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Preliminary Mathematics and Extension 1 2022


Term 1 Term 2 Term 3

Mathematics Functions F1.1, F1.2, F1.3 and F1.4 Extension 1 and Mathematics Trig Weeks 1- 4 Week 1 Calculus Mathematics
1 Weeks 1-5 (includes a week out for CrossRoads)
Algebraic Techniques Outcomes: Outcomes: MA11.1, MA11-5, MA11-8, MA11-9
2 Functions – including linear, quadratic, cubic , MA11-1, MA11-3, MA11.4, MA11-8, MA11-9
hyberbolas, circles and composite Functions ME11-1, ME11-3, ME11-6, ME11-7
In class Task For Mathematics in Week 2 (35%)
3 Outcomes: MA11-1, MA11-2, MA11-8, MA11-9 MA11-1, MA11-2, MA11-8, MA11-9
Contributes to report outcomes 1 -4
Extension 1 Weeks 5 and 6 Weeks 2-4 Exp and Logs Mathematics
Outcomes: ME11-1, ME11-2, ME11-6, ME11-7 Outcomes: MA 11-6, MA11-8, MA11-9
Extension 1 Functions F1.1, F1.2, F2.3, F1.4
6 Weeks 5 – 9
Reciprocal Functions, Futher composite fns, Inverse
Mathematics Stats Weeks 7- 8 Weeks7-9 Mathematics and Extension
7 Functions, Parametric Form and Inequalities
MA11.7, MA11-8, MA11-9 Statistics and Combinatorics
Outcomes: ME11-1, ME11-2, ME11-6, ME11-7 Investigation for Mathematics(30%)
8 Due in Week 9 Outcomes: MA11-7, MA11-8, MA11-9, ME11-5,
Outcomes: MA11-1, MA11-4, MA11-8, MA11-9
9 Contributes to these report outcomes

Mathematic T1.1 Trigonometry Weeks 10-11 Mathematics Weeks 9, 10 Calculus Yearly Exams week 10 35%
Investigation Ext 1 assignment given out Week 9 Due
back D1 Term 2 – assessing Outcomes: MA11.1, MA11-5, MA11-8, MA11-9 Outcomes: MA1.1- MA11.10, ME11-1, ME11-2, ME11-3,
ME11-4, ME11-6, ME11-7
10 Outcomes: ME11-1, ME11-2, ME11-6, ME11-7 30% In class Task week 9 for Extension Maths 35% assessing Contributes to all report outcomes
Contributes to report outcomes 1 -4
Outcomes: ME11-1, ME11-2, ME 11-3 ME11-6, ME11-7
Contributes to report outcomes 1-4
Report Outcome
Semester 1
uses algebraic and graphical techniques to solve, and where appropriate, compare alternative solutions to problems
uses the concepts of functions and relations to model, analyse and solve practical problems
uses appropriate technology to investigate, organise, model and interpret information in a range of contexts
provides reasoning to support conclusions which are appropriate to the context

Extension 1 Mathematics
uses algebraic and graphical concepts in the modelling and solving of problems involving functions and their inverses
manipulates algebraic expressions and graphical functions to solve problems
uses appropriate technology to investigate, organise and interpret information to solve problems in a range of contexts
communicates making comprehensive use of mathematical language, notation, diagrams and graphs
Semester 2
uses the concepts and techniques of trigonometry in the solution of equations and problems involving geometric shapes
uses the concepts and techniques of periodic functions in the solutions of trigonometric equations or proof of trigonometric identities
interprets the meaning of the derivative, determines the derivative of functions and applies these to solve simple practical problems
manipulates and solves expressions using the logarithmic and index laws, and uses logarithms and exponential functions to solve practical problems
uses concepts and techniques from probability to present and interpret data and solve problems in a variety of contexts, including the use of probability distributions
uses appropriate technology to investigate, organise, model and interpret information in a range of contexts
provides reasoning to support conclusions which are appropriate to the context

Extension One
applies concepts and techniques of inverse trigonometric functions and simplifying expressions involving compound angles in the solution of problems
applies understanding of the concept of a derivative in the solution of problems, including rates of change, exponential growth and decay and related rates of change
uses appropriate technology to investigate, organise and interpret information to solve problems in a range of contexts
communicates making comprehensive use of mathematical language, notation, diagrams and graphs
Mathematics Preliminary Course Objectives and Outcomes

Objectives in knowledge, skills and understanding Outcomes

Students: A student:
• develop knowledge, skills and understanding about MA11-1
efficient strategies for pattern recognition, generalisation uses algebraic and graphical techniques to solve, and where appropriate,
and modelling techniques compare alternative solutions to problems
• develop the ability to use mathematical concepts and skills MA11-2
and apply complex techniques to the modelling and uses the concepts of functions and relations to model, analyse and solve
solution of problems in algebra and functions, practical problems
measurement, financial mathematics, calculus, data and MA11-3
statistics and probability uses the concepts and techniques of trigonometry in the solution of
equations and problems involving geometric shapes
uses the concepts and techniques of periodic functions in the solutions of
trigonometric equations or proof of trigonometric identities
interprets the meaning of the derivative, determines the derivative of
functions and applies these to solve simple practical problems
manipulates and solves expressions using the logarithmic and index laws,
and uses logarithms and exponential functions to solve practical
uses concepts and techniques from probability to present and interpret
data and solve problems in a variety of contexts, including the use of
probability distributions
• develop the ability to use advanced mathematical models MA11-8
and techniques, aided by appropriate technology, to uses appropriate technology to investigate, organise, model and
organise information, investigate, model and solve interpret information in a range of contexts
problems and interpret a variety of practical situations

• develop the ability to communicate and interpret MA11-9

mathematics logically and concisely in a variety of forms provides reasoning to support conclusions which are appropriate to the
Mathematics Extension 1 Preliminary Course Objectives and Outcomes

Objectives Outcomes
Students: A student:
• develop efficient strategies to solve problems using ME11-1
pattern recognition, generalisation, proof and modelling uses algebraic and graphical concepts in the modelling and solving of
techniques problems involving functions and their inverses
• develop the ability to use concepts and skills and apply ME11-2
complex techniques to the solution of problems and manipulates algebraic expressions and graphical functions to solve
modelling in the areas of trigonometry, functions, problems
calculus, proof, vectors and statistical analysis ME11-3
applies concepts and techniques of inverse trigonometric functions and
simplifying expressions involving compound angles in the solution of
applies understanding of the concept of a derivative in the solution of
problems, including rates of change, exponential growth and decay and
related rates of change
uses concepts of permutations and combinations to solve problems
involving counting or ordering

• use technology effectively and apply critical thinking to ME11-6

recognise appropriate times for such use uses appropriate technology to investigate, organise and interpret
information to solve problems in a range of contexts
• develop the ability to interpret, justify and communicate ME11-7
mathematics in a variety of forms communicates making comprehensive use of mathematical language,
notation, diagrams and graphs

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