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STUDENT ID: 2019680364

Malaysia’s Personnel Management System Has Changed the Culture and Behaviors of Civil
Servants Substantially. Debate.?

An administrative tool that helps boost employee performance efficacy and

productivity is the personnel management system. This system is necessary in Malaysia to
analyze the working performance of employees and to make them to be better employees in
the organization. This system will be handled by the Human Resource Department in every
organization as they are the main department in recruiting the employees. It also has change
the culture and behaviors of employees including the civil servants. However, this can bring
to the positive and negative perception of employees in the public sector.

The first is to help change the mentality of employees. The employees will realize
that their working performance will be evaluated by their HR department. This can change
their mentality to make them believe that the public servant also will be analyzed and any of
the decisions will be taken by the HR department either to transfer them to different
department or terminate their services. This seems that this system can affect their career
progression and rewards. In addition, the employees will be more determine to give their
best in their services and give better productivity in the public sector.

Besides, Personnel Management System can control the employees. This happen
when all employees will be evaluated based on their job descriptions. All employees have
their own goals in every department, thus, this system can control them to be more
productivity in their work tasks. The civil servants will be more effort to achieve their KPIs
and to gain outstanding service award in their department. Hence, they can bring to the
better image of the public sector.

However, this can bring to the negative perception of civil servants. They believe that
the system can bring to favoritism. Some employees who having the close relationship with
their head of department will receive more achievement rather than the ordinary employees
who does not have the relationships. Even though they working together as the team, but
there will be only one who gain more rewards. This will bring to the low motivation of
employees to not working hard if this issue keep occurred in public sector.
In conclusion, Personnel Management System can change the culture of civil
servants either in positive or negative changes. The public must maximize the positive
perceptions and minimize the negative perception so that this system can be used properly.
PMS played a vital role in changing the mind-set or making the paradigm shift within the
organization in both public and private sectors.

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