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The thing that can evolve faster than technology is our

We want everything - better , easier and now.
Downloading apps can sometimes take forever, and in many
parts of the world, data is expensive.

This is the next generation of the mobile web.


It makes good business sense.

Progressive Web Apps are on a lot of companies' roadmap to

modernize their website and adapt to users' new expectations

Google follows a simple rule when making a product is "focus on the user and
all else will follow".
Think user-first: what are my customers' needs, and how does a PWA provide

The business impact of a fast website

When working on your speed optimizations, start measuring your site
speed .frequently with appropriate tools and metrics to monitor your progress.
For example, measure your metrics with Lighthouse, fix clear targets like
having "Good" Core Web Vitals scores, and incorporate a performance
budget into your build process
You can isolate the impact of your incremental speed changes and calculate
how much extra revenue your work has generated

Ebay made speed a company objective for 2019. They used techniques like
performance budget, critical path optimization, and predictive prefetching.
They concluded that for every 100 milliseconds improvement in search page
loading time, add-to-card count increased by 0.5%.

Paul Armstrong, the Tech Lead for the PWA at Twitter, did a very thorough
job documenting exactly how Twitter did this in the case study “Twitter Lite
and High Performance React Progressive Web Apps at Scale,” which
describes the importance of collecting data while tuning your PWA to
maximize the performance optimizations

Page Experience would be included in Google Search Ranking.

Google recently announced that in May 2021, any non-AMP content page that meets the
Google News content policies like Core Web Vitals, page experience signals etc, will be
eligible to appear in the mobile Top Stories feature in Search.
Google will prioritize pages with great page experience, as it ranks the results.

Comparison with mobile app.

Why would you want a user to install your PWA?
PWAs make it easier to come back to your site. Where an Android app install
would add at least three steps (redirection to Play Store, downloading,
relaunching the Android app at the top of the funnel), PWA installation is done
seamlessly in one click, and it doesn't take the user away from the current
conversion funnel.

Findings on Research: ( Facts )

When doing research, there are some interesting patterns found for users:
● Users hate delays and unreliability on mobile: the level of stress caused by
mobile delays is comparable to watching a horror movie.

● 50% of smartphone users are more likely to use a company's mobile site when
browsing or shopping because they don't want to download an app.
● One of the top reasons for uninstalling an app is the limited storage (whereas an
installed PWA usually takes less than 1MB).
● Smartphone users are more likely to purchase from mobile sites that offer
relevant recommendations on products, and 85% of smartphone users say
mobile notifications are useful.

Based on the observations, it’s found out that customers prefer

experiences that are fast, installable, reliable, and engaging (F.I.R.E.).

● PWAs leverage modern web capabilities #

● PWAs leverage modern web capabilities #

● PWAs leverage modern web capabilities

PWA stats -


Using TWA:


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