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Pie Chart: The charts illustrate how a children’s charity organization based in the

USA collected and used their money over a year. The first chart is categorized into
6 different revenue sources and the second one is divided into 3 purposes of
Looking at the charts, we can easily witness that donated food was the main
sources of funds of the charity. However, it is also of highlight that they spent most
of their fees on different program services.
To begin with, 86.6% of revenue from this charity came from donated food
through the one-year research period, which is => was over eight times as much as
contributions from the community with 10.4%. These two sources accounted for
exactly 97% of the total income. Finally, in this categorie => category, the
government grants and other income were unnoticeable, both were under 0.5%.
Meanwhile, almost 96% had been spent => was spent on program services by the
charity in expenditure. About the remaining of expenditure, the charity spent 2.6%
on fundraising and the rest was for the management and general. It is worth
noticing that the total amount of income was more than 53,561 million dollars, just
enough to cover the expenditure of 53,224 million dollars. However, 300
thousands dollars was saved by the charity at the end of the research period.
Band 5.5-6.0
The given table demonstrates the students attendance’s percentage => the
percentage of students’ attendance in four types of secondary school through 9-
year period. The four different types of school in secondary level consist of
specialist school, grammar school, voluntary-controlled school and community
It can be clearly seen that 3 first types of school lost their attracted => attraction
with secondary school through the research period, experienced a downward trend.
Meanwhile, community schools presented the opposite tendency with a markedly
growth and end the 9-year period with the highest point of all the time.
To begin with, it can be easily witness in the table that is => X voluntary-
controlled schools was chosen by more than a half of pupils in 2000. Furthermore,
grammar schools represented just under one fourth of students and the data of/the
figures for 2 last types were unnoticeable with 12% at the beginning of the
research period.
After 5 years, it is worth noticing that the data of students attending in community
school went up by 20% and reached the peak 2009 with 58% => reached the peak
of 58% in 2009, the highest point of all the time over the period. Meanwhile, the
voluntary-controlled schools showed the opposite trend with a sharply decline=>
sharp decline, their figure dropped to 38% in the middle of the period and end with
a relatively decreased at 20% in 2009. Grammar and specialist also saw decreased
=> saw a decrease in pupils’ attendance but it was unnoticeably=> unnoticeable.
The total students’ went down by half in grammar school throughout the years,
standing at 12% in 2009 Besides, the percentage of students in specialist schools
fell minimally, dropped to a tiny fraction in 2005 and then hit the bottom at exactly
10% in the end of the given period.
(Band 5.0)

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