C04 Rijndael

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Fundamentals of
of Cryptography

Lecture C-04
The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)


1. Introduction: AES
2. AES: Round 1 and 2
3. Introducing Rijndael
4. Rijndael round function
5. Rijndael key schedule
6. Decryption
7. Practical aspects

Author: W T Penzhorn 2
Motivation for Replacing DES

◆ DES is 10 years past its original certification period

◆ DES parameters
+ 64-bit block
+ 56-bit keys (much too small)
◆ DES is not secure against a brute force attacks
+ Internet attack (’97)
◆ Various “DES Crackers” have been designed/built:
+ Wiener (’93)
+ EFF (’98)
◆ Triple DES (112-bit key) is currently used, but is slow
◆ DES not suitable for modern processors and

Author: W T Penzhorn 3
NIST’s AES Initiative

◆ NIST initiated a process to develop a new data encryption

algorithm, called the Advanced Encryption Standard
(AES), to replace DES.
◆ The AES should be:
+ Designed for government and commercial use in the 21st century
+ Publicly defined and evaluated
+ World-wide royalty-free

Author: W T Penzhorn 4
AES specifications

◆ Broad specification:
+ More secure than Triple DES
+ More efficient than Triple DES
◆ Parameter specifications
+ Key sizes: 128, 192, 256 bits
+ Block size: 128 bits (other sizes optional)
◆ Design criteria
+ Secure
+ Fast
+ Scalable (key size)
+ Efficient implementation in both H/W and S/W
+ Flexible for a variety of platforms and operating systems
+ Key agility in a dynamic environment
Author: W T Penzhorn 5
Key Space Comparison: DES vs AES

+ 56-bit = 7.2 × 1016 combinations
+ 128-bit = 3.4 × 1038 combinations
+ 192-bit = 6.2 × 1057 combinations
+ 256-bit = 1.1 × 1077 combinations
◆ DES in 1s = AES-128 in 149,000 billion years
◆ The Universe is 20 billion years old

Author: W T Penzhorn 6

1. Introduction: AES
2. AES: Round 1 and 2
3. Introducing Rijndael
4. Rijndael round function
5. Rijndael key schedule
6. Decryption
7. Practical aspects

Author: W T Penzhorn 7
AES Time Table

◆ 1997 NIST’s international call for algorithms

◆ June 1988 15 submissions received
◆ August 1998 1st AES Conference
◆ August – April 1999 Review of 15 submissions
◆ March 1999 2nd AES Conference
◆ April 1999 5 AES finalists selected
◆ April 2000 3rd AES Conference
◆ May 2000 Close of public comments
◆ October 2, 2000 Rijndael announced AES winner
◆ February 28, 2001 NIST’s Draft FIPS for AES available
for public review

Author: W T Penzhorn 8
Evaluation: Round 1

◆ Criteria:
+ Cryptographic strength
+ Efficiency (on various platforms)
+ Flexibility
+ Elegance
+ Absence of trapdoors

Author: W T Penzhorn 9
Results from Round 1

◆ Security problems:
+ DEAL, Frog, HPC, LOKI97, Magenta
◆ Very slow:
+ DEAL, Frog, Magenta, SAFER+
◆ No problems, but not good enough:
+ CAST-256, DFC, E2

Author: W T Penzhorn 10
AES Finalists

◆ RC6™ RSA Laboratories
◆ Rijndael Daemen & Rijmen Univ. Leuven - Belgium
◆ Serpent Anderson, Biham & Knudsen
◆ Twofish Counterpane Sys & Univ. Berkley (CA)

Author: W T Penzhorn 11
Feistel Ciphers and S-P-Networks


Feistel Cipher S/P-Network

Author: W T Penzhorn 12
Generic Block Cipher Structure

User key Plaintext block


Key schedule:
•Simple Subkey r iterations of
•Complex generator a processing
•One-way function


Ciphertext block

Author: W T Penzhorn 13
Classification of Finalists

Cipher Based on Type Rounds

TWOFISH Feistel 16
MARS M-Feistel 32
RC6 RC5 M-Feistel 20
RIJNDAEL SQUARE SP-Network 10, 12, 14

Author: W T Penzhorn 14
Block Cipher Design Tradeoff

◆ L. O’Connor:
“Most ciphers are secure after sufficiently many rounds.”

◆ J.L. Massey:
“Most ciphers are too slow after sufficiently many rounds.”

◆ Basic Design Tradeoff:

+ Sufficient security for the smallest “cost”

Author: W T Penzhorn 15
Summary of Finalist’s Features

+ complex, fast, high security margin
◆ RC6
+ very simple, very slow on 8-bit architectures, low security margin
◆ Rijndael
+ clean, fast, good security margin
◆ Serpent
+ slow, clean, very high security margin
◆ Twofish
+ complex, very fast, high security margin

Author: W T Penzhorn 16
Evaluation: Round 2

◆ Performance in software and hardware

◆ IP-Issues
◆ Cross-cutting analysis

Author: W T Penzhorn 17
Attacks on Block Ciphers

◆ Exhaustive search (brute force attack)

◆ Attacks based on statistical analysis of chosen plaintext-
ciphertext pairs
+ Differential cryptanalysis (Biham and Shamir)
+ Linear cryptanalysis (Matsui)
◆ Other attacks
+ Interpolation attacks
+ Related key attacks

Author: W T Penzhorn 18

◆ The AES candidate ciphers reflect the state of block cipher

design in the late 1990’s
◆ All 5 finalists made the criteria and have no security
◆ All were implemented in both H/W and S/W for evaluation
◆ User-related aspects had a strong influence on the final
+ flexibility
+ speed on various platforms
+ cost of implementation (code size and IC complexity)

Author: W T Penzhorn 19

1. Introduction: AES
2. AES: Round 1 and 2
3. Introducing Rijndael
4. Rijndael round function
5. Rijndael key schedule
6. Decryption
7. Practical aspects

Author: W T Penzhorn 20

◆ Submitted by:
+ Joan Daemen (of Proton World International)
+ Vincent Rijmen (of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
◆ Design rationale
+ Resistance against all known attacks
+ Speed and code compactness on a wide range of platforms
+ Design simplicity

Author: W T Penzhorn 21
Rijndael - Parameters

◆ Variable block length and variable key length

◆ Block length (Nb × 32):
+ 128, 160, 192, 224, 256 bits
◆ Key length (Nk × 32):
+ 128, 160, 192, 224 or 256 bits
◆ Number of rounds:
+ 10 / 12 / 14 rounds
◆ Iterated, invertible S-P Network
◆ Operations:
+ S-box
+ Arithmetic over GF(28)
+ No arithmetic operations (addition / multiplication)
Author: W T Penzhorn 22
Definition: State

◆ The transformations in a round operate on the

intermediate result, called the State
◆ The State can be pictured as a rectangular array of bytes
◆ The State array has four rows
◆ The number of columns in the State is denoted by Nb
+ Nb = block length ÷ 32

◆ Example: Nb = 6
a0,0 a0,1 a0,2 a0,3 a0,4 a0,5

a1,0 a1,1 a1,2 a1,3 a1,4 a1,5

a2,0 a2,1 a2,2 a2,3 a2,4 a2,5

a3,0 a3,1 a3,2 a3,3 a3,4 a3,5

Author: W T Penzhorn 23
Definition: Cipher Key

◆ The Cipher Key is similarly pictured as a rectangular array

with four rows
◆ The number of columns of the Cipher Key is denoted by
+ Nk = key length ÷ 32

◆ Example: Nk = 4

k0,0 k0,1 k0,2 k0,3

k1,0 k1,1 k1,2 k1,3

k2,0 k2,1 k2,2 k2,3

k3,0 k3,1 k3,2 k3,3

Author: W T Penzhorn 24
Number of rounds

◆ Plaintext and Cipher are specified as 8-bit bytes

◆ Block length: 16, 24, or 32 bytes
◆ Key length: 16, 24, or 32 bytes
◆ The number of rounds, Nr, depends on block length and
key length:

Nr Nb=4 Nb=6 Nb=8

Nk=4 10 12 14

Nk=6 12 12 14

Nk=8 14 14 14

Author: W T Penzhorn 25
Rijndael: Algorithm Overview

Key Expansion

Add Round-Key

Repeat -ByteSub
(Nr-1) -ShiftRow

Add Round-Key


Add Round-Key
Author: W T Penzhorn 26

1. Introduction: AES
2. AES: Round 1 and 2
3. Introducing Rijndael
4. Rijndael round function
5. Rijndael key schedule
6. Decryption
7. Practical aspects

Author: W T Penzhorn 27
Rijndael Round Function (1)


ByteSub ShiftRow MixColumn AddRoundKey

Result from Pass to
round n-1 round n+1

Author: W T Penzhorn 28
Rijndael Round Function (2)

◆ Each round performs three transformations :

+ ByteSub
+ ShiftRow
+ MixColumn
+ AddRoundKey
◆ The transformations are referred to as layers
◆ The transformations are invertible (for decryption)
◆ In the Final Round the MixColumn step is removed
+ similar to the missing swap in the last round of DES
◆ “Pre-whitening” and “post-whitening” before and after the
round function has been included

Author: W T Penzhorn 29
Rijndael Round Function (3)

◆ Each round consists of three layers:

◆ Non-linear Substitution Layer:
+ Use an S-box to introduce non-linearity
+ Possible to introduce much parallelism
◆ Linear Mixing Layer:
+ Guarantees high diffusion over multiple rounds
+ Very small correlation between input bytes and output bytes
◆ Key Addition Layer:
+ Bytes of the input are simply XOR’ed with the expanded round
◆ This gives “full diffusion” after only two rounds

Author: W T Penzhorn 30
ByteSub Operation


a0,0 a0,1 a0,2 a0,3 b0,0 b0,1 b0,2 b0,3

a1,0 a1,1 a1,2 a1,3 b1,0 b1,1 b1,2 b1,3
a2,0 a2,1 a2,2 a2,3 b2,0 b2,1 b2,2 b2,3
a3,0 a3,1 a3,2 a3,3 b3,0 b3,1 b3,2 b3,3

◆ Transformation is byte-by-byte
◆ Use an invertible S-box
◆ One S-box is used for the whole cipher (simplicity)

Author: W T Penzhorn 31
Rijndael S-box

◆ Each input byte is substituted by its multiplicative

inverse modulo GF(28)
◆ The zero element remains unchanged
◆ Apply an affine (matrix) transformation over GF(2)
◆ Add a constant: 63H (0110 0011)

Author: W T Penzhorn 32
S-box Design (1)

◆ Design criteria for the S-box are motivated by:

+ differential and linear cryptanalysis
+ attacks using algebraic manipulations, such as interpolation
◆ Requirements / Criteria:
1. Invertibility
2. Minimisation of the correlation between linear combinations
of input bits and linear combination of output bits
3. Minimisation of the largest value in the XOR table
4. Complexity of the algebraic expression in GF(28)
5. Simplicity of description

Author: W T Penzhorn 33
S-box Design (2)

◆ The basic idea for constructing the S-box is due to K.

Nyberg (provable properties)
◆ S-box is defined by the mapping: x ⇒ x -1 in GF(28)
◆ This mapping has a very simple algebraic expression
◆ Need to prevent algebraic manipulations leading to
interpolation attacks
◆ Therefore an invertible affine transformation is added
◆ The affine transformation was chosen as follows:
+ It has a very simple description, but a complicated algebraic
expression if combined with the ‘inverse’ mapping of the S-box
+ It does not affect the S-box Criteria 1. – 3.
+ But it allows the S-box to satisfy the Criterium 4.

Author: W T Penzhorn 34
S-box Design (3)

◆ The affine mapping corresponds to the following

polynomial product:
b(x) = (x7 + x6 + x2 + x) + (x7 + x6 + x5 + x4 + 1) mod (x8 + 1)
◆ The modulus the simplest possible choice
◆ The multiplication polynomial was chosen such that:
+ It is coprime with the modulus
+ Selected as the polynomial with the simplest description
◆ The constant polynomial was chosen such that
+ The S-box has no fixed points: S-box (a) ≠ a
+ The S-box has no “opposite fixed points”: S-box (a) ≠ a’

Author: W T Penzhorn 35
ShiftRow Operation (1)

a b c d No shift a b c d
e f g h Shift by C1 (1) f g h e
i j k l Shift by C2 (2) k l i j
m n o p Shift by C3 (3) p m n o

◆ Each row of the block is cyclically left-shifted

◆ Rows are left-shifted over different offsets
◆ Results in diffusion over the columns

Author: W T Penzhorn 36
ShiftRow Operation (2)

◆ Depending on the block length Nb, each row of the block is

cyclically shifted according to the following table

Nb C1 C2 C3

4 1 2 3

6 1 2 3

8 1 3 4

Author: W T Penzhorn 37
Choice of ShiftRow offsets

◆ The choice from all possible combinations has been made

based on the following criteria:
1. The four offsets are different and C0= 0
2. Resistance against attacks using truncated differentials
3. Resistance against the Square attack
4. Simplicity

Author: W T Penzhorn 38
MixColumn Operation (1)

a0,j b0,j
a0,0 a0,1 a0,2 a0,3 a0,4 a0,5 b0,0 b0,1 a0,2 b0,3 b0,4 b0,5
⊗ c(x)
a1,0 a1,1 aa1,j
1,2 a1,3 a1,4 a1,5
b1,0 b1,1 b
1,2 b1,3 b1,4 b1,5

a2,0 a2,1 aa2,j

2,2 a2,3 a2,4 a2,5
b2,0 b2,1 ba2,j
2,2 b2,3 b2,4 b2,5

a3,0 a3,1 a3,2 a3,3 a3,4 a3,5 b3,0 b3,1 a3,2 b3,3 b3,4 b3,5
a3,j b3,j
+ Each column is multiplied by a fixed polynomial
+ C(x) = ’03’ × x3 + ’01’ × x2 + ’01’ × x + ’02’
+ This corresponds to matrix multiplication b(x) = c(x) ⊗ a(x):

Author: W T Penzhorn 39
MixColumn Operation (2)

◆ A column is taken as a polynomial over GF(28)

◆ Each column is multiplied by a fixed polynomial
c(x) = a3 x3 + a2 x2 + a1 x + a0
= ’03’ x3 + ’01’ x2 + ’01’ x + ’02’
◆ The coefficients of c(x) are over GF(28)
◆ MixColumn corresponds to multiplication in the ring
modulo 1 + x 4 :
b(x) = c(x) ⊗ a(x) modulo (1 + x4)
◆ c(x) was selected to have an inverse modulo 1 + x 4

Author: W T Penzhorn 40
Design of MixColumn

◆ The MixColumn operaqtion was chosen from the space of

4-byte to 4-byte linear transformations according to the
following criteria:
1. Invertibility
2. Linearity in GF(2)
3. Relevant diffusion power
4. Speed on 8-bit processors
5. Symmetry
6. Simplicity of description
◆ Based on Maximum Separable Codes (MDS) codes
◆ Diffusion properties are provable

Author: W T Penzhorn 41
Round Key Addition

a0,0 a0,1 a0,2 a0,3 k0,0 k0,1 k0,2 k0,3 b0,0 b0,1 b0,2 b0,3
a1,0 a1,1 a1,2 a1,3 k1,0 k1,1 k1,2 k1,3 b1,0 b1,1 b1,2 b1,3
a2,0 a2,1 a2,2 a2,3
⊕ k2,0 k2,1 k2,2 k2,3 = b2,0 b2,1 b2,2 b2,3
a3,0 a3,1 a3,2 a3,3 k3,0 k3,1 k3,2 k3,3 b3,0 b3,1 b3,2 b3,3

◆ Simple bitwise addition of Round Keys

Author: W T Penzhorn 42
Illustration of Round Function

Author: W T Penzhorn 43
Author: W T Penzhorn 44
Author: W T Penzhorn 45
Graphical Illustration of the Algorithm

Author: W T Penzhorn 46

1. Introduction: AES
2. AES: Round 1 and 2
3. Introducing Rijndael
4. Rijndael round function
5. Rijndael key schedule
6. Decryption
7. Practical aspects

Author: W T Penzhorn 47
Key Schedule

◆ The Round Keys are derived from the Cipher Key by

means of the Key Schedule
◆ The Key Schedule consists of two components:
+ Key Expansion
+ Round Key Selection
◆ Number of Round Key bits needed = blocklength × (Nr +1)
◆ Example:
+ blocklength = 128 bits
+ Nr = 10 rounds
+ Number of Round Key bits = 1408

Author: W T Penzhorn 48
Key Expansion I

◆ The Expanded Key consists of a linear array of 4-byte

words, denoted by W [Nb * (Nr +1)]
◆ The first Nk 32-bit words contain the Cipher Key
◆ The Expanded Key is obtained recursively in terms of the
Cipher Key:
+ W[i] = W[i-6] ⊕ W[i-1]
+ W[6i] = W[6i – 6] ⊕ f (W[6i – 1])
◆ The function f( ) makes use of the S-box and also adds a
round constant

Author: W T Penzhorn 49
Key Expansion II

Cipher Key
(128-, 192-, 256-bits)

Key Expansion Function

(block length x (number of rounds+1)

Round Key 0 Round Key 1 Round Key Nr

Author: W T Penzhorn 50
Key Expansion III

Cipher Key W
KE Key Expansion

Round Keys k1 k2 k3 Kn-2 Kn-1 kn

X r1 r2 r3 Rn-2 Rn-1 rn Y

Encryption Rounds r1 … rn

Author: W T Penzhorn 51
Illustration: Key Expansion and Round Key selection

W0 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12 W13 W14 …

Round Key 0 Round Key 1 …

◆ Key expansion and Round Key selection for:

+ Nb = 6 (block length = 192 bits)
+ Nk = 4 (key length = 128 bits)

Author: W T Penzhorn 52
Key Schedule Characteristics

◆ The key schedule can be implemented without explicit use

of the array W [Nb * (Nr +1)]
◆ When RAM is scarce:
+ Round Keys can be computed on-the-fly
+ Only a buffer of Nk words is required

Author: W T Penzhorn 53
Key Expansion Design Criteria

◆ Key Expansion recursion is invertible:

+ knowledge of any Nk consecutive words of the Expanded Key
allow regeneration of the whole table
◆ Simple and efficient on a wide range of processors
◆ The round constants eliminate symmetries
◆ Diffusion of Cipher Key differences into the Round Keys
◆ Knowledge of a part of the Cipher Key or Round Key bits
does not allow to calculate “many” other Round Key bits
◆ Introduce enough non-linearity to prohibit the full
determination of Round Key differences from Cipher Key
differences only (resistance against related-key attacks)

Author: W T Penzhorn 54

1. Introduction: AES
2. AES: Round 1 and 2
3. Introducing Rijndael
4. Rijndael round function
5. Rijndael key schedule
6. Decryption
7. Practical aspects

Author: W T Penzhorn 55

◆ For decryption the order of operations is reversed

◆ For operation, an inverse counterpart is required
◆ InvRound
+ AddRoundKey
+ InvMixColumn
+ InvShiftRow
+ InvByteSub
◆ The first 3 operations are linear = same as encryption
◆ The S-box cannot be re-used – require inverse S-box
◆ The MixColumn operation uses a different polynomial:
+ Decryption is slower

Author: W T Penzhorn 56
Decryption: MixColumn Operation

◆ For MixColumn, the polynomial c(x) in GF(28) is used:

c(x) = ’03’ x3 + ’01’ x2 + ’01’ x + ’02’
◆ Multiplication with these coefficients is very efficient
◆ The inverse of c(x) modulo (x4+1) is:
d(x) = ’0B’ x3 + ’0D’ x2 + ’09’ x + ’0E’
◆ Multiplication the multiplications of d(x) take significantly
more time
◆ Decryption is therefore slower than encryption
◆ A considerable speed-up can be obtained by using table
lookups at the cost of additional tables

Author: W T Penzhorn 57
Encryption vs. Decryption

◆ This asymmetry in encryption and decryption is

considered to be less important
◆ In many applications of a block cipher, the inverse cipher
operation is not used:
+ Calculation of MACs
+ Cipher used in CFB-mode or OFB-mode
◆ Important: In dedicated hardware implementations, only
part of the hardware can be re-used
◆ It is possible to reverse the Key Schedule:
+ start with the last Nk Round Key bytes
+ “roll backwrds” to the original Cipher Key

Author: W T Penzhorn 58
Rijndael Security Against Known Attacks

◆ No symmetry properties and weak keys of DES type

◆ Differential cryptanalysis (no truncated differentials)
◆ Linear cryptanalysis
◆ Square attack
◆ Interpolation attacks
◆ Weak keys as in IDEA
◆ Related-key attacks
◆ Known-key attracks
◆ No key-recovery attacks faster than exhaustive search
◆ Rijndael is K-secure

Author: W T Penzhorn 59

1. Introduction: AES
2. AES: Round 1 and 2
3. Introducing Rijndael
4. Rijndael round function
5. Rijndael key schedule
6. Decryption
7. Practical aspects

Author: W T Penzhorn 60
Rijndael: Implementations (1)

◆ Well suited for software implementations on 8-bit

processors (e.g. Smart Cards)
+ Operations focus on bytes and nibbles, not 32 or 64-bit integers
+ Only simple operations are used, e.g. XOR, byte shifts
+ No special instructions are required to speed up operation, e.g.
barrel rotates
+ Uses small amount of code and RAM
+ ROM/performance trade-off is possible
+ Layers such as ByteSub can be efficiently implemented using
small tables in ROM (e.g. < 256 bytes)

Author: W T Penzhorn 61
Rijndael: Implementations (2)

◆ For 32-bit implementations:

+ An entire round can be implemented via a lookup table
+ No bias towards big-or little endian processors
+ No delay due to carry propagation

◆ Dedicated hardware / specialised processors

+ Considerable parallelism exists in the round function
+ Simple operations are easily implemented: e.g. XOR, byte shifts

Author: W T Penzhorn 62
Encryption Performance (Relative)

Author: W T Penzhorn 63
Computational Efficiencies

◆ 200 Mhz Pentium-Pro; MS Visual C++ ver 6

Algorithm Rate (Mbit/s) Key set-up

RC6 98.2 6.5X
MARS 67.6 11.4X
RIJNDAEL 87.7 4.7X
SERPENT 53.5 2.9X
TWOFISH 64.6 41.2X

Author: W T Penzhorn 64
Key Setup Performace (Relative)

Author: W T Penzhorn 65
Overall Performace (Relative)

Author: W T Penzhorn 66
Code Size and Copyright

Cipher Code size Subkey Public

generator domain
MARS ≈ 3.5 kbytes Complex No

RC6 < 1kbyte One-way No

RIJNDAEL ≈ 1 kbyte Fast Yes

SERPENT ≈ 1 kbyte Simple Yes

TWOFISH ≈ 2.5 kbytes Simple Yes


Author: W T Penzhorn 67
Summary: Rijndael Characterstics

◆ Low key set-up time

◆ Low memory requirement
◆ Flexible configuration (block length and key length)
◆ Very suitable for hash/MAC applications
+ 192 and 256 block and key lengths
+ Collision-resistant hash function
◆ Efficient implementation on wide variety of platforms
◆ No carry delay due to addition or multiplication
◆ Round function has large degree of parallelism

Author: W T Penzhorn 68

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