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Frozen Story

Summer had arrived at last in the little kingdom of Arendelle. Even the youngest
ice harvesters were hard at work, gathering ice for the warm months ahead. As
night set in, they headed home, with the Northern Lights to them. Inside the castle,
Princess Anna excitedly awoke her older sister, Elsa. Together, they sneaked into
the Great Hall where Elsa delighted Anna by creating a magical frozen Playground
Princess Elsa loved using her secret magical provers to create ice and snow right
inside the ballroom! Anna loved the slides, the snowballs, the snowman...It was all
fun-until Elsa slipped and accidentally hit Anna with her powers.
Frightened, Elsa cried out to her parents for help! Anna didn't remember getting
hurt that day- or that the king and queen took her to the trolls. She just
remembered all the fun she'd had with Elsa. When Elsa heard that the trolls had
healed Anna, she was overjoyed. But Elsa also found out that her powers, though
beautiful, were dangerous. She would have to hide her magic forever, even from
Days went by, then weeks. Anna missed Elsa! Elsa never came out of her room to
play anymore. Anna tried to play by herself, but she was still very lonely. Elsa’s
parents gave her gloves to control her feelings and her powers. They shut the
gates to protect Elsa's secret. And Elsa avoided her sister, so she would never hurt
Anna again.
Years went by Finally Elsa's coronation day arrived! Anna loved seeing the gates
open! It was so exciting to meet the guests, especially Prince Hans, He was
handsome and well -fun Elsa was old enough to be Queen, but she was worried
about the ceremony. Alone, she practiced taking off her gloves and froze
everything she touched! Anna couldn't stop thinking about Hans. Then, when she
saw Elsa crowned queen, Anna wanted to clap and cheer. She was so happy. And
later, Elsa actually talked to her! Elsa was relieved to get through the ceremony
without freezing anything with her bare hands. As soon as she became queen, she
put her gloves back on and even greeted guests with Anna. When Anna saw Hans
again at the ball, they danced the night away. Then he asked her to marry him!
And, yes, she said, yes! But when Anna approached her sister-the queen Elsa
didn't seem happy at all! Elsa could not believe Anna wanted to marry Prince Hans
Anna hardly knew him. The new queen refused her sister's request. Elsa only
wanted to protect Anna. As Elsa walked away, Anna reached out and accidentally
pulled off her sister's glove. Ice shot from Elsa's hand and spiraled across the room
Without intending to, Elsa froze nearly everything in sight. Anna stared in love, She
hadn't meant to upset Elsa Anna felt terrible!
Elsa had lost control of her powers, of her feelings. She couldn't stop freezing
things. Fearing that she might hurt someone, Elsa fled. Anna needed to help her
sister! And she needed Elsa to thaw out their kingdom, everyone was panicking
Leaving Prince Hans in charge, Anna raced after Elsa up into the mountains! But
she didn't get far. High above her kingdom and free at last, Elsa created an
incredible ice palace! For the first time since she was a little girl, Elsa felt like her
true self Summer was definitely gone.
Everywhere! Anna stopped at Oakes’s Trading Post, the only warm place in the
middle of nowhere. She met an ice harvester named Kristoff who knew where the
coldest mountain was which meant maybe he could help find Elsa! Kristoff's best
friend was his reindeer. Sven. He even spoke for Sven. And that was. weird
but okay except that Kristoff almost refused to help Anna. So, Anna put her foot
down. and told him she knew how to stop the sudden winter. When he heard that,
Kristoff agreed to help! Soon the trio met a talking snowman named Olaf.
Funny...Anna remembered him, from her childhood. And Wow she was amazed by
all the other frozen things Elsa had created. At last, Anna reached Elsa's
extraordinary ice palace. Kristoff walked outside with Olaf and Sven so that Anna
could have some time alone with Elsa Anna was surprised when Elsa greeted her.
She looked so different! And-and they were talking! Maybe they could do that in
Arendelle, too. But first, the winter had to stop, and Elsa needed to make that
happen. Elsa loved seeing Anna but told her that she had to leave. Elsa worried
she'd hurt her sister again. When Anna said that Arendelle was frozen, Elsa was
shocked. Lives were in danger, and Elsa didn't know how to fix it. Anna could see
that Elsa was upset. She tried to help. But Elsa seemed out of control! Anna
watched helplessly as several icy blasts exploded from Elsa's hands. One of them
hit Anna. Elsa panicked. She didn't know how to stop winter, and she didn't know
how to stop hurting people. Elsa created a giant snowman to show Anna and her
friends out. But when Anna accidentally aggravated him, the snowman chased
them. Anna and Kristoff ran and escaped over a cliff with Olaf and Sven Alone in
her ice palace, Elsa tried to regain control over her powers. She loved her freedom,
but she hadn't meant to harm her sister or freeze Arendelle. Kristoff took Anna to
the trolls. The trolls said that Elsa had put ice in Anna's heart. That meant Anna
would freeze-forever-without an act of true love. True love... Anna needed Hans!
Elsa was alone in her ice palace when Hans and some other men arrived, looking
for Anna. Elsa tried to escape, to hide but the men attacked her, forcing her to
defend herself. Elsa was taken back, as a prisoner, to Arendelle.
After Kristoff helped her got home, Anna found Hans. But he refused to kiss her!
Mans didn't really love Anna. All along he had just wanted to take over as king of
Arendelle. Anna felt hopeless as Hans left her alone to freeze. In Arendelle's
prison, Elsa knew that she had to get away -for her kingdom's safety. She felt her
emotions getting out of control. The walls froze and cracked. And Elsa blasted out
of the cell Olaf found Anna and told her that it was Kristoff who truly loved her. If
Anna could And Kristoff, then she might be saved. Kristoff was racing back
to find her right now! Hans told Elsa that her actions had destroyed Anna. Out in
the storm Heartbroken, Elsa sank to her knees. Hans raised his sword Racing
across the ford. Anna spotted Kristoff at the same moment; she also saw Hans. He
1s going to hurt Elsa in a final act to save her sister, Anna threw herself between
Hans and Elsa. Hans' sword struck Anna. Elsa heard the sound of a sword
shattering behind her. Anna! Anna had thrown herself in Hans' way to save Elsa.
Slowly, Anna felt some warmth flowing through her frozen body and heart. By
saving Elsa, Anna had performed an act of true love. This was the true love that
the trolls had meant Filled with sorrow, Elsa wept. She hugged Anna, no longer
afraid of expressing her true feelings. And when she felt her sister thaw, Elsa wept
for joy. Anna had saved her with her selfless act of love. Anna felt wonderful! She
was alive and warm and Elsa had hugged her! Because of Anna, Elsa realized she
could control her powers with love. She thawed the kingdom. She even made a
little patch of cold sea Olaf could stay and enjoy the summer he had always
wanted! Hans was taken away, but Kristoff decided to stay near Anna for a while.
Queen Elsa approved! Later. Elsa created a bit of winter for herself and lots of
summer for everyone else. She even opened the gates to the kingdom. Anna was
pleased. So was Elsa. Together, the two sisters decided that they would never
close the kingdom gates again,

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