MBT LT UI 02 The No No Game

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2 The no ‘no’ game

1 Are you feeling OK? 1 Can you remember what we did before this?
2 Are you sure? 2 Are you cold?
3 Did you watch TV last night? 3 Have you seen my bag?
4 Do you watch it a lot? 4 I think you’ve got it.
5 I’ve forgotten, did you say you watched TV last night? 5 Is it time to stop yet?

1 Have we started yet? 1 Do you understand how to play this game?

2 I think this is a silly game, don’t you? 2 Have you had a new hair cut?
3 Do you like playing games? 3 Have you bought some new clothes?
4 Would you prefer to do some exercises? 4 Will you lend me some money?
5 Do you enjoy studying grammar? 5 Please. Just for one day?

1 Do you like coffee? 1 Do you want to do this?

2 And what about tea? 2 Shall we do something different?
3 Do you like tea? 3 Would you like to see my new book?
4 Do you like tea? 4 This month … it’s November, isn’t it?
5 Oh, I asked that question twice, didn’t I? 5 Are you sure?


1 Do you like computer and video games? 1 Have you ever been to Spain?
2 Are they a waste of time? 2 Do you know anyone who’s been there?
3 Do you like watching sports? 3 Would you like to go?
4 Do you ever do any sports? 4 Is the lesson nearly over?
5 What about football? 5 All right, let’s finish. OK?

1 Would you like some chocolate? 1 I’m not very good at this game, am I?
2 Are you certain? 2 Do you think you’ll pass your next exam?
3 Are we still in school? 3 Maybe you’ll get a really good mark.
4 Will you come to my birthday party next week? 4 You’ve never failed an exam, have you?
5 Will you buy me an expensive present? 5 Shall I help you study?

1 You’re bored, aren’t you? 1 Will you get married soon?

2 Shall we phone someone? 2 Do you like discos and nightclubs?
3 Can I borrow your phone? 3 Can you tell me the time?
4 I just want to call a friend in Australia – is that OK? 4 Oh – it’s nearly the end of the lesson.
5 Let’s go for a picnic! 5 It’s your turn next, isn’t it?

Photocopiable Learning Teaching Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2017. This page may be photocopied for use in class.
2 The no ‘no’ game
Pairwork. Students read a list of questions to their partner
who responds in the negative without saying no.

Functional language: saying no.

Photocopy one worksheet for each pair of students. Cut the
worksheet in half.

• Explain that students are going to play a game where they
mustn’t use the word ‘no’ when answering questions.
• Divide the class into pairs. Hand out worksheet A to one
student and worksheet B to the other student in each pair.
• Ask students to take it in turns to choose a set of questions
and read them aloud, quickly, one after the other to
their partner. Their partner must answer each one in the
negative, without saying the word ‘no’. Tell students that
they must give full, realistic answers and not simply shake
their heads.
• If they say ‘no’ to a question, their partner gets a point.
If they answer all five questions in the negative without
saying ‘no’, they get a point.
• Students keep swapping roles and playing again. The
student in each pair with the most points at the end is
the winner.

• Allow students to answer positively or negatively to the
questions but without using either of the words ‘yes’ or
• When students have finished all their cards, they could
continue playing the game with spontaneous questions
of their own.

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