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Expt. No. Page No.


Aim ) the ocRinent i Gunhat and dotc hi

Pulse Ampiude modulation CPAM) and
Fule width Modulatien (Pwm) ard tty demdulahn
lamponent Reguid i PAM hainh kt, CRD,
wres GST210 TR)

Theotei- Pulsc Amglitude dulati cPAMis 4

mcdulhts bchemme in wekich amplide s the
canuhsignal vaiis accovding to tte its tam ta
nLgus amplitde o the mersae sigpnal
Thu PAm mgnal hill feles the amplide e
the ohigial igmes the ignal táces out
patty o whale wane. ln
In ratural PAM, a si'gnal
hample at the Nygwist that is heconsthuckd
by pasing it thhauga Low Pas

Friequen LPF) eith act ete qneniy

Though the PAm frignal is pased thougl am LPE
amat fueoneh he iynal wtho utdis tosh
Heros. to aueid this neise, lat tep 6ammp ling is
dene bamplud bai_nel
Laa he huphes entd
the gne' lannet 'be chaged t analeg
signal to be bampld The tef eef armp liksd
unauis at. This phous io iis the w'zt
Teacher's Signature


PAM modlato

PA M heonthusie
nnel fidteh

fAM mdulat Y

In put
PwM Modatoy
Expt. No.
Page No.

Puln widti Mohul atia (PwM) or Puhe

o PulN Time pmedulatom is a mmdlatg puhahn
in uutich the dwatm or widtn o tim
ahh hignal vanis pheporhonel to Hhe ins tam
ammp litde
The wida Bj thepulr vans in thus netted
Amp Kitde
he sisnel oy knt Thuy urik ip te
atnp iuditoa desied lnd and huoe Hhd rais



PAM ignaf

Teacher's Signature
Expt. No.
Page No.

Pro edw:- foy PAMmodulation d emmodulat

(0 Lomnee h cemnecing wres accodisg to re
t iagram foy pllse amplikude madw'ahe
) Output e sin'wna o modulaten signal ip
in PAm blBek veping thu bmiteh in IEH? posiHax
pule ip. Suit 'aN' the
Obsehue Hae natura sammp Kun1 at TP3).
Sanmpled Hold ofp at TP4)and Flat Tep Sam
pliny ele at TPG) togctheh wuith mocelahe
sighalie TP) ond ful bn put TPI)
(y onnd the sampl ele to te ilp lw pask
VTPuz) hoqethe wth mldulatioal bighal input

For PwM madlatin t domdulati

)Canect Hhe wuihe acodarg the

In fwM bléck
anedat wiat
wrut iasam for Pulse
width modlati.
hhe bai teh in TEH?
H? posithim

nodulatm tigal ijp at TPL9)

0bn the
Lewps flth TPA2) tagtten with mdulaia
tiynal ilp
Teacher's Signature

Expt. No. Page No.

Result i- The p0ess e) vasious pule madlahm

amd demmedulatien kcthiguis wehe Muditd tuditd
Using traineh it
Camlusipn:- Th deired modwlakd ond lmodu
(atd ngnals fo PAmamd
PA Mand PwM teehmgnes
wehe tlaincd

Teacher's Signature

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