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Road to HKDSE 2019

Writing Notes 3 (Letter to the Editor and organizations 給編者和組織的信)

A. Letter to the Editor (給編者的信)


Dear Sir / Madam,

Opening (開端)

Body (內文)

Conclusion (總結全文 + 期望)

Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

Chris Wong


Dear Editor,

Opening (開端)

Body (內文)

Conclusion (總結全文 + 期望)

Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

Chris Wong

B. Letter to organizations (給組織的信)

格式一 (不知收件人姓名)

Dear Sir / Madam,

Opening (開端)

Body (內文)

Conclusion (總結全文 + 期望)

Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

Chris Wong

格式二 (知道收件人姓名)

Dear Mr. Leung,

Opening (開端)

Body (內文)

Conclusion (總結全文 + 期望)

Yours sincerely,

Chris Wong

Chris Wong

Different Types of Letters to the Editor / Letters to Organizations

Reasons / Effects / Describe the situation Suggestions / Recommendations

題目 考核重點

1 Learning English through Popular Culture 沒有明確的指引

The human desire to look attractive is universal and because of this, 建議寫法:
cosmetic surgery is now a multi-million dollar industry. Write a letter to
a. Reasons + Suggestions
the editor of the Hong Kong Express about the obsession with physical
beauty. (HKDSE English 2012 Q6) b. Effects + Suggestions

2 Learning English through Social Issues 1. Showing concern

You suspect that your neighbours are treating their pets badly. Write a 2. Give details of incidents
letter to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA)
3. Suggest what could be done
showing your concern and give details of any incidents of abuse you are
aware of. Suggest what could be done to ensure the welfare of the pets
and say why these measures are urgent. Sign your name ‘Chris Wong’.

(HKDSE English Sample Paper Q9)

3 Learning English through Social Issues 建議寫法:

Many people say that private school bus operators do not follow proper 1. Expressing concerns
safety procedures when dealing with young children and they argue
2. Describe the problem
that this may pose a danger. Write a letter to the Bus Operators
Association of Hong Kong to express your concerns and give three 3. Effects of the problem
recommendations for how private school bus services can be improved.
4. Three recommendations
(HKDSE English 2013 Q4)

4 Learning English through Poems and Songs 1. Write a letter to the Central
The Hong Kong Central Library is holding a language arts festival during Library
the summer break to enhance students’ interest in learning English.
2. Suggesting two interesting
Secondary schools have been asked to submit their suggestions for
activities to raise students’
activities at the festival.

As the chairperson of the school’s Poetry Club, your teacher has asked interest in English
you to write a letter to the Central Library suggesting two interesting
activities. You should also explain how these activities would increase
students’ interest in learning English.

(HKDSE English 2015 Q8)

題目 考核重點

5 Learning English through Short Stories 1. Choose an author for the activity
The Reading Club at your school is planning to hold a reading and explain why
week to promote students’ interest in reading and to improve
2. Suggest activities the author can
their English. One planned event is a “Meet the Author”
lead or help with
evening, when students get to meet a famous author.

As the chairperson of the Club, you have been asked to choose

one author to invite for the event. Write an email to Ms. Li, the
English teacher in charge of the Reading Club, mentioning your
choice of author. Explain why you have selected that author,
and suggest activities the author can lead or help with.

(HKDSE English 2015 Q9)

6 Learning English through Sports Communication 1. Write a letter to Ms Chan, your

A number of your classmates have expressed their principal
disappointment about physical education (PE) lessons at
2. Explaining why your classmates
school, saying that the lessons are not interesting. As the
are unhappy about existing PE
chairperson of the Class Association, you have decided to
reflect your classmates’ opinions about this to your principal,
Ms Chan. 3. Suggest two new activities that
could be introduced in future
Write a letter to Ms Chan explaining why your classmates are
PE lessons
unhappy about existing PE lessons. You should then suggest
two new activities that could be introduced in future PE lessons
and explain why students would prefer such activities.

(HKDSE English 2015 Q2)


7 Learning English through Popular Culture 1. Suggesting why they are worth
Recently the Hong Kong Government published a list of
2. Suggest how they can be
intangible cultural heritage items that the city should protect.
The following were on the list.
3. Write a letter to the editor

 Traditional egg tarts

 Mahjong

Write a letter to the editor of the Hong Kong Daily supporting

the Government’s choice of these two features of Hong Kong
culture, suggesting why they are worth protecting and how
they can be protected.

(HKDSE English 2017 Q5)


Express your views ( / )

8 Learning English through Poems and Songs 1. A reply to the editor

You recently read a letter to the editor of the Hong Kong 2. You believe…...

Express which said that songs which contain foul language have 3. Expressing your views
a negative influence on society. However, you believe we all
have the right to freedom of speech and these songs are just a
means of expression. Write a reply to the editor expressing
your views. (HKDSE English Practice Paper Q4)

9 Learning English through Sports Communication 1. Expressing your views

There is talk of certain schools removing PE lessons from the (一定要明確表達立場)

curriculum so students can concentrate more on academic

subjects. Write a letter to the Secretary of Education expressing
your views on the proposal. (HKDSE English Practice Paper Q6)

10 Learning English through Social Issues 1. Giving your opinions.

Some people believe that filming movies in the city centre 2. Provide three reasons.

should not be allowed. Others support it. Write a letter to the

editor of the Hong Kong Daily giving your opinions. Provide

three reasons to support your point of view.

(HKDSE English 2014 Q4)

11 Learning English through debating 1. Write a letter to your school

Currently, only a small number of students in your school have
2. Persuade her to change the
access to school lockers. As the chairperson of the Student policy on lockers
Union of your school, you have collected the views of students
a) Why should more
from different classes on this issue. Write a letter to Ms Lee,
students have access to
your school Principal, to persuade her to change the policy on
lockers. (HKDSE English 2014 Q5)
b) Rebuttal

12 Learning English through Debating 1. Write to the editor of the

Many parts of Hong Kong’s harbour front are still undeveloped. Hong Kong Daily

Some suggest using these areas for housing and commercial 2. Stating your opinion on
use, while others argue that such areas should be left as open whether undeveloped areas
space for public use. Write to the editor of the Hong Kong Daily in the harbour front should
stating your opinion either for or against leaving these areas be used for housing and
commercial purposes or left
open for public use. Justify your point of view with three
open for public use
reasons. (HKDSE English 2015 Q5)
3. Provide three reasons

Introduction of an activity Benefits of an activity

13 Learning English through Workplace Communication 1. Outlining the new project

You are an intern at Hong Kong Correctional Services. The 2. Explaining the benefits
government has launched a campaign called Second Chance to
3. Persuading them to join the
encourage employers to recruit reformed criminals or drug
addicts. Write a letter to all Hong Kong businesses outlining the
new project, explaining the benefits and persuading them to
join the scheme. (HKDSE English 2012 Q8)

14 Learning English through Sports Communication 1. Ask a fitness centre to donate

A local fitness centre is being renovated. As the chairperson of
2. Describe the benefits of the
your school’s Sports Club, write a letter to ask the fitness
centre to donate some of their old equipment to your school.

In your letter, describe how the donation could benefit your

school and the fitness centre. (HKDSE English 2014 Q2 )


Describe the situation Outline the point of view Explain why

15 Learning English through debating 1. Describe the situation

Recently, you have heard several people making complaints 2. Outline the point of view of
which you thought were unreasonable. Write a letter to the the complainants

editor of the Hong Kong Post about this. In your letter, describe 3. Indicate why … are
the situation which some people complained about, outline the unreasonable
point of view of the complainants, and indicate why you think
these people are unreasonable.

(HKDSE English 2013 Q5)

Describe a complaint Suggestions

16 Learning English through Workplace Communication 1. Write an email

You are a summer intern working in Hong Kong Mobile’s 2. Summarizing details of a recent

customer services department. Your job is to handle complaints complaint

about your company’s products and services. As part of your 3. Suggesting three possible
duties, you are required to inform your manager about the actions
complaints received and outline possible solutions. Write an
email to Jackie Lee, the manager of the customer services
department, summarizing details of a recent complaint and
suggesting three possible actions that could be taken to deal
with this complaint. (HKDSE English 2015 Q6)

17 Learning English through Workplace Communication 1. You are the boss of Reboot
(Letter of Reply – Semi-formal) Online Company
You are the boss of Reboot Online Company and you have
2. Addressing the complaints
recently received complaints from some staff about the
from the staff about the
number of work-related emails and text messages received out number of work-related
of office. emails and text messages
received out of office
Write a letter to staff addressing their complaints.

(HKDSE English 2018 Q3)

Letter of Application

explaining your interest why you should be selected

18 Learning English through Poems and Songs 1. A scholarship for ten young
(Application Letter – formal) writers to attend their
Poetry House is offering a scholarship for ten young writers to summer poetry workshop
attend their summer poetry workshop. The workshop will
2. Write an application letter
promote the art and craft of poetry in a creative environment
3. explaining your interest in
and participants will have a chance to discuss their work with
guest poets from around the world.
4. why you should be selected
Write an application letter, explaining your interest in poetry
and why you should be selected to take part in this workshop.

(HKDSE English 2018 Q8)


19 A recent article in the Young Post suggested that an 8:00 a.m. 1. why students feel tired

2. whether or not a 9:00 a.m.

start to the school day makes students feel tired and sleepy.
start will solve the problem

Write to the editor of the Young Post expressing your views on

the following:

- why students feel tired

- whether or not a 9:00 a.m. start will solve the problem

Some parts of the letter have been given to you.

( HKDSE English 2015 Q1)

Part A Short Writing

影響 + 建議 (格式一)

Effects Suggestions / Recommendations

上款 Dear Sir/Madam,

Paragraph 1 1. 表示對某議題的關注

(寫作目的) 2. 介紹議題背景

3. 介紹文章各部分 (影響 + 建議)

Paragraph 2 1. 標題句 (影響)

(影響一) 2. 問題背景

3. 影響 (較輕微 / 短期)

Paragraph 3 1. 標題句 (影響)

(影響二) 2. 問題背景

3. 影響 (較嚴重 / 長期)

Paragraph 4 1. 有鑑於上述影響,提出以下建議


Paragraph 5 1. 標題句

(建議一,要針對影響一) 2. 建議原因 / 建議好處

3. 建議的具體實施方法

4. 總結句,強調建議可解決問題

Paragraph 6 1. 標題句

(建議二,要針對影響二) 2. 建議原因 / 建議好處

3. 建議的具體實施方法

4. 總結句,強調建議可解決問題

Paragraph 7 1. 再次指出問題影響

(總結) 2. 強調建議有助解決問題

下款 Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

Chris Wong

影響 + 建議 (格式二)

Effects Suggestions / Recommendations

上款 Dear Sir/Madam,

Paragraph 1 1. 表示對某議題的關注

(寫作目的) 2. 介紹議題背景

3. 介紹文章各部分 (影響 + 建議)

Paragraph 2 1. 標題句 (影響一)

(影響一) 2. 問題背景

3. 影響 (較輕微 / 短期)

Paragraph 3 1. 標題句

(建議一,要針對影響一) 2. 建議原因 / 建議好處

3. 建議的具體實施方法

4. 總結句,強調建議可解決問題

Paragraph 4 1. 標題句 (影響二)

(影響二) 2. 問題背景

3. 影響 (較嚴重 / 長期)

Paragraph 5 1. 標題句

(建議二,要針對影響二) 2. 建議原因 / 建議好處

3. 建議的具體實施方法

4. 總結句,強調建議可解決問題

Paragraph 6 1. 再次指出問題影響

(總結) 2. 強調建議有助解決問題

下款 Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

Chris Wong

HKDSE English 2012 Q6

Learning English through Popular Culture

The human desire to look attractive is universal and because of this, cosmetic surgery is now a multi-million

dollar industry. Write a letter to the editor of the Hong Kong Express about the obsession with physical beauty.

上款 Dear Sir/Madam,

Paragraph 1 1. 寫信目的

介紹 As a regular reader of your column who takes heed of the prevalent trend in cosmetic

surgery, I am writing to bring to the public’s attention the seriousness of such a


2. 背景介紹

In a prosperous metropolis such as Hong Kong, many perceive appearance and

attractiveness equivalent to true beauty and proceed to undergo such surgery in pursuit of

desired perfection. The obsession with such surgery has infected many in a way that, if not

rectified, will soon be beyond redemption.

Paragraph 2 1. 標題句

Undeniably, treating cosmetic surgery as nothing but a scourge would indeed be subjective
and unfair.

2. 詳細解釋

In some cases like air crash accidents in which one’s face is brutally tattered, cosmetic

surgery can act as a reasonable method of restoring one’s appearance and life to normality.

For instance, a victim of the Lganga petrol fire claimed cosmetic surgery was a blessing

saving him from facial scarring and mental devastation.

Paragraph 3 1. 標題句

整容禍害 1 While the above stands firmly as a justified reason for cosmetic surgery, we have to recognize

that the surgery is associated with enormous health risks.

2. 詳細解釋

Granted, our technology is evolving at a dramatic and unprecedented pace. Nevertheless, the

risks of such surgery are still there, waiting for the next victim. In this decade, there have been

accidents related to cosmetic surgery. Some people’s cheeks decay in the wake of the injection

of Botox, whereas some are visually impaired after eyelid surgery. In the case of an allergy,

some unfortunate victims may even end up paying the ultimate price – death.

3. 總結句

Like a minefield, sugar-coated cosmetic surgery can become a ticket to lifelong misery and


Paragraph 4 1. 標題句

Furthermore, cosmetic surgery has distorted the moral value in our society.
整容禍害 2

2. 詳細解釋

In a society where physical appearance is the yardstick of beauty, the blind quest to remove

each and every blemish is ubiquitous. Take a stroll down the street and you will come across

many billboards displaying mesmerizing models with oval faces and unblemished skin. With

such a high bar, it is no surprise that even a pimple as small as a strawberry seed is considered

as mortifying as a dreadnought. In such a blind pursuit of perfection, many will then embark

on their trip to cosmetic surgery and physical beauty. Obsessed with appearance, seldom will

they spare efforts on their inner beauty. As Ellen DeGeneres once said, “beauty comes from

beneath the skin.

3. 總結句

Sadly, with the spread of such a cosmetic epidemic, this moral is starting to fall into oblivion.

Paragraph 5 1. 承上

Merely calling for a halt to such a trend may appear to be a hollow talk.

2. 啟下

However, there are many concrete things the government can do to defeat this alluring

monster of cosmetic surgery.

Paragraph 6 1. 標題句

To commence with, the government should regulate cosmetic surgery through setting up law
建議 1
and stepping up law enforcement.

2. 詳細解釋 (具體方法 + 好處)

In the short run, the government should restrict advertisements of cosmetic surgery. At a more

extreme level, the government could prohibit all forms of discounts or offers, and slogans like

“Super Smooth Summer Surgery” or “New Year, New Face” . Moreover, similar to the

treatment of cigarettes, it is essential for the government to require surgery companies to

insert a visible deterrent like “Cosmetic surgery may lead to permanent disfiguration and


3. 總結句

Through minimizing public exposure to this surgery can such an obsession with plastic surgery

be mitigated.

Paragraph 7 1. 標題句

Another preventive measure falls into the category of education.

建議 2

2. 詳細解釋 (具體方法 + 好處)

Arguably, the significance of inner beauty should be instilled in children’s impressionable

minds. By holding more talks organizing movie sessions in schools, putting up commercials as

well as organizing public campaigns discouraging cosmetic surgery and emphasizing inner

beauty, children will soon realize they are beautiful for who they are, not how they look.

3. 總結句

With tough government legislations and long-term public education, teenagers will understand

the superiority of morality and inner beauty and say no to plastic surgery.

Paragraph 8 1. 總結內文

The overwhelming obsession with cosmetic surgery is detrimental to our society. People from
all walks of life should maintain a clear and critical mindset to repel such a beast.

2. 期望

Hopefully, through the effort of the government can we prevail in this long battle and conquer

our addiction to physical beauty and plastic surgery.

下款 Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

Chris Wong

上款 Dear Sir/Madam,

Paragraph 1 1. 背景介紹

介紹 It has long been acknowledged that the trend of cosmetic surgery is prevalent in the

entertainment industry with the paparazzi endlessly revealing the names of suspected stars

having undergone cosmetic surgery and the “victims” of the rumours denying. However,

one can hardly believe that this trend has now extended to children whose mothers force

them to take the surgery without consulting the children’s consent.

2. 介紹全文內容

Alarmingly, the phenomenon has been proliferating in Hong Kong. Is physical beauty really

that important? Does it deserve such irrational obsession?

Paragraph 2 1. 外貌的重要

I must admit that craving for physical beauty is ingrained in human nature and even in
Chinese Confucian preaching, “An appealing and decent appearance is an integral part of
politeness.” No one wants to look hideous and hence, fashion is of great demand to

beautify one’s image.

2. 開啟下文

Nevertheless, if one puts too much emphasis on physical beauty and becomes relentless in

obtaining an attractive appearance by undergoing cosmetic surgery, the repercussions could

be catastrophic.


Paragraph 3 1. 標題句

Firstly, cosmetic surgery alters one’s face completely and this practice is immoral.
整容禍害 1

2. 詳細解釋

By putting ourselves into the shoes of our parents, we may feel the melancholy derived

from one’s rejection towards his original face, which is the gift given by his parents. The

obsession with physical beauty blind many people and induce them to undergo cosmetic

surgery that not only goes against nature, but also shatters their parents’ hearts. After

having this surgery, many people will eternally live under his unfamiliar and artificial mask

that resembles nothing like their true self.

Paragraph 4 1. 標題句

Besides, physical beauty cannot beat aging while inner beauty can withstand the challenge
整容禍害 2
of time.

2. 詳細解釋

This easy-to-understand idea is fully depicted in the current TVB drama which is an

adaptation of a traditional Chinese myth. There was an emperor who was obsessed with

physical beauty and was infatuated with a flirty yet glamorous lady called Xia Ying-chun.

However, a versatile and tough young woman called Zhong Wu-yan was arranged to marry

the emperor. Detesting Chung’s unpleasant appearance for she got a large red birthmark

across her face initially, the emperor grew bored with Xia’s fading physical beauty and was

captivated by Zhong’s integrity and immovable loyalty towards the country.

3. 總結句

Evidently, physical beauty is solely an empty shell of ours. What counts is our soul and

personality that represent our inner beauty.


Paragraph 5 1. 標題句

Moreover, physical beauty is judged by society with ever-changing tastes towards beauty while
整容禍害 3
inner beauty is assessed against a fixed set of requirements.

2. 詳細解釋

To claim a person beautiful by appearance, we have to take the current definition of beauty

into account. If society now prefers chubby body shapes, putting on weight is the mission of all

beauty pursuers. In contrast, if slimness is in vogue, people obsessed with physical beauty may

have to skip diets regardless of the potential risk of developing anorexia. This exemplifies the

loss of autonomy and personal judgment for those who have obsession with physical beauty.

3. 總結句

Clearly, they are led by the trend and they follow the preference of most people, forgetting

their own identities and the meaning of life.

Paragraph 6 1. 標題句+ 詳細解釋 (具體方法 + 好處)

To prevent the adverse impacts of radical obsession with physical beauty, I hereby urge the
建議 1
government to strengthen moral education at school to correct students’ moral values and

hold large-scale campaigns to shift the public’s attention back to inner beauty. Arguably, we do

not want to see a world with depreciating moral standards and swarms of shallow idiots who

look into people’s faces rather than hearts.


Paragraph 7 1. 標題句

In addition, we, as individuals, have to get rid of our obsession with physical beauty and
建議 2
emphasize the virtues of morality and love.

2. 詳細解釋 (具體方法 + 好處)

If I have to give a metaphor, I would like to describe physical beauty as banknotes and inner

beauty as gold. Banknotes may give an illusion that they are precious and valuable but in fact,

they are nothing but papers that do not have intrinsic values. In contrast, gold may be

misunderstood to have lower values than a house of banknotes but gold is the only thing that

can be permanently in good shape. In the same vein, undergoing plastic surgery is tantamount

to exchanging our face for banknotes, which are transient and fade with the passage of time.

Only through breaking away from our obsession with physical appearance can we pursue

everlasting beauty.

3. 總結句

By upholding the principles of morality and compassion and lending a helping hand to our

loved ones and people at the lowest rung of our society, we can strike gold and become

beautiful forever.

Paragraph 8 1. 問句作結

So what do you prefer, gold or banknotes, inner beauty or physical beauty? Make your wise

下款 Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

Chris Wong

Content 7/7 7/7


Language 7/7 7/7

Organization 7/7 7/7

Total 21/21 21/21

42/42 (5**)

HKDSE English 2015 Q2

Learning English through Sports Communication


A number of your classmates have expressed their disappointment about physical education (PE) lessons at
school, saying that the lessons are not interesting. As the chairperson of the Class Association, you have decided
to reflect your classmates’ opinions about this to your principal, Ms Chan.

Write a letter to Ms Chan explaining why your classmates are unhappy about existing PE lessons. You should
then suggest two new activities that could be introduced in future PE lessons and explain why students would
prefer such activities.

上款 Dear Ms Chan,

Paragraph 1 1. 寫作目的

介紹 I am writing to express my classmates’ disappointment about the current Physical Education


2. 介紹全文內容

With their opinions in mind, as the chairperson of the Class Association, I will come up with

two suggestions to share with you.

Paragraph 2 1. 標題句

First and foremost, the lack of variety of ball games has sparked dissatisfaction among my
問題 1

2. 詳細解釋

Most of the activities in our PE lesson, if not all, are confined to traditional ball games:

basketball, volleyball, football badminton, just to name but a few. It does not take much to

realize that every PE lesson is just a repetition of the ones in the past few years. The class

routine is so predictable that there must be a volleyball practice followed by two lessons of

basketball. As a consequence, students are bored by such a system which they already

regard as “attending” the lesson instead of “engaging in” it.

Paragraph 3 1. 標題句

It might also be noted that the passivity of girls has shaped the stuffy environment of PE
問題 2

2. 詳細解釋

Their dearth of skills comparable to boys definitely erodes girls’ enthusiasm about PE lessons.

As most boys in our class have a liking for basketball and football, girls think that they pale in

comparison to their male counterparts, resulting in lower willingness to engage in PE lessons.

Walking with a basketball chatting with their friends and shooting without aiming at the hoop

are forceful illustrations of this phenomenon.

Paragraph 4 1. 承上啟下

Having delved into the root of the problem, I have conjured up two suggestions for the school
as a reference to lift students’ involvement in PE lessons.

Paragraph 5 1. 標題句

The first solution is to introduce a new ball incorporating interesting cultural elements.
建議 1
2. 詳細解釋 (具體方法 + 好處)

We, as students, often lack exposure to the depth of cultural meaning of sports in a society.

Through the introduction of baseball – the national ball game of the USA and Japan, both

teachers and students will have the opportunities to learn the fanciness of baseball and may

even probe into the source of its craze in these countries. Furthermore, questions like “why

has baseball not taken Hong Kong by storm?” can reignite students’ interest in ball games as

well as PE lessons. After such intriguing sessions, which are in line with one of the principles of

education: encouraging the quest for knowledge of students, they can then set up a mini-game

in the playground simulating the baseball stadiums such as the renowned one of New York


3. 總結句

Arguably, the introduction of baseball can enhance students’ understanding of sports’ roles in

different cultures by experiencing the game themselves.

Paragraph 6 1. 標題句

Apart from incorporating baseball into out Physical Education curriculum, it is also advisable for
建議 2
the school to promote dodgeball in PE lessons.

2. 詳細解釋 (具體方法 + 好處)


Dodgeball is designed to be played by both male and female as the ability gap between the two

sexes is less significant in the sport. Whereas boys may be more agile to react to the dodgeball,

girls, may have a more tricky and meticulous mind to “attack”. Such a balance in ability can

motivate all students to play the game without the worries of being outclassed. A plus is that

dodgeball requires a small arena to accommodate all players, or even the whole class.

3. 總結句

Apparently, harmony and bonding can be strengthened among classmates as a result.

Paragraph 7 1. 總結內文

I hope that this letter may shed some light on our students’ dissatisfaction with PE lessons.
2. 期望

Though I am a layman to Physical Education, I firmly believe that this issue is a cause of school’s

serious concern. It is earnest hoped that our classmates’ opinions are taken into consideration

so that our concerted efforts can make our campus more vibrant and healthier.

下款 Yours sincerely,

Chris Wong

Chris Wong

Content 7/7 7/7

Language 7/7 7/7

Organization 7/7 7/7

Total 21/21 21/21


42/42 (5**)

敘述事件 + 建議 (格式一)

Describe the situation Suggestions / Recommendations

上款 Dear Sir/Madam,

Paragraph 1 1. 表示對某議題的關注

(寫作目的) 2. 介紹議題背景

3. 介紹文章各部分 (描述事件 + 建議)

Paragraph 2 1. 標題句 (簡述事件一)

(事件一) 2. 詳細敘述事件 +感受

3. 影響

Paragraph 3 1. 標題句 (簡述事件二)

(事件二) 2. 詳細敘述事件 +感受

3. 影響

Paragraph 4 1. 有鑑於上述問題,提出以下建議


Paragraph 5 1. 標題句

(建議一,要針對事件一) 2. 建議原因 / 建議好處

3. 建議的具體實施方法

4. 總結句,強調建議可解決問題

Paragraph 6 1. 標題句

(建議二, 2. 建議原因 / 建議好處

要針對事件二) 3. 建議的具體實施方法

4. 總結句,強調建議可解決問題

Paragraph 7 1. 強調問題嚴重性

(總結) 2. 強調建議有助解決問題

下款 Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

Chris Wong

敘述事件 + 建議 (格式二)

Describe the situation Suggestions / Recommendations

上款 Dear Sir/Madam,

Paragraph 1 1. 表示對某議題的關注

(寫作目的) 2. 介紹議題背景

3. 介紹文章各部分 (描述事件 + 建議)

Paragraph 2 1. 標題句 (簡述事件一)

(事件一) 2. 詳細敘述事件 +感受

3. 影響

Paragraph 3 1. 標題句

(建議一,要針對事件一) 2. 建議原因 / 建議好處

3. 建議的具體實施方法

4. 總結句,強調建議可解決問題

Paragraph 4 1. 標題句 (簡述事件二)

(事件二) 2. 詳細敘述事件 +感受

3. 影響

Paragraph 5 1. 標題句

(建議二, 2. 建議原因 / 建議好處

要針對事件二) 3. 建議的具體實施方法

4. 總結句,強調建議可解決問題

Paragraph 6 1. 強調問題嚴重性

(總結) 2. 強調建議有助解決問題

下款 Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

Chris Wong

Describe the situation Suggestions / Recommendations

上款 Dear Sir/Madam,

Paragraph 1 1. 表示對某議題的關注

(寫作目的) 2. 介紹議題背景

3. 介紹文章各部分 (描述事件 + 建議)

Paragraph 2 1. 標題句 (簡述事件)

(事件一) 2. 詳細敘述事件 +感受

3. 影響

Paragraph 3 1. 有鑑於上述事件,提出以下建議


Paragraph 4 1. 標題句

(建議一) 2. 建議原因 / 建議好處

3. 建議的具體實施方法

4. 總結句,強調建議可解決問題

Paragraph 5 1. 標題句

(建議二) 2. 建議原因 / 建議好處

3. 建議的具體實施方法

4. 總結句,強調建議可解決問題

Paragraph 6 1. 強調問題嚴重性

(總結) 2. 強調建議有助解決問題

下款 Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

Chris Wong

敘述事件 + 建議 (格式三)


HKDSE English Sample Paper Q9 (Letter to a non-governmental organization)

Learning English through Social Issues

You suspect that your neighbours are treating their pets badly. Write a letter to the Society for the Prevention

of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) showing your concern and give details of any incidents of abuse you are aware of.

Suggest what could be done to ensure the welfare of the pets and say why these measures are urgent. Sign

your name ‘Chris Wong’.

上款 Dear Sir/Madam,

Paragraph 1 1. 背景

介紹 While flicking through the newspapers, it is not uncommon that we are overwhelmed with

the news about miserable little creatures being tortured by their wicked owners. I, myself,

have unfortunately seen first-hand how my neighbours traumatically abused their

defenceless pets. Their barbaric behaviour is no doubt intolerable and unbearable.

2. 寫信目的

I am thereby writing to express my concern on this matter. I would also like to report the

terrifying incidents in which I have witnessed in my neighbourhood and hope to put a halt

to this issue by suggesting feasible ways to combat violence against animals.


Paragraph 2 1. 標題句

Living near my apartment is a family of six with their adopted Husky from your organization
事件 1
named Toby.

2. 詳細解釋

Due to her giant shape, my neighbour either leaves her tied up on the gate on a very short

chain or inside the cage which is so tiny that she can barely stretch her limbs. Seldom do I

see anyone in the family have mercy on her and bring her for a walk. Worse still, the cold-

blooded family abuses Toby whenever she fails to do tricks to entertain them. Last week, I

spotted them whacking Toby with a baseball bat while she was just helplessly lying there. I

stood up to them unhesitatingly, rebuking them sternly in hopes of putting an end to their

brutal acts. The merciless family, however, simply ignored my complaint, saying that Toby

was their property and it was never my business how they treated her. Knowing that I kept

a watchful eye on their family, they even threatened me that if I intervened in this matter

again, Toby’s safety would be put in jeopardy.

Paragraph 3 1. 標題句

What strikes me the most is that it is not a single case in my neighbourhood.

事件 2
2. 詳細解釋

Some of the pets in my neighbourhood look sluggish and scraggy. Scars and wounds are

noticeable on their fragile and fading body. Left unattended by their owners, they often

suffer from starvation. The scenes are undoubtedly upsetting, if not anguishing.

Lamentably, not a single a person in my neighbourhood does not turn a blind eye to this

disturbing crime and bail the pathetic ones out of their plight.

Paragraph 4 1. 承上

To write all these horrible truths I have witnessed is heart-breaking, not to mention the fact
that the miserable creatures have gone through an avalanche of pain and terror.

2. 啟下

It is therefore of utmost importance for your organization to take actions to ensure the welfare

of the innocent victims. I hence suggest the following measures in pursuit of a secured and

loving environment for Toby, and the rest of the animals.

Paragraph 5 1. 標題句

To commence with, every effort should be made to screen the applicants for adopting pets and
建議 1
owners of pets.

2. 詳細解釋

With a view to safeguarding the welfare of pets, the SPCA should review the regulations of the

pet adoption scheme. Currently, there are loopholes regarding the application process so

abusers, like my neighbour, can easily adopt the defenceless animals. To prevent the wrenched

pets from falling prey to these abusers again, it is crucial for your organization to examine the

adopters carefully. Arranging interviews to screen the applicants and visits to ensure animals

will lead a good life in the new family as well as setting a probation period to observe the

adopters are illustrations of the measures the SPCA can take. With regard to my neighbour’s

case, having a thorough investigation of the abuse is unquestionably a prompt measure to end

the suffering of Toby’s. As she was adopted under SPCA, your organization should exert its

power to terminate the adoption, inspect the wounds that Toby has had, and, if possible, issue

a warrant to summon the abuser to court. I am more than happy to lend my assistance if


3. 總結句

Locked in a cold cage unattended, kicked, beaten and tortured day by day, year by year, Toby

deserves our help and this matter should be dealt with without any delay.

Paragraph 6 1. 標題句

建議 2

Indeed, more measures are needed to uproot the problem as we all know that prevention is

better than cure.

2. 詳細解釋

To ensure the welfare of the pets in the long run, your organization could set up a hotline to

encourage the public to report suspected cases of animal violence. The SPCA should

collaborate with the police to investigate any possible animal abuses. On top of that, your

organization should play an active role in assisting the government in strengthening the law

concerning acts of cruelty against animals. The current laws are apparently too lenient to be

heartless abusers and they definitely deserve a more severe punishment.

3. 總結句

Only through stern laws and regulations can the animals enjoy a fear-free environment.

Paragraph 7 1. 總結內文

The scenes of Toby being tortured have had and will continue to have a lasting impact on me.
Many people tend to bury their heads in the sand when it comes to violence against animals.

However, we are the only ones who can speak for the animals and they are unable to win this

battle without the communal voice of our society.

2. 期望

I sincerely hope that with the help of your organization and the public, all animals can live in a

blessed place like we do.

下款 Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

Chris Wong

HKDSE English 2017 Q5 (Letter to the Editor)

Learning English through Popular Culture

Recently the Hong Kong Government published a list of intangible cultural heritage items that the city should

protect. The following were on the list.

 Traditional egg tarts

 Mahjong

Write a letter to the editor of the Hong Kong Daily supporting the Government’s choice of these two features

of Hong Kong culture, suggesting why they are worth protecting and how they can be protected.

上款 Dear Editor,

Paragraph 1 1. 背景

介紹 Last month, a list of intangible cultural heritage items that should be preserved in Hong

Kong was published by the government. Two items in the list deserve protecting the most,

namely traditional egg tarts and mahjong. Arguably, they significantly contribute to the

unique culture of Hong Kong and it is important for them to be preserved.

2. 寫信目的

I would like to elaborate on the reasons why traditional egg tarts and mahjong are

worthwhile to be protected and suggest some feasible ways to prevent the loss of these

cultural treasures.

Paragraph 2 1. 標題句

To begin with, egg tarts symbolize the unique food culture of Hong Kong.
protect egg tarts

2. 詳細解釋
Hong Kong was once a British colony, and the local food culture gradually underwent

changes with the influx of western culinary concepts. This resulted in an interesting mix of

the West and the East. Apart from egg tarts, myriads of other mouthwatering delicacies

were generated, including milk tea, pineapple buns and even fish balls, which are only

found within the territory of Hong Kong. But egg tarts remain the most appreciated

traditional food of Hong Kong. Plenty of tourists visit Hong Kong just to savour the

renowned crispy and sweet tart. This shows that traditional egg tarts play an important role

in representing the precious local food culture. Without egg tarts, the bright culture of Hong

Kong may lose its vigour and character, which would be something Hongkongers would not

like to experience.

3. 總結句

Therefore, it is important to preserve traditional egg tarts.


Paragraph 3 1. 標題句

With a view to protecting and promoting egg tarts, I suggest that the government should
protect egg tarts

cooperate with local food stalls and bakeries, jointly holding a large-scale food festival using

traditional egg tarts as the theme.

2. 詳細解釋

In the event, different local food suppliers can create egg tarts of their own distinctive taste

and present them in the food festival. To capture the attention of the general public, this

can be broadcast on major TV channels as a cooking show or a cooking competition. The

locals will be reminded of the fading food culture when savouring the tart that they may not

have noticed for years, falling in love with this traditional culinary treasure and being

motivated to preserve the vanishing traditional dessert. In the meantime, egg tarts can also

be promoted to tourists as they spend their time wandering in the food festival. Learning

more about this distinctive cuisine, they will be enticed to consume it again and their

increasing demand will allow egg tarts to survive in the fiercely competitive catering

industry and the egg tart culture can be protected.


Paragraph 4 1. 標題句

On the other hand, playing mahjong is an intriguing entertainment locals have enjoyed for
decades and has significantly contributed to the recreational life of locals.
2. 詳細解釋
的原因 Mahjong thrived in Hong Kong in the last century, with countless housewives playing mahjong

with their confidants as a hobby. To them, not only was mahjong a game for entertainment,

but also a platform where they could keep abreast of the latest gossips. The importance of

mahjong is also depicted in other ways. For instance, in the 1990s, a huge number of movies

using mahjong as the main theme were made, showing how popular it was to play this game,

which involves little green and white blocks. Undoubtedly, mahjong is recognized as one of the

collective memories of Hong Kong. Yet, its popularity is shrinking and it is necessary to revive it

so that we do not lose the icon of entertainment of Hongkongers.

Paragraph 5 1. 標題句

To cope with the decline of mahjong, it is suggested that the government should organize a
territory-wide non-gambling mahjong competition for the citizens.
2. 詳細解釋
的建議 One of the reasons which has led to the plunging popularity of mahjong is the rising tide of

entertainment involving technology. Some locals might think that playing mahjong is too time-

consuming as they have hectic schedules, so they gradually switch to gadgets ranging from

iPads to smartphones to save time, forgetting the existence of mahjong. If a mahjong

competition is held, a considerably large number of citizens will be once again motivated to

take part in this game with their strong desire to showcase their abilities in playing mahjong. In

addition, since the competition does not involve gambling, younger citizens and even

teenagers can participate. Seizing the opportunity to learn the rules and skills of mahjong, they

can pass on the art of mahjong in the future, preventing it from disappearing in Hong Kong.

Paragraph 6 1. 總結內文

To sum up, I support the government’s choice of choosing traditional egg tarts and mahjong as
two of the intangible cultural heritage items the city should protect. These items are the

epitomes of the unique culture of Hong Kong and there are many concrete measures that can

be taken to let them shine again in Hong Kong.

2. 期望

In fact, apart from egg tarts and mahjong, there are still plenty of cultural icons we should

preserve. It is hoped that citizens will heighten their awareness of protecting their collective

memories and symbols of the city.

下款 Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

Content 7/7 6/7

Language 6/7 6/7

Organization 6/7 6/7

Total 19/21 18/21

37/42 (5**)

HKDSE English 2013 Q4

Learning English through Social Issues (Letter to a business association)

Many people say that private school bus service operators do not follow proper safety procedures when

dealing with young children and they argue that this may pose a danger. Write a letter to the Bus Operators

Association of Hong Kong to express your concern and give three recommendations for how private school bus

services can be improved.

上款 Dear Sir/Madam,

Paragraph 1 1. 寫信目的

介紹 I am writing to express my discontent and concern over the dangers connected to school


2. 突出問題嚴重性

The recent gruesome incident in which a child was run over owing to the negligence of a

nanny and bus driver reflects the immense danger posed when private school bus service

operators fail to comply with proper safety procedures.

3. 介紹文章各部份

Hence, as a father myself, I would like to pinpoint some potential hazards and put forward

some possible prescriptions in the hope of safeguarding our youth from this menace.

Paragraph 2 2. 標題句

To commence with, a prominent yet often overlooked threat is the absence of seat belts on
問題 1
school buses.

3. 詳細解釋

Alarmingly, some private school bus service operators purchase buses not equipped with

seat belts. Unlike for adults, often are the seats over-sized for toddlers or children and

barely can their tiny hands hold the grips of their seats. In case of a crash, children may end

up being thrown out of their seats in the absence of seat belts, leading to substantial

injuries or even tragic death.

Paragraph 3 2. 標題句

The looming problem is too serious to be left unchecked, and therefore concrete actions
建議 1
have to be taken by the authorities.

3. 詳細解釋

For one, the government can employ some professionals to conduct frequent inspections of

school buses. In addition, stringent punishment and regulations should also be imposed to

deter operators from breaching the laws.

4. 總結句

With proper execution of all these policies, hardly can private school bus companies take

advantage of the loopholes in the system, putting the precious lives of children to jeopardy.

Paragraph 4 1. 標題句

In addition, another threat relates to the lack of nannies on school buses.

問題 2

2. 詳細解釋

According to a survey, a nanny is required to take care of thirty pupils at a time on average.

Even a professional child-minder could not attend to every single student, not to mention

an untrained guardian. As a result, some of the children may end up hurting themselves

owing to naughty behaviour like playing hide-and-seek on the bus.

Paragraph 5 1. 標題句

Apparently, the antidote to the above predicament is to recruit more nannies.

建議 2

2. 詳細解釋

Since this may exacerbate the financial burden on operators who in turn real less profit, the

Bus Operators Association could offer some subsidies for private companies employing

more than one nanny for each school bus.

3. 總結句

With sufficient financial assistance, the private operators will be more willing to employ

more nannies to share the workload, thus safeguarding the safety of schoolchildren.

Paragraph 6 1. 標題句

The last, and probably the most daunting danger is attributed to drivers’ dearth of awareness.
問題 3

2. 詳細解釋

With most children too short to be noticeable, some drivers may rev up the engine and start

driving without thoroughly inspecting the drop off zone, also known as the danger zone. This is

what one driver had done when he heard a bang, having hit and possibly killed an innocent child

who was in the ways. In the past few years, there have been many records of similar accidents.

For instance, 3 years ago, a student having just got off the bus was hit when it reversed.

3. 總結句

Evidently, the threat is indeed considerable and can be fatal.

Paragraph 7 1. 標題句

To remedy this precarious situation, a set of standardized procedures should be followed by

建議 3
drivers and nannies.

2. 詳細解釋

For example, before starting the bus, the nanny has to get off the bus, making sure the vicinity is

clear. Furthermore, students should be educated to stay well away from the bus as soon as they

get off.

3. 總結句

Through adopting all these precautions could the risk of such accidents be drastically be


Paragraph 8 2. 總結內文

The danger posed by operators not abiding by regulations can be devastating and deadly.
Therefore, I write to raise concerns and call for immediate actions to protect children who take

school buses from any potential dangers.

3. 期望

Only through the concerted efforts of the government and private bus operators can the

problem be alleviated. I look forward to your reply. Thank you for your attention.

下款 Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

Chris Wong

Express your views ( / )

上款 Dear Sir/Madam,

Paragraph 1 1. 表示對某議題的關注

(介紹) 2. 介紹正反觀點

3. 清楚表明你的立場

Paragraph 2 1. 標題句

(論點一) 2. 詳細解釋 (普遍情況、個別例子、比較)

3. 總結句

Paragraph 3 1. 標題句

(論點二) 2. 詳細解釋 (普遍情況、數據、個別例子、比較)

3. 總結句

Paragraph 4 1. 反方觀點

(駁論) 2. 讓步,承認對方的觀點有一定的合理性

3. 反駁句

4. 詳細解釋 (普遍情況、數據、個別例子、比較)

5. 總結句

Paragraph 5 1. 重申立場,歸納所有論據

(總結) 2. 對未來的展望

下款 Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

Chris Wong

HKDSE English 2014 Q5 (Letter to the principal)

Learning English through debating Currently, only a small number of students in your school have access to school

lockers. As the chairperson of the Student Union of your school, you have collected the views of students from

different classes on this issue. Write a letter to Ms Lee, your school Principal, to persuade her to change the policy

on lockers.

上款 Dear Ms Lee,

Paragraph 1 1. 寫信目的

介紹 I am writing to refer to you some of the views and suggestions that we have recently

collected from our fellow schoolmates in regard to the use of school lockers.

2. 希望校方改變政策

After an in-depth analysis of their opinion, we conclude that it is advisable for the school to

reconsider the policy on lockers.

Paragraph 2 1. 簡述流弊
Currently, the school lockers are available for sports teams only. We understand that they
have a spate of sports equipment that must be stored at school, but our fellow schoolmates

have similar needs too.

2. 開啟下文分析
Hence, I propose that school lockers should be made available to all students, based on the

following reasons.

Paragraph 3 1. 標題句

To commence with, the health risk associated with carrying a heavy bag every day is immense.
理據 1

2. 詳細解釋

Due to the tightly-packed schedule, many of our students are carrying over eight textbooks on

their back on every school day, not to mention other necessities like dictionaries, water bottles

and reference books. Medical experts have pointed out that carrying heavy objects on one’s back

will lead to health problems on our vertebral column, like backache. To add adult to injury,

junior form students are going through puberty and excessive burden on their back will

jeopardize their physical growth.

3. 總結句

To prevent the aforementioned health risks, it is necessary for the school to change the locker

policy and allow more students to have access to lockers.

Paragraph 4 1. 標題句

Apart from the health of students, the notion that every sport team needs access to a large
理據 2
number of lockers is questionable.

2. 詳細解釋

There is no denying that teams like the basketball team and the soccer team comprise dozens of

players and they definitely require more lockers to store their bulky equipment. Nonetheless, it

is worth noting that some of the teams may not be using the lockers very often. For instance, the

table tennis team does not have bulky equipment like footballs and basketballs and most of the

members bring their rackets home so that they can practise during weekends. Seldom are their

lockers occupied. Apparently, this is tantamount to wastage of precious resources and it is not

necessary for these teams to possess individual lockers.

3. 總結句

Hence, we suggest that the idle lockers should be allocated to other students who are in

desperate need.

Paragraph 5 1. 相反觀點


It is understandable that the school is concerned about the drawbacks associated with the

public use of lockers.

2. 讓步

Undeniably, there might be irresponsible students abusing the use of school lockers, such as

storing their mobile phones inside the lockers or even damage the lockers.

3. 反駁句

Nonetheless, the school can take measures to prevent these problems instead of

prohibiting students from using the lockers.

4. 詳細解釋

For example, the school can reach an agreement with students, clearly stipulating clear

guidelines of properly using the lockers and setting a list of items that are forbidden.

Furthermore, the school can also clearly state that students who damage the lockers must

pay for the reconstruction of the lockers and will be disallowed from using them again.

5. 總結句

Through implementing these measures can the problem of locker abuse be prevented and

more students can enjoy the benefits of using the lockers.


Paragraph 6 1. 總結理據

Safeguarding the health of our fellow schoolmates is of paramount significance and it is

feasible for the school to reallocate the idle lockers to the students in need.

2. 期望改變政策

Therefore, we genuinely hope that the school would accept our proposal and come up with

a new locker policy that can benefit all of our schoolmates.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Wong

Chris Wong

Chairperson of the Student Union

Content 7/7 6/7

Language 6/7 6/7

Organization 7/7 6/7

Total 20/21 18/21

38/42 (5**)

活動介紹 + 活動好處

上款 Dear Sir/Madam,

Paragraph 1 1. 代表機構 + 活動名稱

(介紹活動) 2. 活動目標

3. 指出所有參加者都會得益

Paragraph 2 1. 標題句

(對參加者的好處 1) 2. 背景介紹

3. 詳細解釋好處

4. 總結句

Paragraph 3 1. 標題句

(對參加者的好處 2) 2. 背景介紹

3. 詳細解釋好處

4. 總結句

Paragraph 4 1. 標題句

(其他好處) 2. 詳細解釋好處

3. 總結句

Paragraph 5 1. 總結好處

(總結) 2. 呼籲參加

下款 Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

Chris Wong

Introduction of an activity Benefits of an activity

HKDSE English 2012 Q8 (Letter to Businesses)


Learning English through Workplace Communication

You are an intern at Hong Kong Correctional Services. The government has launched a campaign called Second

Chance to encourage employers to recruit reformed criminals or drug addicts. Write a letter to all Hong Kong

businesses outlining the new project, explaining the benefits and persuading them to join the scheme.

上款 Dear Sir/Madam,

Paragraph 1 1. 寫信目的

介紹 I am writing on behalf of Hong Kong Correctional Services to introduce our latest

programme “Second Chances” to you.

2. 介紹計劃目標

Our programme aims at reconnecting reformed criminals or drug addicts to society by

having them employed by different businesses

3. 鼓勵參加

As the saying goes, “nobody is perfect”. Everyone makes mistakes at one time or another.

The path to recovery is not only in the hands of the criminals but people from all walks of

life, including employers. Given this, it would be a noble and benevolent act to employ

them and offer them a promising future.

Paragraph 2 1. 更生人士的困境

Over the past few years, we, Hong Kong Correctional Services, have stayed in contact with
many ex-criminals to keep track of their latest situation. Nonetheless, it appears that job

seeking remains a thankless and tough task for them. Many of the unemployed are

proclaimed to be on the brink of being social outcasts, which we believe to be detrimental


to their mental well-being.

2. 強調計劃有助更生人士脫離困境

Therefore, by launching this campaign, we are making every endeavour to help the

rehabilitants escape from the ordeal of unemployment.

Paragraph 3 1. 承上啟下

By participating in the aforementioned programme, not only can you revolutionize others’
lives, you can also benefit a myriad of ways.

Paragraph 4 1. 標題句

To commence with, employing rehabilitated workers will be instrumental in establishing

對商界的好處 1
your company’s image as a responsible corporation.

2. 詳細解釋

Through proactively getting involved in community-related issues like the settlement of ex-

criminals, your company can present itself as a caring community contributor. As a result,

consumers will realize that your company not only aims at maximizing profit, but also

enhancing the well-being of society.

3. 總結句

In the long run, such a strategy will contribute to an unrivalled reputation and thus a more

lucrative business.

Paragraph 5 1. 標題句

Another proven benefit is the amelioration in corporate efficiency and productivity.

對商界的好處 2

2. 詳細解釋

In Hong Kong, ex-criminals and drug addicts are often misapprehended as indolent and

work-shy owing to their inglorious past. Nonetheless, according to studies, since they have

experienced many mental agonies and struggles on the path to recovery, they have a higher

incentive to overcome their regrets by working industriously and being more responsible.

Hence, many ex-criminals tend to be more sedulous than other workers to prove that they

are not the parasites of society.

3. 總結句

Apparently, through recruiting ex-criminals and providing them with opportunities could

your company enhance business performance.

Paragraph 6 1. 標題句
Last but not least, ex-criminals can provide a capable and competent workforce which is not
對商界的好處 3
inferior to other employees.

2. 詳細解釋
When criminals are put into jail, many of them voluntarily undergo a wide variety of

training to acquire knowledge and skills. For instance, a large number of criminals have

participated in some cooking classes or sewing courses, or even accountancy lessons.

Having taken part in these courses, most of them are equipped with ample knowledge of

different facets of the workplace, rendering them very versatile and capable. In addition,

ex-criminals are also granted subsidies to join vocational training courses by the Employees

Retraining Board or other institutions to enhance their capabilities.

3. 總結句
Thanks to ex-criminals’ relentless pursuit of knowledge and skills, it comes as no surprise

that they are proficient workers.


Paragraph 7 1. 總結內文

Everyone deserves second chances, including ex-criminals and drug addicts. To ensure and
reinforce social harmony, it is of utmost importance for us to lend a compassionate helping

hand to those in need.

2. 期望對方參加計劃

Therefore, we would be very grateful if you could join our scheme and together, we will

make the world a better place.

下款 Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

Chris Wong

Adapted from “5** Smart Writings”

Written by Jerry Li, who graduated from Sing Yin Secondary School and attained Level 5** in English Language
in the 2013 HKDSE. He is now currently studying Arts at the University of Hong Kong.

HKDSE English 2014 Q2 (Letter to a fitness centre – requesting for donation of equipment)

Learning English through Sports Communication

A local fitness centre is being renovated. As the chairperson of your school’s Sports Club, write a letter to ask

the fitness centre to donate some of their old equipment to your school. In your letter, describe how the

donation could benefit your school and the fitness centre.

上款 Dear Sir/Madam,

Paragraph 1 1. 寫信目的 + 代表機構

開場白 I am writing on behalf of the Sports Club to request for your kind donation of old equipment
to our school.

2. 強調捐助器材能達至雙贏

Through your donation, both your fitness centre and our students could be benefited.

Paragraph 2 1. 標題句
The advantages of the donation for your fitness centre are manifold. The first and foremost
advantage is the elimination of disposal or storage problems.
2. 詳細解釋好處
With the renovation of your centre, the old equipment is no longer in use and I believe it
would be either stored in the centre or disposed at a landfill. The storage of obsolete
equipment occupies space while disposal requires tremendous disposal cost and
transportation fee, which will adversely affect the operation and profit of the fitness centre.
However, if some of the old equipment is donated to our school, there is no need to worry
about the troublesome storage and disposal issues.

3. 總結句
Apparently, it would be a much more convenient way to get rid of the unwanted
equipment, hence benefiting your fitness centre.

Paragraph 3 1. 標題句

The donation of the old equipment is not only beneficial to the operation of the fitness

centre, but also its corporate image.


2. 詳細解釋好處

In recent years, reputable corporations, such as MTR Corporation, McDonald’s and Café de

Coral have made regular donations and organized charitable events, thereby creating a

positive image. If your centre kindly donates the equipment to our school, a certificate of

donation will be given to it and this can illustrate that your centre spares no pains to

shoulder corporate social responsibility.

3. 總結句

To be sure, better corporate reputation will attract more customers and enhance the

profitability of your centre.

Paragraph 4 1. 承上啟下

Not only will the donation benefit your fitness centre, but also our school in many aspects.

Paragraph 5 1. 標題句

With your generous donation, the wide variety of sports equipment for students would
對學校的好處 1
encourage students to exercise.

2. 詳細解釋好處

In our school, apart from the members of the Sports Club, teachers and students have the

right to use those facilities only during lunchtime and recess. Currently, due to the lack of

different sports facilities, students are not keen on exercising at school. Nevertheless, if your

fitness centre donates the equipment to us, it will attract students to participate in different

sports activities. Hence, our school’s aim – to enhance students’ in sports – can be achieved.

Another point to be noted is that students might want to use those facilities after school.

Thus, they may visit your fitness centre, which is next to our school. Ultimately, your centre

will benefit too.

3. 總結句

It is crystal clear that your donation would allow students and teachers to enjoy a wide

range of sports equipment, thus promoting sports culture in our school.

Paragraph 6 1. 標題句
Another benefit is that the health of students can be enhanced.
對學校的好處 2

2. 詳細解釋好處
As the future pillars of society, it is all the more important for students to pursue all-round

development. Unfortunately, our school lacks the resources to achieve this goal. With the

donation, students can use the equipment to promote their physical health, which will in

turn promote concentration on studies so that students can learn effectively. What is more,

Endorphin, which is a chemical enhancing happiness, is released during exercise using the

equipment. As students, we often feel the undue pressure in studying and are sometimes

suffocated by the stress arising from tests and examinations.

3. 總結句
Nonetheless, with the equipment, students will have more chances to release their stress

through exercising, promoting their physical health.

Paragraph 7 1. 總結好處


To sum up, the donation of the old equipment can benefit both the fitness centre and our


2. 懇請對方捐出器材

We would be appreciative and thankful for your kind donation . If you have any enquiries,

please do not hesitate to contact us. We really look forward to your favourable reply.

下款 Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

Chris Wong

Chairperson of the Sports Club

Content 6/7 6/7

Language 6/7 6/7

Organization 6/7 6/7

Total 18/21 18/21

36/42 (5*)

HKDSE English 2013 Q5

Learning English through debating

Recently, you have heard several people making complaints which you thought were unreasonable. Write a

letter to the editor of the Hong Kong Post about this. In your letter, describe the situation which some people

complained about, outline the point of view of the complainants, and indicate why you think these people are


上款 Dear Editor

Paragraph 1 1. 寫信目的

介紹 I am writing to express my opinion on a special culture enveloping the city now – the

culture of complaints.

2. 簡介全文內容

In this letter, I wish to describe the situation which I find disturbing, discuss the point of

view of some complainants and justify my viewpoints with regard to this culture.

Paragraph 2 1. 標題句

To begin with, it is beyond dispute that Hong Kong people like to complain.

2. 詳細解釋

For many, the culture of complaining is a healthy phenomenon. After all, we should voice

opinions whenever we find things unfair or inappropriate. However, what I would like to

focus on, and what the problem lies in, is that some people complain for the sake of

complaining. In other words, their complaints are far from reasonable.

Paragraph 3 1. 標題句

To better illustrate this situation, I would like to recall an incident which has occurred


2. 詳細解釋

A group of residents in Tin Shui Wai complain about the frogs living in a pond nearby for

disturbing their sleep. In the meantime, another group of property owners complain about

some birds for being too noisy and compromising their quality of life.

3. 總結句  開啟下文

I do not subscribe to their view, but before going into the reasons, we have to consider

what thoughts the complainants hold.


Paragraph 4 1. 標題句

First and foremost, they believe that they enjoy certain degree of right and thus expressing
投訴理據 1

their discontent is their basic human right.

2. 詳細解釋

True, being Hong Kong permanent residents, they are entitled to the freedom of speech.

Moreover, they believe that when they find out that some creatures are jeopardizing their

peaceful lives, it is only right for them to stand up and complain. Some might even think

that the right of criticizing others is the core value of Hong Kong which should be

safeguarded at all costs.

Paragraph 5 1. 標題句

Another reason that people voice their complaints is that they want to contribute to the
投訴理據 2

betterment of society.

2. 詳細解釋

From the perspective of the complainants, frogs and birds are annoying and they do nothing

good to the city. Therefore, to enhance the quality of their lives, to beautify the community,

to make Hong Kong a more attractive place, they have to complain and compel the

management to devise plans for improvement. In addition, only through dialing respective

departments and capturing public attention can this lofty goal be accomplished.

Paragraph 6 1. 讓步  承上


Their rationales seem comprehensible and convincing.

2. 反駁句  啟下

Nevertheless, their claims are just arrogant, misguided and flawed.

Paragraph 7 1. 標題句

To commence with, they overlook the true meaning of complaining.


2. 詳細解釋

Hong Kong boosts of its comprehensive system for handling complaints. Nonetheless, we

should bear in mind that complaining is for things that conflict public interests, not for

trivial matters like the instincts of frogs and birds. Will people get sick after hearing the

squealing of birds? Not really. And is everyone unhappy about this? The answer is obvious.

3. 總結句

How unreasonable it is for those people to squander time complaining about such trivial


Paragraph 8 1. 標題句

Secondly, they do not respect other stakeholders on the planet.


2. 詳細解釋

Human beings are not the only creature living on the earth. Hence, it is essential for us to

accept the existence of other animals. Never will the environment be a balanced one if animals

are compelled to leave their habitats. In this sense, those self-centered complainants only take

their own interests into account.

3. 總結句

Regrettably, they disregard how much animals mean to the ecosystem and human beings.

Paragraph 9 1. 標題句

It is equally noteworthy that the behavior of the complainants is ill-conceived and


2. 詳細解釋

Evidently, they can resort to other methods other than complaining to achieve their goals. Not

only can they install sound-proof devices to filter the noise, they can also listen to soft music

before going to bed with a view to enhancing the quality of their sleep. They can take all sorts

of measures to mitigate their problems.

3. 總結句

Unfortunately, they have chosen the most irresponsible alternative, to force others to handle

the problem.

Paragraph 10 3. 總結內文

All in all, I do not insist that we should never complain. Nevertheless, the notion that we
should complain whenever we are offended and dissatisfied is surely unhealthy.

4. 期望

Only when Hongkongers understand the significance of respect and tolerance can Hong Kong

become a truly harmonious place.

下款 Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

Chris Wong

Content 6/7 6/7

Language 6/7 7/7

Organization 6/7 6/7

Total 18/21 19/21

37/42 (5**)

HKDSE2015 Q6

Learning English through Workplace Communication

You are a summer intern working in Hong Kong Mobile’s customer services department. Your job is to handle
complaints about your company’s products and services. As part of your duties, you are required to inform your
manager about the complaints received and outline possible solutions. Write an email to Jackie Lee, the manager
of the customer services department, summarizing details of a recent complaint and suggesting three possible
actions that could be taken to deal with this complaint.

上款 Dear Mr. Lee,

Paragraph 1 1. 投訴介紹

介紹 I am a staff member who works at the customer services department. We have received a
complaint from our customer, Mr. Smith, recently about his unpleasant shopping experience
at our store in Causeway Bay.

2. 寫信目的
I would like to inform you about the complaint and give suggestions to deal with it.

Paragraph 2 1. 基本資料
Mr. Smith came to our department in person last Friday to express his discontent with our
products and services.
2. 投訴詳情
Visiting our store in Causeway Bay last Thursday to purchase the latest iPhone 6s pink model,
he spent 10 minutes looking for a sales assistant to answer his enquiries about the
smartphone. He claimed the staff member was impatient and irritated when answering his
questions and commented that such attitude was a sign of disrespect to him. Moreover, the
sales assistant stopped Mr. Smith from checking for flaws on the phone and guaranteed that
it was a brand-new flawless phone. Having purchased the iPhone 6S model, Mr. Smith
discovered that there are a few scratches on the phone screen and it is not functioning well.
3. 總結句
Therefore, he made his complaint about our staff’s poor services and the quality of our

Paragraph 3 1. 強調高質服務的重要性

過渡段 As the market leader in smartphones, it is our first priority to provide the best services and high-

quality products to our customers.

2. 開啟下文

So unacceptable and alarming are the sales assistant’s attitude that we should take immediate

action to deal with the complaint. In view of this, I would like to give three suggestions to cope

with the problem.

Paragraph 4 1. 標題句
To commence with, a letter of apology written by the involved staff member should be given to
補救措施 1
Mr. Smith in person to show our sincere apology and deepest regret towards the incident.

2. 詳細解釋
As the leader mobile company in the global arena, we are renowned for providing high-quality

services and products to our customers. As far as the staff is concerned, they should also always

be courteous to our customers and endeavour to cater to their needs. Therefore, I think that the

letter of apology can soothe Mrs. Smith’s exasperation and maintain his confidence in our


Paragraph 5 1. 標題句

Equally important is that a brand-new phone should be given to Mr. Smith in return.
補救措施 2
2. 詳細解釋

As a world-leading company, we should always ensure that high-quality products are provided to

our customers. Furthermore, there are no rules stating that customers are not allowed to check

the phone before purchasing it, so I cannot see the reason why our staff had stopped Mr. Smith

from checking the phone prior to his purchase. With a view to compensating for our fault, we

should definitely offer Mr. Smith a brand-new 6S iPhone and allow him to check it thoroughly to

ensure that it is a flawless one. Guidance should also be given our senior staff to guide Mr. Smith

in using the new phone and to ensure that he is capable of enjoying all the functions offered by

the phone.

3. 總結句

Through this measure can we prove to Mr. Smith that this was just an isolated incident and we

are always endeavouring to provide the best services to our prestigious customers.

Paragraph 6 1. 標題句

補救措施 3 In order to restore Mr. Smith’s confidence in our company, gifts should be given to Mrs. Smith as


2. 詳細解釋

It is conceivable that Mr. Smith may have lost his confidence in the aftermath of such an

unpleasant shopping experience. Therefore, it is important to offer appropriate compensation to

Mr. Smith so as to ensure that he will purchase at our store again. Building customers’ loyalty

and maintaining our market share by offering discounts and vouchers to Mr. Smith are of

paramount significance and I believe that it is more likely for him to purchase in our store.

3. 總結句

It can also be seen as a compensation for our staff’s disrespectful acts, which led to his

unpleasant shopping experience.

Paragraph 7 1. 強調上述措施有效

總結 In light of the complaint made by Mr. Smith, I believe that the above-mentioned follow-up

actions can effectively deal with the complaint.

2. 強調高質服務的重要性

Only by providing the best services and products can we maintain our competitive edge and

goodwill. Hence, it is equally crucial to reassure Mr. Smith that this incident was just an

exceptional case and express our heartfelt apology.

3. 期望事件得到解決

Lastly, I hope that the complaint can be dealt with swiftly and successfully.

下款 Best regards,

Chris Wong

Content 6/7 7/7

Language 6/7 6/7

Organization 6/7 7/7

Total 18/21 20/21

38/42 (5**)

Part A Writing (2015)

For question 1, write about 200 words.

1. A recent article in the Young Post suggested that an 8:00 a.m. start to the school day makes

students feel tired and sleepy. Write to the editor of the Young Post expressing your views on

the following:

- why students feel tired

- whether or not a 9:00 a.m. start will solve the problem

Some parts of the letter have been given to you.

範例 1

上款 Dear Editor,

Paragraph 1 1. 寫信目的
I am writing to express my views on why students often feel tired nowadays.
2. 背景介紹 + 開啟下文
Feeling drowsy at the beginning of any given day, students’ learning efficiency
can be severely impaired. As they are future pillars of our society, we should look
into this issue carefully for the betterment of the community.

Paragraph 2 1. 標題句
Insufficient sleep may be one of the causes which lead to tiredness of students.
2. 詳細解釋
As the recent article stated, an 8:00 a.m. start to the school day inevitably limits
their sleeping hours. It is believed by scientists that a healthy person should sleep
for more than eight hours per day. I am certain that most Hong Kong students
now cannot meet this standard. They may have countless explanations to this, be
it the ceaseless homework distributed by schools, or the extra tutorial exercises .
No prizes for guessing, their bodies cannot fully recuperate from the work with
the given sleeping time. Thus, they feel tired and sleepy next morning, and the
vicious circle continues.

Paragraph 3 1. 相反觀點 + 讓步
Perhaps, a 9:00 a.m. start to the school day may solve the problem seemingly, by
extending students’ sleeping hours.

2. 反駁句
Yet, insufficient sleep is only the superficial reason.

3. 詳細解釋
We should not overlook their sleeping quality. No matter how long we sleep,

tiredness is still there if the rest is of low quality. As far as I know, many students

are constantly worrying about their academic results even during their sleep.

Such an anxious mental state has contributed to their poor sleeping quality.

Hardly can they recharge their batteries physically and psychologically. Therefore,

I believe that the importance attached to academic results in our exam-oriented

education system is the culprit why students feel tired frequently. A 9:00 a.m.

start to school days may alleviate the problem temporarily, but its effects are

minimal. Only by reducing students’ stress can we bring this thorny problem to

an end.

Paragraph 4 1. 概括上文
With students’ preoccupation with academic pursuit, their deteriorating
psychological health is alarming. Should we ignore the fact that blindly pursuing

scores and grades makes students tired mentally, their tiredness will persist.

2. 建議
Extensive education reforms may bail students out of this grave situation and I

sincerely hope that they can soon get rid of their tiredness and drowsiness,

studying energetically and blissfully.


Marker 1 Marker 2

Content 7/7 7/7

Language 7/7 6/7

Organization 7/7 6/7

Total 21/21 19/21

(40/42) 5**

範例 2

上款 Dear Editor,

Paragraph 1 1. 寫信目的

I am writing in response to the article in the Young Post about the early start to
the school day which makes students feel tired and sleepy.

2. 表達立場

Personally, I share the same view with the writer and would also like to express

my opinions on this issue.

Paragraph 2 1. 標題句

I believe that there are two major reasons why students feel tired. To start with,
students are not having sufficient rest.

2. 詳細解釋

As a school day starts at 8:00 a.m., students will have to wake up at 7:00 a.m. or

earlier to prepare for the school day. It is worth noting that under the exam-

oriented system in Hong Kong, they often need to burn the midnight oil to

complete their assignments and do revision. As a result, students will not be able

to get at least 8 hours of sleep as suggested by healthcare professionals.

Arguably, getting enough sleep is vital as it allows our body to take good rest

after a whole day of toiling and moiling and reenergizes us. If students do not

have ample sleep, hardly can they work efficiently and concentrate in class,

which will jeopardize their academic performance.

3. 總結句

This explains why students often feel tired and drowsy.


Paragraph 2 1. 標題句
In addition, many students do not have time to have breakfast as the school day
commences so early at 8:00 a.m.

2. 詳細解釋
I hold a firm belief that it is difficult for many students to wake up early to have

breakfast in summer, not to mention winter. Most of them prefer sleeping for an

extra thirty minutes to having breakfast as the school day starts so early. Apart

from getting enough sleep, having breakfast is also essential for us as it injects

energy into our body, enabling us to work all day long. Skipping their breakfast,

barely will they have energy to maintain their focus throughout the school day.

3. 總結句
This is also the reason why they often feel tired and sleepy.

Paragraph 3 1. 標題句
In view of the causes of why students feel tired, I firmly believe that a 9:00 a.m.
start to the school day will solve the problem.

2. 詳細解釋
With the commencement of the school day delayed by one hour, students will

have extra time of sleep and sufficient time to have breakfast prior to going to

school, acquiring enough ample energy for a whole day of arduous work. Only by

having sufficient rest and breakfast will students become more attentive in class

instead of feeling tired and drowsy.

3. 總結句
A 9:00 a.m. start would effectively dig into the root of the problem, providing

them with their vigour and drive in their pursuit of academic excellence.

Paragraph 4 1. 概括上文

Apparently, it is vitally important for students to concentrate in class with a view

to acquiring knowledge at school.

2. 展望將來

It is to be hoped that a 9:00 start of the school day will be implemented in the

foreseeable future and solve the current problem.

Marker 1 Marker 2

Content 6/7 7/7

Language 6/7 6/7

Organization 6/7 7/7

Total 18/21 20/21

(38/42) 5**

範例 3

上款 Dear Editor,

Paragraph 1 1. 寫信目的

As one of your local readers and an ordinary secondary student, I am writing in


response to the article about the worrying trend of students sleeping during


2. 表達立場

Depressing yet common as it may seem, many students put their heads down on

desks and take a catnap during lessons. At the first glance, many would attribute

this worrying scenario to early start to school. But after second thought, the

reasons are not that simple.

Paragraph 2 1. 標題句

Most, if not all, students feel tired mentally but not physically.
(原因 1)

2. 詳細解釋

Many teachers still cling to one-way teaching nowadays, which makes the

students feel bored. It will be tedious if the teachers just read out passages or

theory without utilizing other more interactive approaches. For students sitting in

the seats, the sound of teachers is nothing but a lullaby, urging them to sleep.

Paragraph 3 1. 標題句
Another reason is that there may be too much compulsory extra-curricular
(原因 2)
activities for students to participate in after school.

2. 詳細解釋
Students always adhere to the instructions from their schools. I understand that

many schools arrange various activities for students to join from Monday to

Friday in order to enhance the wholesome development of our students.

Nevertheless, this results in students leaving school late at night and burning the

midnight oil to finish loads of homework and revision.

3. 總結句
Without adequate sleep, students feel exhausted during lessons.

Paragraph 4 1. 標題句
As such, a 9:00 a.m. start may not be efficient enough to solve the problem of
students’ exhaustion at the root.

2. 詳細解釋
Will the lessons become more interesting and enlightening after waking up one

hour later? An emphatic no. It is of utmost importance for schools and teachers

to keep abreast of social changes and incorporate more interactive teaching

techniques like dramas, group discussion, presentation, you name it, into classes.

And it seems unrealistic, if not ridiculous, to sacrifice students resting time for

extra-curricular activities. Balanced development is important without doubt, but

we need to strike a balance between rest and extra-curricular activities. Halting

the compulsory participation in extra-curricular activities and shortening the

duration is a feasible solution to the problem.


Paragraph 5 1. 概括上文

Hardly can students learn anything from lessons if they lose their concentration.
2. 展望將來

It is a wake-up call for both schools and students to make adjustment to the

existing school policies.

Marker 1 Marker 2

Content 7/7 7/7

Language 7/7 6/7

Organization 7/7 7/7

Total 21/21 20/21

(41/42) 5**

範例 4

上款 Dear Editor,

Paragraph 1 1. 寫信目的
As a regular reader of your column, I have recently been brought to the attention
that a recent article in your column suggested that an 8:00 a.m. start to the
school day makes students feel tired and sleepy.
2. 表達立場
In light of this, a 9:00 a.m. start may ease this problem. Yet, from my point of
view, it is patently clear that this measure will certainly be of little use at all.

Paragraph 2 1. 標題句
Beyond doubt, it is a common sight that students always feel tired and sleepy.
(原因 1)
However, is it only correlated with the 8:00 a.m. start to the school day? The
answer is of course “No”. The crux of this problem lies in the busy daily routines
and bad habits of the students.
2. 詳細解釋
Under this ossified education system in Hong Kong, students pursue excellent
academic results through joining multifarious tutorial classes. Even though they
have attended the school for nearly a whole day, they still have to take part in the
tutorial classes after school. In addition to the heavy burden of everyday
homework on students, they have no alternative but to stay up the whole night
and finish their homework before the deadline, avoiding receiving punishment
from the teachers. Aside from doing homework for the whole night, some of the
students keep playing computer games for the night, which provides an incentive
for them not to sleep.
3. 總結句
It is obvious that the daily routine and bad habits are the main culprits of
deterring students from going to bed early, giving rise to the phenomenon that
most of the students feel tired and sleepy all the time.

Paragraph 3 1. 過渡 + 立場
In view of the main reason why students feel tired, I think it is quite conceivable
that why I frown upon the suggestion of a 9:00 a.m. start to the school day.

2. 詳細解釋
This measure may have a short term effect; however, in the long run, it has no

sustainable effectiveness – as it cannot hit the nub of the problem. As I have

mentioned, the causes of students feeling exhausted can be attributed to several

factors, with the students’ hectic daily routine and heavy workload being the

most contributory one. A 9:00 a.m. start may provide an extra hour for the

students to take a rest in the short run while in the long run, the students may

take this extra hour for granted, and they may think that the school encourages

them to study or play computer games and go to bed late.

3. 總結句
Hence, it is indisputable that a 9:00 a.m. start cannot address this problem

thoroughly and exhaustively.

Paragraph 4 1. 歸納全文
After all, the root cause of the matter lies in the busy daily routine of students,
making them always feel exhausted.

2. 期望作結
I earnestly hope that effective strategies can be mapped out for the sake of the
students’ physical and mental health.
下款 Yours faithfully,
Chris Wong

Marker 1 Marker 2

Content 7/7 7/7

Language 7/7 7/7

Organization 7/7 7/7

Total 21/21 21/21

(42/42) 5**


寫作目的 1. I am writing to + v. 寫作目的是…

2. I am writing to express my concerns about + n.(表達關注)

3. I am writing in reply to the letter on + 日期 about + n. (回信)

背景介紹 1. According to / Based on + n., + SVO (根據)

2. In recent years, + SVO (最近幾年)

Nowadays, + SVO (今時今日)

3. A recent report / study / survey +

shows / suggests / reveals / demonstrates + that + SVO (報導 / 研究 / 調查 顯示…)

簡述內容 1. In this letter, I aim to + v. + 詳細資料

2. In this letter, I will + v. +詳細資料

標題句 1. First of all,/To start with,/Firstly,/To begin with, + SVO (首先)

2. Secondly,/ In addition,/Additionally,/ Furthermore, /

Moreover,/Besides,/Also, + SVO (除此以外)

3. What is more,/More importantly, + SVO (更重要的是)

4. Last but not least,/Lastly, + SVO (最後一點是)

5. Concerning / Regarding / with regard to/As regards / As for + n., + SVO (就…而論)

寫原因 1. The first (second/third) reason for (cause of) + n. + is that + SVO (第一/二個原因是…)

2. n. + is a reason for / is one of the reasons for + n. (…是…的其中一個原因)

n. + is a cause of / is one of the causes of + n. (…是…的其中一個原因)

3. The reason + why + SVO+ is that + SVO (…的原因是…)

4. n. + engender/contribute to/ lead to/result in/bring about + n. (導致)

寫影響 1. v. + ing / n. + be + good for/ advantageous to/beneficial to/conducive to/instrumental


+ v. + ing / n. (有好處的)

2. v. + ing / n. improve /enhance/strengthen/ameliorate + n. (改善)

3. v. + ing / n. + be harmful to/detrimental to/deleterious to/injurious to + n. (有壞處的)

4. v. + ing / n. harm / endanger / compromise /jeopardize / undermine+ v. + ing / n.(危及)


5. v. + ing / n. hinder / impede/ hamper (妨礙) + n.

6. n. + get worse / deteriorate/ worsen (惡化)

7. v. + ing / n. + aggravate / exacerbate + n. (使惡化)

敘述事件 1. According to my observation, + SVO 根據我的觀察

Example: According to my observation, many students in my school are preoccupied with

social networking websites like Facebook and Instagram.

2. When + SVO, + SVO 正當 (現在式 / 過去式 / 過去進行式)

SVO + when + SVO

Example 1: When I walk in the corridor, I sometimes see my neighbor beating his dogs.

Example 2: I saw the old woman living next to me abandon her dog in the rubbish collection

area when I went out for a walk last Sunday.

3. While + SVO, + SVO 正當 (現在進行式 / 過去進行式)

SVO + while + SVO

Example 1: While I was sleeping last night, my neighbor was playing mahjong loudly.

Example 2: With the widespread use of the Internet, some teenagers bully other users

online while they are browsing the Internet.

4. After + SVO, + SVO 之後

SVO + after + SVO

Example: After teenagers join triad societies, they often engage in criminal activities such as

robbery and drug trafficking.

Example: The ethnic minorities in my neighbourhood find it difficult to find jobs after they

graduate from schools.

5. After + v. + ing, + SVO 之後

SVO + after + v. + ing

Example: After assaulting her husband, the woman escaped from the flat.

Example: The bystanders did not call the police after seeing the injured girl.

6. After + n., + SVO 之後

SVO + after + n.

Example: After the Christmas Eve every year, the waterfront is filled with rubbish.

7. Before + SVO, + SVO 之前

SVO + before + SVO 之前

Example: Before the woman dumped his cat, she tortured it frequently.

Example: Many teenagers do not beware of the risks before they find summer jobs.

8. Before + v. + ing, + SVO 之前

SVO + before + v. + ing

Example: The man did not show any signs of mental illnesses before assaulting the woman.

9. Before + n., + SVO 之前

SVO + before + n.

Example: Before the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003,

Hongkongers’ awareness of personal hygiene was weak.

10. v. + ing/動詞表第三行 + O, + SVO 做完…之後,然後…

Example: Graduating from universities, most students lack relevant working skills and


Example: Killing her son, the mentally-ill woman plunged to her death.

Example: Disappointed by their results, many students feel helpless and hopeless.

11. S + always / often / usually / sometimes / rarely / seldom / never + v. + O

Example: The teachers in my school often ignore the needs of underachievers.

Example: My classmates never have enough time to relax themselves.

12. 日期片語, + SVO

SVO +日期片語

Example: Every Sunday, there are many street performers in Mong Kok and they entertain

the pedestrians.

Example: Many tiger parents force their children to enroll in music class at weekends.

敘述事件 13. 時間片語 +日期片語 + SVO

SVO +時間片語 +日期片語

Example: At 8 p.m. last Wednesday, I was almost hit by a flying washing machine.

Example: My neighbours had a heated argument at midnight a few days ago.

14. 位置片語, + SVO

SVO +位置片語

Example: In the pedestrian zone in Mong Kok, many street performers perform singing and

Example: To recharge their batteries, many Hong Kong people visit the country parks in the
New Territories.

15. 時間/日期片語 + SVO +位置片語

SVO +位置片語 +時間/日期片語

Example: On Saturdays and Sundays, many street performers perform singing and dancing in
Mong Kok.

Example: Many food safety scandals have occurred in China over the past few years.

16. n. + find that / found that + SVO 發現

Example: I often find that the passengers in MTR trains are obsessed with their smartphones
and ignore the needs of the elderly.

Example: When I visited my son’s school yesterday, I found that a lot of food sold in the
canteen is unhealthy.

17. n. + see (saw) / hear (heard) that + SVO

Example: I often see that many new university students are accompanied by their parents.

Example: I have heard that some students with emotional problems are tortured by the
teachers in my school.

18. n. + see (saw) / hear (heard) + n. + 不變動詞

n. + see (saw) / hear (heard) + n. + v. + ing
Example: Last week, I saw the little girl living next to me throwing her toy dogs from her flat
onto the ground.
Example: I often see my classmates skip their lunch in order to buy expensive products
associated with their idols.
Example: Every night, I always hear the dogs barking loudly and ceaselessly.
Example: Before the incident, I heard the couple argue with each other.

表達觀點 1. I think that / I believe that + SVO (我相信)

2. From my point of view, + SVO (依我看)

3. In my opinion, + SVO (按照我的看法)

4. As far as I am concerned, / As for me, + SVO (就我而言)

給予建議 1. In the following, + I will suggest some ways to + v. (以下,我會提出幾個方法)

In the following, I will make some suggestions.

2. To tackle/ cure/deal with/ cope with + the problem of + n., + I will put forward some


To tackle/ cure / deal with/ cope with the problem of + n., + I will put forward the following

recommendations. (為了解決…問題,我會提出以下建議)

3. 序數詞, / 連接詞 + I suggest/advise/propose/recommend that + SVO. (我提議)

4. 序數詞, / 連接詞, + it is good / advantageous (for sbdy) to do sthg (…是有好處的)

5. 序數詞, / 連接詞, + it is important (for sbdy) to do sthg (…是重要的)

6. 序數詞, / 連接詞, + it is necessary (for sbdy) to do sthg (…是需要的)

7. Sbdy can (可以) / could (可以) / had better / should (應該) / need to (需要) + do + sthg

8. In the short run, sbdy + can / should + do + sthg

In the short term, sbdy + can / should + do + sthg (短期來說)

9. In the long run, sbdy + can / should + do + sthg

In the long term, sbdy + can / should + do + sthg (長遠來說)

10. By / Through + n. / v. + ing, + sbdy + can + do sthg

Sbdy + can + do sthg by / through + n. / v. + ing (通過)

結論 1. In conclusion, / To conclude, + SVO (總括來說)

2. In sum, / To sum up, + SVO (總括來說)

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