Political Instability Yields Economic Instability

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Pakistan is going through the worst economic crisis. political stability is indispensable for economic growth
in a state. Political instability is an international issue. Like other developing countries, Pakistan is too trying
to resolve that issue. That issue emanates from poverty, unemployment, lack of intra-party democracy,
injustice, absence of rule of law, lack of economic resources, ineffective policies, and weak planning,
decisions, and strategies. Terrorism, sectarianism, extremism, and feudalism related to social, diplomatic,
cultural, educational, economic, lingual, religious, and political matrices have further aggravated the
already prevailing issue. Political instability has destroyed the cultural, political social, and economic fabric
of Pakistan. A state may tackle that issue if it manages the aforementioned matters. Therefore, sound
strategies with targeted interventions are required to deal with that problem pragmatically. There are
some factors, hurdles, and barriers that do promote the prevailing issue.

2. Factors responsible for economic instability because of political instability

I. Social factors
∑ Non-existence of peace, cooperation, and security is promoting terrorism,
sectarianism, and extremism.

The non-existence of peace, cooperation, and security change one’s mentality. The changed
mentality of the masses results in terrorism, extremism, and sectarianism. It affects FDI,
tourism, and cultural activities because people are reluctant to invest in a country where
there is an environment of threats. Moreover, non-cooperation leads to alienation,
separation, and disintegration. Aristotle says: A man is a social animal; he needs the help of
others for the satisfaction of his basic needs. Furthermore, insecurity of life, property, and
honor compels men to adopt innovative ways to protect their rights contrary to the state's
rules and regulations. According to Darwinism: “ Survival of the fittest:

∑ Discriminating attitude towards masses

Discriminative attitudes in giving representation on the basis of cast, color, creed, and
language can be dangerous for the national integration of a state as they create political and
social chaos. They may air the sentiments and emotions of provincialism as one is witnessed
the fall of Decca.

∑ Unequal distribution of resources creates political chaos in a society

I. Political factors
∑ Lack of consensus between federal and provincial units

It is distressing to note that even after sixty years of independence, Pakistan continues to grapple with
the problems of federalism. The unresolved issues of federalism have complicated the problems of
governance and political management, building strains in the political process. The central government
often disregarded the political sensitivities of the people of different provinces. It created a strong
impression in the provinces that the central government did not tolerate dissent and wanted to rule the
province with a firm hand. However, a lack of consensus between the federal and provincial units
disrupts the proper functioning of the state’s institutions. It creates an anarchic and unfavorable
environment in the country.

∑ Disharmony In civil-military leadership

Relations between political elites and the establishment have never been smooth throughout the
history of Pakistan. This disharmony in civil-military relations has made foreign investors
susceptible, and they are not ready to invest in Pakistan, where there is an unstable political and
economic environment prevails.

∑ Lack of accountability
The lack of accountability has created a double standard of justice in Pakistan. This double
standard has created an environment of dissatisfaction and hatred toward the institutions which
provide justice. The rich and the poor must be treated equally; sadly, this is not the case in
∑ Lack of intra-party democracy
The lack of internal democracy within parties is a major challenge to political parties all over the
world in developing counties and Pakistan is no exception. In a party, the power is concentrated
in the hands of top leadership. In Pakistan, any party except JUI does not hold meetings regularly
with party members. In addition to that, the party does not hold elections regularly which is
against the very spirit of democracy.

∑ Disharmony in mutual consultation

Disharmony in mutual consultation and an environment of non-consensus can strip people

of their basic rights; as one observes the functions of the assemblies in Pakistan that
represent the picture of an arena where the public representatives are reluctant to pass the
bills for the welfare of the public. It is ironic.

∑ Rise is populism
The phenomenon of populism presents a direct challenge to existing political frameworks, as the
phenomenon is not only accelerating existing institutional change and creating institutional
volatility. In particular, the populist political parties and leaders have remained successful in
gaining power and their persistent success has become an existential threat to Pakistan. Populist
leaders give simple solutions to complex problems which are not pragmatic and sound, resulting
in anarchy and lawlessness in a state.

∑ Lack of resolute leadership

Lack of resolute leadership results in ontological crises. After Quaid’s death, we could not get a true
and sincere leader who might represent Pakistan on a national and international level. However, after
the Quaid robust leadership has always remained a distant dream for Pakistan.

∑ Partisan role of media

Partisan media has become a center of materialism, and distortion of facts and realities. The
monopoly of giant media houses and the misuse of vested freedom pose a serious challenge to
Pakistan economically, socially, and politically.

I. Religious factor
∑ Religious rituals do promote extremism and sectarianism

Religious rituals do impact a state’s matters and promote extremism, sectarianism, and terrorism;
display, blasphemous materials, and contents. Religious matters are very sensitive and volatile; they can
disrupt the internal matters of a state and change the map of a country one witnessed the conversion of
Russia from the U.S.S.R.

∑ Backwardness in science and technology

Backwardness in science and technology has made us dependent on the west and foreign countries. It is evident
that we failed to make a vaccine for covid-19 as we do not have modern technology and labs. Having modern
technology is substantial in this era of globalization. Without modern technology, it is impossible for Pakistan
to compete with other countries in the international arena

I. Economic factors
∑ Burgeoning foreign debts because of political instability compromise the state’s
∑ Tax evading inclinations impact the national exchequer
I. Administrative factor
l Inefficient bureaucracy and ruling class
Inefficient bureaucracy and the ruling class are not deft in settling issues of a state. They
promote a culture of nepotism, favoritism, and red-tapism.

3. Impacts of political instability yields economic instability

∑ Rising Unemployment

Unemployment in Pakistan is rising day by day because of the volatile political and economic environment.
Because of unemployment crime in Pakistani society is on the rise. This has destroyed the societal fabric of
Pakistani society.
In the long-term, the Pakistan Unemployment Rate is projected to trend around 6.40 percent in 2023 and 8.50
percent in 2024, according to our econometric models.

∑ Poverty

Poverty is rising in Pakistani society because of unstable political and economic environment.
The World Bank has estimated that poverty in Pakistan has increased from 4.4 per cent to 5.4 per cent in 2020,
as over two million people have fallen below the poverty line

∑ Lack of development

Development is substantial for any country, but because of the anarchic situation, Pakistan is unable to work
on its development agenda. The world bank has estimated that Pakistan needs 44 bn USD each year for its
development; on the contrary because of economic crises, Pakistan is only able to spare 3 bn USD each year
for development.

∑ Poor governance

Pakistan Is not a poor country, but a poorly managed country. Pakistan’s poor governance issue has its roots
in colonial heritage. Colonial administration was based on the inequality of a master and a servant, or that of a
conquering ruler and his subjects. In this historical background, the Colonial administration was driven by three
values which essentially are negative in character i.e. coercion, command, and control. On the contrary, a
sovereign independent state is rooted in the equality of the citizens and their true representatives and the
institutions they man as stipulated in a constitutional democracy.

∑ Brain-drain

Pakistan is losing all of its talent because of poor management and economic conditions. Pakistan's brain drain
situation is aggravating day by day. According to official data 7,65,000 youth has moved overseas in 2022.

∑ Inflation

The quality of life deteriorating in Pakistan as the annual inflation rate rose to 24.5% in December of
2022 from 23.8% in November. Commodities of daily use such as wheat and sugar are out of range of the poor
section of society. This has further aggravated the situation.
∑ Declining tourism and FDI because of political instability

Pakistan has great tourism potential. Additionally, its strategic location is important for foreign investors but
rising terrorism and extremism in Pakistan have created a trust deficit in foreign investors. Moreover, terrorism
has further eroded the soft image of Pakistan internationally. Resultantly, FDI and tourism in Pakistan are

∑ Smuggling and money laundering

Poor governance has failed to curb money laundering and smuggling. Though there are several laws made to
curb this menace but ineffective government machinery is not so strong to tackle the issue pragmatically

4. Way forward
∑ The Role of social institutions is substantial to solve this prevailing problem. The role of
a family is especially indispensable because it is an individual's first tutor. The education
of women is also important as the education of women is the education of the whole
society, on the contrary, the education of a man is the education of a single character.

∑ Promotion of Intra-party democracy

Inta-party democracy ensures strong leadership and a culture of democracy in any country. Inta-
party democracy will be helpful in resolving petty disputes among different political parties and
will ensure a conducive political environment. There is no chapter on internal democracy in the
2006 Charter of Democracy (CoD) signed by PPP and PML-N leadership. Therefore, a new chater
of democracy must be signed having provision for intra-party democracy.

∑ Indiscriminate attitude towards masses

An indiscriminate attitude towards the masses will erase hatred from their hearts and mind. As a result, it will
eliminate biases, sectarianism, terrorism, and instability in society. Pakistan is a country having diverse cultures
and ethnic groups. Therefore, Equal political and economic representation would create a pragmatic and stable
pluralistic society. It will also address the grievances of different sections of society and remove the rift among

∑ Political accountability
A culture of political accountability must be ensured. Political accountability is when a politician makes
choices on behalf of the people and the people can reward or sanction the politician. In representative
democracies, citizens delegate power to elected officials through periodic elections or act in their
interest. Civic education can play a substantial role in this direction.

∑ Involvement of youth in politics

To make a difference in the longer term, it is essential that young people are engaged in formal political
processes and have a say in formulating today’s and tomorrow’s politics. Inclusive political participation
is not only a fundamental political and democratic right but also is crucial to building stable and peaceful
∑ System of checks and balances

The Checks and Balances system provides each branch of government with individual powers to check the
other branches and prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. The system of checks and
balances is imperative to erase political and economic instability in Pakistan. A system of checks and balances
must be ensured in Pakistan for effective governance and administration.

∑ Positive role of media

Media is a fourth pillar of Pakistan. Media has radically altered how government institutions operate and
political leaders communicate. Media has increased the participation of people in the political process. It has
also complicated the political process. The primary purpose of media is to inform the masses. However, the
media must act as watchdogs checking government actions. Media can also play a pivotal role in disseminating
civic education as it will increase the political understanding of the people.

l Basic rights such as education, health facilities, freedom of expression, and freedom of speech
ought to be provided to the people. It will bring harmony and tranquility to society. If these basic
rights are provided to the People, come what may, they will follow the rule of the law and would
not go against the state.

l Terrorism is another issue that Pakistan is facing. It has destabilized society. Foreign people and
investors are reluctant to invest in Pakistan. Therefore, to maintain peace, law, and order in society
NACTA must perform its operations like Zarb-e-Azab and Raddul-Fasaad. It will bring peace and
prosperity to society by eradicating terrorism from the country.

l Awareness of the masses is also critical through seminars, workshops, and the optimal use of
media to awaken the sleeping consciousness of humans. It will inculcate religious forbearing and
pluralism in the people. This will ensure peace and order in society.

l Equitable division of resources and powers must be ensured so that the rich may not be rich and
the poor, not be poor. It prevents the division of society and the accumulation of resources in the
hands of a few persons. It helps to maintain the continuous flow of resources so that everyone can
get their share.

l Pakistan recorded a Government Debt to GDP of 84 percent of the country's Gross Domestic
Product in 2021. Foreign debts should be avoided because they are harmful to the state’s
sovereignty as one is witnessed by the role of IMF and WB in Pakistan.


No doubt, Pakistan is surrounded by numerous internal and external threats of great magnitude.
Pakistan is not a poor country but a poorly managed country; only a sincere leadership with real
commitments can turn this hell into heaven. In short, if the afore-mentioned remedial measures are
employed in the right way there would be political stability, growth and development, prosperity
and stability in the country. On the contrary, if the remedial measures are ignored, there would be
coas, political and economic instability in the country. Besides the other social problems, the
prevailing issue would be Pakistan’s destiny forever!

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