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This chapter presents the research design, sources of data, data analysis, the parts of the
action plan ethical considerations.

Research Design

This study is qualitative research which employs descriptive design. The study utilized
this method to determine the current effects of online gaming to social interaction of online
Bhat (2019) has defined descriptive research design which gives descriptions on the
characteristics of the population or the phenomenon that is being studied. It focuses more on the
“whatness” of the study while emphasizing the demographic aspect of the subject without
answering the “why?” question. Furthermore, it is also called an observational research method
for none of the variables involved can be influenced in any possible way.

In addition, a qualitative research approach was also used. Qualitative research focuses
on a variety of methodologies and takes an interpretive, naturalistic approach to its subject. This
implies that qualitative researchers investigate phenomena in their natural environments while
attempting to explain phenomena in terms of the meanings that individuals assign to them. A
variety of empirical materials, including case studies, personal experiences, introspective, life
stories, interviews, observational, historical, interactive, and visual texts, that describe common
and troubling events and meanings in people's lives are studied in qualitative research. (Denzin
and Lincoln, 2005:2). It seeks to understand how participants derive meaning from their
surroundings and how that meaning influences their behavior. This approach is appropriate for
the study because it employs qualitative techniques such as interviews, observations, and others
to identify the current effects of online gaming on social interaction among online gamers.
Sources of Data

Locale and Population of Study

The population of this study was composed of students who are affected of online gaming
to social interaction. This is in support of purposive sampling. Purposeful sampling is a
technique widely used in qualitative research for the identification and selection of information-
rich cases for the most effective use of limited resources (Patton, 2002). This involves
identifying and selecting individuals or groups of individuals that are especially knowledgeable
about or experienced with a phenomenon of interest (Cresswell & Plano Clark, 2011).

The chosen participants were five (5) or four (4) Senior High School Students between
the ages of sixteen (16) and nineteen (19) who are affected by online gaming to social contact.
All players have prior expertise with online gaming and are qualified to participate. Full
disclosure is given to the participant's provided information, which includes sharing one's
personal information or presented information.

Instrumentation and Data Collection

To gather the necessary information of from the identified students, the researchers asked
the Online Gamers to provide a copy of their names.

To gather the data pertinent to the factors that contribute to the performance of students
which lead to failure of the course, the research made use of the interview method. The
researchers formulated questions to comply with the necessary requirements to conduct the
interview. The questions looked into the reasons for the effects of online gaming to social
interaction and the ways on how to improve students’ academic performance.

The researchers conducted the interview themselves. They employed a video camera to
record the interviewer and interviewee's dialogue. And, to make it easier to record information,
the interviewer wrote down the interviewee's responses.
Tools for Data Analysis

The collected data was analyzed and interpreted. The interview analysis was utilized to
evaluate the responses of the students who were interviewed.

Ethical Considerations

To establish and safeguard ethics in conducting this research, the researchers strictly
observed the following.

The names of the pupils were never mentioned in this study. The students were not
injured emotionally or physically for participating in this study. The video documentation does
not include their faces.

To ensure and promote copyright rules, proper document sourcing or referencing of items
was done.

A communication letter was presented to the instructor concerned asking permission to

conduct an interview.

The validity of the research tool was tested. Their ideas were implemented into the
instrument. A list of summaries and the researchers' corresponding actions is appended.
 Cresswell JW, Plano Clark VL. Designing and conducting mixed method research. 2nd
Sage; Thousand Oaks, CA: 2011.
 Denzin NK, Lincoln YS. Introduction. The discipline and practice of qualitative research.
In: Denzin NK, Lincoln YS, editors. The Sage handbook of qualitative research.
Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications; 2005. pp. 1–32.
 Patton MQ. Qualitative research and evaluation methods. 3rd Sage Publications;
Thousand Oaks, CA: 2002.

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