l4m7 Questions 1

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Page 14
1) An arrangement in a stockyard, warehouse or stores facility areas are determined based on requirements for
different access or the characteristics of different types of equipment or stock is called

(a Docks (b Zoning (c Stocking (d Classifying

(2 An activity in a warehouse or stockyard where a delivery is involved but then prepared to dispatch without
being stored. In some cases, a vehicle may be awaiting loading is called?

(a Cross-docking (b Docking (c Gross-stocking (d zoning


(3 What are the characteristics or storage requirement of stock items?

(a The purpose, use and functionality
(b The request, supply and delivery time
(c The single shape , weight and volume.
(d Te life cycle of the stock and nature

(page 18)

(4 What is the term used in describing the activity of retrieving stock storage?

(a Tote box, (b Palletting

(c Stock separation and categorization. (d Picking.

(5 A clear area between racking or pallet stocks is called?

(a Flows (b Aisles (c Zoning (d Docks.

(6 The ability of stock to be moved around a facility in the quickest and safest way is called?

(a Flow (b Aisles (c Zoning (d Docks

Page 19
(7 Which of the following is not among the type of zoning that may require?

(a Absent storage area (b Chilled storage area

(c Dry storage area (d Gold storage area

(page 22)

(8 A floor area typically inserted in a high roofed building to create an additional working or storage space is

(a Zoning (b Docks (c Aisles (d Mezzanine floor

(page 23)

(9 Activity in a warehouse or storage of assembling groups of items that are to be used together is called?

(a Kitting (b Assembling (c Packaging (d Wrapping

(10 An area set aside for items which are awaiting inspector, testing or faulty to be removed or repair is called?
(a Quarantine area (b Dock yard
(c mezzanine floor (d Fitting area

(11 The storage, handling and movement of materials or products in the reverse direction of original supply is

(a Return or reverse logistics

(b Forward integration
(c Not fit for purpose
(d Backward integration

(page 24)

(12 A restriction inside a warehouse, store or stockyard that holds up or slows down activities is called……….. This
may be caused by poor layout, access difficulties or sampling the volume of picking or storage being handled,

(a Restricted flow (b Bottle neck

(c Restricted aisle (d Quarantined restriction

(13 A typical warehouse with conventional racking has an aisle with that varies from------

(a 8m-10m (b 4.5m-7.5m (c 2.5m-4.5m (d 6.5m-7.5m

(14 Installation of double deep storage can increase the density of stock; this simply means that two sets of totes
or pallets are stored in a position of----------
(a One on top the other (b One under the other
(c One inside of the other (d One in front of the other

(15 What is the type of storage that works on the principle of moving storage either vertically or horizontally so
that this correct item cannot be picked?

(a Pallets (b Double deep

(c Carousel-type storage (d Tote box

(16 All the following except one is how organization can increase the volume of space available for storage without
adding new building.

(a Using standard-sized pallets (b Using totes box

(c Using adjustable shelving (c Using adjustable docks

(page 35)

(17 What is the additional numbers or characters added to codes that a computer uses to verify the number valid?
(a Additional numbers (b Code verification
(c Validation (d Check digits

(18 What is the intension of integrity ‘Check digits’ to a code?

(a To reduce the livelihood of miss-keying an item and hitting an alternative live item.
(b To increase the livelihood of miss-keying
(c To identify the product
(d To identify the product category

(page 36)
(20 The significance of a check digit as a part of the product code is to check the following.
(a The item has passed quality control
(b The design version that was used
(c That product code has been correctly entered
(d The products location row in the warehouse.

(21 The United Nations has published ‘Recommendation on the transport of Dangerous Goods which contains
detail of products with classifications and code numbers, which then indicate the expected care and safety
requirements. What is the UN code and classification of corrosive liquid?

(a UN code -1760, classification 8

(b UN code -2902, classification 6.1
(c UN code -3163, classification 2.2
(d UN code- 3148, classification 4.3

page 44)
(22 What is the most common Barcode format use?
(a The 13-digit European Article Number(EAN-13)
(b The 10-digit European Article Number (EAN-10)
(c EAN-9
(d EAN-8

(Page 46)
(23 Which of the following is true?
(a All bar codes must be registered with an industry regulator
(b There is only one format for bar codes
(c Bar codes are limited by the need to have fixed readers
(d bar codes can be used for a wide range of data entry application

(24 The two type of Radio frequency identification (RFID) are;

(a Electronic and manual (b Passive and active
(c Small and big (d Internal and external

(page 50)
(25 RFID tags can be used to do the following except?
(a Trigger alarms should equipment or stock be moved
(b Track individual items and locate equipment within building
(c Track containers with multiple loads, track boxes, cages, products and pallets.
(d Track work in progress materials.

(page 57)
(26 The following are all types of wheeled trolley’s except?
(a Box trolley
(b Flatbed trolley
(c Tote trolley
(d Shelf trolley

(page 57)
(27 The choice of weighing equipment will depend on the types of--
(a Warehouse floor plan
(b Stock and purpose of the weighing
(c The design of the warehouse.
(d Logistics

(28 What concept is to create a stable and secure, easy to move group of stock that is fast to load and unload
from the vehicles?

(a Pallets, (b Tote book (c United load (d Dockyard

(page 62)
(29 Which of the following can be used as a part of ‘Unit Load’ stock movement and storage?

(1 Pallets (2 Roll cages (3 Totes box

(4 Ship sheet (5 Shrink wrapping

(a 1 and 2
(b 4 and 5
(c 3 and 4
(d 1 and 4

(30 Objective of packing and packaging include the following except.

(a Protect the product
(b Protect handlers from damage comply with transfer and legal requirement
(c Meet cost targets, meet organization environmental and marketing objective
(d Labeling the product for easy identification.

1 B
2 A
3 C
4 D
5 B
6 A
7 C
8 D
9 A
10 A
11 A
12 B
13 B
14 D
15 C
16 D
17 D
18 A
19 A
20 A
21 A
22 A
23 D
24 B
25 D
26 A
27 B
28 C
29 D
30 D

(page 13)
(31 for what reason does Business select a packaging methods and size that works?
(a Easy transportation;
(b Maximize and minimize waste
(c Maximize carriage and movement
(d Easy storage

(32 Why are some organizations prefer not to identify the types of goods or supplier and packaging.
(a To avoid potential theft (b For easy recognition
(b For easy delivery (c For loading and unloading

page 64
(33 What are the advantages of using industry standard size cardboard boxes in a supply chain?

(a Easy transportation
(b Maximize value and minimize waste
(c maximize carriage and movement
(d Easy storage.

(page 66)
(34 Which of these is not true about the use of pallet wrapping
(a Reduce the impact of leakages
(b Securing loads, weather protecting the pallet load
(c Reducing damage from scuffs and bumps
(d To separate spillage in the environment

(35 Some supply chains have packaging standards in place. These supply chains can be driven by all of the
following except?
(a End-user market situation
(b Private policies
(c Environmental expectation
(d Taxation or regulation

(36 ----- is where the packaging returns to origin or is used between members of an organize group or users
(a Open-loop reuse
(b Close-loop reuse
(c Waste minimization
(d Added value in manufacturing materials

(37 ------ is where the packaging is used again between different organization.
(a Open-loop reuse (b Close-loop reuse
(c Waste minimization (d recycle.

(page-64 checks)

(38 What are the advantages of using industry standard size cardboard boxes in a supply chain?
(a Easy transportation
(b Maximize value and minimize waste
(c Maximize carriage and movement
(d Easy storage
(39 Which is the most valuable inventory that needs to be protected in terms of storage conditions and insurance?
(a Raw material
(b Work in progress
(c Sub assemblies
(d Finished goods

(40 Which is not one of the risk for overstocking (holding too many stock?)
(a It becomes high holding cost.
(b It discourage the customer
(c redundancy and obsolescence
(d back logs in the production process making for inefficient use of factory space and equipment

(41 The state of an inventory being no longer needed or supplies to requirement is called?
(a Waste (b Butter stock (c Obsolescence (d Redundancy

(42 The process of an inventory becoming outdated is called?

(a Waste (b Buffer stock (c Obsolescence (d Redundancy

(43 Holding safety (Buffer) stock reduces the risk of----

(a Waste (b stock out (c obsolescence (d Redundancy

(44 What is the disadvantage of holding too much safety stock?

(a Holding cost (b holding price
(c Poor forecast (d too much records

(45 Stock held as a contingency or insurance against disruption or unexpected demand is called?
(a redundancy
(b obsolescence
(c emergency stock
(d (Safety (Buffer) stock

(46 Having no or insufficient materials to continue production or the finished goods to meet an order is called
(a stock out (b Buffer stock (c Safety stock (d Stock loss

(page 85)

(47 When making stock-management decisions it will be necessary to consider

(a Product life cycle
(b Product cost
(c Difference of storage
(d Monetary values and relative values of stock

(48 what is the hierarchy of stock value? From importance to less importance

(a Raw materials, secondary components, WIP and finished goods

(b WIP, Raw materials, secondary component, finished goods

(c Finished goods, WIP, secondary component and raw materials
(d Finished goods, Raw materials, WIP, and secondary component.

(49 What is the different between opening stock and raw materials?
(a Opening stock are the inventory held at the beginning of an accounting record while Raw materials are
the basic input to manufacturing a product.
(b Opening stock are finished goods, while raw materials are work in progress.
(c Opening stock are calculated at the end of period while raw materials are in it raw state.
(d Opening stock is a product of accounting while raw materials are products of manufacturing.

(50 work-in-progress stock items are relatively easy to identify in a ------

(a Service business but more difficult in a service provider organization,
(b Raw material level them manufacturing
(c Manufacturing business but more difficult in a service provider organization
(d Warehouse than in its raw state

(51 Which are the two types of stock holdings that are to be avoided as much as possible?
(a Stock out and redundancy
(b Obsolescence and stock out
(c stock out and too much stock
(d obsolescence and redundancy

(52 Once demand reaches zero, the stock can be considered------

(a Redundant, (b Obsolete (c Out of stock (d WIP.

(53 Redundant stock can be used; there is a potential demand for it, just not from the current or intended user. It
can be redirected to other users in its current form. It can be thought of as -----
(a Oversupply in its current location.
(b under supply in its current location
(c Over supply of work in progress
(d Over supply of demand

(page 88)
(54 Which of the following is not one of the courses of obsolescence?
(a Technical change (b over processing
(c Cultural change (d Legislation

(page 89)
(55 cause of redundancy include all but;
(a poor forecasting of demand and change in internal policy
(b Weak customer relationship to cancelled orders
(c technological change
(d Overstocking/poor stock controls

(56 Where obsolescence is identified early,

(a more production can help offset loss
(b Reduced production can help offset loss
(c Discounting price will not help sales
(d Discounting price can help sales

(57 ----- is the notional value of stock of set down in a company’s accounts; it is an estimate of value which may or
may not be achieved or may indeed be exceeded.
(a Cost price (b Added value
(c open books costing (d book value

(58 ------ are supplies that are integrated into the finished product
(a Indirect supplies (b Direct supplies
(c strategy supplies (d Routine suppliers.

(59 ------ Are suppliers not incorporated in the finished product but which keep the business and factory operating?
(a Indirect suppliers (b Direct suppliers
(c Strategy suppliers (d Leverage supply.
(60 ------ is the overall approach to how stock is managed, including order points, quantities and values, physical
placement of stock etc.
(a Inventory planning (b inventory approach
(c Inventory strategy (d Inventory executor

31 B
32 A
33 B
34 D
35 B
36 B
37 A
38 B
39 D
40 B
41 D
42 C
43 B
44 A
45 D
46 A
47 D
48 C
49 A
50 C
51 D
52 B
53 A
54 B
55 C
56 D
57 D
58 B
59 A
60 C
(61 Maintenance, Repair and Operation (MRO) inventory; includes items such as
(a work in progress
(b Finished goods
(c Raw materials
(d Cleaning equipment or office supplies

(62------ Is how many times stock inventory is being used/sold and purchased/replenished over a given time period.
(a Stock usage /stock storage (high or low)
(b Stock turn/stock turnover (high or low)
(c Stock processing /stock logistics (high or low)
(d Stock distribution/stock logistic (high or low)

(63 ABC classification of stock is applied to stock and it management and is based loosely on;---
(a The pareto principle (b Kaljic model
(c Mendelow (b Supplier position

(page 92)
(64 Parent principle and ABC classification of stock, is bout types of stock,
(a and volume (b not volume (c and usage (d Not wage

(65 In the ABC classification category- A shows that

(a 5% of parts numbers account for 5% of part stock value.
(b 50% of parts numbers account for 5% of part stock value
(c 30% of parts numbers account for 15% of part stock value
(d 20% of parts numbers account for 80% of part stock value

(66 in the ABC classification category- B shows that;

(a 5% of parts numbers account for 50% of part stock value
(b 50% of part umbers account for 5% of part stock value
(c 30% of parts numbers account for 15% of part stock value
(d 20% of part number account for 80% of part stock value

(67 In the ABC classification category- c shows that;

(a 5% of parts numbers account for 50% of pack stock value
(b 50%of part numbers account for 5% of part stock value
(c 30% of parts numbers account for 15% of part stock value
(d 20% of part number account for 80% part of stock value

(68 ---- is spend that is not actually managed; it is small proportion of total spend (10-20%) under each spend
category that has large number of suppliers accounting for it
(a Tail spend (b high spend (c Class B (d Class A

(69 WHAT category of items are controlled with daily actions?

(a Category B&C (b Category A (c Category B (c Category C

(70 What category of items is controlled with weekly and monthly check.
(a Category A&C (b Category A (c Category B (d Category C

(71 ----- Is the description of stock items in terms of values, rate of turnover, storage characteristics etc
(a Inventory description (b Stock profile
(c Inventory profile (d Stock description
(72 The requirement for a stock item which is directly related to and therefore depended upon the rate of
production (Examples; raw materials compound and energy is called?
(a Low value items (routine) (b High value items (strategic)
(c Dependent demand (d Independent demand

(73 The requirement for a stock item which is not directly related to, and is therefore independent of, the rate of
production (examples are; machinery spares office equipment and consumables is called?

(a Low value items (routine) (b High value items (strategic)

(c Dependent demand (d Independent demand

(page 99
(74 ---- is a computer-to-computer exchange of business documents In a standard format, between different
(a Enterprise resource planning (ERP
(b EDI (Electronic data Interchange)
(c C- to –C
(d P-to –P

(75 ---- Is a business process management software that uses a system of integrated application to manage the
business and automate many back office functions
(a Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
(b (EDI) (Electronic Data Interchange)
(c C-to-C
(d P-to –P

(76 Liquidity is the ease with which assets can be converted into cash. A firm with a high value asset base but low
liquidity may ------
(a Increase unnecessary cost
(b reduce unnecessary cost
(c Quickly meets it dept on time
(d Struggle to meet its dept on time

(77 Acquisition cost can be summarized into the following three (3) main groups except.
(a Requisition cost (b Preliminary cost
(c Placement cost (d post- placement cost

(78 Essentially, a credit card owned by the company that enables an officer to make low value purchases without
the need for formal requisitions and purchase orders is called?

(a Debit card
(b Credit card
(c Purchasing card, procurement card
(d Requisition card


(79 Which is not part of cost of stock-out?

(a Loss of production output, cost of machine down time.
(b Cost of any action require to deal with the stock out
(c Cost of production materials , cost of consumable
(d Loss of customer goodwill loss of sales or need orders, loss of market are stability

(page 103)
(80 Cost benefit analyze for each type of stock exclude the following
(a What is the probability of stockout occurring
(b What are the cost impact if it does
(c What are the cost of holding safety stock at different level, in different location.
(d What is the life –cycle of the cost

(page 106 )
(81 There may be increased risk of stockout and if insufficient inventory is held and still there could be potential
low stock turn if too many is held. The later may increase the risk of obsolescence or redundancy. One way to
manage these risk; is to source the MRO items from a supplier who will maintain the stock at the stock of customer
consumption; The supplier owns the stock until it is used; only then is the purchaser invoice for it, What is this

(a Pay at the point of use (b Vendor-owned stock

(c Use and pay (d Supplier- controlled stock

(82 In the case of low stock turn in Vendor-owned stock approach, who bears the risk of redundancy and
(a Buyer (b Supplier (c Purchase (d End-user

(83 What cost/risk may sit for both the buyer and the suppliers in vendor-owned-stock system?
(a Insurance cost /risk (b Transportation cost/risk
(c Holding too many stock (d Opportunity cost/risk

(84 In a vendor-owned stock mode, who has the opportunity cost of having working capital tied up in the actual
(a Buyer
(b Supplier
(c This who get to the market
(d Those that gets to the market first

(85 Perhaps the most obvious method of reducing risk to service delivery is to ------
(a not to hold any stock
(b Simply hold less stock
(c simply hold more stock
(d outsource the stock

(86 despite fluctuation, what is the relationship between investment in inventory and service delivery.
(a A simple S-curve (b a curve
(c Complex and not straight (d Straight line
(87 What type of forecast uses qualification information that is formed on human/expert opinion, market
research, survey and structured question methods such as Delphi method?

(a Objective forecasting (b Subjecting forecasting

(c Quantitative forecasting (d Real time forecasting

(page 111)
(88 What type of forecast uses quantitative techniques that are based on hard data facts and figures, it produces
time-service and data-set?
(a Objective forecasting (b Subjective forecasting
(c Qualitative forecasting (d Red time forecasting
(89 Most widely used statistical techniques in inventory forecasts is----
(a Moving average and weighted average
(b Moving average
(c weighted average
(d Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA), a combination of the two

(90 What type of forecast is more accurate?

(a Qualitative/objective (b Qualitative
(c Objective (d Subjective

(91 Distorted demand increasing up the supply chain is called?

(a Subjective effect (b objective effect
(c Bullwhip effect (d uncontrolled supply chain

(92 The effect of distorted demand moving up the supply chain is -----, which is not one of them
(a Subjective effect (b objective effect
(c Forrester effect (d uncontrolled supply chain

(93 There are three widely expected reorder ways used for independent demand, which is not one of them
(a fixed quantities (b Economic order qualities
(c Time or periodic review (d Objective reverse

(94 Fixed quality orders are those with a predetermined quantity every time. What is the simple formula used to
determine fixed quantity
(a Maximum usage/ maximum lead time
(b Maximum usage + maximum lead time
(c Maximum wage - maximum lead time
(d Maximum usage X maximum lead time

(95 The economic order quantity (OEQ) is the formula that allows you calculate the ideal quantity of inventory to
order for a given product, parameters in the formula includes;
 Economic order quality _________Q
 Demand (unit often annual) _______D
 Ordering cost (peer purchase order)______S
 Carrying cost per unit(holding cost)_____ H

What is the formula of the EOQ?

2 DS
H 2 DS H
(a H ((b (C (d
2 DS H 2 Ds
(96 If ordering cost is N100. Demand is N100 and holding cost is N2
What is the EOQ?
(a 300 (b 200 (c 100 (d 400
(97 What is the formula of maximum stock level parameters include:
 Average rate of stock usage ________w
 Review period __T
 Stock items order leaf time ____L
 Safety stock _____S

(a WS+(T+L)
(b WS –(T+L)
(c W –( T+L)S
(d W(T+L)+S

(98 Periodic review system use time-based replenishment triggers rather than specified quantity signals. The
relative importance of the stock item determines the
(a Price B usage (c frequency of checks (d Profit

(page116 )
(99 The three main methods of determining stock order levels for in dependent items include all except?

(a Unplanned (b Fixed quality

(b Economic order quantity (d Time or period review

(100 In summary, material requirement planning (MRP) is an electronic system for combining all except.
(a Known and forecasted demand
(b Bill of material for the final product
(c Material life cycle costing
(d Inventory records

(101 Restricting information to the department that produced it is called?
(a silo working (b Restricting the flow information
(c Hoarding (d Withholding information

(102 What is the limitation of MRP 11?

(a It does not look at the material that goes into production process
(b It does not look at the business at a whole
(c It does not look at all of the resources requirement
(d It does not have the ability to run serious and ‘what’ if analyze

(103 Analysis-based scenarios exploring whether something will happen or not is called.
(a Future –instance analysis
(b Exploring approach
(c ‘What if’ analysis
(d Senario-based approach
(104 ------ is described as the planning of organization- wide resources managements by using technology to
capture and assist in analyzing real-time data from all functional areas across the organization.
(a MRP11 (b MRP (c MRP11 (d ERP

(page 122)
(105 the most widely used ERP systems include all except
(a SAP
(b Oracle
(c Microsoft dynamics NAV
(d Microsoft project

(page 123)
(106 -------- Is a practice of smoothing out product in a way that results in producing a given items a day, despite
the demand for those items fluctuating.
(a Schedule leveling (or Heijunka in Japanese)
(b Bill board (or Kanban in Japanese
(c Continue improvement (keizen in Japanese)
(d Lean

(107 What concept aim to reduce or eliminate inventory by producing goods or components immediately before
they are required
(a Kaban
(b Just in time
(c Waste management
(d Kezen

(108 Kanban mean----

(a Sing board or billboard
(b Two bin or billboard
(c Three bin or billboard
(d inventory management or billboard

(109 That which in JIT and ni lean manufacturing process;

enables the triggers for inventory management (or any other part of a process)to be literally visible is called?

(a Kanba
(b Just in time
(c Waste management
(c Keizen

(110 ----- is a customer-supplier partnership in its relationship, supplier representative referred to as in-plant is
paid by the supplier but functions as a member of the customers procurement team
(a MRP11 (b ERP (c JIT (d JIT11
61. D
62. B
63. A
64. B
65. D
66. C
67. B
68. A
69. B
70. C
71. B
72. C
73. D
74. B
75. A
76. D
77. A
78. C
79. C
80. D
81. B
82. B
83. A
84. B
85. C
86. D
87. B
88. A
89. D
90. C
91. C
92. C
93. D
94. D
95. A
96. C
97. D
98. C
99. A
100. C
101. A
102. B
103. C
104. D
105. D
106. A
107. B
108. A
109. A
110. D
111) Which of the following is not part of the purposes of stores and warehouses?
a) To maintain a secure environment to avoid stock losses
b) To maintain a secure environment for workers
c) To maintain suitable environment for stock, minimizing losses from damage and
d) To promote procurement and supply in an organization

112) …………………. Are small, local Storage facilities for immediate-use items
a) Warehouse
b) Stores
c) Shelves
d) Inventories

113) An area (Which may have some canopy and some protection) often used to store bulky stock
items, vehicles and appropriate materials is called?
a) Stock hall
b) Storage center
c) Warehouse
d) Stockyard

114) What is called a large-scale storage facility – can be ‘stand alone’ (for example, not connected to
manufacturing, assembly, retailing ) or ‘integrated’ (for example, on the same site products are either
used or retailed)?
a) Stock hall
b) Storage center
c) Warehouse
d) Stockyard

115) ……………… are warehouses that are intended to be focal point for a specific activity for a
geographic area.
a) Distribution centers and distribution hubs
b) Stockyards and stores
c) Stockyards and warehouses
d) Packaging and Storage center

116) Store and warehouse may contain the following except

a) Raw Materials
b) Partly processed material
c) Integrated goods
d) Items returned from customers

117) Types of storage and distribution structures include the following except
a) Centralized warehouse
b) Regional warehouse
c) Local warehouse or store
d) Stockyards

118) All are the factors influencing locations of storage except

a) Cost of Location
b) The nature of the procurement
c) Availability and suitability of the building
d) Nature of the items to be stored
119) ……………Analysis is based on numerical or statistical-based information rather than opinions and
a) Quantitative
b) Qualitative
c) Cost
d) Value

120) ……………. Analysis is based on opinions and statement rather than numerical statistical evidence
a) Quantitative
b) Qualitative
c) Cost
d) Value

121) What is the alternative term used for stock held in a facility or organization?
a) Stock
b) Book keeping
c) Records
d) Inventory

122) In many cases, stores and warehouse design is driven by ………….?

a) Inventory
b) Ideas and innovation
c) Limitations on cost and location
d) Engineering

123) A single floor design/layout implies the following except

a) No requirement for higher level access via lifts and stairs
b) Weight loading issues are far less important
c) It allows full use of the height of the building
d) It increases operational risk

124) Which one among the following is not part of the structural features of stores and warehouse
a) Stock floor design/layout
b) Single floor design/layout
c) Multiple floors design/layout
d) Light, temperature, humidity and ventilation

125) In many cases efficient and effective loading and unloading is achieved by a ……….. that places
the loading and unloading vehicles’ rear platform at the same height as the warehouse?
a) Dock design
b) Warehouse
c) Stock
d) Outsourcing


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