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A Research Paper
Presented to Mr. Rodel B. Tapis
Instructor for Work Immersion


In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for Work Immersion




May 2021

The main purpose of this study is to explore the business owners’ views and opinion

towards the significance of modern technology to the business and to inform and help the current

and potential business owner to know the importance of technology in growing their business.

In order to achieve this overall objective, the following research questions framed this study:

1. What online platform do you usually used?

2. What technology devices they used when selling products?

3. How long have they been doing business online?

4. What benefits of modern technology that helps the business grow?

5. How satisfied are they in using technology in their business?

6. What strategy they used when promoting their business with use of technology?

7. On a scale of 1-5 (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest), how effective is

technology in promoting and enhancing their business

The small business owners in Barangay Santa Agueda Pamplona, Negros Oriental were used

as the respondent. The collection of data was conducted through the use of online survey

questionnaires. The research findings of the study are based on the data gathered, analysis and

interpretations of the researcher. The researcher found out that the respondents are now engaging

in modern technology and gain lots of benefits from it. As technology is the most convenient

way of transacting to satisfy peoples’ needs and wants. Thus, the researcher concluded that

technology is essential in every business. So we must not stop engaging on it, in order to survive

in this competitive industry

Based on its findings, the researcher recommends the participants to never stop using

technology so they won’t have any difficulties in their every transactions. This study also

recommends participants to not use technology in a wrong way. Use technology in a fair and

right way of transacting and managing your business to gain success in the business industry.


The researcher warmly extends her deepest gratitude to her professors, colleagues and

friends especially to the following persons:

To Mrs. Nora V. Pilas, President of Villaflores College for providing opportunities for

higher learning among students by way of good and sound management system of the school;

To Mr. Rodel B. Tapis, Mr. Francis Neil Salimbagat and Ms. Jessa V. Calibugar, the

researcher advisers for their guidance in the whole writing process and encouragement that

greatly help the researcher in making this study successful;

To our friends and colleagues for their great contribution towards the realization of this


To our supportive parents, for their undying love and full support;

Above all, to the God Almighty for his unending love and blessings. Hence, without

Him, this study would have been in vain.

Rica S. Academia


Abstract …………………………………………………………………………… i

Acknowledgment …………………………………………………………………. iii

Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………. iv

List of Tables ……………………………………………………………………


Introduction ………………………………………………………………………...1

Statement of the Problem …………………………………………………………. 3

Hypotheses ………………………………………………………………………... 3

Significance of the Study …………………………………………………………. 4

Scope and Delimitations of the Study …………………………………………….. 6

Definition of Terms ……………………………………………………………….. 7


Review of Related Literature and Studies ………………………………………… 8


Research Design …………………………………………………………………... 14

Research Respondents …………………………………………………………….. 15

Research Environment …………………………………………………………….. 15

Research Instrument ……………………………………………………………….. 16

Data Collection Procedure ………………………………………………………......16


Data Interpretation………………………………………………………………….. 17



Findings ……………………………………………………………………………. 23

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………..... 26

Recommendation …………………………………………………………………... 27


References …………………………………………………………………………. 28


Curriculum Vitae ……………………………………………………………………33



1 Distribution of Respondents According to What Online Platforms Business

Owners Used……………………………………………………………….............. 18

2 Distribution of Respondents According to What technology devices they used

when selling products……………………………………………………………… 19

3 Distribution of Respondents According to How long they have been doing business

online………………………………………………………………………………… 19

4 Distribution of Respondents According to What benefits of modern technology that

helps the business grow……………………………………………………………… 20

5 Distribution of Respondents According to How satisfied they are in using technology

in their business……………………………………………………………………… 21

6 Distribution of Respondents According On a Scale of 1-5 (1 being the lowest and 5

being the highest), how effective is technology in enhancing and promoting their





The role of technology in business caused a tremendous growth in trade and commerce.

Business concepts and models were revolutionized as a result of the introduction of technology.

This is because technology gave a new better approach on how to go about with business. It

provided a faster, more convenient, and more efficient way of performing business transactions.

Some of actions of technology in business include accounting systems, management information

sytems, point of sale systems, and other simpler or more complicated tools


The modern technology has a lot of help to the business world and it gives much

information and helps to secure the confidentiality of information of each company.

However, the advantage of using modern technology to the Philippines is very much in

need, not only to those companies that are associated with the latest technologies but also

to those small businesses that need also this modern technology (Look Upgrade, 2018).

In terms of communication in the Philippines companies, modern communication

technology really gives a good service to all companies. It gives the fastest way to

communicate with the customer, client, supplier, and employees so that all the transaction

will be done better and fast. This modern technology of communication can help the

company be competitive (Lavilla, 2020).

Technological advances in the past few decades have greatly increased the

competitive nature of the economic business world. Companies have used software,

computers and the Internet to transform their businesses from local places of business to

national and global market competitors (Nikoloski, 2014). Technology allows

opportunities to optimize management and production. Small companies can now

compete with larger organizations in operational efficiency thanks to technological

equipment and digital tools (Melo, 2018).

No matter what your industry, business size or primary activities, technology

allows opportunities to optimize production beyond what you could produce without it.

Small companies can often compete with larger firms in operational efficiency, thanks to

access to high-tech equipment and tools. Manufacturers constantly look to upgrade

equipment to compete with industry leaders on production efficiency (Kokemuller,


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to discover the significance of modern technology to the small

business owners in Barangay Santa Agueda, Pamplona. Specifically, this will determine

the following:

1. What is the socio-deomographic profile of the Small Business Owner in Barangay Santa

Agueda, Pamplona in terms of:

1.1 age

1.2 gender

1.3 educational attainment

1.4 numbers of years in business industry

2. Why is Technology important in Business?

3. What are the effective strategies in promoting your business through technology?

4. What are benefits of Technology for the Small Business Sector?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the modern technology and the business?

6. Is there a significant relationship between the significance of modern technology in small

business owners and their profile?

Null Hypothesis

1. No, There is no significant relationship between the modern technology and the business.

2. No, There is no significant relationship between the significance of modern technology in

small business owners and their profile.

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this business research is to help the business owners to know the

importance of technology in growing their business in enhancing and promoting their products

and services in order to survive in this competitive business industry. It is importance to know

the benefits that the owners’ can get in engaging in modern technology and the things that they

need to avoid while using technology so that they can make their business successful without

involving any troubles using modern technology as their way on promoting the products because

without technology a business will most likely fail. Therefore, in this study they can manage

their business well and can reach more potential customer that will help their business grow.

This study primary benefits the potential and current business owner that has physical

stores that are still not engaging in technology especially now that we are facing a pandemic

most of the potential customers are browsing and buying online. Through this study owner can

learn more effective strategies in marketing their services and products in order to communicate

well with their customers and to make their business more productive and efficient.

To consumers who are retailer and reseller this paper can also help them to make

their goods and services profitable as they will learn the importance of technology and

how they will use the technology to enhance their business.

As a researcher on this study, it is very important to me to conduct this topic, so that we

as a researcher itself who’s currently studying business will be aware of the importance of using

technology in succeeding a business as I go further to help people become more knowledgeable

in the field that they are engaging with.

To the future researchers, they can use this study as a guide in completing their

research in the future as they can distinguish the differences of how technology right now

and their technology that might invented in the future in giving power in a business

industry as this will serve as their reference to gain more information in order to conduct

a broad study.

Scope and Delimitation

Scope. This work looked into the significance of modern technology to the Small Business

Owners in Barangay Santa.Agueda, Pamplona.

Research Environment. This study took place in the selected small business owners in Barangay

Santa.Agueda, Pamplona. This is the situs of the study because the researcher is a Grade 12

Student that is currently residence in the Barangay Santa.Agueda Pamplona.

Time Frame. This work was conducted during School Year 2020-2021.

Definition of Terms

1.Business. An organization that seeks profits by providing goods or services in exchange of


2.Business Owners. Refers to the respondents of the study who owns a business from Barangay


3.Communication. The transfer of information among people or machines through the use of


4.Future Researcher. An individual who will conduct a study related to business that can gain

information from previous or existing research.

5.Profile. Refers to the respondent’s age, sex, educational attainment and number of years in the

business industry.

6.Researcher. A person who conducts the research to provide solutions to the problems.

7.Reseller. A person or company that buy huge amount of goods and sells something they have

bought to someone else to make huge profit.

8.Retailer. An entity who buys goods at wholesale prices and sells directly to consumers through

various distribution channels to earn profit.

9.Strategy. A ways that a business can use to make their product or services effective to


10.Technology. A machinery, equipment or method used to produce goods or services to

achieve the goals of the business.



This chapter primarily presents the different researches and other literatures gathered

from internet and documentary works of other graduates and professional both foreign and local

researchers in order to deepen the study.


Technology helps businesses in a number of ways that generally center on doing

things bigger, better or faster than you could without technology. Different industries and

companies rely on technology in different ways, but some benefits of technology in

business include improved communication, optimized production, inventory management

and financial record-keeping. No matter what your industry, business size or primary

activities, technology allows opportunities to optimize production beyond what you could

produce without it. Small companies can often compete with larger firms in operational

efficiency, thanks to access to high-tech equipment and tools. Manufacturers constantly

look to upgrade equipment to compete with industry leaders on production efficiency

(Kokemuller, 2019).

Technology has a big impact on business operations. No matter the size of your

company, technology can bring many benefits that will help you increase revenue make

and produce the goods your customers demand. Technology allows opportunities to

optimize management and production. Small companies can now compete with larger

organizations in operational efficiency thanks to technological equipment and digital

tools (Melo, 2018).

Information technology drives innovation and innovation is the path to business success.

Innovation in business has the same impact that steam had on the industrial revolution. In fact,

it’s hard to imagine any business that has not benefited from the digital revolution. Even

something as hands on as agriculture uses computers. Farmers use computers for production

records, financial planning, research on technical issues, and procurement (Business Vibes,


Nowadays the formula for business success is simple: drive innovation with

information technology. So, the first thing startups in any industry try to figure out is how

to make smart IT recruiting choices. Without a backbone of information technology, a

business is not going to go far (Business Vibes, 2015).

Modern technology is very helpful not only to Filipino people but also to all people

around the world. It helps every individual to facilitate their work easily. Modern technology

also helps all companies to communicate fast to their client or customer. Information technology

has also changed the life of Filipino people with the latest and updates of modern technology.

With this latest technology, education in the Philippines improve, public transportation also

improve, and all business has a lot of change through the use of technology.

The modern technology has a lot of help to the business world and it gives much

information and helps to secure the confidentiality of information of each company.

However, the advantage of using modern technology to the Philippines is very much in

need, not only to those companies that are associated with the latest technologies but also

to those small businesses that need also this modern technology. This kind of modern

technology needs in the operation of the business to flow regularly and delivery the

product or item at the exact time. Modern technology is important to the business

operation no matter how big or small business you have. The technology we have right

now has tangible and intangible benefits that can make money and helps the company to

be known and helps the customers demand (Look Upgrade, 2018).

In terms of communication in the Philippines companies, modern communication

technology really gives a good service to all companies. It gives the fastest way to

communicate with the customer, client, supplier, and employees so that all the transaction

will be done better and fast. This modern technology of communication can help the

company be competitive, be engaged, and the information or data can easily deliver using

phone calls, fax machine, emails, and Skype without the need to go to company place and

deliver it personally.



Information technology is one of the relevant factors which nowadays is helping

businesses to penetrate in new markets for being innovative and producing new products

and services. If an enterprise does adequately identify the information technology for its

competitive business market by providing appropriate software, it will be able to perform

the organization and accumulation of data and information necessary to develop new

products and services (1 (January 7,


Technological advances in the past few decades have greatly increased the

competitive nature of the economic business world. Companies have used software,

computers and the Internet to transform their businesses from local places of business to

national and global market competitors. Today’s business owners can complete their

duties much more effectively than their predecessors by using these technological tools,

companies and employees enjoy a number of business-related benefits (Nikoloski, 2014).

The sophistication of the computer that previous doubted would decrease the

number of employed people now actually applies vice versa, such as increasing

employment opportunities because most of the large companies’ present time needs

computer experts in the fields of data collection, informatics (programming), and of

course computer technicians. It is because of the importance of the presence of

technological resources that support the company's work (Issa-salwe, Ahmed, Aloufi, &

Kabir, 2010).

According to Covin & Slevin (1989), the task or immediate environment may

either be conducive or non-conducive to a business. Industries that are highly saturated

with intense competition and lack of resources are likely to be unattractive. For small

businesses, these conditions serve as a big threat. But for high performing firms that are

able to prepare their organizations for the hostility, there is a greater likelihood for


The proper use of mobile technology by small business boosts the prospect of

success for that business. He concedes that business growth is a function of both the use

of mobile technology for business processes and entrepreneurial intent to grow the

business. Therefore, mobile technology does not, in itself, promote growth but must be

used in relevant and useful ways. He argues that the role played by mobile technology in

the success of a small business depends on three things, namely, the nature of the

business, the sector it operates in and lastly, the strategy of the business (Chew, 2012).


According to Sipin, Espiritu & Malabanan (2014), From mere recording of business

transactions and reports generation, Technology gone on to becoming the means to securely

procuring raw materials, managing production, and facilitating distribution. As a general purpose

technology, it is widely applicable in manufacturing and service sectors, and therefore is

intimately linked with the rest of economy.

ICT has the potential to support entire value chain: It’s forward links extend to custom-

made product configuration, while its backward links can go all the way to materials science –

making it ideal as a tool to support new demand for customized products, services, and solutions

(e.g. payment modes); it is expected to be the primary vehicle for a new breed of information

products wuth greater information and development content (Sipin, Espiritu & Malabanan, 2014)

The Philippine transnational corporations (TNCs) which are relatively larger

companies with more resources augment their production capabilities by working closely

with companies in their production network. Ledda and Del Prado (2013) finds that the

linkage with technology resource centers and government research institutions and

universities is weak and lacks maturity. Linkages with government institutions and access

to government support programs are critical for firms in the fruit juice processing

industry to upgrade their production process (Rosellon and Yasay 2012).



This chapter describes the methods used by the researchers to attain the main

objectives of this study. The purpose of this study was to measure the effectiveness of

online selling and purchasing amidst the covid-19 pandemic. A qualitative approach was

undertaken for it best fits this purpose. The major source of the data gathered are primary

sources which were collected through survey questionnaires. To complement data

obtained from the primary sources, data were also gathered from secondary data sources

such as internet.

The research design, respondents, environment, instrument, data collection

procedure shall be manifested on the later part of this chapter.


The approach used in this research is Phenomenology in which it explores the

world of the participants by gaining thoughts, insights, and perceptions about the

significance of modern technology to the small business owners in Barangay Santa

Agueda, Pamplona. The process of research involves relevant information being carried

out by the participants of the study, and their deeper understanding and experience about

the said topic. The data collected relating to specific questions will be given and will be

answered by the participants of the study. This approach is considered more relevant in

which the researchers will conduct a survey by giving questionnaires to gain more

information, knowledge and observations based on the participants’ experiences along

with their opinions and views about the modern technology in business which is the main

focus of this study.


The sellers and consumers of Barangay Santa.Agueda,Pamplona are the main

respondents for this study. Ten (10) respondents were chosen for this study. The

researchers assure the confidentiality of the respondents thus disclosure of any personal

information shall not be expected.


The research was conducted in Barangay Santa.Agueda, Pamplona Negros

Oriental. The selected shops participated in this study are within the vicinity of the heart

of the said barangay.


This study was conducted to know the significance of modern technology to the

small business owners. In order to attain relevant information for this study a survey was

conducted. Open-ended questionnaires were distributed to ten (10) respondents within the

month of May to acquire feedbacks from the respondents on the effectiveness of online



The target participants were the business owners of Barangay Santa Agueda,

Pamplona Negros Oriental. The researcher constructed a questionnaire checklist,

validated by the teacher of the subject then the questionnaire checklists are distributed by

means of online survey questionnaire that comprises their age, gender, educational

attainment, and number of years of the business owners in the business industry. The

significance of modern technology will be answered by the respondents through the

second part of the online survey questionnaire that was given to them. After, the

respondents answered all the questions in the survey questionnaire, the data collected

were tallied, interpret and analyzed. Based on the data the researcher comes up with

conclusion and recommendation for this study.



The goal of this research study was to explore the business owners’ views and

opinions about the significance of modern technology on their business. The following

questions were asked during the collection of data: (a) What online platforms do you

usually used when promoting your products? (b) What technology devices you usually

use when selling products? (c) How long have you been doing business online? (d) What

benefits of modern technology that helps your business grow? (e) How satisfied are you

in using technology in your business? (f) What strategy are you using when promoting

your business with the use of technology? (g) On a scale of 1-5 (1 being the lowest and 5

being the highest), how effective is technology in promoting and enhancing your


The research findings that this chapter reports are based on analysis of data on the

following source: online survey questionnaires


Seven themes emerged from the data.

1. What online platform do you usually used

2. What technology devices they used when selling products

3. How long have they been doing business online

4. What benefits of modern technology that helps the business grow

5. How satisfied are they in using technology in their business

6. What strategy they used when promoting their business with use of technology

7. On a scale of 1-5 (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest), how effective is

technology in promoting and enhancing their business

Theme I: What online platform do you usually used

The researcher set six (6) choices as to what online platforms you usually used when

promoting your products: (a) facebook, (b) instagram, (c) twitter, (d) youtube, (e) shopee, (f)


Facebook Instagram Twitter Youtube Shopee Lazada

Five (5) Two (2) Two (2) Zero (0) One (1) Zero (0)

This illustrates the distributions of respondents according to what online platforms

do business owners usually used when promoting their products. Five (5) of the

respondents answered Facebook, Two (2) for Instagram, Two (2) for Twitter, One (1) for

Shopee, meanwhile Lazada and Youtube is Zero (0). This table shows that Facebook is

the convenient application used by business owners in promoting their products.

Theme II: What technology device they used when selling products

The researcher set four (4) choices as to what technology devices you usually used when

selling products: (a) laptop, (b) cellphone, (c) tablet, (d) computer.

Laptop Cellphone Tablet Computer

Two (2) Seven (7) Zero (0) One (1)

This illustratesthe distributions of respondents according to what technology devices do

business owners usually used when selling products. Seven (7) answered Cellphone, Two (2) is

using Laptop, One (1) for Computer and Zero (0) for Tablet. This table shows that Cellphone is

the most dominant tool used by business owners.

Theme III: How long they have been doing business online

The researcher set five (5) choices to the respondents as how long they have been doing

business online: (a) Less than a month, (b) 1 to 3 months, (c) 3 to 6 months, (d) 6 to 12 months,

(e) 1 to 3 years.

Less than a month 1 to 3 months 3 to 6 months 6 to 12 months 1 to 3 years

One (1) Four (4) Three (3) One (1) One (1)

This table illustrates the distributions of respondents according to how long they have

been doing business online. Four (4) answered 1 to 3 months, Three (3) answered 3 to 6 months,

One (1) less than a month, One (1) 6 to 12 months and One (1) is 1 to 3 years. This table shows

that most of the respondents have been doing business online for 1 to 3 months.

Theme IV: What benefits of modern technology that helps the business grow

The researcher set five (5) choices as to what benefits of modern technology that helps

your business grow: (a) natural communication with customers, (b) better brand exposure, (c)

more diverse payment options, (d) improved data security, (e) cost efficiency.

Natural Better More diverse Improved data Cost Efficiency

communication Brand Exposure payment options security

with customers

Six (6) Three (3) Zero (0) Zero (0) One (1)

This illustrates the distributions of the respondents according to what benefits of modern

technology that helps their business grow. Six (6) of them answered Natural communication with

customers, Three (3) answered Better Brand Exposure, One (1) for Cost Efficiency while, the

options More diverse payment options and Improve data security were Zero (0). This finding

shows that natural communication with customers helps them the most in growing their business.

Theme V: How satisfied they are in using technology in their business

The researcher sets six (6) choices as to how satisfied you are in using technology in your

business: (a) satisfied, (b) very satisfied, (c) neutral, (d) dissatisfied, (e) very dissatisfied, (f) not


Satisfied Very satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Not sure

Five (5) Three (3) Two (2) Zero (0) Zero (0) Zero (0)

This illustrates the distributions of the respondents according to how satisfied are

they in using technology in their business. Five (5) of them are Satisfied, Three (3) are

Very Satisfied, Two (2) answered Neutral, while the options Dissatisfied, Very

Dissatisfied and Not sure is Zero (0). This conclude that most of the respondents are

satisfied in using technology in their business.

Theme VI: What strategy they used when promoting their business with use of technology

The researcher asked the respondents as to “What strategy you are using when promoting

your business with the use of technology?” and the responses are “Email marketing is a perfect

opportunity to create and communicate your integrity towards services, whether you are running

a small tech business or is an established tech firm for a long run, email marketing offers an open

the door to reach out your existing database.” “The strategy of promoting trend products online.”

“Using facebook ads.” “Social Media Marketing.” “Using the words, “Ang hindi oorder, hindi

magkakajowa.” “Live selling.” “I usually post my items in different social media platforms. I

also do ask for help from my family members so that I can get more customers.” “Social Media

Platform.” “Discount for Bundle.” And “By Posting on Facebook.” This shows that most of our

respondents used Social media as their most effective strategy in promoting their business.

Theme VII: On a scale of 1-5 (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest), how effective is

technology in promoting and enhancing their business?

The researcher sets a scale of 1-5 (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest) on ranking

the effectiveness of technology in promoting and enhancing the business.

Scale of One (1) Scale of Two (2) Scale of Three (3) Scale of Four (4) Scale of Five (5)

One (1) Zero (0) Two (2) Two (2) Five (5)

This table illustrates the distribution of the respondents according to how effective

technology is in promoting and enhancing their business. One (1) answered a Scale of 1 as it

shows that it is not that effective, Zero (0) for the Scale of 2, Two (2) answered a Scale of 3 as it

shows that the effectiveness of technology in the business is average, Two (2) respondents rated

Scale of 4 as it shows that use of technology in business is effective and Five (5) of the

respondents rated the Scale of 5 as the highest scale. This table shows that most of the

respondents answered the use of technology in promoting and enhancing their business is Very





This study was conducted for the purpose of exploring the views and opinions of consumers and

sellers about online selling and purchasing. Survey questionnaires and phenomenology method

were utilized for gathering data. The small business owners in Barangay Santa Agueda,

Pamplona Negros Oriental were used as respondents. The inquiry of the study was conducted for

about one week in the year 2021 month of May.

First theme, “What online platforms the business owners used when promoting

their products?” The researcher set six (6) choices as to what online platforms does the

business owners used when promoting their products: (a) facebook, (b) instagram, (c)

twitter, (d) youtube, (e) shopee, (f) lazada. Five (5) of out Ten (10) respondents answered

Facebook, Two (2) for Instagram, Two (2) for Twitter, One (1) for Shopee, meanwhile

Lazada and Youtube is Zero (0). This concludes that Facebook is the convenient

application used by business owners in promoting their products.

Second theme,” What technology device they used when selling products?” The

researcher set four (4) choices as to what technology devices they usually used when

selling products: (a) laptop, (b) cellphone, (c) tablet, (d) computer. This illustrates the

distributions of respondents according to what technology devices do business owners

usually used when selling products. Seven (7) out of 10 respondents answered Cellphone,

Two (2) is using Laptop, One (1) for Computer and Zero (0) for Tablet. This concludes

that Cellphone is the most dominant tool used by business owners.

The third theme, “How long have they been doing business online”. The researcher set

five (5) choices to the respondents as how long they have been doing business online: (a) Less

than a month, (b) 1 to 3 months, (c) 3 to 6 months, (d) 6 to 12 months, (e) 1 to 3 years. Four (4)

out of 10 respondents answered 1 to 3 months, Three (3) answered 3 to 6 months, One (1) less

than a month, One (1) 6 to 12 months and One (1) is 1 to 3 years. This concludes that most of the

respondents have been doing business online on the scale of 1 to 3 months.

Fourth theme, “What benefits of modern technology that helps the business grow”. The

researcher set five (5) choices as to what benefits of modern technology that helps their business

grow: (a) natural communication with customers, (b) better brand exposure, (c) more diverse

payment options, (d) improved data security, (e) cost efficiency. Six (6) out of 10 respondents

answered Natural communication with customers, Three (3) answered Better Brand Exposure,

One (1) for Cost Efficiency while, the options More diverse payment options and Improve data

security were Zero (0). This concludes that natural communication with customers helps them

the most in growing their business.

The fifth theme, “How satisfied are they in using technology in their business”. The

researcher sets six (6) choices as to how satisfied they are in using technology in their business:

(a) satisfied, (b) very satisfied, (c) neutral, (d) dissatisfied, (e) very dissatisfied, (f) not sure. Five

(5) out of 10 respondents were Satisfied, Three (3) are Very Satisfied, Two (2) answered Neutral,

while the options Dissatisfied, Very Dissatisfied and Not sure is Zero (0). This conclude that

most of the respondents are satisfied in using technology in their business.

On the sixth theme, The researcher asked the respondents as to “What strategy

they are using when promoting their business with use of technology?” and the responses

are “Email marketing is a perfect opportunity to create and communicate your integrity

towards services, whether you are running a small tech business or is an established tech

firm for a long run, email marketing offers an open the door to reach out your existing

database.” “The strategy of promoting trend products online.” “Using facebook ads.”

“Social Media Marketing.” “Using the words, “Ang hindi oorder, hindi magkakajowa.”

“Live selling.” “I usually post my items in different social media platforms. I also do ask

for help from my family members so that I can get more customers.” “Social Media

Platform.” “Discount for Bundle.” And “By Posting on Facebook.” This shows that most

of our respondents used Social media as their most effective strategy in promoting their


Lastly, the seventh theme, “On a scale of 1-5 (1 being the lowest and 5 being the

highest), how effective is technology in promoting and enhancing their business?” The

researcher sets a scale of 1-5 (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest) on ranking the

effectiveness of technology in promoting and enhancing the business. One (1) out of ten

respondents answered a Scale of 1 as it shows that it is not that effective, Zero (0) for the

Scale of 2, Two (2) answered a Scale of 3 as it shows that the effectiveness of technology

in the business is average, Two (2) respondents rated Scale of 4 as it shows that use of

technology in business is effective and Five (5) of the respondents rated the Scale of 5 as

the highest scale. This table shows that most of the respondents answered the use of

technology in promoting and enhancing their business is Very effective.

Based on the results gathered, the researcher found out that majority of the respondents

view the modern technology as the most important instrument in enhancing the management of

the business, and promoting their products and services.


This study aims to inform and help the current and potential business owners to

know the importance of technology in growing the business. The responses of the

participants of this study were further evaluated and determined. The researchers

concluded that technology is essential in every business. So we must not stop engaging

on it, in order to survive in this competitive industry. Especially right now that we are in

the midst of pandemic people are always browsing online, people can’t go outside in their

houses, and people used their available devices to buy their needs online. We need the

works of technology to manage our businesses well, we need technology to optimized

production,we need the technology to communicate well with our customers, we need the

technology to ensure the security of our business, we need the technology to improve the

efficiency and productivity of our business and we need the technology to survive in this

industry. That is why, it is the most useful tool to ensure the businesses runs well.

Moreover, let’s appreciate the importance of modern technology and use it to

grow our businesses. As it is the most helpful instrument to gain success in the business



In an overall view of the results, the researcher is impressed by the views and

opinions of business owners to the significance of modern technology in business. The

researcher advise business owners to never stop using technology so they won’t have any

difficulties in their every transactions to survive in the business industry. To the future

business owners keep in mind you need to be optimistic and strong in every situation no

matter what problem may arise in your business you need to be positive because

technology will always help you to solve your problems and make your businesses

perform well as it will help you to develop your products and services. Lastly, don’t use

technology in a wrong way. Use technology in a fair and right way of transacting and

managing your business.











The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather data that can be used to answer the

problems on this research. In order to make the results valid your honesty and

cooperation are needed in responding to all items of this questionnaire. Rest assured that

any information you supply will be treated with the greatest confidentiality and


Directions: Please indicate your answers in the blank or choose one among the given options.

Name: (Optional) _______________ Gender: Male Female

1. What online platforms do you usually used when promoting your products?

Facebook Instagram Twitter Youtube Shopee Lazada

If others, please specify: _______________

2. What technology devices you usually use when selling products?

Laptop Cellphone Tablet Computer

If others, please specify: ________________

3. How long have you been doing business online?

Less than a month 1 to 3 months 3 to 6 months

6 to 12 months 1 to 3 years

If others, please specify: ________________

4. What benefits of modern technology that helps your business grow?

Natural communication with customers Better Brand Exposure

More diverse payment options Improved data security

Cost Efficiency If others, please specify: ___________________

5. How satisfied are you in using technology in your business?

Satisfied Very satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied Not Sure

6. What strategy are you using when promoting your business with the use of technology?



1. On a scale of 1-5(1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest), how effective is technology

in promoting and enhancing your business?

1 2 3 4 5


Purok Talusi, Brgy.Santa Agueda Pamplona
Mobile No.: 0965-192-0215
E-mail Address:

Age: 18 years old Citizenship: Filipino
Sex: Female Civil Status: Single
Date of Birth: January 23, 2003
Place of Birth: Brgy.Santa Agueda Pamplona, Negros Oriental


PRIMARY EDUCATION: Sta.Agueda Elementary School
Brgy.Santa.Agueda, Pamplona Negros Oriental
North Fairview Elementary School
Avon Corner Astor St., North Fairview, Quezon City
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Sta.Agueda National High School
Brgy.Santa Agueda, Pamplona Negros Oriental
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Villaflores College
Legaspi St. Brgy.8, Tanjay City


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