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Peer Engagement and Collaboration Planning Template


For each discussion board forum assignment in your course, please fill out the title, purpose,
parameters, and prompt sections as seen below. Delete any tables that are unnecessary.

You must include at least four total discussion board forums and accompanying rubrics
within your online course development plan over the span of eight weeks.

Please create a rubric for each discussion board forum (or one rubric for all discussion board
forums) and include these rubrics as separate attachments in the assignment submission area
within Blackboard. Please explore the Peer Engagement and Collaboration Planning Checklist,
Peer Engagement and Collaboration Resources, and the sample rubric provided as you are
creating these assessment pieces and accompanying rubric(s).

Rubistar is another helpful rubric builder, which provides foundational aspects for a variety of
rubrics that can also be modified in accordance with instructional goals, objectives, and needs.

Note: You can use the same purpose/goal, parameters, and rubric for each discussion board
forum if they are all the same. The prompts, however, must all be different from assignment to


DB Forum Title Introduction

Purpose/Goal To create a positive learning environment, foster communication
skills, encourage collaboration, and build a sense of community
among students and instructors. It is a fundamental step in setting the
stage for a successful academic experience.
Parameters Initial Thread Word Count*: 300
# of Replies Required*: 2
Replies Word Count*: 100 - 150
References: NA
Writing Style: APA
Prompt Initial Thread Prompt: In a paragraph, please tell us a bit about
yourself. Share your first name or a nickname you like, let us
know which grade you're in, and tell us about your favorite
subject in school. We're not just about school stuff, though. What
do you enjoy doing when you're not in class? Is there something
really cool or unique about you that you'd like to share? Lastly,
what are you looking forward to this school year? Is there
something you hope to achieve or experience?

Replies Prompt: Engage with at least two of your classmates,

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providing feedback and sharing any common interests or goals.


DB Forum Title Exploring Geometric Shapes

Purpose/Goal To foster an understanding of basic geometric shapes and their
properties, encouraging students to apply theoretical knowledge to
real-life examples.
Parameters Initial Thread Word Count: 150-200 words
# of Replies Required: 2 replies per thread
Replies Word Count: 75-100 words
References: Not necessary unless citing external sources
Writing Style: Academic, yet accessible
Formality: Semi-formal

Prompt Initial Thread Prompt: Share an example of a common object

around you that can be classified as a geometric shape. Describe
its shape, its key properties, and any practical applications of
these properties. How does understanding these geometric
concepts impact our interactions with the object?

Replies Prompt: Respond to two classmates' posts by discussing

how their chosen objects relate to a geometric concept you've
learned about. Are there any surprising connections or
applications they might have missed? Share your thoughts and
expand the discussion.


DB Forum Title Euclidean vs. Non-Euclidean Geometry Debate

Purpose/Goal To explore the differences between Euclidean and non-Euclidean
geometries, encouraging critical analysis and the application of
theoretical concepts.

Parameters Initial Thread Word Count: 200-250 words

# of Replies Required: 3 replies per thread
Replies Word Count: 100-125 words
References: Encourage citing relevant sources

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Writing Style: Academic and analytical
Formality: Formal

Prompt Initial Thread Prompt: Debate the strengths and limitations of

Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries. Provide examples of
real-world situations where each geometry might be more
applicable. Consider how these geometries challenge our
traditional understanding of space and shape.

Replies Prompt: Respond to three peers by discussing their

arguments for Euclidean or non-Euclidean geometry. Do you
agree with their assessments? Present counterexamples or
alternative perspectives that further enrich the discussion.


DB Forum Title Geometry in Art and Architecture

Purpose/Goal To examine the intricate relationship between geometry, art, and
architecture, and to appreciate the mathematical principles behind
aesthetically pleasing designs.
Parameters Initial Thread Word Count: 175-225 words
# of Replies Required: 2 replies per thread
Replies Word Count: 75-100 words
References: Encourage referencing specific artworks or buildings
Writing Style: Engaging and appreciative
Formality: Semi-formal
Prompt Initial Thread Prompt: Select a famous piece of artwork or an
architectural marvel that showcases geometric principles.
Describe the geometry behind it and discuss how it contributes to
the overall aesthetic and functionality. What emotions or
reactions does this piece evoke in you?

Replies Prompt: Respond to two classmates by sharing your

thoughts on their chosen artwork or architecture. Discuss how
the geometry used in their examples enhances the visual impact
or structural integrity. Are there any similar examples you know


DB Forum Title No discussion board for weeks 5, 6, and 7

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DB Forum Title Reflections on Geometric Discoveries: End of the School Year

Purpose/Goal The purpose of this discussion board is to provide a platform for
students to reflect on their experiences and insights gained
throughout the geometry course over the school year. This discussion
aims to foster a deeper understanding of geometric concepts,
encourage critical thinking, and allow students to share their
perspectives on the subject matter.
Parameters Initial Thread Word Count*: 150-200 words
Number of Replies Required*: At least 2 replies to classmates'
Replies Word Count*: 75-100 words per reply
References: Not required, but encouraged if using external
Writing Style: Clear, concise, and well-organized
Formality: Professional and respectful tone
Prompt Initial Thread Prompt: Reflect on your journey through the
geometry course this school year. Consider the following
questions to guide your response:

1. What were your initial thoughts and feelings about

geometry before starting the course?
2. What are some key geometric concepts or theorems you
have learned and how have they influenced your
understanding of the subject?
3. Share an example of how geometry is applied in the real
world and discuss its significance.
4. How has your perspective on the importance of geometry
in various fields (e.g., architecture, engineering, art)
5. What challenges did you face during the course, and how
did you overcome them?

Replies Prompt:
Reply to at least two of your classmates' initial posts. Provide
constructive feedback and engage in meaningful discussions by
addressing their reflections. You might consider asking follow-up
questions, sharing additional examples, or offering your own
perspective on their insights.
Remember to maintain a respectful and collaborative tone throughout
your interactions.

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