Recent Progress in Environmentally Friendly Geopolymers A Review

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Recent progress in environmentally friendly geopolymers: A


Nabila Shehata, Enas Taha Sayed Ali, Mohammad Ali


PII: S0048-9697(20)36696-1
Reference: STOTEN 143166

To appear in: Science of the Total Environment

Received date: 9 April 2020

Revised date: 8 September 2020
Accepted date: 14 October 2020

Please cite this article as: N. Shehata, E.T.S. Ali and M.A. Abdelkareem, Recent progress
in environmentally friendly geopolymers: A review, Science of the Total Environment

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Recent progress in environmentally friendly geopolymers: A review

Nabila Shehata1, Enas Taha Sayed Ali2,3, Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem2,3,4
Faculty of Postgraduate Studies for Advance Science, Beni-Suef University, Egypt
Center for Advanced Materials Research, University of Sharjah, PO Box 27272, Sharjah, United
Arab Emirates
Chemical Engineering Department, Minia University, Elminia, Egypt
Department of Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering, University of Sharjah, PO Box
27272, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Corresponding e-mail:
The manufacturing of cement demand burning of huge quantities of fuel as well as significant

emissions of CO2 resulting from the decomposition of limestone that consequently resulted in

severe environmental impact that is estimated by one ton of CO2 per ton of cement.

Geopolymerization technology is an effective method for converting wastes (containing alumina

and silica) into useful products. It can reduce CO2 emissions significantly from the cement
industry. The geopolymerization process usually starts with source materials based on

alumina/silicate in addition to alkaline liquids. The compressive strength, setting time, and

workability of the final product depends mainly on the type and proportions of the precursors,

the type and strength of the activator, the mixing and curing conditions. The structural

performance of a geopolymer is similar to that of ordinary Portland cement (OPC). Therefore,


geopolymer can replace OPC, and thus decreasing the energy consumption, reducing the cost of

the building materials, and minimizing the environmental impacts of the cement industry. This

review summaries the mechanism of geopolymerization, including the controlling parameters

and different raw materials (fly ash, kaolinite and metakaolin, slag, red mud, silica waste, heavy

metals waste, and others) with particular focus on recent studies and challenges in this area.

Keywords: Geopolymer; Geopolymerization process; Cement industry, CO2 reduction;

Environmental impact; Sustainability

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1. Introduction

Since the industrial revolution in the last century, there is a rapid growth of the usage of

fossil fuel in almost all industrial applications (Shafeek et al., 2020). Such an increase in the

usage of fossil fuel resulted in severe environmental impacts (Abdelkareem et al., 2020a;

Elsaid et al., 2020c, 2020b, 2020a). Massive efforts have been done to minimize the

environmental impacts of fossile fuel such as increasing the efficiency of the current processs

(Elsaid et al., 2020d; Fierro et al., 2020; Jouhara et al., 2018; Olabi et al., 2020a; Shehata et

al., 2017), development of efficient energy conversion devices suh as fuel cells

(Abdelkareem et al., 2020b, 2020c; Olabi et al., 2020b; Sayed et al., 2020b), hybrid systems

of renewable energy systems (A Kamel et al., 2019; Rezk et al., 2019b), and/or using of
renewable energy sources such as wind, solar (Abdelkareem et al., 2018; Marmoush et al.,

2018; Rezk et al., 2019a), geothermal (Wilberforce et al., 2019a), marine (Soudan, 2019),

and biomass energies (Inayat et al., 2019; Sayed et al., 2020a).


The cement industry is one of the leading sectors that consume a large amount of fossil fuel

that estimated to be 12-15% of the industrial energy consumption (Madlool et al., 2011). A

massive amount of pollutants such as CO2, CO, NOx, SO2, and particulates are emitted from

the cement industry from fossil fuel and the decomposition of the limestone (Ekinci et al.,

2020). The emitted CO2 from the cement industry represents 5-8% of the anthropogenic CO2

emissions (Deja et al., 2010; Shen et al., 2015). CO2 is one of the major greenhouse gases

that resulted in global warming and noticeably environmental changes overall the world

(Damanabi et al., 2019; Wilberforce et al., 2019b).

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It is estimated that each ton of cement produces 498.5 kg of CO2 that resulted in more than 2

Gt of CO2 production overall the world (Wei and Cen, 2019) that is increased exponentially

with the exponential increase of the cement production overall the world (Xu et al., 2015).

There are common methods that were investigated to decrease the CO2 emission during

cement production, like the use of alternative fuel (El-Salamony et al., 2020), enhancement

of energy efficiency inside the cement kiln (Hasanbeigi et al., 2013), replacement the cement

with nanoparticle at the optimum percentage (Shafeek et al., 2020) and production of

alternative cement-like geopolymer (Bajpai et al., 2020). Still, the production of geopolymer

superior to all methods since it represents a high reduction in cost (Amran et al., 2020) and

energy consumption (Voney et al., 2020), besides the added benefit of using industrial wastes
to develop a different building material (Tong, 2020). Consequently, there is an increase

focus on the geopolymer studies all over the world as shown in Fig. 1.

No. of scientific papers


2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Fig. 1: Number of published papers related to geopolymer during the period 2010-2019.
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Although a considerable number of review papers reported the history of geopolymer, a

background of geopolymerization (Aleem and Arumairaj, 2012a; Shubbar et al., 2020) and

characterization (Damilola, 2013; Ma et al., 2018; Mo et al., 2016; Shuaibu, 2014; Zhang et al.,

2018; Živica et al., 2015), effect of synthese parameters (Farhan et al., 2020), additives (Ranjbar

and Zhang, 2020) on the final products and sustanbility (Assi et al., 2020). Still, the literature

missed discussing new precursors such as fly ash-based geopolymers (Abdullah et al., 2011; Al

Bakri et al., 2013a; Bouaissi et al., 2018; Fauziah et al., 2018; Ibrahim et al., 2015; Kupaei et al.,

2013; Mustafa et al., 2011; Toniolo and Boccaccini, 2017; Wattimena et al., 2017; Zerfu and

Ekaputri, 2016; Zhuang et al., 2016) that studied extensively in recent years, activators, and their

role in the geopolymerization process, as well as the challenges for the production of geopolymer
on a large scale, needs to be addressed. Subsequently, this review summarized different

traditional and new precursors for geopolymers, important parameters of geopolymerization, and

new additives. Moreover, the challenges of the large scale production of the geopolymers are

addressed, and finally, the environmental impacts are discussed.


2. Geopolymerization

The manufacturing of cement demands the burning of vast quantities of fuel, as well as

significant emissions of CO2 resulting from the decomposition of limestone (Kong and Sanjayan,

2008). According to Kong et al., geopolymer minimize CO2 emissions from the cement industry

by 80% (Kong et al., 2006). A study conducted in Lebanon around Chekka town discovered that

the cement industry was adversely affecting the overall health of the region. Elevated levels SO 2

and PM10 (Particulate matter) were found in various areas around the town for extended periods

of time. On the other hand, the treatment costs of industrial waste disposal are expensive.

Geopolymerization, firstly developed by Davidovits in 1979, considered an excellent waste

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immobilization agent for industrial waste. The term geopolymer refers to the inorganic polymer

produced by incorporating an alkaline activator solution to an aluminosilicate precursor,

followed by specific conditions of curing (Fig. 2). The following sections discuss the recent

advances in the geopolymerization process.

1. Aluminosilicate precursors
2. Activators
Mixing Curing Geopolymer
3. Water

4. Additives

Fig. 2: A schematic flow diagram for the geopolymer production.

2.1. Precursors for geopolymers -p

The main ingredients of a geopolymer are source materials that are based on alumina silicate in

addition to alkaline liquids. The precursors were classified (reticulate Blanco, n.d.) into fly ash-

(Izquierdo et al., 2009), slag-, rock- (Gimeno et al., 2003), and Ferro silicate-based geopolymer.

The precursors could be natural minerals such as kaolinite and clays or by product materials like

slag, fly ash, rice-husk ash, silica fume, and metakaolin (Rangan, 2008). Theses precursors can

be a single material or a mixture of different types of materials (Xu and Van Deventer, 2002).

However, it should be rich in silicon and aluminum (Chawakitchareon and Veesommaia, 2013).

The strength of a geopolymer depends on the nature of precursors (Duxson et al., 2007). For

example, higher compressive strength might be obtained when raw materials were calcined, such

as fly ash, slag, and metakaolin, or when it has a high dissolution rate (Rangan, 2010). The

coordination number of aluminum in the precursor may affect the final product (Rangan, 2010;

Singh et al., 2001). Calcium silicate enhances the dissolution of alumino-silicate from fly ash

structure; also, it merged in the geopolymer matrix acting as counter‐balancing cations (Horsley
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et al., 2015). Sodium aluminate increases the compressive strength twice as much as non-sodium

aluminate (Svingala and Varela, 2009). As shown in Table (1), the compressive strengths of the

final samples are influenced by the proportions and properties of the precursors.

Table 1: Composition of different types of precursors and the compressive strength of the relative

Source Oxide composition C. Ref.

SiO2 Al2O3 CaO MgO Fe2O3 Na2O K2O Other strength

Callide 46.2 26.5 9.9 1.2 8.5 0.3 0.6 6.8 54 (VAN
Eraring 67.8 21.6 1.7 0.4 3.0 0.1 1.2 4.2 17 DEVEN
Vales Point
4.5 -p
Mount Piper 68.5 23.5 0.4 0.3 1.6 <0.1 2.3 3.4 *
Gladstone 47.5 33.2 2.6 1.8 10.2 <0.1 0.2 4.5 72

Pumice 67.08 14.06 0.87 0.25 1.91 0.11 15.72 25 (Yadoll

ahi et

Mine tailings 69.55 12.63 0.69 0.33 0.87 1.98 3.1 10.87 0.5-7 (Qiu et
Blast furnace 0.1 al.,
34.60 12.11 39.5 9.23 0.11 0.35 3.89

slag 9 2019)
Fly ash 54.79 23.57 3.17 1.12 0.03 0.31 15.87

0.0 5-60 (Al-

Silica sand 99.73 0.1 - - 0.051 <0.05 -
1 Majidi
GGBS 35 12 40 10 0.2 - - 2.8 et al.,
2.8 2016)
Fly ash 59 23 2.38 1.39 8.8 0.74 1.88
Hydromagne- 0.1 9.8-80.4 (Abdel-
0.09 0.08 0.4 42.95 0.01 - 56.29
site 8 Gawwa
d and
0.1 El-
GBFS 37.81 13.14 38.7 7.11 0.23 1.03 1.79
9 Aleem,
*Failed to be hardening in this time of curing.
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In the following sections, we will discuss in detail the influence of the essential geopolymer


2.1.1. Fly ash

The main constituents of fly ash are silicon, aluminum, calcium, and iron. The chemical

composition of various fly ash types was reported (Lloyd and Rangan, 2009). Due to its

pozzolanic characteristics, fly ash has been used as a precursor for cement and concrete (Thakkar

et al., 2014). The calcium percentage in fly ash plays an important role, as it affects the product

properties (Oh et al., 2010). Also, when this percentage increased, the compressive strength

increases (Canfield et al., 2014). On the other hand, the calcium compound percentage reduces

the mechanical properties of geopolymers cured at higher temperatures (Temuujin et al., 2009).
Usually, fly ash requires thermal treatment at 60-80°C (reticulate Blanco, n.d.). Using 5% up to

10% of fly ash instead of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) improves the

mechanical properties and microstructure of the produced geopolymers. More than this

percentage, a slight decrease in the compressive strength values were measured (El-Gamal and

Selim, 2017). Diaz et al. studied an experimental program on the mechanical properties of

geopolymer concrete using two types of fly ash collected from thermal power stations (Diaz et

al., 2010). The compressive and flexural strengths of geopolymer based on mettur fly ash was

greater than that based on tuticorin fly ash (Vijai et al., 1970). The main characteristic of fly ash

based geopolymer is a glassy amorphous product (Fig. 3), some of the original constituents like

fly ash dissolute, leaving these pores, and it may be attributed to air involved during preparation

(Škvára et al., 2005). Kong et al. found that fly ash pores contain a higher proportion of

microspores resulting in geopolymer possess better strength (Kong et al., 2007). Improvement of

strength, workability of different geopolymers synthesized from fly ash have also been
Journal Pre-proof

investigated (Adam, 2009; Chindaprasirt et al., 2007; Hardjito et al., 2004; Thokchom et al.,

2009a, 2009b; Wallah, 2009).

Fig. 3: SEM photos of geopolymer (Škvára et al., 2005).

2.1.2. Kaolinite and Metakaolin

Some restrictions concerning using kaolinite as a precursor, such as using it alone (Komnitsas

and Zaharaki, 2007). This will yield a weak structure geopolymer. Also, the contact time should

be enough to produce the right gel components (Xu and Van Deventer, 2002). However, when

kaolinite converted to metakaolin, compressive strength and durability of the geopolymer were

increased (Damilola, 2013). Gougazeh compared between different types of metakaolin. It was

found that Jordanian and mixed metakaolin produced the larger compressive strength compared

to others (Gougazeh, 2013). Also, it was suggested that geopolymer may still be produced from

kaoline with purity 70% (Zibouche et al., 2009). In contrast, Alshaaer et al. investigated the

production of geopolymer with high mechanical properties and acceptable physical

characteristics from low purity kaolinite (Alshaaer et al., 2015). Douiri et al. characterized

metakaolin based geopolymer as amorphous structure (Fig. 4).

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(28 d)

(7 d)


2 Theta (degrees)

Fig. 4: XRD spectra of metakaolin and geopolymer at curing ages (7 and 28 d) where Q: SiO2, I:
illite, A: AlPO4, Au: Al2(PO4)(OH)3 and M: CaPO3(OH) (Douiri et al., 2016).

Calcination of kaolinite before geopolymerization has attracted some researchers. They worked

in almost the range (500-800 ˚C), i.e., 500- 750 ˚C (Chareerat et al., 2006; Cioffi et al., 2003),

750 ˚C (Alshaaer et al., 2015), 800 ˚C (Zibouche et al., 2009), and concluded that the optimum

calcination temperature is between 500 and 700˚C. This may be attributed to varying state of

disorder with calcination temperature (Elimbi et al., 2011). Another parameter that should be

taken into consideration during applying metakaolinite is the ratio of Si/Al. The amount of

unreacted kaolinite in the final matrix depends on this ratio (Fig. 5) (Kim, 2012).
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Unreacted MK


1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7

Si/Al Ratio

Fig. 5: Effect of Si/Al ratio on the percentage of unreacted metakaolinite in the geopolymer matrix (Kim,

2.1.3. Slag

Thakkar et al. used slag as a precursor for geopolymers (Thakkar et al., 2014). Ground

Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS) enjoys some latent hydraulic characteristics resulting in

using it as a common precursor. Vignesh and Vivek replaced low calcium fly ash with slag. They

observed that the maximum compressive-, split tensile- and flexural- strengths were obtained

when the ratio of GGBS/flyash was 2/3 (Vignesh and Vivek, 2015). Some studies founded that

compressive strength increased as the GGBS increase up to 100% of replacement; the

workability and compressive strength also increased (Saranya et al., n.d.). On contrast to other

studies that stated that replacing GGBS with fly ash resulting in an increase in compressive

strength (Fig. 6) (El-Gamal and Selim, 2017). This difference in results can be attributed to the

fact that the compressive strength and other mechanical properties depend not only on the

percentage of slag but other parameters like activator, curing regime, etc.
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Compressive strength (Mpa)


20 3d
28 d

A1 B1 C1

Geopolymer grade

Fig. 6: Compressive strength of different specimen at 3,7, and 28 d of curing time where A1(100%

GGBS), B1 (95% GGBS + 5% fly ash), and C1(90% GGBS+ 10% fly ash) (El-Gamal and Selim, 2017).
2.1.4. Water
Water content is very important in geopolymerization. Also, the mechanism that water leaves the

mixture during curing has a significant effect on the chemical/mechanical properties of the

geopolymer produced (Barbosa et al., 2000; Rangan, 2008). The presence of excessive water

may compromise the compressive strength of geopolymer concrete (Lloyd and Rangan, 2010).

As seen in Fig. (7a), as the water % increased, the compressive strength decreased (Patankar et

al., 2013). In contrast to workability, where the later increased as the water % increased (Fig.

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(a) (b)

Fig. 7: Effect of water % on compressive strength (a) and flow (b) of geopolymer concrete (Patankar et
al., 2013).

Yong Cui and Dongmin Wang (2019) stated that the percentage of water affect the distribution

of pore-size (Cui and Wang, 2019), as water % increased, the pore size and percentages of

microcapillaries (<50nm) and macrocapillaries (50nm-50µm) increased in contrast to artificial


(a) (b) (c)


air-pores (>50µm) which significantly decreased (Fig. 8).

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Fig. 8: SEM photographs for the effect of water % on the pore structure of FA-based foam geopolymers

where water percentage ranged from 0.38 (a), 0.44 (b), 0.50 (c) (Cui and Wang, 2019).

They attributed to increasing the percentage of bubbles filled with water inside the geopolymer

paste while the viscosity of the mix and foaming agent led to prevent accumulation of small

bubbles to become large and led to declining in artificial air-pores. The water percentage should

be optimized.

2.1.5. Others

Precursors like silica waste and pure alumina have been used (Chawakitchareon and
Veesommaia, 2013). Dried red mud has been used to compensate the alkaline activator, aiming

to lower overall costs (Horsley et al., 2015). The addition of trass reduces geopolymer concrete

strength, almost 36% of geopolymer concrete strength. This may be attributed to the content of

silica compared to alumina, resulting in some silica will remain unreacted with NaOH

(Risdanareni and Ekaputri, 2015). Kinnunen et al. turned rock wool waste into geopolymer with

strength 12.8 MPa using mixing and dissolution techniques; the percentage of the waste in the

final geopolymer matrix was 33% (Kinnunen et al., 2017). Elijah (2015) optimized the addition

of mineral wool to the geopolymer; he concluded that the highest compressive strength obtained

when the percentage of mineral wool and rock wool in the geopolymer matrix were 20 and 50%,

respectively (Elijah, 2015). Commercial phosphoric acid was investigated as an activator instead

of an ordinary alkaline activator. The resulted geopolymer contains two networks, the first one

based on phosphate/aluminum, which dispersed on the second one based on Si-Al-P (Zribi et al.,

2020). The wastes from the aggregate industry were also used to produce geopolymer bricks.
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The compressive strength reached 75 MPa, parameters like the incorporation of Ca(OH)2 and

increasing curing temperature up to 105 °C played significant roles in this concern (Madani et

al., 2020).

2.2. Importance of activators in geopolymerization process

The commonly alkaline activators used in production of geopolymer are a mixture of

sodium/potassium hydroxide and sodium/potassium silicate (Cioffi et al., 2003; Gougazeh, 2013;

Komnitsas and Zaharaki, 2007; Risdanareni and Ekaputri, 2015). The aim of adding the latter is

to improve the formation of geopolymer precursors (Xu and Van Deventer, 2000). It contains

partially polymerized silicon, which facilitates the reaction (Komljenović et al., 2010). And
fasten the geopolymerization (Srinivasan and Sivakumar, 2013).
The kind of alkali activators affects the solubility of the precursors (Rattanasak and

Chindaprasirt, 2009) and determines the pore size of the final product (Damilola, 2013). The

composition, structure, microstructure, and properties of the polymers formed in the alkali

activation of metakaolin depend on the concentration, volume and type of activator used

(Barbosa et al., 2000), (Steveson and Sagoe-Crentsil, 2005), (Duxson et al., 2005). The increase

in mass and the concentration of the alkaline solution strengthen the bond between the aggregate

and the binder resulting in high stiffness in the matrix (Fig. 9) (Barnard, 2014).
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Modulus of elasticity (GPa) R2 = 0.6816

Mass of NaOH/m3 (kg)

Fig. 9: Effect of alkaline solution concentration on modulus of elasticity (Barnard, 2014).

Other researchers found that the compressive strength of the geopolymer increased when the

molarity of NaOH solution increased (Fig. 10) (Mishra et al., 2008), (Madheswaran et al., 2013),

(Cheema et al., 2009). Concerning compressive strength, the optimum concentrations of NaOH

activator were reported by many researchers 10M (Alonso and Palomo, 2001), (Rattanasak and

Chindaprasirt, 2009), 12 (Nazari et al., 2011), and 16M (Ramujee, 2014). Concerning setting

times, the optimum concentration of NaOH activator was 12M-14 M (YellaIah et al., 2014). The

higher value of pH of the alkali activators enhanced the dissolution of the precursors, fasten

monomer condensation and encourage geopolymer production (Hardjito et al., 2003). As seen in

Fig. (11), the cost of the activator plays an important role among the geopolymer precursors

(McLellan et al., 2011), dry activator (sodium carbonate/ calcium hydroxide/pirssonite), was

proposed for the sake of cost reduction, NaOH solution was mixed with calcium carbonate, then
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the mixture was dried at 80 ˚C for 8 h followed by pelletizing (Abdel-Gawwad and Abo-El-

Enein, 2016).

It was found that Na2SiO3 accelerates geopolymerization process and increases the compressive

strength (Parthiban et al., 2013). Dutta & Ghosh studied the influence of Na2O on the

mechanical properties of geopolymer. They observed increment in compressive strength due to

the increment in Na2O weight percentage (Dutta et al., n.d.). Some researchers studied the effect

of another activator-like KOH on the mechanical properties of geopolymer. They found that gain

in strength is acceptable at 12M (Raijiwala et al., 2012). Finally, the highly reactive alkaline

solution governs the geopolymerization process (Gharzouni et al., 2015).

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Compressive strength (Mpa)

(a) 8M
10 12 M
12 M


M20 M25 M30

Geopolymer grade
Compressive strength (Mpa)


(b) 8M
12 M

20 12 M

M20 M25 M30
Geopolymer grade

Fig. 10: Effect of NaOH molarity on the compressive strength of three grades of fly ash-based
geopolymers at 3d (a), and 28d (b) (Bidwe and Hamane, 2015).
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Cost of feedstock ($/t)




Fig. 11: Market price of the geopolymer precursors (McLellan et al., 2011).
2.3. Parameters of geopolymerization process

2.3.1. The ratio of the precursors to the activator


The precursor/alkaline liquid ratio is a governing factor in the geopolymerization (Ramujee,

2014). High compressive strength was achieved when the molar ratio silicate/sodium was 1.5,

when the ratio increased to 1.91, the compressive strength decrease (Guo et al., 2010). Because

this high mole ratio is resulting in precipitation of Si and reduction of the compressive strength

(Dai et al., 2013). Alshaaer et al. successfully produced geopolymer using SiO2 in sodium

silicate solution/ Na2O in alkaline activators/Al2O3 molar ratio of 1/1/1 (Alshaaer et al., 2015).

The high compressive strength of Na2O/fly ash ratio was 0.1 (Guo et al., 2010), up to 0.40; after

that ratio, the compressive strength decreases (Hardjito et al., 2008). Chawakitchareona and

Veesommaia proposed the optimum ratios of binder/NaOH/ Na2SiO3 is (7/1/2)

(Chawakitchareon and Veesommaia, 2013). Zhang et al. (2010) studied two different precursor

ratios (Al2O3/Na2O & Na2O/H2O). The highest compressive strength was achieved when
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Al2O3/Na2O is 1.0, and Na2O/H2O is (1/7) (Zhang et al., 2010). Abdul Aleem and Arumairaj

suggested an optimum mix ratio when the activator solution (NaOH & Na2SiO3) to fly ash ratio

was 0.35 (Aleem and Arumairaj, 2012b). Abdel-Gawwad& Abo-El-Enein (2016) showed that

the optimum percent of NaOH activator to blast-furnace slag is 4/100 (Abdel-Gawwad and Abo-

El-Enein, 2016). The fly ash/slag ratios were varied from 90/10, 70/30, and 50/50. The mix with

50:50 ratio shows higher compressive strength than that of the normal control concrete under

heat curing. While the other ratios show low strength at both ambient and oven curing (Thakkar

et al., 2014). Even the shrinkage behavior of the geopolymer governed by the Si/Na ratio of the

activator (Kani and Allahverdi, 2011). Finally, the optimum ratio of the precursors to the alkali

should be >1. Below this value, the compressive strength will be affected negatively.
2.3.2. Mixing regime

Rattanasak proposed two mechanisms of mixing; normal (the two activators solutions added at

the same time) and separate mixing (a sufficient period of time was allowed for the addition of

the two different solutions). The results showed that separate mixing is better than normal

mixing. The separate mixing also was preferred in the case of precursors and activators (Cheng

and Chiu, 2003; Swanepoel and Strydom, 2002). Where the activator is added later to the

precursors, the controlling parameters were related to the materials reactivity, the activator

strength, and the contact time (Mikuni et al., 2007; Panagiotopoulou et al., 2007). Also, the

mixing regime is important in case of adding fiber to the mix. It may be added to the dry

precursors like carbon and steel fiber (Ganesan et al., 2015; Vaidya and Allouche, 2011), or it

may mix with the alkaline solution first before mixing with dry precursors to facilitate its

dispersion in the geopolymer matrix (Zhang et al., 2009).

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2.3.3. Curing Process

Heat treatment must be applied to facilitate geopolymerization process, increase the reactivity of

the precursors (Ramujee, 2014), increase the compressive strength (reticulate Blanco, n.d.),

avoid the strength at delayed age (Kirschner and Harmuth, 2004), and improved the crystallinity

of the geopolymer (Dimas et al., 2009). A variety of temperatures has been investigated with a

trend of increasing temperatures. Curing at a temperature below 60 ˚C decreases the compressive

strength, especially in the case of unmodified precursors (Swanepoel and Strydom, 2002). This

can lead to material shrinkage (Kirschner and Harmuth, 2004), due to the evaporable water in the

raw material that increases with the Si/Al ratio of the geopolymer (Damilola, 2013). With curing

temperatures ranging from 60 to 90 ˚C and a time range from 24 to 72 hours, the compressive

strength of concrete reached high values (Hardjito et al., 2008). An optimum values of 60 ˚C
(Nasvi et al., 2012) and 80 ˚C (Nazari et al., 2011), (Raijiwala et al., 2012) were suggested.

When the temperature raised up to 100 ˚C, the hardening was accelerated, and more strength was

gained (Alonso and Palomo, 2001). Curing at 75 ˚C for 4 hours resulted in satisfactory

properties of the geopolymer (Kirschner and Harmuth, 2004). Curing at elevated temperature

under a long time did not improve the strength of the geopolymer (Kong et al., 2006), also rapid

curing effects negatively on the physical properties of geopolymer (Van Jaarsveld et al., 2002).

Some geopolymer systems may be cured at room temperature using calcined precursors such as

metakaolin (Davidovits, 2008), and kaolinite (Davidovits, 1994) which gain compressive

strength more than 20 MPa after 4 h of setting time (Fig. 12).

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Fig. 12: Effect of setting time at room temperature on compressive strength of geopolymer (Davidovits,

However, when kaolinite are subjected to intensive thermal treatment (730-850 ˚C), it will

transform to disordered metakaolin, which enhances its subsequent reactivity with given

chemical agents (Liew et al., 2011). However, increasing curing temperature fasten the setting

time, due to an increased rate of chemical reaction that accelerates the hardening of geopolymer

mortar (Thakkar et al., 2014), (Hung et al., 2011; Wang and Cheng, 2003). Increasing

temperature of curing above 600˚C decreases setting times; beyond this temperature, setting

times is decreased extremely (Dimas et al., 2009), (Van Chanh et al., 2008). The curing time was

varied from 4 to 96 hours. It was found that the heat curing time shouldn’t exceed 24 hours; after

this time, curing time was not significant (Mishra et al., 2008), (Keshari et al., 2018), (Tempest

et al., 2009). However, the elevated temperatures are preferable in case precursors didn’t

undergo any thermal treatment. When the precursors were primarily treated thermally, then the
Journal Pre-proof

paste can be cured at room temperature or a temperature degree < 100 ˚C. An increase of

temperature of heat treatment caused a decrease of Si/Al ratios in aluminosilicate gel, and long

curing at room temperature narrowed the range of distribution of the Si/Al ratios. Optimization

of curing time is mandatory, for example, fly ash activated by sodium silicate, 6 h heat curing is

more beneficial than 24 h heat (Bakharev, 2005).

The term ‘rest period’ is defined as the time from the end of casting to the start of hot curing.

The compressive strength for mixture with no rest day was 37.5 MPa, while only one rest day

increased this value to 46.4 MPa (Lloyd and Rangan, 2010). The introduction of a rest day that is

ambient curing for 24 hours prior to steam curing resulted in high compressive strengths of the

order of 20%. The compressive strength of specimens increased with a rest period of one day or
more after casting. The strength gain is up to 20 - 50 % compared to the blank specimens with no

rest period (Bakharev, 2005). Muhd Fadhil Nurruddin et al. reviewed different curing regimes

(Nurruddin et al., 2018). Nuruddin et al. (Nuruddin et al., 2011) compared three curing regimes,

and they found that external exposure resulted in the highest compressive strength. The effect of

different curing methods (with/without moisture and temperature control, associated with alkali

activators was also investigated (De Rossi et al., 2020). Figure (13) shows the effect of these

curing methods on the geopolymer compostion.

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Fig. 13: EDS spectra of geopolymers with four curing methods (thermal conditions (TC), hydrothermal

conditions (HC), water submerged conditions (SC) and usual conditions (UC)) and sodium silicate:
sodium hydroxide 1.5 at 28 days (De Rossi et al., 2020).

2.4. Geopolymerization mechanism


Synthesis reaction and how it affects the final product of geopolymer occurs through four basic parallel

steps: the dissolution of alumino-silicate in specified alkali activators (sodium or potassium hydroxide

and sodium or potassium silicate). The reactivity of precursors depends on of the solubility kinetics of

reactive compounds which itself depends on the pH and surface area (Shi, 2001), reorganization of free

ion clusters to form coagulated structures, polycondensation to form the hydrated products (Komnitsas

and Zaharaki, 2007), (Alonso and Palomo, 2001; Dimas et al., 2009), (Zuhua et al., 2009), and finally,

hardening of the whole system to yield a final solid polymer (Singh et al., n.d.). Table 2 shows the

variation in compressive strength according to variation in precursors types, activators, and curing

Journal Pre-proof

Table 2: Different mixes conditions and the compressive strength of the final products.
Precursors Activator Curing Max. compressive Ref.
strength (N/mm2)
Fly ash + aggregates NaOH+ Heat 61.33 (Patankar et al.,
Na2SiO3 2013)
Fly ash Heat 60 (Kani and
Allahverdi, 2011)
Fly ash+ aggregates Hot gunny 22.7 (Nuruddin et al.,
+sucrose Ambient 27.3 2011)
External 50.9

Fly ash + aggregates Heat 32 (Brahammaji and

Muthyalu, 2015)
Fly ash + aggregates n.a. 39.6 (Akbari et al.,
+ sand
Fly ash + kaolinite +
GGBS + aggregates
-p 2015)
Fly ash + GGBS + Ambient 80.5 (Krishnan et al.,
aggregates 2014)

Metakaolin Heat 23 (Duxson et al.,

Clay sediments +slag Heat 42 (Cappelletto,

Fly ash + aggregates Ambient 30 (Bhikshma et al.,

Fly ash + gypsum Heat 38 (Boonserm et al.,


Metakaolin + Ambient 20 (Kim, 2012)

Ca(OH)2 +heat
Fly ash + GGBS + Ambient 53.1 (Ramkumar et al.,
aggregates + steel 2015)
Metakaolin Heat 68.4 (Gao et al., 2013)
Fly ash + Sand + Ambient + 45 (Vora and Dave,
Aggregate heat 2013)
Metakaolin + NaOH Heat 16.5 (Buchwald et al.,
Ca(OH)2 2005)
Fly ash + Ca(OH)2 60
Fly ash KOH + Na2SiO3 Heat 110 (Fan, 2014)
Fly ash K2O/SiO2 Ambient 87.6 (Canfield et al.,
+heat 2014)
Journal Pre-proof

2.5. Properties

Geopolymers gain strength rapidly (Klabprasit et al., 2008) also enjoying high compressive

strength, low drying shrinkage, little creep (Hardjito et al., 2005), and good resistance to acid

(Thokchom et al., 2010), The references also discussed the mechanism of geopolymer resistance

toward sulfuric and nitric acids. The weight loss due to the exposure is only 0.5% compared to

concrete when immersed in 3% sulfuric acid (JAAFAR, 2014) and chemical attack (Lloyd and

Rangan, 2010), (Hardjito et al., 2003). They studied the weight losses, decrease in compressive

strength, change in microstructure, and hydration products, using XRD, FTIR, SEM techniques.

They concluded that the weight loss was <3% after exposure to two acids for 24 weeks and no
noticeable change in color. The loss in compressive strength was up to 70% in case of exposure

to both of acids for a long time. The mechanism of corrosion was mainly due to ion exchange

and ejection of (Al) in tetrahedral sheets. The superior resistance of geopolymers to acid attack

was attributed to that the hydration process resulting new aluminum oxide silicates and calcium

magnesium. Also, the concentration of the alkali activators strengthens the geopolymer

resistance toward acids [124-134]. The performance of the geopolymer was much better than

OPC, and the main loss in weight was due to the de-polymerization of alumino-silicates under

acidic medium. The best results obtained in case of curing at elevated temperature or/and using

NaOH as an activator.

It was also shown that the structural performance of geopolymer beams and columns similar to

that of OPC concrete (Sumajouw et al., 2007), (Sarker, 2009). Geopolymer has higher bond

strength than OPC concrete at the same test parameter (Sarker, 2010). Even the geopolymer

concrete withstand fatigue load (1332 cycles) higher than ordinary concrete (1151 cycles)
Journal Pre-proof

(Deivabalan and Saravanan, 2015). The freeze-thaw properties of geopolymer were also

discussed in the literature. It was found that after recording 180 cycles, the compressive strength

and the mass losses were 5& 1%, respectively (Abdulkareem et al., 2014). Shrinkage <0.1% was

also recorded (Banah, 2014; Wallah, 2010). Finally, promising results for workability was

reviewed (Tabassum and Khadwal, 2015).

3. Recent progress in geopolymers

Recent studies stated that adding nanoparticles improve the mechanical properties of the

geopolymer matrix (Rashad, 2019). They investigated the effect of adding additives like steel

and polypropylene fiber (Barnard, 2014), titanium dioxide (Yang et al., 2015), nano-silica, and

nano alumina (Nazari and Sanjayan, 2015; Phoo-ngernkham et al., 2014; Riahi and Nazari,
2012) and other additives to geopolymers (Table 3). These nanoparticles act as nanofillers,

reduce the water, and increase the compressive strength. For example, adding TiO2 (5%)

improves the mechanical properties of geopolymers (Duan et al., 2016). And even when this

percentage increased up to 10%, there was a change in mechanical performance (Guzmán-

Aponte et al., 2017). Introducing SiO2 (<3%) improves the mechanical properties; this was

attributed to its amorphousity and its participation during geopolymerization process (Assaedi et

al., 2016) even at a very low weight percentage (1%), it can improve the strength and density

(Singh et al., 2018). Another candidate was carbon nanotubes (CNTS). The results showed that

adding only 0.5% of CNTS during geopolymer synthesis improved the flexural- strength and

toughness (Saafi et al., 2013), and in the case of adding 0.4% of CNTS, the compactness

increased (Khater and El Gawaad, 2016). Saafi et al. investigated the effect of graphene oxide on

geopolymers characteristics; they concluded that the porosity decreased and the strength

increased where these nanoparticles chemically bond the geopolymer matrix (Saafi et al., 2015).
Journal Pre-proof

The best results were in case of adding SiO2 nanoparticles because it acts as the main

constituents of the geopolymer matrix.

Even they synthesized a nano-geopolymer by reducing the size of the fly ash precursor to less

than 100 nm and curing at 70˚C (Al Bakri et al., 2013b). However, adding more than 3% of

nano-kaolin is not preferable, where at a higher percentage, the nanoparticles agglomerated and

the resulting negative effect (Hassaan et al., 2015). In contrary to Dufková and Kovačič, who

studied the effect of SiO2 nanotubes, carbon nanoparticle, and nanofiber on geopolymer

composite, the results were not good, they attributed this to the low adhesion of these

nanoparticles to the matrix and also the mechanism is still unclear (DUFKOVÁ and KOVAČIČ,

n.d.). The dolomite-concrete powder was used to enhance the mechanical properties of a
geopolymer (Ouda and Gharieb, 2020). There was a particular focus on the effect of different

fiber on the mechanical properties of geopolymers (Al-Majidi et al., 2017; Bhutta et al., 2017;

Herbert Sinduja et al., n.d.; Ranjbar and Zhang, 2020; Sukontasukkul et al., 2018).

Table 3: Effect of additives on the geopolymer matrix.

Additives Major findings Ref.

 Steel The strength of the steel fiber (hooked (Barnard, 2014)

 Polypropylene fibers end) is stronger twice in case of
geopolymer than OPC concrete
 TiO2 Adding TiO2 up to 10% reduce setting (Guzmán-Aponte et al., 2017)
time and fluidity
 Basalt Fibers Increasing fiber weight % reduces the (Dias and Thaumaturgo, 2005)
geopolymer workability
 Gypsum The optimum weight % was 5 (Boonserm et al., 2012a)
 High Tenacity carbon Increasing flexural strength from 30% (Natali et al., 2011)
 E-glass up to 70% resulted from using only 1
 Polyvinyl alcohol %wt of the additives under study.
 Polyvinyl chloride
 Cotton fabric The orientation of the fiber affect the (Alomayri et al., 2014)
resistance of geopolymer to
Journal Pre-proof

 Mineral additives Mineral additives can compensate the (Bondar et al., 2010)
shortage of the geopolymer main
 Wollastonite The optimum value for maximum (Silva and Thaumaturgo,
toughness was 2% 2003)
 Vermiculite Enhancing fire resistance (Temuujin et al., 2012)
 Natural Bamboo fiber Production of green material of (Ribeiro et al., n.d.)
 Zircon Mineral Adding <10g/100g of metakaolin (Zawrah et al., 2018)
improve the mechanical properties of
the final product

 Slag The optimum value for improving (Li and Liu, 2007)
mechanical properties was 4%
 Ammonium molybdate ammonium molybdate governs the

(Vidal et al., 2015)
polycondensation process
 Nano sand 2.5% of nano sand increase (Zawrah et al., 2020)

polymerization and enhance the
properties of the final product
 Silica fume The silica fume increase the reactivity (Lee et al., 2016)
of the fly ash- slag based geopolymer

 Natural sugars Improvement of geopolymer (Karthik et al., 2019)

 Nano silica (NS) The optimum ratios of NS and SBL (Ekinci et al., 2019)

 Styrene-Butadiene were 2% and 5%, respectively.

Latex (SBL)
 Zeolite Increase geopolymer resistance to (Hu et al., 2009)

 Portland cement Additional C–S–H & C–A–S–H (Pangdaeng et al., 2014)

gel bonds resulting additional

compressive strength
 Al-Ca cements Limit geopolymer efflorescence (Łach et al., 2018)
 Gypsum Adding up to 10% of gypsum increased (Boonserm et al., 2012b)
geopolymer strength
 Rice husk ash (RHA) RHA could be used as alternative silica (Mejía et al., 2016)
 OPC Implementation of OPC increase (Phoo-ngernkham et al., 2013)
elastic modulus while decrease setting
time and porosity
 RHA The optimum value was 35% (Hwang and Huynh, 2015)

4. Environmental impact and sustainability

Journal Pre-proof

Reduction in CO2 emissions has been measured up to 0.73 ton CO2/ton of OPC replaced by

geopolymer (Dai et al., 2013). Additionally, the disposal of some precursors such as fly ash, slag,

and other industrial byproducts require large quantities of area and energy, so managing of these

wastes for production of green geopolymers considered an added value and minimizes the need

for clay and limestone in construction building manufacturing (reticulate Blanco, n.d.). Finally,

a reduction in the cost from 12 up to 30% can be achieved in case of replacement of OPC by

geopolymer (Rangan, 2010), (Raijiwala and Patil, 2011).

For sustainability, construction building material industry needs to explore green binder instead

of OPC, the need for industrial wastes and low-cost materials-based geopolymer reduce global

warming (Lloyd and Rangan, 2010) and get rid of a massive amount of wastes.
In the past, OPC was blended with geopolymer cement to merge the merits of geopolymer like

fast hardening (4 h) compared to OPC which needs several days and the low cost of OPC,

especially in the military and industrial buildings (Husbands et al., 1994; Malone et al., 1985).

In the present future, there might be wide applications for geopolymer in construction building

material (Aleem and Arumairaj, 2012b). Gourley and Johnson have reported a list of products

that geopolymer has been involved for, included sewer pipes, railway sleepers, and wall panels

(Gourley and Johnson, 2005), paving material (Davidovits, 2002; van Deventer et al., 2013),

electrical fuses (Davidovits, 2002) (Fig. 14). Wilkinson et al. reviewed the application of

geopolymer in road applications; they draw attention to the importance of putting standards

specific to the production of geopolymers (Wilkinson et al., 2015). Finally, geopolymers have

the ability to stabilize some hazardous materials that cannot be immobilized in OPC (De Weerdt,

2011) like lead (Li et al., 2015; Pereira et al., 2009; Xia et al., 2019) and boron (Ekaputri et al.,
Journal Pre-proof

2010). Also, they can solidify some radioactive wastes (Shi and Fernández-Jiménez, 2006;

Walkley et al., 2020).

Fig. 14: Paver block (Vaz et al., 2012), electrical fuses (Davidovits, 2002), extruded kerb made (Glasby et

al., 2015) of geopolymers.

The geopolymer was even recycled in ordinary concrete; it was reported that replacing up to

20% of concrete aggregate with recycled geopolymers results in a small reduction in flexural

strength and modulus of elasticity and a moderate reduction in compressive strength (Mesgari et

al., 2020). The environmental impact of fly ash-based geopolymer was assessed, one of the

major findings of the study is that the most negative impact raised from using the alkaline

activator. Also, sustainability raised from good environmental impacts and cost reduction

achieved by using silica fume as a precursor (Bajpai et al., 2020).

A lot of studies on geopolymers have been published during the past years, but much work still

needed. However, there is some limitation for the sustainability of geopolymers like

efflorescence (formation of white salts on the surface when contact with humid air. These salts

deposit rises from using alkaline solution during geopolymerization (Ribeiro et al., n.d.).

Future studies should focus on:

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1. Searching for new industrial wastes based on silica and alumina and investigate similar

pozzolanic materials.

2. Replacing expensive alkaline solution with low-cost one.

3. Investigate scaling-up the production of geopolymers.

4. Lowering the cost of the geopolymerization process.

5. Searching for new nanoparticles and additives is an important research area since

nanoparticles may solve challenges like efflorescence, cost, and environmental issues,


6. Contribute to solving climate change problems.

5. Conclusion
This paper summarizes the research findings related to the production of geopolymers. The

current knowledge shows that the precursors' type, precursors/alkaline ratio, mixing mechanism,

and curing- time and temperature are essentials for achieving the optimum mechanical properties

of geopolymer. The precursors can be activated by the alkaline solution of sodium/potassium

hydroxides and silicates. The molarity of the alkaline solution plays different important roles in

the synthesis process, the optimum molarity in numerous studies was 12 M of NaOH. Some

geopolymers can be cured at room temperature, but it preferable to increase the temperature (>

60˚C), especially when the precursor didn’t receive any heat treatment. The maximum curing

time was 24 h; behind this period, the curing will not be sufficient. Although recent studies in

the application of nanoparticles in the geopolymer matrix were reviewed, however, there is still a

gap to transfer such technology from the laboratory to the large scale. It can be concluded that

the activator is the governing factor in geoploymerzation process and cost. Searching for new

activators is mendatory for lowering the cost at the large scale production and the sustainability.
Journal Pre-proof

It is also strongly suggested that incorporating nanotechnology in the production of geopolymer

through nano-sized additives will yield good impact in reducing the cost and enhancing the

mechanical properties. The hope is that this paper will help researchers for searching how to

minimize environmental negative impact.


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Graphical abstract


 Geopolymer can replace OPC, and thus decreasing energy consumption.

 Mechanism of geopolymerization, including the controlling parameters summarized.

 Different geopolymer raw materials are thoroughly discussed.

 Geopolymer reduces the environmental impact of the cement industry.


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