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International Review of Civil Engineering (I.RE.C.E.), Vol. xx, n.

June 2010

Relative Transmissibility to Control Isolator Displacement under

César A. Morales1

Abstract – A solution to the large base displacement problem in isolated buildings under seismic
load is sought. This is based on the notion of relative transmissibility of mechanical vibrations. A
second and important novelty is the application of a new spectral characterization, as narrow
band, of ground displacement. In situations where the large isolator displacement is a concern,
the proposal can work as a base-isolation design procedure. A standard isolated structural model
is employed to demonstrate that the base displacement level can be reduced to well under the
ground displacement one, which results in a positive comparison with previous passive and active
control solutions; in fact, the design aim is a competitive ½ ratio for both displacements.
Nevertheless, it is also demonstrated that these good reduction levels are possible at the expense
of a large damping ratio. Copyright © 2010 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved.

Keywords: Seismic isolation, base displacement demand, passive control, relative transmissibility

In fact, the strategy has a main drawback which is at the

resulting new “story” or the relatively moving base: large
isolator deformation levels [7]. This has been called large
mb: Base mass base displacement problem (LBD problem) [3-7] and can
ms: Superstructure mass be illustrated and solved considering the relative
ur: Base relative displacement displacement of the base [1,8,9] or studying the absolute
q: Superstructure relative displacement one [3,2]. Now, the relative displacement is more
cb: Isolator damping coefficient important than the absolute one in the physical design of
cs: Superstructure damping coefficient base-isolation systems, because the flexibility of service
kb: Isolator stiffness connections and the width of the isolation moat depend
ks: Superstructure stiffness on that motion. Therefore, the most common analysis
s: Ground displacement considers relative displacement, case in which the issue
Tr: Relative transmissibility has been also called isolator displacement demand [10].
X: Harmonic amplitude of the base Very recently, this more important (relative) LBD
S: Harmonic amplitude of the ground problem has been solved; it has been demonstrated that
r: Frequency ratio the isolator displacement can be controlled down to the
Circular frequency ground displacement level through a tuned mass damper
n: Natural frequency (TMD) [7], and reduced below the ground displacement
: Damping ratio by means of the newer inerter [9]. These two recent
M: Simplified model mass results have been based on the frequency-domain concept
LBD: Large base displacement of relative transmissibility from the field vibration
TMD: Tuned mass damper isolation of mechanical engineering, with the addition of
DBD: Displacement based design devices also coming from mechanical engineering: the
LRB: Lead rubber bearing vibration absorber (as TMDs are known in that field) and
NZ: New Zealand the inerter. Interestingly, the inerter comes theoretically
(S)DOF: (single) Degree of freedom from electrical engineering, but as an application, the
HDRB: High damping rubber bearing origin is in mechanical or automotive engineering [11].
R-FBI: Resilient-friction base isolator Nonetheless, an analysis of a solution to the LBD
problem in which no additional inertial device is used, is
necessary. Thus, this is what is studied in this work: a
I. Introduction solution to the LBD problem associated with isolated
structures by means of the simplest of relative
As seismic base isolation basically rigidizes or
transmissibilities. An additional contribution is the
eliminates mechanical stress in the superstructure [1-3], it
application of also recent results on the spectral content
is more than settled that it is a successful technique [3-6],
of seismic ground displacement [12]; the idea is that if
again, for the main part of a building, or superstructure.
the response problem is displacement, the focus

Manuscript received and revised xx 2010, accepted xx 2010 Copyright © 2010 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved
F. A. Author, S. B. Author, T. C. Author

regarding the forcing part should be on ground by s, the relative displacement of the base by ur and the
displacement rather than the ordinary and common superstructure relative displacement by q. The equations
acceleration record. This idea is related to a modern of motion of the structure are given by
displacement in interest in the literature, from force-
based design to a displacement-based one (DBD) [13].
The development can serve as a design procedure of where mb and ms are the base and superstructure masses,
linear or linearized base-isolation systems when large respectively; kb and ks are the isolator and superstructure
displacements is a problem, and it is valid under both, stiffnesses, and cb and cs are the damping coefficients
far-field and near-field conditions. The time response of a (non-proportional damping).
standard 2-degree-of-freedom model, very valid for
isolated structures, under several actual and strong
seismic records, is obtained where the interest is mainly
on the base or isolator displacement. These displacement
results are compared first to the ground or input
displacement (which is another way of saying
transmissibility), and also to results obtained by other
proposals to solve the problem, passive and active, even
though in the last case there is the cost of energy,
maintenance and complexity.
Several other proposals to reduce isolated base
displacement have been reviewed, within and outside of
simple passive control. In the first group of solutions to
the LBD problem these have been found or selected, a
TMD proposition where plain white-noise is considered
as input and the absorber subsystem is designed but not
the isolation one [8]; also, hysteretic isolators [14], the Fig. 1. Two-degree-of-freedom model of isolated
inerter or gyromass [15] and also exported from structures
mechanical engineering to earthquake engineering is the
Zener isolator [16]. More recent, complex and expensive As known, it does not take much design effort for an
solutions than pure passive control have been proposed isolation system to basically cancel the superstructural
as well, from this group these are selected: semiactive deformation; in other words, basically any isolation
control [17], hybrid control with mangnetorheological system diminishes the interstory forces, from the fixed-
dampers [18] and semi-active dampers [19]. case levels [3]; however, the base displacement is large.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows; first, the Before proposing a solution to this displacement
optimization of the isolation system is presented; this problem, it is remarked that if absolute base displacement
theoretical development is in the frequency domain. were the important variable, a direct comparison could be
Then, the results are presented, but in the more factual made with the fixed results (where the base displacement
time domain. Finally, the highly positive results are is the ground displacement) but when studying the
discussed, where an important point is the level of isolator deformation, no such comparison is possible [9].
damping required. This work’s goal is to solve the LBD problem
applying transmissibility concepts of vibration isolation,
and new ground displacement narrowbandness [12,24],
II. Method which are ideas in the frequency domain. A main novelty
The fact that superstructure deformations are all but is that the solution is not through additional inertial
cancelled in well-designed isolated structures is a mature devices as in previous work where the problem is tackled
and well-known fact [3,4]. This means that a one-degree- also by means of optimizing transmissibility [7,9].
of-freedom model would be sufficient in many analyses Nonetheless, it should be stressed that a prominent base
of these structures [8,4]; nevertheless, in this work displacement is unavoidable in the isolation strategy; it
another standard but superior model in the literature is should not be minimized substantially because that would
used: a 2-degree-of-freedom one [1,20], shown in Fig. 1, imply a base motion similar to ground motion, or no
which does not completely cancel the vibrations of the isolation.
building proper. The linear isolation in Fig. 1 is Now, solely in the first step of the analysis, a one-
appropriate in analyses of base displacement [7,9], and degree-of-freedom model is utilized (Fig. 2), which is
more generally, for isolation based on the laminated justified or explained in the beginning of this Section;
rubber bearing (LRB) [21,22], and even nonlinear this simplified model is only used in a primary analysis to
systems as the NZ one can be analyzed with this model understand the basic dynamics underlying the LBD
through equivalent linearization [23]. problem. The final response results will be of course with
In the analysis, the ground displacement is expressed the common 2-DOF model (Fig. 1); in fact, these time-

Copyright © 2010 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Civil Engineering, Vol. x, N. x
F. A. Author, S. B. Author, T. C. Author

domain results will validate this primary SDOF

obtained through calculus, is 0.707 or ; this is the
This simple model allows for the application of damping factor for which the transmissibility does not
vibration isolation theory [25] from mechanical have a maximum or resonant frequency. Therefore,  =
engineering. Nonetheless, it is noted that although 0.71 can be considered a first or primary design criterion
absolute transmissibility is very basic theory (can be if the base relative displacement is to be controlled,
found in any undergraduate textbook on vibrations), the which is a real earthquake engineering objective or
concept of relative transmissibility is not that widespread. problem. This is in agreement with previous work in
This is because isolator clearance is not a big concern in which certain level of damping is prescribed for reducing
machinery isolation, and also because absolute isolator displacements [1,27]. Now, this should be
transmissibility is associated not only with displacement considered a primary criterion also because in practice
isolation but also with force isolation whereas relative this damping level may not be easily achievable, although
transmissibility applies only for displacement control there are real structures that have used high-damping
[25]. The theory establishes that if the body of Fig. 2 is rubber bearings plus viscous dampers and thus a damping
forced by a stationary harmonic motion of the ground, the factor of 50% can be achieved. An example is the San
structure relative displacement is also harmonic (same Bernardino County Medical Center [1]; moreover, Jangid
period), as shown in the figure where X and S are the and Kelly [27] in their study of isolation damping found
amplitudes; moreover, the ratio of the harmonic optimal damping factors of up to 0.5 (50%) and their
amplitudes is defined by the relative transmissibility, as analysis graphs were up to 0.7. Therefore, in the Results
section results for both proposals will be shown, the
theoretical one ( = 0.71) and a practical one ( = 0.5).

s=S cost
x=X cos(t+

cb M (=mb+ms)

Fig. 2. One-degree-of-freedom system under harmonic

motion of support
This relative transmissibility depends on the frequency
ratio r and damping factor , as [25,26]
; n is the natural frequency. The plot of Tr is shown in
Fig. 3 and it can or must be a basis for a design procedure
in which isolator displacement control is an objective.
Now, there is no established design criterion in the Fig. 3. Relative transmissibility function Tr (r,) for 
mechanical engineering community because –as 0.2 to 0.8 (0.1 step)
indicated– this function is not used as much as the
absolute one; in fact, a detailed plot (as shown) of this It is meaningful to review the levels of base
transmissibility is hard to find in the literature. Therefore, displacement attained in the literature, as compared to
the plot is analyzed next; nevertheless, it should be clear ground displacement; that is, transmissibilities. One of
at the outset that isolation is attained if a design implies the first papers in which the LBD problem is commented
Tr < 1; thus, Tr = 1 is marked on the plot. on is from 25 years ago [28] where for the old El Centro
Firstly, for  > 0.7, real isolation –no amplification– signal (peak displacement = 10.9 cm), the peak base
is guaranteed for any exciting frequency; in other words, displacement was 13.4 cm, which means, amplification or
it will be guaranteed that the peak isolator displacement the peaks transmissibility is 1.23; now, by means of
is below the peak ground displacement, if the excitation active control the peak displacement is reduced to 9.2 cm
is harmonic; of course, seismic motion is not harmonic, implying a transmissibility of 0.8 (structural
but this is a point discussed in the second step of the characteristics are in the ref. or more clearly in [9]. There
proposed methodology. The mathematical or more exact is another and more recent paper in which clear isolator
value for the damping that guarantees true isolation, displacement results are shown [14], where the base

Copyright © 2010 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Civil Engineering, Vol. x, N. x
F. A. Author, S. B. Author, T. C. Author

motion is controlled passively solely, by the NZ isolation concept: the relative displacement has to have certain
system, and the transmissibilities obtained were 1.3 degree of freedom.
(amplification) for the “Sylmar record” (Northridge
earthquake), and 0.26 for the Imperial Valley event
(1979); it is noted that the Sylmar signal is considered a III. Results
very challenging example of near-source motion by The proposed solution to the LBD problem is tested in
others as well [1,29] (the 5-story superstructure has a the final time domain, with actual earthquakes and a
period of 0.5 s). Finally, there is a newer work where flexible superstructure. This implies an assessment and
good displacement results were attained with the R-FBI validation of the two hypotheses of the method: that an
system: the transmissibility through this passive control isolated building behaves as a rigid body, and more
was 0.97 for the same problematic Northridge record importantly, that seismic horizontal displacement is a
above (and for a very similar 5-story building as above) narrow-band process. Thus, a sample building must be
[22]. defined; ideally, for clear comparison, the superstructure
Therefore, aiming for a transmissibility of 1/2 for any should be identical to ones considered by similar works
seismic input (the proposed method is general or tries not where the displacement problem has been also solved by
to depend on a particular group of events) seems correct passive means. Two of these previous papers were
or an improvement over previous results. For the reviewed in Section 2 [14,22]; indeed, both example
damping factor established for the laminated rubber buildings are 5-story ones that have the same natural
bearings plus viscous dampers system, this implies a period, as discussed; consequently, in this paper a 5-story
frequency ratio r = 0.76; thus, the natural frequency of building with fixed natural frequency of 2 Hz is also
the isolated structure should be 1.32 times the dominant considered.
frequency of the ground displacement: The isolation system is designed now according to the
(5) goal and to both design criteria of the proposed method.
Now, a harmonic signal has indeed only one dominant Thus, the dashpots or the equivalent damping coefficient,
frequency, but a random variable as ground motion does and the isolation stiffness are defined by
not necessarily have dominant frequencies; in fact, the (7a,b)
customary acceleration records are wide band, and are where it has been assumed, as in many base-isolation
modelled even as white noise in base-isolation papers [8]. papers, that the base mass is one-floor mass, or mb = ms =
Nevertheless, it has been previously found that horizontal m; now, in a few of these papers this value is set as
ground displacement is highly narrowband [24,12]: the 600.000 kg [2,3,33], and based on the previous idea
dominant energy is concentrated in the narrow 0.05–0.32 about not each work defining different parameters, this is
Hz band, with a mean of 0.13 Hz for the peak-power the value used here. Therefore, the linear isolation system
frequency [3,24], and this frequency (circular) will go is defined or has been designed: base mass, damping and
into Eq. 5. Consequently, the second and important stiffness.
design criterion is merely the natural frequency of the The chosen set of (non-synthetized) earthquake inputs
isolated building, includes most of the above-7 inland earthquakes in the
(6) State of California of the last 50 years [24]; that is,
or an isolated period of 5.8 s. This may have seemed a records of truly major events of a world region with very
long period 15 years ago, but these days it is not an high station density will be employed. These sizable
uncommon period; in fact, in a recent state of the art on events are shown in Table 1 and it is noted that the
the matter a division of the history of the period of closest-to-epicenter station was used in each case;
isolated buildings in 3 periods is presented: 1984-1994 2- moreover, the horizontal component with the highest
2.5 s, 1995-2004 2.5-4 s and 2005-2018 a freer “up to 10 peak displacement was employed [34]; more importantly,
s” [30]. Indeed, a new building with a natural frequency this component is shown in the Table for accuracy and
close to Eq. 6 or 0.17 Hz is the Shimizu Corporation clarity. The Northridge event is included in the study
Tokyo Headquarters (2012) which has a period of 5.4 s because it is a good example of near-fault records, and
[31]. Regarding a dominant frequency of ground for straight comparison with previous papers.
displacement, for which Morales [3,24] obtained 0.13
Hz, it is pointed out that these frequencies have been Table 1. Events considered and precise seismological
obtained by other authors as well; Tian and Yang [32] information regarding their records
obtained a similar 0.10 Hz, although it was for only one
displacement record. Earthquake (year) Station Component
The aim could beg lower transmissibilities (e.g. 1/4), Landers (1992) Joshua Tree 90°
which would imply lower periods, and also
displacements. However, it must be considered what was Cape Mendocino Cape Mendocino 0°
discussed at the start of this Section, an “ideal” relative Northridge (1994) Sylmar Hospital 0°
transmissibility of zero or a very low one is as undesired (1992)
because that will be in confrontation with the isolation Hector Mine Amboy 0°

Copyright © 2010 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Civil Engineering, Vol. x, N. x
F. A. Author, S. B. Author, T. C. Author

For the first earthquake, or the Landers event, the knowledge that floor acceleration level in isolated
ground and relative base displacements are shown in Fig. buildings is greatly reduced from the fixed case levels
4. Clearly, the isolator displacement levels are lower than [3,28,35], the superstructure absolute acceleration, a, is
the input displacement levels; particularly, the peak shown in Fig. 5, because when tackling the isolator
ground displacement is 15.7 cm whereas the peak base displacement problem by any means or method, the
displacement is 10.0 cm. Nonetheless, comparing both worry is if the acceleration (forces) increase from the
peak displacements is physically meaningful only up to isolated levels [1,27,35]. It can be concluded that for this
some point, because the base displacement is relative seismic record, the peak value is well under 1 m/s2 which
whereas the soil one is absolute; what gauges better the is in the range of base-isolated absolute accelerations
success of the design procedure presented is to calculate [35,3].
the relative transmissibility: the peaks transmissibility in The base and ground displacement for the next seism
this case is 0.64. This must be compared first with the (Cape Mendocino measured at the namesake station) is
frequency-domain goal here, of 0.5, and secondly with presented in Fig. 6, and the peaks are 24.0 cm and 36.1
previous results in which more complex passive control, cm, respectively, for a Tr = 0.66, very near to the Landers
and active control, is used; these previous one of 0.64 and near to the frequency-domain aim of Tr
transmissibilities were presented in the precedent Section, =1/2. The top-floor acceleration in this case is 2 m/s2
and the results will be discussed and compared after all (peak), still in the range of isolated absolute
events are considered. Nonetheless, for the first accelerations, or below the most demanding limit of 2.5
significant earthquake it must be indicated that the results m/s2 suggested by Alhan and Oncu [35].
in the actual time domain are very close to the theoretical
objective. Now, even though it is general and basic

Fig. 4. Base and ground displacement (Landers at Joshua Tree)

Fig. 5. Top-floor absolute acceleration (Landers at Joshua Tree)

Copyright © 2010 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Civil Engineering, Vol. x, N. x
F. A. Author, S. B. Author, T. C. Author

Now, the Sylmar County Hospital record (Northridge) respectively, for a transmissibility of 0.94 in this case.
has gotten much attention because of its pulse-type This one is above the design objective of 0.5; however, a)
motion that is associated to its near-source location it is still positive as Tr < 1, and b) this record is
[1,36]. This type of signal causes concern because of the considered by several authors as very especial; indeed, in
resulting base displacements in isolated structures two previous references lead-rubber and resilient-friction,
[37,1,27]. Consequently, the design procedure will be respectively, isolation was required to obtain
evaluated with this challenging record, considered so by transmissibilities of 1.3 (which means amplification) [14]
the four seismic isolation papers referred to just and 0.97 [22], for a similar sample structure. The peak
previously. The base and ground displacements are superstructure acceleration in this case is shown in Table
shown in Fig. 7, and the peaks are 30.7 cm and 32.6 cm, 2, it is also very close to 2 m/s2 as in the second case.

Fig. 6. Base and ground displacement (Cape Mendocino at Cape Mendocino)

Fig. 7. Base and ground displacement (Northridge at Sylmar Hospital)

Table 2. Peaks relative transmissibility and peak values of response variables ( =0.7)
Record ur [m] s [m] Tr a [m/s2]
Landers at Joshua Tree 0.100 0.157 0.64 0.64
Cape Mendocino at namesake stat. 0.240 0.361 0.66 2.01
Northridge at Sylmar Hospital 0.307 0.326 0.94 2.05
Hector Mine at Amboy 0.092 0.140 0.66 0.28

Copyright © 2010 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Civil Engineering, Vol. x, N. x
F. A. Author, S. B. Author, T. C. Author

The fourth case is Hector Mine at Amboy, for this the

results are presented on Table 2 only. The important and
impressive result is that Tr is 0.66, extremely close to the IV. Discussion
Landers and Mendocino transmissibilities of 0.64 and For most of the above-7 California earthquakes of the
0.66; in this regard, it is highlighted that the many last 50 years, the optimal design procedure has achieved
records and stations for each significant event have not base displacement levels under the ground displacement
been tried: the station closest to epicenter was chosen level (time history). As a matter of fact, for 3 out of 4 of
right from the start. Finally, two points are added, 1) not the events studied (exception being the Sylmar record),
only the station but also the horizontal component has the peaks transmissibility Tr is actually well under one
been clearly shown, in Table 1 and for future (1); moreover, these three Tr are in the very limited range
comparisons; this is not always the case as seismological of 0.64-0.66 which is not only remarkable by itself, but
data in engineering papers is sometimes not complete, or also remarkably close to the frequency-domain or
it is vague, even some errors have been lately found in theoretical objective of 0.5; this considering that there are
base-isolation papers [38]; and 2) lately also, other works some assumptions in the spectral method proposed here.
are starting to use the stronger and newer earthquakes These attained transmissibilities have to be compared
that are considered in this paper, for example Landers with Tr obtained in previous papers. As said in Section 2,
and Hector Mine were also employed by Sari and Cicek one of the first papers in which the problem is discussed
[39]. [28] presents a transmissibility of 1.23 with basic passive
As admitted in the Method section, 70% of damping is control, and 0.8 with active control, for solely one (and
high and may not be easily feasible; therefore, 50% will old) record; that is, amplification rather than isolation,
also be considered which is a level that has been reached with basic isolation. There are more similar papers, to the
in some real buildings using high-damping bearings present one, regarding sample structure and ground
(HDRB) plus dampers, as explained in the previous signals [14,22]; in fact, a very similar 5-story building is
section. Following the same design procedure, in this used in these 2 references and in the present work:
case (=0.5) the factor in Eq. 5 is 1.52 (instead of 1.32) identical fixed-base natural frequency of 2 Hz has been
and the natural frequency (Eq. 6) is 0.20 Hz, or a lower used in the three proposals and the isolated one is the
(better) period of 5.1 s. For the same superstructure as same in the two references: 0.4 Hz. In this paper the
before, only transmissibility and acceleration new results isolated natural frequency is 0.17 Hz as a result of the
are shown in Table 3. It can be concluded that the optimization presented (Eq. 6), whose goal is to minimize
transmissibility increases in all cases, 11% for the base motion. More importantly, the seismic input is the
Northridge record, and in the 21-23% narrow range for prominent near-field Sylmar Hospital record, and Tr of
the other three seismic signals. This may be expected 1.3 and 0.97 were attained with the NZ [14] and R-FBI
because a) there is a deviation from the optimal or [22] systems, respectively, whereas the Tr = 0.94 here has
original proposal, and b) the ground displacement power been achieved with simply the LRB system, where L
spectral density does have secondary peaks [12,24] above stands for laminated, not lead (Table 2).
the main one which is at (as mean) 0.13 Hz; that is, there Another paper that supports the importance of these
is some level of resonance (Tr>1) at =0.5 above the results is by Alhan and Oncu [35] which deals with
input design frequency (0.13 Hz); this resonance was performance limits of isolated structures under
avoided in the optimal design, as it can be clearly challenging near-source conditions, it reads: “the most
observed in Fig. 3. As also expected, the superstructure stringent performance target considered in this study
accelerations in general decrease; this is because damping would be the combination of 40 cm (peak base
increases these accelerations, as has been concluded by displacement) and 2.5 m/s2 (top-floor peak acceleration).
several authors [1,22,27]. It is clearly seen from Figs. 6 and 7 that it would be very
difficult, if not impossible, to meet such a stringent
Table 3. Peaks relative transmissibility and peak top-floor performance in the close vicinity of the fault”. It is
acceleration for =0.5 supportive because design presented indeed results in
those same variables being under those stringent limits in
Record Tr a [m/s2]
the case of the most challenging Sylmar signal for which
Landers at Joshua Tree 0.79 0.55 31 cm and 2.05 m/s2 are obtained.
Cape Mendocino at Cape 0.80 1.80 Moreover, a very interesting and valuable comparison
will be made with active control results. In a recent
Northridge at Sylmar Hospital 1.04 1.85 paper, semi-active viscous dampers were proposed to
Hector Mine at Amboy 0.80 0.32 “limit base displacement while avoiding undesirable
amplification of the response of the non-isolated modes”
[17]; in this work, results were presented as maximum
base displacement per peak ground acceleration (m/g)
for the great Tohoku event and the value reached was

Copyright © 2010 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Civil Engineering, Vol. x, N. x
F. A. Author, S. B. Author, T. C. Author

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Acknowledgement: Grant number C-022-2021-2 from seismic isolator. Earthquake Engineering and
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Authors’ information
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1 Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas;
[27] Jangid RS and Kelly JM. Base isolation for near-
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[30] De Luca A and Guidi LG. State of the art in the Instructor, by 2005 he became Full
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105722. earthquake engineering, from theoretical vibrations to structural
[31] Shimazaki D and Nakagawa K. Seismic isolation stability, and from sport science to electric circuits.
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Copyright © 2010 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Civil Engineering, Vol. x, N. x

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