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Nama : Elda Yanti Syam

NIM : A1M218103

Secara praktis membahas mekanisme penyusunan tes dan evaluasi pembelajaran bahasa, jenis
tes dan evaluasi serta criteria penilaian dan evaluasi.
1. Memilih secara akurat pendekatan dan model penilaian untuk kepentingan
pembelajaran bahasa inggris baik itu test of grammar and usage, vocabulary, listening
comprehension, oral or speaking evaluation, reading comprehension maupun writing
Buka aplikasi SPSS kemudian masukan data dan pada menu klik Analize, Scale, Rellibility
Analysis. Kemudian masukan semua item ke kotak items. Pada Combobox Model, pilih
Alpha apabila ingin melakukan uji realiabilitas dengan metode cronbach Alpha, pilih Alpha
kemudian Split Half.
Klik tombol statistic, Pada descriptive For centang Scale if item Deleted, pada inter item
centang Correlations. Lalu klik continue, kemudian OK lihat outpu.
Pada table Reliability statistic, lihat nilai Cronbach`s Alpha Based on Standardized Items,
nilai tersebut merupakan nilai reliabilitas tes secara keseluruhan, jika semakin besar nilainya
maka semakin reliable.

The index of difficulty for facility value for an item simply show how easy or difficult the
particular item proved in the best FV = R/N. Thus, if 50 out 100 students tested obtained the
correct answer for one of the items, that item would have an index of difficulty of 50 or 50
per cent. Very easy item only discriminate below average students, i.e. one student is better
than another student with a low standard. Very difficult item separate good students from
very good students. However, it is possible for a test consisting of items each with a FV of
0.5 to fail to discriminate at all between the good and the poor students. If, for example half
of the items are answered correctly by the good students and incorrectly by the poor students
while the remaining items are answered incorrectly by the good student but correctly by the
poor student, then the items will work agains one another ad no discriminate will be possible.
1. Valid
2. Reliable
3. Tingkat kesukaran
4. Daya pembeda
5. Distractor

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