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Be In Nature's Presence And Embrace It As Much As Possible, As Well As Learn Survivalist Skills And
How To Rewild Myself, And Advocate For The Autonomy And Freedom Of All Life To Do As They
Please While Out In The Wild And Out Of It, As Well As Exercising And Developing My Fitness Out
Within Its Embrace (Via Cardio (Running, Hiking, Etc.) Or Bodyweight Exercise)
2. Read From My Large List Of Books, Articles, Essays, Documents, Etc. Mondays And Tuesdays: Read
About Politics, Philosophy, Psychology, History, Economics, Etc.
Wednesdays And Thursdays: Read About Religion/Spirituality And Esotericism/Occultism
Fridays And Saturdays: Read Fiction, Plays, Scripts, And Poetry
Sundays: Read About Tactics, Direct Action, Tips For Survival In The Modern World And After It,
And How To Bring About The Changes I Wish To See In The World And Live My Life In
Accordance With My Principles
3. Practice Meditation/Yoga, Physical Fitness, And Sinister Magick As Described By The "Left Hand
Path" Currents I Follow
4. Engage With Artwork (Paintings, Drawings, Sketchings, Etc.)
5. Engage With Martial Arts, Terrorist, Automotive, Political, Philosophical, Spiritual-Occult, Military,
And/Or Survivalist Material And/Or Praxis Online And Offline
6. Head Into The Rural/Nature-Heavy Areas/Wilderness
7. Write My Novel
8. Write Short Fictions
9. Write About Philosophy
10. Write Poetry
11. Make Myself An Ally To All Plants And Animals, And Do My Best To Spend As Much Time Around
Them As Possible, Acquainting Myself With All Forms Of Non-Human Life
12. Develop My Own Spiritual/Occult Weltanschauung, Through Both Acquiring Knowledge, Ritualistic
Meditation/Practice, And Tangible, Exoteric Actions
Influenced By The Following Practices And Beliefs:
Germanic-Norse Heathenry/Germanic-Norse Paganism (Specifically, Gullveig, Hela, Wotan, And
þursar Worship, As Well As Delving Into The Mysteries Of The Runes)
Celtic/Gaelic/Anglo-Saxon Druidry (Especially Worship Of The Morrigan)
Transcendentalism (Panentheism/Pantheism/Monism/Animism/Loving God (Mother Nature) In
All Things)
Hellenism (Hekate, Typhon, Gaia, And Pan Worship)
The Process Church Of The Final Judgement
Chaos Gnosticism/Anti-Cosmic Satanism-Luciferianism (With Draconian Influences)
Rodnovery (With An Emphasis On Worshipping Marena/Morana/Marzanna)
Aztec "Anahuac" (Focusing On Mictlantecuhtli And Huitzlilopochtli Worship)
Palo Mayombe
Abraxas Worship
Cain Worship
Chaos Magick/Discordianism
Kali Worship
Esoteric National Socialism (Esoteric Hitlerism)
Death/Reaper Worship
13. Develop Praxis And Nuanced Positions For The Following Beliefs/Ideas I Hold To Be True And
Anarchy (Not Just For Human Beings, But Also Plants And Animals And Earthen Material And The
Whole Of Nature/The Cosmos, Too; Perhaps Anarchy For The Non-Human
Sometimes/Occasionally At The Expense Of The Human)
Deep Ecology (And Spiritual Ecology)
Primitivism (Á La Subsistence/Minimalistic Agarianism/Ruralism) Combined With "Post-
Civilization" Ideas (Not, However, Utopian, Romanticized Ideas Of Hunting/Gathering, Although
That May Be Utilized If Need Be, Or It Is Practical Given Moment), And The Usage Of Small-
Scale/Appropriate Technologies
Straight Edge
Human Extinction/Mass Human Die-Off
Aryanism (Not As A Biological Concept, But As A Spiritual One)
Decentralization/Localism/Tribalism/Regionalism/Communitarianism/Organic, Small
Establishments Of Volkisch Clans And/Or Small-Scale Syndicates (With A Deep Respect For And
Emphasis On Individuality/Individualism, And Does Not Subsume Uniques Into It, And Render
Them Soulless And Faceless; There Is No Higher Form Of Governmental Authority/Organization
Than Freely-Organized Towns/Villages/Cities/Counties, Founded By Unions Of Like-Minded
Uniques, With As Little People As Possible, With 500 Being Optimal (If Such Things Are Going To
Exist At All, In Any Sort Of Capacity, Which Is Strongly Discouraged To Begin With, And Not At All
The Ultimate Ideal Or Goal))
Absolute Freedom Of Expression
Transgressive And Hard-To-Digest Art Is The Best Art (Art Must Have A
Disturbing/Dangerous/Taboo Character)
Left-Hand Norse/Hellenic/Slavic/Aztec Paganism (Mixed With Luciferianism, Satanism, Thelema,
Nature Worship, Chaos/Diabolical Gnosticism, Hermeticism)
In-Group Loyalty
Aristocracy And Nobility
Frontier Justice/Vigilantism/Lynching
Blood And Soil/Indigenous Precedence
The Formation Of Armed Groups/Gangs/Militias (Whilst Also Doing Away With Gangsterism And
The Effects Of La Cosa Nostra)
Romanticism (Specifically, Dark Romanticism/Gothic Romanticism)
Cyclical History (Eternal Recurrence)
Cultures/Aeons As Organisms With Finite Lifespans
Limit-Experience (Surpassing That Which We Think To Hold Us Back, By Throwing Ourselves Into
The Seemingly Impossible, Bizarre, And Dangerous)
14. Overcoming Humanity
15. Traditionalism (Of A Different Kind)
16. The Power Of The Myth
17. Castes (Everyone And Everything Knowing Its Place In Nature/The Realm Of "Being"/In The Cosmic
Paradigm, Instinctively Knowing What Their “Position” And “Wyrd” Are)
18. Elitism (Curbing The Power Of The Lower, The Untermensch, Keeping Their Influence At Bay,
Though Not Always Ruthlessly Stomping Upon Them; Mostly Self-Segregating, Separating From
Them, And, If Necessary, Keeping Them At Bay Through Violent Means)
19. Exaltation Of Strength, And Of The "New Human", Truly Natural, Free, Heroic, And Honorable
Welcoming Pain And Joy, Suffering And Pleasure, Life And Death, Strife And Tranquility, Wonderful
Serenity And Gruesome War, Paving The Way For Something Much Better, Towards New Ideals
20. Women As The Source Of Life
21. Anti-Americanism
22. Accelerationism
23. War/Combat/Violence/Destruction
24. ATWA
25. Secession
26. Luddism
27. Self-Preservation
28. The Gods/Goddesses Are In Nature And Nature Leads To The Gods/Goddesses
29. The Unity Between The Flesh And The Soul
30. Revelling In Taboos
31. The Paradoxes In Nature
32. Reconciliation Between Chaos (As Defined By Chaos-Gnosticism) And The Cosmos/Nature
33. Goddess Worship
34. Life And Death As Complimentary
35. Illegalism
36. Propaganda Of The Deed
37. Living An Extreme, Creative, Unusual Life, As If It Were A Novel, Or Poem, Or Piece Of Music; A
Work Of Art In Itself, Allowing Life To Feel Truly Alive Again, As Nature Paints, Writes, And Sings
Through Its Various Creations, And We Express Its Divine Artistry Upon The Canvas That Is The
38. The Great Architects/Artists Of The Universe
39. Depopulation
40. Terrorism (Specifically, Eco-Terrorism/Ecodefense)
41. Eco-Extremism
42. Love For The Motherland/Fatherland
43. Property, Whatever This May Be Defined As, That One Or More Can Properly Defend, Acquire, And
Claim With Their Own Might, Presence, Agreements Made Face-To-Face, Persuasion, And/Or
Cunning (However Much That May Happen To Extend, And If These Falter, Then It Is No Longer
"Theirs"), And Continue To Do So, Rather Than Property Attached To A Name Through
Legalese/Exchange Of Currency/Contractual Documents That Bind, Or Property That Is Not In The
Hands Of Anyone In Particular, And Is Thus Able To Be Shared And Used By All At Any Time, For Any
44. Mutualism/Bartering/Co-Operative Exchange/Market-Based Anti-Capitalism/Truly Free Markets
Divorced From The Jewish Inventions Of Relentless Profit-Seeking, Destroying Of Competition,
Boundless Exploitation, And Usury, As Conceived By American Individualists Such As Southgate,
Spooner, And Tucker, As Well As The Originator Of Anarchism, Proudhon (Which Is Still Vehemently
Anti-Communist, As It Is Not Based In Egalitarianism/Equality, Nor Is It Anti-Property Or Anti-
Competition, And Is Against Central Planning); However, Economic Nihillism, And Non-Economic
Mutual Aid, That Is, The Total Opposition To, And Total Negation Of, Economics, Whatever Form It
May Take, And The Rhetoric It Employs To Seduce And Sway, Is Preferred And Encouraged Even
45. Intolerance
47. Militarism/Warrior Lifestyles/Militancy
48. Material Minimalism
49. Heroism
50. Piracy/Expropriation
51. Self-Overcoming
52. Force And Valor As The Instigators Of Political/Social Change
53. Metapolitics
54. Civilization
55. Cosmicism/Indifferentism
56. Ethnic Autonomy
57. Do What Thou Wilt (Acting In Accordance With One's True Nature)
58. The Merging Of Idealism With The Material Plane
59. Panpsychism
60. Cultural Relativism
61. Vitalism
62. Pessimism Of Strength
63. Inner Wealth
64. Active Nihilism
65. Existentialism
66. “Being”
67. True Will
68. Destiny/Fatalism
69. Politics As Violence (Friend-Enemy Distinction)
70. Archetypes
71. Individuation (Finding Your True Self)
72. Anima And Animus
73. Eroticism
74. Collective Unconscious
75. Matriarchy
76. Spirituality As Resistance
77. Passionate Dionysianism
78. Suffering/Despair
79. Paradox And Contradiction
80. A Supernatural/Ethereal Undercurrent In All Things
81. The “Gods” Are Our Guides And, Even, Our Friends; Certainly Our Heroes (Although, Perhaps Not In
All Cases, If That Be Possible)
82. Old/Classical/Ancient Architecture
83. Primordialism
84. Welfare
85. Humanity/Mankind As A Concept
86. Antinatalism
87. Suicide
88. Anti-Social Behavior
89. Society At Large (The Proud, Bold, Unique Few Beating Back The Insane, Vapid, Sleepwalking
90. Solitude As The Truest And Most Liberating Aspect Of Life, The Only Real Freedom, And The Only
Way To Know One’s Self
91. Smashing And Eating Both The Rich And Poor (The Working Class And Upper Class Are Disgusting,
Wretched, Pitiful Creatures In Similar Measure)
92. Forced And Arbitrarily Assigned Identities/Collectives That One Is Bound To Out Of Mere Obligation
Or “Duty” (Usually Of A Political Kind, Used For Political (Statist) Purposes)
93. Differentiation And True Diversity (A Desire To Not Be Like Anything Else, And Recognizing That
Desire In Others, Rather Than Encouraging Levelling And Equalitarian Modes Of Existence)
94. Queerness (Gays, Lesbians, Bi, Transgender, Nonbinary, Etc.)
96. Develop Critiques And Refutations Of The Following Ideas/Positions (Which I Have No Desire To
Affiliate With), And Actions To Take Against Them:
98. Capitalism
99. Communism
100. Economics
101. Statism/Authoritarianism
102. Egalitarianism/Equality (Of Any Kind)
103. Democracy
104. Humanism/Anthropocentrism
105. Monoculturism (The Levelling Of Volkisch/Ethnic And Cultural Diversity)
106. Collectivism
107. Globalism
108. Pop Culture/Lowest Common Denominator Art
109. Biological Determinism
110. Abrahamicism
111. Misogyny/Patriarchal Values
112. Homophobia/Queerphobia/Transphobia
113. Meat Eating
114. Overpopulation
115. Endless Growth
116. Industrialization
117. Drug And Alcohol Abuse
118. Conservatism
119. Progressivism
120. Liberalism (Classical Or Contemporary)
121. Techno-Fetishism
122. Feminism
123. Meninism
124. Human Rights
125. Dualism (Of Any Kind; Cosmological, Mind-Body, Or Physical/Spiritual)
126. Civilization
127. Domestication
128. Police
129. The Education System (Especially Teachers)
130. Anglo-Saxonry
131. Immigration
132. Gun Control
133. Natalism
134. Populism/Massification
135. Materialism
136. Moralism
137. Ideology
138. Rationalism/Reason/Logic
139. Scientism
140. Atheism
141. Supremacism
142. Monarchism
143. Churches
144. Slave Morality
145. Master Morality
146. Might Is Right
147. Slavery
148. Private Property
149. Collective Ownership
150. Millenarism/Linear History
151. Human Nature
152. "World" History
153. Optimism
154. Passive Nihilism
155. Workerism
156. Consumerism
157. Plutocracy
158. Universalism
159. Pacifism
160. Tolerance
161. Psychiatry
162. Bourgeois And Proletarian Values
163. "Family Values"
164. Hedonism (As It Is Often Known And Defined By Civilization)
165. Nation-Statism/Countryism/Patriotism/Crass Nationalism
166. Controlling Nature/Usurping Nature
167. Federalism
168. Utilitarianism
169. Productionism
170. Zionism
171. Jewry
172. Taxation
173. Reformism
174. Vivisection And Other Animal Experimentation Or Exploitation
175. Pet Owning
176. Luxury
177. Usury
178. Transhumanism
179. Racial Equality
180. Reactionaryism/Pastism
181. Paradise/Utopianism/Improvement
182. Legalism
183. Law And Order
184. Belief
185. Liberalism
186. Reformism
187. Homo Hubris/Man's Eternal, Unending Arrogance
188. Centrism/Moderatism
189. Intellectualism
190. Biological Determinism/Biological Racism
191. Speculation
192. Forced Associations
193. Regulations
194. Commercialized Art
195. World History
196. Outer Wealth/Riches/Material Acquisition
197. Urbanism
198. Lebenskampf (The Obsession With Life As A Struggle, As A War Of All Against All)
199. Newtonian Science
200. Darwinism Of Any Kind
201. Enlightenment/Modernity
202. Left Wing/Right Wing
203. Chauvinism
204. Oligarchy
205. Cosmopolitanism
206. Marriage
207. Stoicism
208. Apollonianism
209. Systemizing
210. Asceticism
211. Worship
212. Corporatism
213. Xenophobia
214. Totalitarianism
215. Modern/Brutalist Architecture
216. Dogmatism
217. Natural Law
218. Demagoguery/Placation Of The Masses
219. Rulership (Carrying The Masses Is A Heavy Burden To Bear, And More Often Than Not, One
Becomes Enslaved To Them)
220. Imperialism
221. Eugenics
223. Symbols To Revere, And Represent The Mindset:
225. The Swastika
226. The Black Flame And Black Sun
227. The Kolovrat
228. The Algiz
229. The Tyr Rune
230. The Wolfsangel
231. The Wolf's Cross
232. The Ouroboros
233. The Pentagram
234. The Broken Sun Cross
235. The Septagram
236. The Sowilo Rune
237. The Eight-Pointed Star
239. Heroes To Look To:
241. Revolutionaries/Insurrectionists:
242. Renzo Novatore
243. Subcommandante Marcos
244. Yukio Mishima
245. Theodore John Kaczynski
246. Charles Manson
247. Ernst Von Salomon
248. Enrico Arrigoni
249. Severino Di Giovanni
250. David Myatt
251. Albert Libertad
252. Emiliano Zapata
253. Enzo Martucci
254. Bruno Filippi
255. Walter Bond
256. Alfredo M. Bonnano
257. Lysander Spooner
258. Gabrielle D’Annunzio
259. Mumia Abu-Jamal
260. Timothy McVeigh
261. Rod Coronado
262. Alexander Marius Jacob
263. Joe Hill
264. Thomas Paine
265. Peter Young
266. Mao Tse Tsung
267. Biófilo Panclasta
268. John Brown
269. Sergei Nechayev
270. Bill Cooper
271. Juan José Garfia
273. Nature/Animal Lovers (Radical Ecologists):
274. Savitri Devi
275. Layla AbdelRahim
276. Dave Foreman
277. Edward Abbey
278. John Miur
279. Peter Singer
280. Aldo Leopold
281. Arne Naess
282. Susan Griffin
283. Peter Wohlleben
284. Ernst Haeckel
285. Knut Hamsun
286. Dolores LaChapelle
287. David Abram
288. Henry Williamson
289. Rachel Carson
290. Tamarack Song
291. George Sessions
292. Bernie Krause
293. Henry David Thoreau
294. Jack Turner
295. Wendell Berry
296. Fredy Perlman
297. Tom Brown Jr.
298. Gary Snyder
299. H.L. Kundu
300. Julia Butterfly Hill
301. Richard L. Proenneke
302. Margaret Fuller
303. Pentti Linkola
305. Iconoclasts (Masters Of Written Dissent):
306. Robert Anton Wilson
307. Emma Goldman
308. James L. Walker
309. L.A. Rollins
310. Thomas Ligotti/Eugene Thacker
311. Sidney E. Parker/Dora Marsden
312. Laurence Labadie
313. Bob Black
314. Robert Brassillach
315. Wolfi Landstreicher
316. Flower Bomb
317. Benjamin DeCasseres
318. H.L. Mencken
319. Ezra Heywood
320. Edgar Saltus
321. Ragnar Redbeard
322. Malfew Seklew
323. Hunter S. Thompson
324. George Carlin
325. John Henry Mackay
326. Ziq/Julian Langer
327. Émile Armand
328. William Brann
329. Voltarine De Cleyre
330. Jack Kerouac
331. William S. Burroughs/Jack London
332. Aragorn Moser
333. John Badcock Jr.
334. Henry Miller
335. Joris-Karl Huysmans
337. Poets:
338. John Milton
339. Dante Alighieri
340. Charles Baudelaire
341. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
342. Ezra Pound
343. T.S. Eliot
344. William Blake
345. Friedrich Hölderlin
346. W.B. Yeats
347. Walt Whitman
348. Stefan George
349. Percy Bysshe Shelley
350. Seamus Heaney
351. Arthur Rimbaud
352. Hugo Von Hofmannstahl
353. Novalis
354. Rainer Maria Rilke
355. Victor Hugo
356. Emily Dickinson
357. Edna St. Vincent Millay
358. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
359. Paul Celan
360. Heinrich Heine
361. Friedrich Von Schiller
362. D.H. Lawrence
363. Aeschylus
364. Algernon Charles Swinburne
365. Amy Lowell
366. Hilda Doolittle
367. Sophocles
369. Thinkers/Philosophers:
370. Friedrich Nietzsche
371. Ralph Waldo Emerson
372. Friedrich Georg Jünger
373. Derrick Jensen
374. Martin Heidegger
375. Carlo Michelstaedter
376. Michel Foucault
377. Niccolò Machiavelli
378. Erik Ritter Von Kuenhelt-Leddihn
379. Saul Newman
380. José Ortega Y Gasset
381. Baruch Spinoza
382. Arthur Schopenhauer
383. Joseph De Maistre
384. Nick Land/Mark Fisher
385. Blaise Pascal
386. Anthony Mario Ludovici
387. Jean Baudrillard
388. Guy Debord
389. Carl Schmitt
390. Georges Sorel
391. Jacques Derrida
392. Peter Lamborn Wilson
393. Henri Bergson
394. Friedrich Joseph Schelling
395. Emil Cioran
396. Alejandro De Acosta
397. Pythagoras
398. Rudolf Steiner
399. Heraclitus
401. Historians:
402. Oswald Spengler
403. Thomas Carlyle
404. Mircea Eliade
405. Catherine Nixey
406. Jos Rogiers
407. Johann Gottfried Von Herder
408. Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
409. Stephen Biddle
410. Herbert Read
411. John Zerzan
412. Anthony C. Sutton
413. Paul Carus
414. J.P. Mallory
415. Arthur Evans
416. Albert Camus
417. Kirkpatrick Sale
418. John Connor
419. Frederick Turner
420. M.S. King
421. Lenni Brenner
422. Stanley Diamond
423. Kerry Bolton
424. R.G. Collingwood
425. Alexander Jacob
426. Jerry Mander
427. Eric Bentley
428. Robert Taber
429. Harald Welzer
430. Jacques Camette
431. John Carey
433. Novelists/Storytellers:
434. Stephen King
435. H.P. Lovecraft
436. Edgar Allan Poe/Nathaniel Hawthorne
437. Louis-Ferdinand Celine
438. H.G. Wells
439. Franz Kafka
440. Leo Tolstoy
441. Jane Austen
442. Oscar Wilde
443. Marquis De Sade/Choderlos de Laclos
444. Herman Melville
445. Charles Dickens
446. Emily Brönte
447. Bram Stoker
448. Hermann Löns
449. Thomas Mann
450. Hermann Hesse
451. Marcel Proust/James Joyce
452. William Godwin
453. J.G. Ballard
454. Henrik Ibsen/Octave Mirbeau
455. Cormac McCarthy/Agustina Bazterrica/Harlan Ellison
456. George Bernard Shaw
457. Aldous Huxley
458. Anthony Burgess
459. Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu/Daniel Defoe
460. James Joyce
461. Algernon Blackwood
462. Daniel Quinn
463. Mary Shelley
465. Occultists/Mystics/Esotericists/Weavers Of Mythology:
466. Christopher Penzcak
467. Edward Bulwer Lyton
468. A.N. 715/Arioch
469. Poetic Eddas
470. Edred Thorsson/Thomas Karlsson
471. Aleister Crowley
472. Frater Kafyrfos
473. Rhyd Wildermuth/John Michael Greer
474. Hesiod
475. N.A.A. 218
476. Sioned Davies
477. Vexior 218
478. Mark Alan Smith
479. Fray Bernardino De Sahagún
480. Hermes Trismegistus
481. Niðafjöll
482. Askr Svarte
483. Afefe Ogo
484. Ophis Christos/Nicholaj Frisvold
485. Nag Hammadi
486. Valentin Scavr
487. Johannes Nefastos
488. Maria De Naglowska
489. Julius Evola/Rene Guenon
490. Helmold
491. Carlos Galdiano Montenegro
492. Devi Mahatmyam
493. Lao Tzu
494. Iamblichus/Plotinus
495. Homer
497. Psychologists/Sociologists/Anthropologists:
498. Max Stirner
499. Gilles Deleuze/Félix Guatarri
500. Carl Jung
501. Ludwig Klages
502. Max Weber
503. Ferdinand Tönnies
504. Jacques Ellul
505. Thédore Flournoy
506. Klaus Theweleit
507. Pierre Clastres
508. Lewis Mumford
509. Shahin
510. Robert Michels
511. Georges Palante/Gustav Le Bon
512. Fyodor Dostoevsky
513. William James
514. Eugen Bleuler
515. Otto Weininger
516. Marcel Mauss
517. Otto Gross
518. Georges Bataille
519. Edmund Husserl
520. Georg Simmel
521. Émile Durkheim
522. Søren Kierkegaard
523. Lev Shestov
524. Bell Hooks
525. Wilhelm Reich
526. Jean-Paul Sartre
527. Joseph Campbell
529. Survivalists/Tacticians/Disrupters/Guides:
530. Serafinski
531. Ernst Jünger
532. Erwin S. Strauss
533. Rob Taber
534. James Mason
535. Craig & Lucy Fraser/Paul Waggener
536. Kurt Saxon
537. J.J. Luna
538. Timothy W. Tobiason
539. Bradley J. Steiner
540. David Easton
541. James Wesley, Rawles
542. William Cobbett
543. John Wiseman
544. Paul Z Simons
545. Takuan Soho
546. Keith Preston
547. Ecodefense
548. Sun Tzu
549. Thomas Chittum
550. Seaweed
551. Vincent Snyder
552. Yamamoto Tsunetomo/Musashi Miyamoto
553. Jack Donovan
554. Lupus Dragonowl
555. W.E. Fairbairn
556. Desert
557. Abbie Hoffman
558. Troy Southgate
559. Saul D. Alinski
561. Artists (Musicians, Painters, Dramatists, Etc.):
562. Filippo Tomasso Marinetti
563. Wyndham Lewis
564. Richard Wagner
565. Antonin Artaud/Theodor Adorno
566. Ian Curtis
567. Johnny Cash
568. Marcel Duchamp
569. Salvador Dalí
570. Max Ernst
571. Edvard Munch
572. Kurt Cobain
573. Tupac Shakur
574. Boyd Rice
575. Darby Crash
576. Varg Vikernes
577. Willie Nelson
578. Douglas Pierce/Death In June
579. Robert Plant
580. Phil Anselmo
581. John Coltrane
582. Greg Lake
583. Henry Rollins
584. John Joseph
585. Jimi Hendrix
586. Hieronymus Bosch
587. Junji Ito/Kentaro Miura/Mamrou Oshii/Katsuhiro Otomo/Tatsuki Fujimoto/Takehiko
Inoue/Muneyuki Kaneshiro/Sui Ishida/Gege Akutami/Takashi Okazaki/Tsutomo Nihei/Rei
Hiroe/Kouta Hirano/ONE/Oku Hiroya
588. WxTen
589. David Lloyd
590. Karl Buechner/Ian MacKaye
592. Economists/Those Involved With Economics:
593. Leopold Kohr
594. E.F. Schumacher
595. Benjamin R. Tucker
596. Josiah Warren
597. John Beverly Robinson
598. Clarence Lee Swartz
599. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
600. Joseph A. Tainter
601. Garett Hardin
602. Herbert Spencer
603. Chellis Glendinning
604. Stephen Mitford Goodson
605. G. Edward Griffin
606. Richard Hunt
607. Donella H. Meadows
608. Erwin S. Strauss
609. Ken Knudsen
610. Chris Shaw
611. Henry George
612. William R. Catton Jr.
613. Silvio Gesell
614. Samuel Edward Konkin III
615. Marshall Sahlins
616. Virginia Abernathy
617. Pope Leo XIII
618. Thomas Malthus
619. Kevin Carson
620. Francis Dashwood Tardy
621. Werner Sombart
622. Charles Fourier
624. Groups/Collectives:
625. O9A (Temple Of THEM, Black Order, Drakon Covenant, Temple Ov Blood, Secuntra, OSV, The
Temple Of Atazoth, Temple 88, Temple Of Azagthoth, Falcifer-Luciferi 13, Carcoa Coven, Nexion
913, etc., etc.)
626. IRA
627. Baader-Meinhoff/Red Army Faction
628. Individualists Tending Towards The Wild
629. Earth First!
630. Os Cangaceiros
631. Conspiracy Cells Of Fire
632. Bonnot Gang
633. Autonomia
634. Natural Order Movement/Hardline
635. Temple Of The Black Light
636. Martinet Press
637. Process Church
638. The Hell's Angels
639. Earth Liberation Front/Animal Liberation Front/Animal Liberation Brigade/Animal Rights Militia
640. EZLN
641. Fraternitas Loki
642. MOVE
643. The Invisible Committee/Tarnac Nine
644. The Institute For Experimental Freedom
645. American Futurists/Iron March/Atomwaffen/NSO/Terrorgram/Waffen SS
646. Situationist International
647. Lilin Society
648. Monsieur Dupont
649. SHARP/ARA/AFA/The Baldies
650. The Curious George Brigade
651. Return Fire
652. Crimethinc
653. For Ourselves
654. TQILA/YPG/Rojava
656. Publications (Zines And Other Such Things):
657. AJOAD
658. Arkangel
659. Black Seed
660. Ash And Ruin
661. Black Eye
662. Baedan
663. Bloodlust
664. Tyr
665. Lugnut
666. Warbound
667. Go Light
668. ABB
669. Bezna
670. The Fifth Path
671. Garden
672. Killing King Abacus
673. The Egoist
674. Minus One
675. Xoanon
676. Acephale
677. Black Metal Theory
678. Warzone Distro
679. Militant Vegan
680. Alienist Magazine
681. Ixaxaar
682. Fall Of Man
684. Art Forms To Be Inspired By:
685. Expressionism
686. Surrealism
687. Dadaism
688. Futurism
689. Cubism
690. Vorticism
691. Northern Renaissance
692. Symbolism
693. Gothic Art
695. Music Genres To Listen To:
696. Black Metal
697. Viking Metal
699. War Metal
700. New Wave
701. Synthpop
702. EBM
703. Industrial Rock
704. Industrial Metal
705. Big Beat
706. Breakcore
707. Groove Metal
708. Dark Ambient
709. Power Electronics
710. Death Industrial
711. Free Jazz
712. Hard Bop
713. Modal
714. Avant-Garde Jazz
715. Dark Jazz
716. Death Metal
717. Thrash Metal
718. Crust Punk/D-Beat
719. Post-Hardcore
720. Skramz
721. Midwest Emo
722. Trad Doom Metal
723. Epic Doom Metal
724. Sludge Metal
725. Space Rock
726. Zeuhl
727. Heavy Psych
728. Metallic Hardcore/Crossover
729. Beatdown
730. Grindcore
731. NYHC
732. Harsh Noise
733. Horrorcore
734. Memphis Rap
East Coast Rap
Trap Music
Dark/Gothic Country
Outlaw Country
Neofolk/Dark Folk
Art Punk
Martial Industrial
Garage Rock/Garage Punk
Beatdown HC
Dungeon Synth
Blues Rock
Electric Blues
Art Punk
Acoustic Blues
Progressive Rock
Art Rock
Gothic Rock/Deathrock
Art Pop
Progressive Pop
Baroque Pop
Noise Rock
Math Rock
Stoner Rock
735. Stay Hidden From The Watchful Eyes Of Leviathan, And Always Remain On The Fridges, The
Periphery, The Edges, Of The Modern World, Of Society
736. Do Not Ignore The To-Do List At All (Follow It In Its Entirety Every Single Day, And Refuse To Skip
Or Half-Ass Anything On It)
737. Listen To Music (Alternate Between Violent/Angry/Loud/Aggressive/Energetic Music And
Peaceful/Calming/Serene/Preferably Instrumental/Relaxing Music For Running, Writing, Walking,
And Skating; No Phone Usage Of Any Kind When Reading, Looking At Artwork, And Being In The
Presence Of Nature)
Odd Days: Albums On The Wishlist (Old Albums)
Even Days: Albums Not On The Wishlist (New Albums)
738. Maintain A Strict, Restrictive, Minimalistic Vegan Diet
739. Engage In Simple, Materially Minimalistic, Criminal/Illegal, Rebellious, Unconventional Living
That Undermines The Modern World And Its Values
740. Develop Willpower
741. Stay Straight Edge
742. No Social Media
743. NoFap
744. No Roleplaying
745. No Fanfiction
746. Socialize As Little As Possible
747. Wake Up
748. Shower
749. Put On Deodorant
750. Get Dressed
751. Brush Teeth
752. Do Not, Under Any Circumstances, Love Or Even Tolerate Yourself, For You Are Pathetic, Weak,
Monstrous, Deluded, Stupid, And Need To Be Purged
753. Go To Sleep

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