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 Teacher : Zoraida del Pilar Bustamante Palacios

 Task : A Peruvian Legend

 Week : Nine

 Members :

Rabanal Cunya Jairo Solis Mundaca Angie Priscila

Good evening, Professor Zoraida, my name is Angie Solis, and my name is Jairo, and this

is our task number nine. We hope you like it…

It all started when the sun god, also known as Inti, lived on the celestial peak a long time

ago. A young man with great posture and extremely kind named Rímac, from time to time

went down to the human world to tell them beautiful stories, for which he was very loved

and revered.

One day, accompanied by the other gods, he looked towards the earth through the

windows of the golden palace, he saw that the plains by the sea were hit by a severe

drought; the herbs, flowers, and trees withered and men and animals died of thirst.

The gods were alarmed and went to the god Inti, his father, to ask him to free the men

from the coast from that horrendous drought. However, Inti told them that it was

impossible, because according to heavenly laws, only by sacrificing one of them on the

altar of fire could they get water.

The Rímac insisted,
were silent,finally at the
however, to request of both,
everyone's and before
surprise, thethe
Chaclla, resignation of Inti,and
most beautiful the two

went toof
virtuous the
thealtar of fire for
daughters of the
the sacrifice. The sun
sun, standing godher
before was thus able
father, to make
bravely theherself
offered earth rain.

before the sacrifice. Rímac, who adored his sister, knelt imploringly and asked Inti to
Thanking the heavens, the Yungas, so-called ancient men from the coast, received the
sacrifice him instead of her, but Chaclla, even though he appreciated his gesture, did not
jubilant water. Rimac and Chaclla, wrapped in countless drops, fell on the mountains near
accept, arguing that men would miss the beautiful stories that he knew how to tell them.
the great valley of Lima and turned into a stormy river, they ran, playing and laughing,

towards the sea. Once there, rising in the form of clouds, chasing each other, they

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