Key and Related Concepts in MYP Design

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MYP Design

Key Concept Communication

Communication is the exchange or transfer Effective communication requires a
of signals, facts, ideas and symbols. It common “language” (which may be
requires a sender, a message and an intended written, spoken or non- verbal).
receiver. Communication involves the activity
of conveying information or meaning.

Inquiring and Analysing ● What is effective communication?

A Designers need to communicate with clients and target
markets in order to understand and identify a design need.
● How can we communicate effectively?
● How do we give and receive messages?

Developing Ideas ● How do we communicate our ideas to a client?

B Designers use sketches and models to explore ideas, gather
feedback, and communicate their thinking to themselves
● How do we communicate our thinking through
drawing and modeling to ourselves and others?
and others.

C: Creating the solution

C Designers create plans that communicate how a solution
● What information is essential for creating a
should be produced

● How do we measure performance of a solution?

Evaluating the solution ● What are different ways we can measure a user’s
D Designers develop a solution that communicates how it
should be used
response to a solution?
● How do we communicate the function of a
By Aidan Hammond solution?
Design and Inquiry
MYP Design
Key Concept Communities
Communities are groups that exist in proximity defined A solution to a problem for one
by space, time or relationship.Communities can include, community may create problems for
groups of people sharing particular characteristics, beliefs another, on a personal scale, or ,
or values, as well as groups of interdependent organisms affecting communities thousands of
living together in a specific habitat. miles away.

● What are the characteristics of the

Inquiring and Analysing community?
A Designers need to consider the community that is
affected by a problem, as well as different stakeholders
● Who are the stakeholders?
● How will the community benefit from a
or communities that affect the problem. solution?

Developing Ideas ● How will ideas be shared to get

B Designers use share their ideas with the community in

order to gather feedback and guide the development of
● How can the community be involved in
their solution. the development of a solution?

C: Creating the solution ● What is effective communication?

C Designers create a final design that aims to meet the ● How can we communicate effectively?
● How do we give and receive messages?
needs of the community of users.

Evaluating the solution ● How is the community impacted by the

D Designers share their solution with the community in

order to evaluate how effective it is and plan the next
● What other communities are impacted
iteration by the solution?
By Aidan Hammond
Design and Inquiry
MYP Design
Key Concept Development
Development is the act or process of growth, progress or evolution, sometimes through
iterative improvements. All ideas need refinement, through development, to become
successful, appropriate and feasible. The development of solutions allows problems to be
solved with greater success.

Inquiring and Analysing ● What information needed about the

A Designers develop research plans to learn about a

design opportunity
user, task, or environment?
● How can research be organized and

Developing Ideas ● How can effective feedback be

B Designers develop ideas using the design brief and

design specifications. They use feedback and reflection
provided on a solution?
● What strategies can be used to develop
to further refine the proposed solution. ideas?

C: Creating the solution ● What are the steps in the creation of a

C Designers revise, improve, and adjust the creation of the

solution in response to new challenges, ideas,
● What equipment, materials, or tools
are needed to create a solution?
constraints, and opportunities.

Evaluating the solution ● What strategies and methods can be

D Designers develop strategies and methods for testing
and evaluating the success of their solution
used to evaluate a solution?
● How can the solution be improved?
By Aidan Hammond
Design and Inquiry
MYP Design
Key Concept Systems
Systems are sets of interacting or interdependent Products and solutions are
components. Systems provide structure and order in systems of components combined
human, natural and built environments. Systems can to carry out a specific function or
be static or dynamic, simple or complex. Everything is process: the Design Cycle is an
connected to a single system or multiple systems. example of a system.

● What are the parts of the problem?

Inquiring and Analysing How are they related or influenced by
A Designers need to understand the components or parts
of a design opportunity or problem in order to develop
each other?
● How does the Design Cycle help solve
effective solutions. the problem?

● What is the optimal arrangement of the

Developing Ideas
B Designers may follow steps, strategies, or procedures in
order to explore possible solutions.
parts of the system?
● How can the parts of a system be
rearranged to create new solutions?

C: Creating the solution

C Designers may follow established steps or procedures ● What are the steps in the procedure?
for the efficient, safe, and accurate creation of a solution

Evaluating the solution ● What strategies, tools, or procedures

D Designers may develop a system or process to measure
the success of solution.
can be used to measure the success of
a solution?
By Aidan Hammond
Design and Inquiry
MYP Design Related Concept
● What are some examples of adaptation

Adaptation in products?
● What are some examples of designs
adapted from nature?

적응, 调整 Conceptual
● What are different ways designers can
adapt designs?
Adaptation involves
● Why might designers choose
incorporating ideas found in adaptation as a strategy for creating
one product into the new designs?

development of a new product.

● What is the difference between
adapting, borrowing, and stealing

By Aidan Hammond
Design and Inquiry
MYP Design Related Concept

Collaboration ● What are some strategies for

● What tools can designers use to
manage collaboration?

협동, 协作
● How might collaboration impact
Collaboration involves two or creative output?
● How does collaboration improve a
more people sharing expertise
and experience, working
together to solve a problem Debatable
and realize shared goals. ● To what extent should collaborators
share responsibility for the impact of
their creations?

By Aidan Hammond
Design and Inquiry
MYP Design Related Concept
● What are the principles of ergonomic

Ergonomics design?
● What are the roles physiological and
psychological human factors in
인간 공학, 人体工程学
● How is ergonomic design related to
Ergonomics is the application health?
of scientific information and ● How is anthropometric data used to
understanding of how humans make design decision?

relate to products, systems,

interfaces and environments.
● To what degree is ergonomics
important for making a design

By Aidan Hammond
Design and Inquiry
MYP Design Related Concept
● What are some strategies designers

use to evaluate designs?
● What is the role of feedback in
developing a design?
● What are the different ways feedback
can be gathered?
평가, 评估
In design, evaluation involves ● How can we ensure that data is
gathered accurately?
the gathering and processing of
● How is data used to make decisions?
data to determine an action. ● How can evaluation be used to develop
Evaluation involves feedback, a design further?

which can be used to control,

revise or modify. Debatable
● To what degree can qualitative data be
used to evaluate a design?
By Aidan Hammond
Design and Inquiry
MYP Design Related Concept
● What are the aesthetic elements of a

● What strategies do designers use to
develop the form of a solution?

형태, 形式 Conceptual
● How can the form of a design be
altered to improve its function or
Form concerns the overall performance?
● How does the function of a design
shape and configuration of a determine its form?
product. It relates to aspects ● How do people respond to different
such as aesthetics, shape, forms (organic vs geometric)?

colour and texture.

● In what contexts is form more
important than function?
By Aidan Hammond
Design and Inquiry
MYP Design Related Concept
● What ways can designers measure the

effectiveness of a design?
● What strategies do designers use to
identify the essential functions of a

기능, 功能
● How is practical function related to
The function of a solution usability?
● In what ways can function influence the
refers to what it has been form of a solution?
designed to do and how
effective it is at enabling that Debatable
action to be performed. ● To what degree is function more
important than form?
● How important is it for a design to have
multiple functions?
By Aidan Hammond
Design and Inquiry
MYP Design Related Concept
● How do we categorize innovative

● What are some strategies for
promoting innovation?
● How are innovation and invention
혁신, 创新

Innovation is the successful ● How do innovations diffuse into the
diffusion of an invention into
● How do consumers choose to adopt an
the marketplace innovation?

● To what degree can innovations have a
positive environmental, social, or
economic impact?
By Aidan Hammond
Design and Inquiry
MYP Design Related Concept

Invention Factual
● What is the difference between an
invention and an innovation?
● What are the drivers for invention?
발명, 发明

An invention is an entirely ● How do inventors protect their ideas?

novel product or a feature of a

product that is unique. Debatable
● To what degree are inventors
responsible for the positive or negative
impact of their inventions?

By Aidan Hammond
Design and Inquiry
MYP Design Related Concept Factual

Markets & ● What are markets, sectors, and

● What is the difference between a

trends market pull and a market push?

● What is “classic design” and how do
designers use it to develop products?
시장과 동향, 市场与趋势
● How do designers use research on
Markets can be considered as individuals to determine needs for a
sectors and segments market?
comprised of groups of ● How do designers evaluate the
economic viability of a solution?
individuals with similar needs.
Trends involve short- and
long-term patterns of ● How responsive to trends should
consumer behaviour. designers be when developing a
By Aidan Hammond
Design and Inquiry
MYP Design Related Concept
● What strategies do designers use to

Perspective identify stakeholders?

● What is the difference between a
client, target audience, and user?

견해, 观点
● How do designers use different
perspectives to develop a solution?
Perspective relates to the point of
● What are the benefits of considering
view of various stakeholders
different perspectives when
involved in solving a problem. developing a solution?
Stakeholders can have different
perspectives and can include clients,
target audiences, focus groups,
● To what degree should a design
consumers, manufacturers and solution consider the perspectives of
experts. all stakeholders?

By Aidan Hammond
Design and Inquiry
MYP Design Related Concept

Resources ● What are the different types of

resources used to create a solution?
● What are the ways a resource can be

자원, 资源
● How can designers optimize resources
Resources relate to the supply and reduce waste?

of a commodity. In MYP design, ● How do designers identify and plan for

the resources they need when creating
these commodities can be a solution?
classified as information,
materials and equipment. Debatable
● How important is it to manage
resources in the creation of a solution?

By Aidan Hammond
Design and Inquiry
MYP Design Related Concept

Sustainabilty ● What are the different types of

sustainable design?
● How are sustainable design,
sustainable production, and
sustainable consumption related?
지속 가능성, 可持续性

Sustainability is the capacity to endure,

which can have environmental, ● How do designers measure the
sustainability of a solution?
economic and social dimensions. In
● How does sustainability impact society,
MYP design, sustainability can be
the environment, and the economy?
considered in the following ways:

Green and Eco-design; Sustainable Debatable

consumption; Sustainable design; Sustainable
development; Sustainable innovation; ● Is sustainability an end goal or a
Sustainable production process?

By Aidan Hammond
Design and Inquiry

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