE family of
nical, manufacturing, and general busi- name, Wire DynamiX™. Over 34 mil- technologies. For more information
ness information and trends in the lion cable feet of power and telephone visit

(continued from page 49)

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52 IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

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