Som Application

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School of Medicine
Zamboanga City


1. Application Fee O.R. No. ______________________

2. Accomplished Application Form ______________________

3. Transcript of Record (photocopy) ______________________

4. Certificate of Graduation (photocopy) ______________________

5. NMAT Report at least 40% (photocopy) ______________________

6. Certificate of Good Moral Character (photocopy) ______________________

7. Four copies of 2 x 2 Pictures (white background) ______________________

8. Birth Certificate (Photocopy) ______________________

 Provide three (3) sets of the admission requirements and submit to the SOM Registrar office.
 Bring the original copy of the documents.

School of Medicine

Application for Admission

(All information will be held confidential)


Name _________________________________________________________ Nickname ______________

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Date of Birth ________ Place of Birth ___________________ Email Address ______________________
Sex _____ Civil Status ________ Religion ___________ Citizenship _________ Ethnicity____________
If married: Name of Spouse __________________________________________ No. of Children ______

Address in Zamboanga City: Home Address:

_____________________________________ _______________________________________
_____________________________________ _______________________________________
_____________________________________ _______________________________________
Tel. No: ________ Mobile No: ___________ Tel. No: ________ Mobile No: _____________

Father’s Name ____________________________________ Living? _____________ Age ___________

Educational Attainment ____________________________ Occupation ___________________________
Mother’s Name ___________________________________ Living? ______________ Age ___________
Educational Attainment ____________________________ Occupation ___________________________
Combined monthly income of parents _____________________
Number of Siblings _________________ Age of Eldest _________________ Age of Youngest _________

Name Educational Attainment

________________________________________ _______________________________________
________________________________________ _______________________________________
________________________________________ _______________________________________
________________________________________ _______________________________________

Language/Dialects Spoken at Home ________________________________________________________

In Case of Emergency, Person to be notified:

Name _______________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________ Tel. No: ____________________
School Year Attended
Elementary ___________________________________________ _________________________
High School ___________________________________________ _________________________
College ___________________________________________ _________________________
Degree_______________________ Major ______________
Degree ______________________ Major ______________
List other College Courses taken but not completed:
Honors/Awards received in college _______________________________________________________
Extra and co-curriculum activities in college
Have you ever held a job? Describe what you did
If you are presently employed, what will you do about your job?
Do you have any experience of Community/Church Service or Involvement? ___________________
In what organization (s)? Give also the position (s) you held/continue to hold in each
In a short paragraph, describe yourself and your social life.
Describe briefly any hobbies, sports and special skill that you engage in and how involved you are with
Please check where appropriate:
Do you smoke? ( ) Yes ( ) No
Do you drink? ( ) Yes ( ) No
Have you ever been accused of substance abuse? ( ) Yes ( ) No
Have you ever been seriously ill in the past? ( ) Yes ( ) No
Have you ever been in an accident? ( ) Yes ( ) No
Do you or any member of your family have
History of mental illness? ( ) Yes ( ) No

From whom did you learn about Ateneo de Zamboanga University School of Medicine?
( ) Newspaper ( ) Friend/Classmate ( ) Family Member
( ) Former Teacher ( ) Others __________________

What motivates you to pursue a medical career?

Are there members of your family or relatives who are in the medical profession?
( ) Yes Who? _________________________________________________________
( ) No

Did they influence your own career choice? ( ) Yes ( ) No

Who will support you through your medical education?
( ) Parents ( ) Relatives ( ) Scholarship ( ) Grant
Describe briefly any experience/training related to medicine you have had. Example: Red Cross
Volunteer Work, CPR, etc.

Give a brief statement of whether you would or you would not enjoy staying in a rural community as a
student-doctor of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University School of Medicine
Describe briefly your idea of a good doctor
Do you expect to pursue further specialization in a certain field of medicine? Why?

Applicants Signature

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