Sop Questionnaire

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20 53 31.4
21 98 58
22 16 9.5
23 2 1.2
TOTAL 169 100%

Male 37 21.9
Female 132 78.1
TOTAL 169 100%

Cellphone 23 13.6
Tablet / iPad 9 5.3
Laptop 122 72.2
Desktop 15 8.9
TOTAL 169 100%


Attitude Toward the Online Courses 3 2 1 WM SD RANK

1. I think that online are effective 8 54 106 2.68 0.960 1
(5%) (32%) (63%)

2. I think online courses can replace 11 132 26 1.92 1.397 2

actual clinical (7%) (78%) (15%)
practice courses.
3. I think online courses can replace 10 128 31 1.88 0.753 3
face-to-face courses in nursing (6%) (76%) (12%)
4. I do not think online courses will 17 112 40 1.85 1.388 4
affect my ability to prepare for future (10%) (66%) (24%)
nursing jobs.
5. So far, I am satisfied with online 16 89 64 1.72 1.273 5
courses. (9%) (53%) (38%)

Overall Mean: 2.009467456


Perspectives on Achieving the 3A 2D 1N WM SD RANK

Learning Objectives
1. Online courses allow me to 19 72 78 1.65 1.668 6
achieve my learning objective of (11%) (43%) (46%)
professional knowledge.
2. Online courses allow me to 1
achieve my learning objective of 10 104 55 .73 1.755 4
professional nursing (6%) (61%) (33%)
3. Online courses allow me to
achieve my learning objective 14 105 50 1.78 1.793 2
regarding how to communicate with (8%) (62%) (30%)

4. Online courses allow me to

achieve my learning objective of 10 115 44 1.8 1.809 1
operation and practice of nursing (6%) (68%) (26%)
5. Online courses allow me to
achieve the objectives of clinical 12 108 49 1.77 1.791 3
nursing practice (such as (7%) (64%) (29%)
performing patient assessments,
identifying nursing problems, and
Executing nursing care measures).
6. Collectively, online courses can 13 95 61 1.72 1.833 5
fully help me achieve me (8%) (56%) (36%)
learning objectives

Overall Mean: 1.737109045


Overall Learning Experience 3 2 1 WM SD RANK

1. I was encouraged to take 108 17 44 2.38 2.008 1
responsibility for my own learning. (64%) (10%) (26%)
2.. I was able to work through the 88 32 49 2.23 1.871 2
subject material at my own pace. (52%) (19%) (29%)
3. It was easy to navigate the 49 55 65 1.91 1.546 3
subject learning material. (29%) (33%) (38%)
4. Electronic communication with the 61 40 68 1.96 1.624 4
subject lecturer was useful. (36%) (24%) (40%)

Overall Mean: 2.119822485


Challenges or Barriers to Online Agree Dis2 N1 WM SD RANK

Learning 3
1. I have inadequate opportunities to 72 32 63 2.07 1.733 2
study with other classmates. (43%) (19%) (37%

2. I have inadequate opportunities to 76 32 61 2.08 1.754 1

discuss with subject lecturers. (45%) (19%) (36%)

3. I have inadequate opportunities to 69 39 61 2.04 1.706 3

establish peer support. (40%) (24%) (36%)
4. I am not confident enough to 48 54 67 1.89 1.530 4
handle the difficult task with online (28%) (32%) (40%)
learning mode.
5. I find it difficult to apply concepts 49 37 83 1.79 1.475 5
taught in the subject. (29%) (22%) (49%)

Overall Mean: 1.976331361

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