SCES3063 - Tutorial 6

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SCES3063: Tutorial 6

1. Needham’s 5-phase constructivism model and 5E learning cycle model are used to write
science lesson plans

What are the similarities and differences between these two models?

Similarities between the Needham’s 5-phase constructivism model and 5E learning cycle
model are both of them have 5 phases. At the beginning, both of the models are attracting
students and motivating them to the learning process. Teachers will present problems or
activities to students. The differences between Needham’s 5-phase constructivism model
and 5E learning cycle model are students connect their previous knowledge on the first
phase of 5E learning cycle while students identify their prior knowledge on the second
stage of Needham’s 5-phase model. Other than that, both models involve students
actively in the learning process. On the stage of restructuring of ideas in Needham’s
5-phase model, students are able to do hands-on activities and activities that require
science skills to expand or modify previous ideas through investigation. In the phases of
exploration of the 5E learning cycle model, students may complete lab activities that help
them use prior knowledge to generate new ideas. In addition, both models also give
students the opportunity to apply their new knowledge in new problems. In the phase of
applying the ideas of Needham’s 5-phase model, students apply the ideas into new
situations or design a project to solve the problem. In the phase of elaboration of the 5E
learning cycle, students apply their knowledge of the concept by conducting additional
activities. Moreover, in the last phase of both models emphasis students reflect and
assess their understanding.

2. Briefly outline how you would use each of the following micro teaching skills in a science

(a) Skills in discussing experiment results

After each group of students does an experiment, I will collect their data and discuss with
them. The data collected are written on the whiteboard and I will let the students compare
and contrast. Then, I will ask the students why the data are different between each group
and let students do inferences. After I get answers from the students, I will explain why the
data are different, maybe there are uncertainties. After explanation, I will also draw
conclusions about the data.
(b) Skills in discussing discrepant event

I will demonstrate an activity or let students do an activity. But before the activity starts, I will
let students predict what will happen and why they think this. Then, when the activity starts,
students need to observe and focus on the activity and write down what they observe. After
that, I will ask the students to explain after the observation and discuss students’ ideas and
summarise the learning points.

(c) Scientific argumentation

Firstly, I will ask the students a question about the natural world. Then, I will get the answers
from the students. After that, I will let the students do activities or experiments to let them
find out whether their answer is correct or not. They have to find out evidence to support
their answer. After experiments or activities, students will get the data and the data may
support their answer as correct or wrong.

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