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Activity Nr.

 Team activity: 2 people

 This is a very basic example of an assessment contract. Several parts were taken out
and need to be assigned to the right section of the contract.

 You can find the missing parts in the bottom of the document, written in red.

 Have a look at the handbook section “outline of a contract” if needed. There you can
find short definitions of each section.
Assessment Contract: Psychosocial Risk Analysis

1. Introducti on:

The purpose of this contract is to establish the terms and conditi ons under which
the consultant will provide the client with a comprehensive psychosocial risk
analysis of the workplace.

The assessment will focus on identi fying and evaluati ng potenti al risks to the
psychological well-being of employees and providing recommendati ons for
addressing any identi fi ed risks.

2. Scope of Work:

The Consultant shall provide the following services to the Client:

 Interview a representati ve sample of employees to gather informati on

about their percepti ons of psychosocial risks in the workplace.
 Observe work environments and processes to identi fy potenti al risk
 Analyze data collected and prepare a report detailing the fi ndings and
recommendati ons for improvement.
 Present the fi ndings and recommendati ons to the company management.
The Consultant is to conduct a review of the company's current policies,
procedures, and practi ces related to psychosocial risks.

3. Methods and Standards:

The consultant shall use a validated and recognized assessment method and
model, such as the Job Demands-Resources model (JD-R) or the Demand-Control-
Support model (DCS). The consultant shall also comply with all relevant laws and
regulati ons related to psychosocial risks in the workplace.

The Consultant shall conduct the assessment in accordance with industry

standards and best practi ces.

4. Compensati on:

The Client shall pay the Consultant an amount of [Insert Amount] for the services
provided under this Contract.

The Consultant shall submit invoices for services rendered on a weekly basis, and
the Client shall pay such invoices within a certain number of days of receipt.
5. Confi denti ality:

The Consultant shall maintain the confi denti ality of all informati on obtained
during the course of the analysis and shall not disclose such informati on to any
third party without the prior writt en consent of the Client.

6. Data Protecti on:

The Consultant shall comply with all data protecti on laws, regulati ons and
guidelines and shall not process or use any personal data in a way that would be
illegal or unethical.

7. Intellectual Property:

The Client shall own all deliverables and reports produced by the Consultant
under this Contract, including, but not limited to, all data, analyses, and
recommendati ons.

The Client agrees to use the Informati on only for the purposes of this Contract
and not to disclose to any third party without the prior writt en consent of the

8. Terminati on:

Either party may terminate this Contract at any ti me, with or without cause, upon
writt en noti ce to the other party.

9. Indemnifi cati on and Liability:

The Consultant shall indemnify and hold the Client harmless from and against any
and all claims, damages, losses, liabiliti es, and expenses, including reasonable
att orneys' fees, arising out of or in connecti on with any breach of this Contract
by the Consultant. In the event of a breach of this Contract by the Client, the
Consultant shall provide writt en noti ce to the Client, outlining the nature of the
breach and the acti on required to remedy it.

10. Governing Law and Jurisdicti on:

This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
the given state or country, without giving eff ect to any confl ict of law provisions.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parti es have executed this Contract as of the date fi rst
above writt en.
Consultant Name

Missing parts:

If the Client fails to remedy the breach within a certain number of days of receipt
of the noti ce, the Consultant may terminate this Contract immediately and retain
all payments made by the Client to date as liquidated damages.

Any disputes arising under or in connecti on with this Contract shall be resolved
by the courts located in the given state or country.

Client Name

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