02.specialized Scheduling Processes

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Specialized Scheduling Processes

This section of the course discusses special scheduling process capabilities of the Epicor
Saving What-If Schedules

You may want to make several changes and evaluate each of these by printing the Schedule
Impact Report. You can save the What-If changes, make additional changes, and at any time
restore an earlier saved schedule. You can save an unlimited number of What-If reschedules.

Multi-Constraint Scheduling

The base application allows up to two resources to be assigned to each operation, and each of
these resources can be identified as constrained; that is, Finite Capacity is set for each resource.
This means that a job operation cannot be scheduled unless both resources are available at the
same time. This is determined by the calendars assigned to each resource and, if using finite
scheduling, the current load on each resource.

Example: There is a resource or group that is available 16 hours per day (based on the
availability of operators). Any job using that resource or group could be run at any time
during those 16 hours. Let us assume further that the resource requires a setup
operation for each job, but the setup operator is available only 8 hours per day. This
would constrain a job schedule that required the resource to be set up if no setup
resource is available.

Minimize WIP

The Minimize WIP feature allows Scheduling to reduce the gaps that can occur between
operations and assemblies during the Global Scheduling process. It causes this process to run the
scheduling engine an additional time against the jobs that meet a specific condition.

If Scheduling discovers that the Start Date on a job will occur before the Scheduled Start Date, it
forward schedules the job. After the new End Date is calculated for this job, it backward schedules
from that date, which tightens the points where the assemblies are placed within the schedule.

This allows child assemblies to have a Just In Time relationship with their parent assemblies. By
eliminating the unnecessary gaps between the assemblies, the jobs are scheduled more

• Batch Scheduling
This section of the course reviews job batching functionality.
• Workshop - Save and Restore a Schedule
In this workshop, save and restore schedule for various jobs.

• Workshop - Multi-Constraint Scheduling

When multiple resources are assigned to a job operation they need to be available
simultaneously when scheduling finitely. The process begins by creating a new Resource
Group and Resource.

• Workshop - Minimize WIP

• Schedule Multi-Job
Use the Scheduling Multi-Job option to schedule a group of associated jobs as if it were a
single job. Jobs are associated via make-to-job relationships. This feature makes it
possible to schedule and re-arrange manufacturing jobs for a parent assembly and its
child subassemblies (called predecessor and successor jobs) all at the same time. Prior to
the introduction of this functionality, the scheduling planner had to watch linked jobs
closely to ensure that they were scheduled together so that all demands were met.

Batch Scheduling
This section of the course reviews job batching functionality.

The job batching feature enables you to combine two or more jobs that either partially, or
completely, use the same routing. It allows you to select an operation shared by the jobs and
indicate from which direction – backwards or forwards – you will combine the routing.

Important: Combine the operations from a start operation and then move backwards
or forwards through the routing. You cannot combine a range of operations that occur
in the middle of routing.

When the batching process is complete, a new job is created that manufactures the part
quantities defined on all the original source jobs.

Note: Always batch jobs that share similar operations. If you batch jobs that do not have similar
operations, you could get unexpected results.

Once you create a batched job, the Epicor application treats the job the same as a regular job. A
batched job can be scheduled and transactions can be placed against it. If necessary, you can
even batch together other batch jobs!

Important: To complete the Batch Scheduling course section, you must have the
Advanced Production License installed.
• Batch Jobs with Identical Methods
You can batch two jobs with identical methods of manufacture so that they can run
together for efficiency.

Batch Jobs with Identical Methods

You can batch two jobs with identical methods of manufacture so that they can run together for
Note: At times, two jobs can be exactly alike except for the last operation. For example, a paint
operation where the colors are different can have the same operations up to the paint operations
batched for efficiency with Auto Receive selected. The parts would then be transferred back to
their original job for the paint operation.

• Workshop - Batch Jobs with Identical Methods

You can batch two jobs with identical methods of manufacture so that they can run
together for efficiency. In this workshop, create two jobs for parts that have identical
methods of manufacture and combine both into one job.

Batch Jobs with Identical Methods

You can batch two jobs with identical methods of manufacture so that they can run together for
Note: At times, two jobs can be exactly alike except for the last operation. For example, a paint
operation where the colors are different can have the same operations up to the paint operations
batched for efficiency with Auto Receive selected. The parts would then be transferred back to
their original job for the paint operation.

• Workshop - Batch Jobs with Identical Methods

You can batch two jobs with identical methods of manufacture so that they can run
together for efficiency. In this workshop, create two jobs for parts that have identical
methods of manufacture and combine both into one job.

Create Jobs
In this workshop task, created two jobs for the EAD-400-BLK and EAD-400-RED parts.

Navigate to Job Entry.

Menu Path: Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Job Entry

1. From the New menu, select New Job.

2. The New Job Number window displays.

3. Click the Next Job button and click OK.

4. In the Part field, search for and select part EAD-400-BLK.

5. In the Req By field, select the date one month from today.

6. Click Save.

7. From the New menu, select New Demand Link > Make To Stock. At the bottom of
the Job sheet, the Make To Stock > Detail sheet displays.

8. In the Quantity field, enter 10.

9. Click Save.

10. From the Actions menu, select Job > Get Details. The Get Details window displays.

11. In the Revisions grid, select A and click OK.

12. On the Job sheet, select the Engineered check box.

13. From the Actions menu, select Schedule > Job Scheduling. The Schedule Job
XXXX (where XXXX is your job number) window displays.

14. Accept the Backward scheduling default and click OK.

15. On the Job sheet, select the Released check box.

16. Click Save.

17. Record the job number____________.

18. Repeat steps 1-16 to create another job for the EAD-400-RED part.

19. Record the job number____________.

20. Minimize Job Entry.

Parent topic: Workshop - B

Batch Jobs
In this workshop task, batch the previously entered jobs.

Navigate to the Resource Scheduling Board Classic.

Menu Path: Production Management > Scheduling > General Operations > Resource Scheduling
Important: This program is not available in Classic Web Access.

1. In the Resource Group field, enter WLDS and press the Tab key. This is the Resource
Group used for Operation 40 on both previously entered jobs. The Operation 50 on both
jobs is subcontracted.

2. Navigate to the List sheet.

3. In the Operations grid, in the Batch column, select the check boxes for the two jobs
created in the previous workshop task.

4. From the Actions menu, select Batch Operations. The Batch Operations window

5. In the Pull Direction section, verify Backward defaults.

6. In the Job Processing Mode section, verify Sequential defaults.

The Job Processing Mode options define if operations should be performed at the same
time or one before the other. Use the Concurrent option when two parts are created at the
same time; use the Sequential option when time for the operation will be accumulated for
the duration of the operation.

7. Select the Auto Receive check box. When selected, this check box indicates that labor or
receipt transactions against this batch operation will create automatic receipts to
inventory. If you use this feature, this receipt updates the quantity on hand on the part
record. The process is triggered when you post labor quantities against this batch
operation that exceed the quantities required for the sales order.

Normally, you will select this check box for the last operation on the assembly or the final
assembly. Parts are received to inventory at the current unit cost, based on the part
costing method (average, standard or last).

8. Click the Create Batch button.

9. From the Batch Job Number field, record the job number_____________.

10. Click the Close button.

11. Exit the Resource Group Scheduling Board.

Schedule the Batch Job

In this workshop task, schedule the batch job created in the previous task.
1. Maximize Job Entry.

2. Verify the Job sheet displays.

3. In the Job field, enter the batch job created in the Create a Batch workshop task and
press Tab.

4. Clear the Released check box.

5. From the Actions menu, select Schedule > Job Scheduling. The Schedule Job window

6. Accept the default of Backward scheduling and click OK.

7. Select the Released check box.

8. Click Save.

9. Exit Job Entry.

Review Jobs
In this workshop task, review all three previously entered jobs to see how the Job Batching
process affected the methods of manufacture used on the jobs.

Navigate to the Job Tracker.

Menu Path: Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Job Tracker

1. Click the Job button. The Job Search window displays.

2. In the Starting At field, enter the first job number created in the Create Jobs workshop
task and click Search.

3. In the Search Results grid, using the Ctrl key, select all three jobs created in the Create
Jobs and Batch Jobs workshop tasks.

4. Click OK.

5. In the Job field, verify the first job number created in the Create Jobs workshop task
displays. The Open status displays.

6. In the tree view, right-click on ASM: 0 EAD-400-BLK and select Tree > Expand Tree. The
first four operations in the method of manufacture are marked as complete. This is
because the operations 10, 20, 30, and 40 will be completed on the batch job. Operation
50 is subcontracted, so once the EAD-400-BLK part is received back from painting, it will
be received back to the original job. As a result of the job receipt, operations 60 and 70 can
be worked on. Only material 40 (CS-060) in the method of manufacture is marked as
issued, because it belongs to operation 10. The rest of materials belong to operations 50,
60, and 70.

7. In the Standard toolbar, use the arrow button to select the second job created in
the Create Jobs workshop tasks. The Open status displays.

8. In the tree view, right-click on ASM: 0 EAD-400-RED and select Tree > Expand Tree. The
first four operations in the method of manufacture are marked as complete. This is
because the operations 10, 20, 30, and 40 will be completed on the batch job. Operation
50 is subcontracted, so once the EAD-400-RED part is received back from painting, it will
be received back to the original job. As a result of the job receipt, operations 60 and 70 can
be worked on. Only material 40 (CS-060) in the method of manufacture is marked as
issued, because it belongs to operation 10. The rest of materials belong to operations 50,
60, and 70.

9. In the Standard toolbar, use the arrow button to select the job created in the Batch
Jobs workshop task. The Open status display.

10. In the tree view, right-click on ASM: 0 EAD-400-BLK-0-40 and select Tree > Expand
Tree. The method of manufacture includes only first four operations and one material,
material 10 (CS-060). Material 10 is linked to operation 10 in the method. None of the
operations are complete or material issued because the job has not started yet. Once the
job operation 40 is complete, both parts will be sent to a subcontractor for painting. After
the subcontractor paints the parts, they are received back to their original jobs, in order to
complete work on operations 60 and 70.

11. In the tree view, under the Operations node, select Opr: 30 OP: FORM. The Job Details >
Operations > Detail sheet displays.

12. In the Production Per Machine pane, in the Est Hours field, verify 0.10 displays.

13. Record the estimation hours_____________.

14. In the tree view, under the Materials node, select Mtl: 10 CS-060. The Job Details >
Materials > Detail sheet displays.

15. In the Quantity pane, in the Required Qty field, verify 1.60 displays.

16. Record the required quantity______________.

17. In the Standard toolbar, use the arrow button to select the first job created in the Create
Jobs workshop task.

18. In the tree view, right-click on ASM: 0 EAD-400-BLK and select Tree > Expand Tree.
19. In the tree view, under the Operations node, select Opr: 30 OP: FORM. The Job Details >
Operations > Detail sheet displays.

20. In the Production Per Machine pane, in the Est Hours field, verify 0.05 displays. The
estimation hours are half the estimation hours on the batch job.

Note: Refer to the previously recorded Estimation Hours value to cross compare.

21. In the tree view, under the Materials node, select Mtl: 10 CS-060. The Job Details >
Materials > Detail sheet displays.

22. In the Quantity pane, in the Required Qty field, verify 0.80 displays. The required
material quantity is half the required quantity on the batch job.

Note: Refer to the previously recorder Required Quantity value to cross compare.

23. Repeat steps 17-22 to review details for the second job created in the Create
Jobs workshop task.

24. Exit the Job Tracker.

Workshop - Save and Restore a Schedule

In this workshop, save and restore schedule for various jobs.

1. Enter Scheduling Changes

2. Generate Schedule Impact Report

3. Undo the Changes

Enter Scheduling Changes

Navigate to the Job Scheduling Board.

Menu Path: Production Management > Scheduling > General Operations > Job Scheduling Board

1. In the Job field, search for and select job 2381.

2. Move the job out one month. The Advanced Options 2381 window displays.

3. In the Move Option field, select Job - All Operations and click Schedule.
4. To the Schedule Move Warning message, click OK.

5. From the More Actions menu (three dots on the toolbar), select Save Schedule. Schedule
Maintenance displays.

6. In the Description field, enter XXX Class Exercise (where XXX are your initials).

7. Click OK.

8. Minimize the Job Scheduling Board.

Generate Schedule Impact Report

Navigate to the Schedule Impact Report.

Menu Path: Production Management > Scheduling > Reports > Schedule Impact

1. In the Job Required Dates On or Before field, select 12/31/2016.

2. In the Report Name field, enter XXX (where XXX are your initials).
3. Verify the Summary Only check box is selected.
4. Click Print Preview.
5. Review and close the report.
6. Exit the Schedule Impact Report.

Undo the Changes

1. Maximize the Job Scheduling Board.

2. From the Actions menu, select the Restore Schedule command. Schedule
Maintenance displays.

3. In the Description field, search for and select XXX Class Exercise (where XXX are your

4. Click OK.

5. From the Actions menu, select Undo All Changes.

6. Exit the Job Scheduling Board.

Workshop - Multi-Constraint Scheduling
When multiple resources are assigned to a job operation they need to be available simultaneously
when scheduling finitely. The process begins by creating a new Resource Group and Resource.

1. Add New Resource

2. Add Resource to Job Operation

3. Reschedule the Job

4. View the Schedule Change

Add New Resource

Navigate to Resource Group Maintenance.

Menu Path: Production Management > Scheduling > Setup > Resource Group

Important: This program is not available in Classic Web Access.

1. From the New menu, select New Resource Group.

2. Enter the following information:

Field Data

Resource Group XXX-SUOP (where XXX are your initials)

Description XXX Setup Operators (where XXX are your initials)

Department Sheet Metal Department

Calendar D5H8

Input Warehouse Production Floor

In Bin MCH
Important: The Input Warehouse and Bin records must be entered only if the
AMM license is installed.

4. Click Save.

5. If the Capacity changed, therefore, the 'Generate Shop Capacity Process' will need to
be run the update ShopLoad records message displays, click OK.

6. From the New menu, select New Resource. The Resources > Detail sheet displays.

7. Enter the following information:

Field Data

Resource XXX-SHSU (where XXX are your initials)

Description XXX Shear Setup (where XXX are your initials)

Finite Capacity Select

Calendar D5H8

Input Warehouse Production Floor

In Bin MCH

Important: The Input Warehouse and Bin records must be entered only if the
AMM license is installed.

9. In the Scheduling pane, clear the Use Resource Group Values check box.

10. In the Scheduling pane, in the Daily Production Capacity field, enter 8.00.

11. Click Save.

12. If the Capacity changed, therefore, the 'Generate Shop Capacity Process' will need to
be run the update ShopLoad records message displays, click OK.

13. Exit Resource Group Maintenance.

Add Resource to Job Operation
Navigate to Job Entry.

Menu Path: Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Job Entry

1. In the Job field, enter 2031 and press Tab.

2. Clear the Engineered check box.

3. Click Save.

4. In the tree view, expand the Operations node.

5. Select Opr 10 OP: SHEAR.

6. Navigate to the Job Details > Operations > Scheduling Resources > Detail sheet.

7. Right click on the word Resources; select Add Scheduling Resource.

8. Enter the following information:

Field Data

Resource Group XXX Set Up Operators

Resource XXX Shear Setup

Required For Both

9. Click Save.

Reschedule the Job

1. Navigate to the Job sheet.

2. Select the Engineered check box.

3. Click Save.

4. From the Actions menu, select Schedule > Job Scheduling.

5. Enter the following information:

Field Data

Schedule Backward

Finite Capacity select

What-If Schedule select

6. Click OK.

View the Schedule Change

1. From the Actions menu, select Schedule > Job Scheduling Board. The Job Scheduling
Board displays.

2. In the time bar, review the schedule.

3. Exit the Job Scheduling Board.

4. Select the Released check box.

5. Click Save.

6. Exit Job Entry.

Workshop - Minimize WIP

In order to see the impact of the Minimize WIP process, create a backward scheduled job with
multi-level assemlies (which normally minimizes WIP). The backward schedule is then compared
to a forward schedule on the same multi-level job. The forward schedule normally does not
Minimize WIP.

1. Create Scheduling Priority Code

2. Create a Job with Multiple Assemblies

3. Backward Schedule the Job

4. Forward Schedule the Job

5. Re-schedule the Job

Create Scheduling Priority Code

Navigate to Scheduling Priority Code Maintenance.

Menu Path: Production Management > Scheduling > Setup > Scheduling Priority Code

Important: This program is not available in Classic Web Access.

1. Click New.
2. In the Scheduling Code field, enter XXXNMW (where XXX are your initials).
3. In the Description field, enter XXX Normal - Minimize WIP (where XXX are your initials).
4. In the Priority Factor field, enter 30.
5. Verify the Schedule Backwards check box is selected.
6. Select the Minimize WIP check box.
7. Click Save.
8. Exit Scheduling Priority Code Maintenance.

Create a Job with Multiple Assemblies

Navigate to Job Entry.

Menu Path: Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Job Entry

1. From the New menu, select New Job.

2. Click the Next Job button and click OK.

3. In the Part field, enter DCD-200-ML and press Tab.

4. In the Req By field, select a date one month from today.

5. Click Save.

6. From the New menu, select New Demand Link > Make to Stock. The Job > Make To
Stock > Detail sheet displays.

7. In the Quantity field, enter 200.

8. Click Save.

9. From the Actions menu, select Job > Get Details. The Get Details window displays.

10. Select Rev B.

11. Click OK.

12. Remain in Job Entry.

Backward Schedule the Job

1. Select the Engineered check box.

2. From the Actions menu, select Schedule > Job Scheduling. The Schedule Job window

3. Accept the default of Backward scheduling and click OK.

4. From the Actions menu, select Schedule > Job Scheduling Board. The Job Scheduling
Board displays.

5. Double-click on job number, all assemblies and subassemblies to expand them.

Note the job's current scheduled and the current start and end dates of the operations
and job.

When a backward schedule is applied to a multi-level job, WIP is minimized. A child

assembly will complete in time for its parent assembly to begin.

6. Exit the Job Scheduling Board.

Forward Schedule the Job

1. From the Actions menu, select Schedule > Job Scheduling.

2. Select Forward and click OK.

3. From the Actions menu, select Schedule > Job Scheduling Board. The Job Scheduling
Board displays.
4. Double-click on the job number, all assemblies and subassemblies to expand them.

When a forward schedule is applied to a multi-level job, WIP is not minimized. A non-
critical path child assembly will start at the same time as the start of the lowest critical
path assembly.

5. Exit the Job Scheduling Board.

Re-schedule the Job

1. In Job Entry, in the Req By field, select a date one week from today.

In order for WIP to be automatically reduced, the job must bounce. A job will bounce if a
job schedule is prevented from being scheduled in the past.

2. In the Priority field, select XXX Normal - Minimize WIP (where XXX are your initials).

3. From the Actions menu, select Schedule > Job Scheduling. The Schedule Job window

4. Accept the default of Backward scheduling and click OK.

5. From the Actions menu, select Schedule > Job Scheduling Board. The Job Scheduling
Board displays.

6. Double-click on the job number, all assemblies and subassemblies to expand them.

Because the job schedule was forced to bounce, WIP was minimized regardless of the
Forward schedule.

7. Exit the Job Scheduling Board and Job Entry.

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