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Authentic Assessment Planning Template


For every assignment in your course except discussion board forums, please fill out the title,
purpose, parameters, and prompt sections as seen below. Delete any tables that are unnecessary
or copy and paste a new table if you have more than two assignments in a weekly module.

You must include at least two total authentic assessment pieces and accompanying rubrics
within your online course development plan over the span of eight weeks.

Please create a rubric for each assignment and include these rubrics as separate attachments in
the assignment submission area within Blackboard. Please explore the Authentic Assessment
Planning Checklist as well as the sample rubrics provided as you are creating these assessment
pieces and accompanying rubrics.

Rubistar is another helpful rubric builder, which provides foundational aspects for a variety of
rubrics that can also be modified in accordance with instructional goals, objectives, and needs.


Assignment Title Exploring Geometric Shapes in the Real World

Purpose/Goal The purpose of this assignment is to help you recognize and
understand geometric shapes in the world around you. By observing
and identifying various geometric shapes, you will gain a practical
understanding of the basic concepts introduced in the first week of
the course.
Parameters Length of the Paper/Project: 1 week
Writing Style: MLA
Single Submission or Group Submission: Single Submission
Submission Format: A written report with images or sketches
(digital or scanned handwritten) showcasing the identified
geometric shapes and a brief description of each.

Prompt Geometry is not just an abstract mathematical concept – it's all

around us! This assignment encourages you to observe and recognize
geometric shapes in the real world. Your task is to identify at least
five different geometric shapes that you encounter in your daily life.
These shapes could be found in objects, architecture, nature, or any
other context.

Assignment Title Geometry in Art and Architecture

Purpose/Goal The purpose of this assignment is to explore how geometric concepts
are utilized in art and architecture. By analyzing various artworks and

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architectural structures, you will develop a deeper understanding of
geometric principles and their real-world applications.
Parameters Length of the Paper/Project: 1 week
Writing Style: Analytical essay
References: At least two references from reputable sources
(books, academic articles, online resources) to support your
Single Submission or Group Submission: Single
Group Assignment Details: (for group projects only)
Submission Format: A typed analytical essay in PDF format.
Prompt Geometry has played a crucial role in shaping art and architecture
throughout history. Your task for this assignment is to choose a
specific artwork or architectural structure and analyze how geometric
concepts are integrated into its design. Your analysis should
demonstrate your understanding of basic geometric shapes,
symmetry, proportion, and spatial relationships.


1. Selection of Artwork or Structure: Choose a piece of artwork

(painting, sculpture, etc.) or an architectural structure (building,
monument, etc.) that catches your interest. It could be from any
time period or culture.

2. Geometric Analysis: In your essay, provide a thorough analysis of

the chosen artwork or structure. Address the following points:

Identify and describe the geometric shapes present in the artwork or

structure. Discuss how these shapes contribute to the overall design.
Explore any instances of symmetry in the artwork or structure.
Discuss how symmetry is achieved and its impact on the viewer's
Examine the use of proportion and scale in relation to geometric
elements. How does proportion contribute to the aesthetic appeal or
functionality of the artwork or structure?
Analyze the spatial relationships between different elements. How
does the arrangement of geometric forms create a sense of depth,
balance, or movement?

3. Historical and Cultural Context: Provide relevant historical and

cultural context for the chosen artwork or structure. How does the
use of geometry reflect the artistic or architectural trends of the
time? Does the cultural background influence the choice and
arrangement of geometric elements?

4. References: Incorporate information from at least two reputable

sources to support your analysis. Cite these sources appropriately

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using a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).

5. Reflection: Conclude your essay with a reflection on how this

analysis has deepened your understanding of the geometric
concepts covered in the course. How does this assignment enhance
your appreciation for the role of geometry in visual arts and


Assignment Title Creating a Geometric Shape Gallery

Purpose/Goal The purpose of this assignment is to deepen your understanding of
the properties of two-dimensional shapes and their classification. By
creating a visual gallery of geometric shapes, you will apply your
knowledge to real-world objects and develop strong shape
recognition skills.
Parameters Length of the Paper/Project: 1 week
Writing Style: Brief explanations for each shape (1-2 sentences
per shape).
References: Course materials and any additional resources you
used for research.
Single Submission or Group Submission: Group
Group Assignment Details: (for group projects only)
1. Create your presentation or document using the software of your

2. Include clear images of the objects showcasing the selected shapes.

Make sure the shapes are clearly labeled and highlighted.

3. Write concise explanations for each shape, focusing on its

properties and unique characteristics.

4. Cite your sources if you use any additional references beyond the
course materials.

5. Submit your assignment through the designated platform by the

specified deadline.

Submission Format: A digital presentation (e.g., PowerPoint,

Google Slides) or a visual document (PDF) containing images and
Prompt You have learned about the properties of various two-dimensional
shapes, including triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, and circles. In
this project, you will create a visual gallery showcasing different
examples of these shapes in everyday objects.

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Assignment Title Designing a Geometric Quilt
Purpose/Goal The purpose of this assignment is to explore the relationships
between geometric shapes and practice their manipulation to create a
visually pleasing design. By creating a geometric quilt pattern, you
will engage in hands-on learning of shape properties and
Parameters Length of the Paper/Project:
Writing Style: Short description of the design principles used.
References: Course materials and any additional resources you
used for research.
Single Submission or Group Submission:
Group Assignment Details: (for group projects only)
Submission Format: A digital image of the quilt design along
with a brief description.

Prompt Geometric shapes often serve as the foundation for artistic designs. In
this project, you will design a geometric quilt pattern using a
combination of shapes, colors, and patterns.


1. Shape Selection: Choose at least four different shapes from the

following categories: triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons (with more
than four sides), and circles.

2. Design Concept: Decide on a theme or concept for your geometric

quilt design. This could be based on symmetry, tessellation, or any
other creative idea you have in mind.

3. Composition: Arrange the chosen shapes within a grid or layout to

create your quilt pattern. Experiment with rotations, translations,
and reflections to manipulate the shapes.

4. Color and Pattern: Assign colors or patterns to each shape to

enhance the visual appeal of your design. Consider using
contrasting colors and patterns to highlight the shapes and their

5. Description: Write a brief description of the design principles you

used to create your quilt pattern. Explain how you balanced the
shapes, colors, and patterns to achieve a harmonious composition.


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Assignment Title Exploring Parallel and Perpendicular Lines in Architecture
Purpose/Goal The purpose of this assignment is to observe and analyze the
presence of parallel and perpendicular lines in architectural
structures. By identifying these lines in real-world settings, you will
deepen your understanding of their applications and significance.
Parameters Length of the Paper/Project: 1 week 1/2
Writing Style: Descriptive analysis of the identified lines and
their impact on the architectural design.
References: Course materials and any architectural references
you use for research.
Single Submission or Group Submission:
Group Assignment Details: (for group projects only)
Submission Format: A written report with images, sketches, or
diagrams (digital or scanned handwritten) showcasing the
identified lines and their analysis.

Prompt Parallel and perpendicular lines are fundamental concepts in

geometry that play a significant role in architectural design. This
assignment encourages you to observe and analyze these lines in
architectural structures around you.


1. Site Selection: Choose at least two architectural structures in your

vicinity. These could be buildings, bridges, or any other man-made

2. Observation and Documentation: Visit the selected structures and

carefully observe the lines present in their design. Identify instances
of parallel and perpendicular lines both in the overall structure and
in specific architectural elements.

3. Analysis: For each identified instance, analyze how the use of

parallel and perpendicular lines contributes to the aesthetics,
functionality, and overall design of the structure. Consider aspects
such as symmetry, balance, and visual impact.

4. Images and Sketches: Include clear photographs, sketches, or

diagrams that highlight the identified lines and their impact on the
architectural design.

5. Reflection: Conclude your report with a reflection on the

importance of understanding parallel and perpendicular lines in
architecture. How do these concepts influence the way we perceive
and interact with architectural spaces?

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Assignment Title Designing a Miniature Golf Course
Purpose/Goal The purpose of this group project is to collaborate with your peers to
create a miniature golf course layout that incorporates concepts of
parallel and perpendicular lines. Through this project, you will apply
your understanding of geometric concepts to a fun and creative
design task.
Parameters Length of the Paper/Project: 2 weeks (including planning, design,
and presentation preparation)
Writing Style: Collaborative design documentation and
References: Course materials and any design resources you use
for inspiration.
Single Submission or Group Submission: Group
Group Assignment Details: 3-4 members
Submission Format: A combined written design document and a
group presentation (slides, video, or live presentation).
1. Collaboratively create the written design document and
presentation materials.
2. Include detailed descriptions and sketches of the course
layout, obstacles, and how geometric concepts are applied.
3. Make sure the design document is coherent and
consistent, representing each member's contributions.
4. Practice and rehearse the group presentation to ensure a
clear and engaging delivery.
5. Submit your design document and present your project to
the class using the designated presentation format (live or
Prompt Designing a miniature golf course requires careful planning and
consideration of various elements, including obstacles, pathways, and
layout design. In this group project, you will work together to create
a miniature golf course layout that incorporates parallel and
perpendicular lines.


Assignment Title Creating Congruent and Similar Shapes Collage

Purpose/Goal The purpose of this assignment is to visually explore congruence and
similarity by creating a collage of shapes that exhibit these
properties. By manipulating shapes to demonstrate congruence and
similarity, you will enhance your understanding of these geometric

Parameters Length of the Paper/Project: 1 week

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Writing Style: Short descriptions of the transformation methods
References: Course materials and any additional resources used.
Single Submission or Group Submission:
Group Assignment Details: (for group projects only)
Submission Format: A digital collage or image showcasing the
manipulated shapes along with descriptions.
1. Create your digital collage using graphic design software or
image editing tools.
2. Ensure that the transformations are accurately represented and
clearly labeled.
3. Write concise descriptions of the transformations and how
they illustrate congruence or similarity.
4. If you used any additional resources or references, cite them
5. Submit your assignment through the designated platform by
the specified deadline.
Prompt Congruence and similarity are fundamental concepts in geometry that
involve transformations of shapes. This assignment invites you to
creatively showcase your understanding of these concepts by creating
a collage of shapes that exhibit congruence and similarity.
1. Shape Selection: Choose at least four pairs of shapes that
exhibit congruence or similarity. You can work with triangles,
quadrilaterals, or any other two-dimensional shapes.
2. Transformation: For each pair of shapes, apply appropriate
transformations to demonstrate either congruence or
similarity. Possible transformations include translations,
rotations, reflections, and dilations.
3. Collage Creation: Create a digital collage or image that
showcases the original shapes and the transformed shapes
side by side. Ensure that the transformations clearly illustrate
the congruence or similarity between the shapes.
4. Description: Write short descriptions for each pair of shapes,
explaining the transformations you applied and how they
demonstrate congruence or similarity.

Assignment Title Architectural Blueprint Design Challenge

Purpose/Goal The purpose of this group project is to collaboratively design a set of
architectural blueprints that incorporate concepts of congruence and
similarity. By working together to create a practical design, you will
deepen your understanding of geometric properties and their
application in real-world scenarios.
Parameters Length of the Paper/Project: 2 weeks (including planning, design,
and presentation preparation)

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Writing Style: Collaborative design documentation and
References: Course materials, architectural references, and
design resources.
Single Submission or Group Submission: Group
Group Assignment Details: 3-4 members
Submission Format: A combined written design document and a
group presentation (slides, video, or live presentation).

Prompt Architects often use concepts of congruence and similarity in their

designs to ensure harmonious proportions and balanced aesthetics. In
this group project, you will work together to create a set of
architectural blueprints that incorporate these geometric properties.
1. Group Formation: Form a group of 3-4 members. Assign
roles such as lead architect, floor planner, exterior designer,
2. Blueprint Design: Collaboratively design an architectural
blueprint for a building or structure. Consider the layout of
rooms, windows, doors, and other architectural elements.
3. Congruence and Similarity: Integrate concepts of
congruence and similarity into your design. This could
involve using congruent or similar shapes for windows, doors,
and decorative elements.
4. Proportional Scaling: Ensure that the proportions of the
elements are consistent and harmonious, reflecting the
principles of congruence and similarity.
5. Documentation: Create a written design document that
includes the architectural blueprint, descriptions of design
choices, and explanations of how congruence and similarity
are incorporated.
6. Presentation: Prepare a group presentation that showcases
your architectural blueprint design. Explain how the
geometric concepts contribute to the overall aesthetics and
functionality of the structure.


Assignment Title Angle Hunt in the School

Purpose/Goal The purpose of this assignment is to help students identify and
classify different types of angles in their school environment. By
actively searching for angles and understanding their properties,
students will reinforce their knowledge of angle concepts.

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Parameters Length of the Paper/Project: 1 week
Writing Style: Descriptive explanations of the identified angles
and their properties.
References: Course materials and any additional references used.
Single Submission or Group Submission: Single
Group Assignment Details: (for group projects only)
Submission Format: A written report or presentation with
images and explanations.

Prompt Angles are all around us, and understanding their properties is crucial
in geometry. In this assignment, you will go on an "angle hunt"
around your school to identify and classify different types of angles.
1. Preparation: Review the types of angles covered in class,
including acute, right, obtuse, and straight angles.
2. Angle Hunt: Over the course of a week, explore different
areas of your school (classrooms, corridors, playground, etc.)
to find and identify examples of these angles.
3. Identification: Take clear photographs of the angles you
find. For each angle, write a brief description that includes its
type (acute, right, obtuse, or straight) and any notable
4. Explanations: Create a report or presentation that includes
the images of the identified angles and their descriptions.
Write explanations of how you determined the type of each
angle and any observations you made.
5. Reflection: Conclude your report or presentation with a
reflection on the importance of understanding angle
properties and how this assignment has enhanced your ability
to recognize angles in real-life contexts.

Assignment Title Designing a Geometric Artwork

Purpose/Goal The purpose of this group project is to collaboratively create a
geometric artwork that showcases different types of angles. By
working together to design and create an art piece, students will
reinforce their understanding of angle properties and artistic
Parameters Length of Project: 2 weeks (including planning, design, and
presentation preparation)
Group Size: 3-4 students
Writing Style: Collaborative design documentation and
References: Course materials and any artistic references used.
Submission Format: A combined design document and a group
presentation (slides, video, or live presentation).

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Prompt Geometric shapes and angles can be used to create beautiful and
intriguing artwork. In this group project, you will work together to
design and create a geometric artwork that emphasizes different types
of angles.
1. Group Formation: Form a group of 3-4 students. Assign
roles such as lead artist, angle identifier, color coordinator,
2. Concept Development: Brainstorm ideas for your geometric
artwork. Consider how different types of angles can be used
creatively to form patterns, shapes, or themes.
3. Artistic Expression: Collaboratively design and create the
artwork. Use a variety of artistic materials such as paper,
paints, markers, or digital tools.
4. Angle Emphasis: Ensure that your artwork prominently
features different types of angles, including acute, right,
obtuse, and straight angles.
5. Documentation: Create a written design document that
outlines the concept, materials, design choices, and
explanations of the angles featured.
6. Presentation: Prepare a group presentation that showcases
your geometric artwork. Explain the concept behind the
design and highlight how angle properties are used


Assignment Title Pythagorean Puzzle Project

Purpose/Goal The purpose of this assignment is to reinforce understanding of
Pythagoras' theorem through hands-on exploration. By constructing a
physical puzzle that involves right triangles and applying the theorem
to solve it, students will deepen their conceptual understanding of the
Parameters Length of Project: 1 week
Writing Style: Reflective explanation of the puzzle design and
theorem application.
References: Course materials and any additional references used.
Submission Format: A written report with images, puzzle design
description, and theorem application explanation.
Single Submission or Group Submission: Single
Prompt Pythagoras' theorem is a fundamental concept in geometry that
relates the sides of a right triangle. In this assignment, you will
design and construct a Pythagorean puzzle that requires applying the
theorem to solve.

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1. Puzzle Design: Design a physical puzzle involving right
triangles. The puzzle should consist of three pieces
representing the sides of a right triangle. The objective is to
arrange these pieces to form a square.
2. Construction: Build the puzzle using materials like
cardboard, wood, or any other suitable materials. Ensure that
the puzzle pieces are of appropriate dimensions to form right
triangles when arranged.
3. Pythagoras' Theorem Application: Write a reflective
explanation of how Pythagoras' theorem is applied to solve
the puzzle. Explain the mathematical reasoning behind using
the theorem to determine the side lengths.
4. Images: Include clear photographs of the puzzle pieces, both
individually and when assembled as a square.

Assignment Title Architectural Treehouse Design

Purpose/Goal The purpose of this group project is to collaboratively design a
treehouse that applies Pythagoras' theorem and right triangles in a
real-world context. By working together to create a practical design,
students will enhance their understanding of the theorem's
Parameters Length of the Paper/Project: 2 weeks (including planning, design,
and presentation preparation)
Writing Style: Collaborative design documentation and
References: Course materials, architectural references, and
design resources.
Single Submission or Group Submission: Group
Group Assignment Details: 3-4 students
Submission Format: A combined design document and a group
presentation (slides, video, or live presentation).

Prompt Pythagoras' theorem has numerous applications in architecture and

construction. In this group project, you will apply the theorem to
design a treehouse that incorporates right triangles in its structure.


Assignment Title Creating 3D Shapes with Clay

Purpose/Goal The purpose of this assignment is to engage students in hands-on
exploration of three-dimensional shapes using clay. By sculpting
various 3D shapes, students will enhance their understanding of

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spatial relationships and geometric forms.
Parameters Length of the Paper/Project: 1 week
Writing Style: Reflective description of the clay creations and
their features.
References: Course materials and any additional resources used.
Single Submission or Group Submission: Single
Group Assignment Details: (for group projects only)
Submission Format: A written reflection with images showcasing
the clay sculpture

Prompt Three-dimensional shapes are all around us, and understanding their
properties is essential in geometry. In this assignment, you will use
clay to create different 3D shapes and explore their characteristics.

Assignment Title Designing a 3D Geometry Sculpture

Purpose/Goal The purpose of this group project is to collaboratively design a 3D
geometry sculpture that incorporates various three-dimensional
shapes. By working together to create a cohesive sculpture, students
will deepen their understanding of spatial relationships and geometry.
Parameters Length of Project: 2 weeks (including planning, design, and
presentation preparation)
Group Size: 3-4 students
Writing Style: Collaborative design documentation and
References: Course materials, artistic references, and geometric
Submission Format: A combined design document and a group
presentation (slides, video, or live presentation).

Prompt Three-dimensional shapes can be combined creatively to form

intricate sculptures. In this group project, you will collaborate to
design and create a 3D geometry sculpture that showcases various
shapes and their spatial relationships.


Assignment Title

Parameters Length of the Paper/Project:

Writing Style:

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Single Submission or Group Submission:
Group Assignment Details: (for group projects only)
Submission Format:


Assignment Title

Parameters Length of the Paper/Project:

Writing Style:
Single Submission or Group Submission:
Group Assignment Details: (for group projects only)
Submission Format:


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