Canny Ong

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Modus Operandi

On 13 June 2003, the day before Canny Ong was due to return to USA by flight, she went out for a
farewell dinner of steak and fried crabs with her family and close friends at Monde Restaurant,
Bangsar Shopping Complex (BSC), Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur.

After the meal, seeing that her mother had become tired, Ong offered to drive her mother back
home before she continues with the farewell party, Ong returned to their car in the basement to
pick up a parking ticket while her mother and sister waited at the Autopay machine. However, Ong
never returned, for she was being abducted by Ahmad Najib bin Aris, who was then 27 years old.

After waiting for 20 minutes, Ong's mother and sister became worried. Ong's sister made two calls to
her handphone the first was not answered while the second was converted to voicemail. Together,
they both went to the car park and found their car a purple Proton Tiara (WFN 6871 plate) - missing.
After pleading with the security guards, the mother, the elder sister, Ong's friends, together with the
security personnel, viewed the CCTV footages and saw Ong being abducted by an unidentified
person (Ahmad Najib). More than an hour after the woman's abduction, a police report was made.

On 14 June 2003, at 12.00 am, two plainsclothes policemen patrolling on a motorcycle found a
Proton Tiara (Canny Ong's car) and upon approaching it, they saw Ahmad Najib and Canny Ong
inside it near Kelana Jaya. Canny Ong was still alive at the time. One of the officers, Lance Corporal
Subramaniam Ravichandran, showed his police ID and asked to see the duo's identification cards,
which Ahmad Najib and his captive Ong had given upon the officer's request. Ravichandran asked
the two to get out, but Ahmad Najib refused to, and even stopped Ong from getting out of the car.
According to Ravichandran, the High Court heard in the trial of Ahmad Najib that Ong had made a
series of strange hand gestures towards the officer (before Ahmad Najib noticed her), apparently
trying to seek help from the officer, but he could not understand the gestures. Ahmad Najib then
quickly drove off after he maintained his refusal to alight the car, and the policemen, who still held
on to the IDs of Ong and her kidnapper, quickly fired shots at the car and attempted to give chase,
but they lost sight of the car. The IDs later became the major clue to identifying the last person with
Ong when police obtained the IDs and investigated the murder and rape case.

Another witness, Aminah Isahak, later spotted the Proton Tiara, with Ong (still alive) inside. At that
point of time, Ahmad Najib stopped the car along Jalan Sungai Way to replace a car tyre, which was
punctured by a bullet (shot by the police officers earlier). Aminah, who was twenty feet away from
the car when she waited in her brother-in-law's car. She was approached by Ahmad Najib to borrow
a jack to remove the tyre. Aminah said that while Ahmad Najib was struggling with the wheel, she
saw Ong pulling odd faces her, trying to signal for help. Feeling that something is amiss, Aminah
copied down the car registration number, which she did just in time when Ahmad Najib drove off
again, having given up replacing the car tyre. Together with her brother-in-law, Aminah went to
report the incident at Subang Jaya Police Station and provided the police with the car registration

Later, between 1.00 am to 5.00 am, Ahmad Najib raped Canny Ong in the Proton Tiara under a
bridge (that was still under construction) near Taman Datuk Harun in Jalan Klang Lama. After that,
Ahmad Najib used a knife to stab Canny Ong twice, which killed the 28-year-old IT analyst. Canny
Ong's body was pushed into a narrow hole on the side of the highway and overlaid with two large
tires containing cement. The car was abandoned at a nearby shop house. The killer then fled in a
taxi. After that, the next day, Ahmad Najib bought petrol with a plan to burn the body. He went back
to the hole and poured oil and burned the corpse.
Unknown to Ahmad Najib, a van driver, Azizan Ismail, had witnessed him at the construction site in
the car with a topless woman (Ong) lying on the back seat, but mistook them as a pair of lovers
having sex. He would see the Proton Tiara once again the second time when Ahmad Najib was,
unbeknownst to the witness, at a short distance away raping and killing his kidnapped victim. Azizan
had also stolen Canny Ong's handphone from the car and sold it the police initially arrested him and
his two friends as a suspect after they traced the handphone to the three of them during
investigations, but later released them after Ahmad Najib's arrest. Azizan would become one of the
69 witnesses who came to testify in the murder trial of 27-year-old Ahmad Najib bin Aris.


Collection of physical evidence had been conducted by the investigators and personnel of this
case such as blood, semen, hair, clothes, and personal belongings of the deceased and accused
at the scene. While it was not clearly mentioned in the case, the evidence collected were
“intact” via the usage of forceps and tape lifts in the sampling method.
The physical evidence that can be seen in this case included the pair of Jack Blue Classic
jeans with a Calvin Klein belt and a blue cap.
The aforementioned jeans had blood stains which DNA tests later confirmed to be the
deceased’s blood. Besides that, based on DNA tests also, the six strands of hair found in the
car, were also confirmed to be the deceased’s hair.
Evidently, in this case, the biological materials were taken by swabbing with reference to the
vaginal swabs on the deceased’s body of the deceased which resulted in the DNA being
proved to be the accused’s semen.
All of this must have been logically done in a lab environment. As such, the evidence was
labelled with the descriptions of the evidence, exhibit number, the location of evidence, and
the date and time it was being recovered.
it must have also included the name and signature of the person recovering evidence, but
physical evidence was also compared to the crime scene evidence by substrate control.

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