ACLUGA Memorandum 9.10.2020-1 002

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Memorandum on Good Faith Discussions Between the ACLU of Georgia and Fulton
County Registration and Elections Director Richard Barron

September 10, 2020

The Fulton County Registration & Elections Board (the “BRE”), Fulton County

Registration and Elections Director Richard Barron, and the ACLU of Georgia are committed to

ensuring that the November presidential election is freely and fairly conducted in Fulton County.

On August 26, 2020, the ACLU of Georgia submitted a list of proposed additions to the BRE’s

elections plan to improve conditions for the November election. Since August 26, the parties

have engaged in good faith discussions regarding the ACLU of Georgia’s asks. The ACLU of

Georgia and Mr. Barron are presently working on an agreement, subject to approval by the BRE,

in which the elections staff would

(1) commit to a 24- or 48-hour turnaround time for absentee ballot applications;

(2) provide trained poll workers with ElectioNet-accessible laptops at polling

locations to clear unsuccessful absentee voters to vote in-person; and

(3) develop a detailed allocation plan that specifies where voting equipment will be
sent on Election Day and why.

Should the parties reach an agreement, the ACLU of Georgia stands ready to assist

elections staff in implementing it, including by providing lists of technically-savvy volunteers to

assist in absentee voter clearance or application processing. Mr. Barron understands that the

ACLU of Georgia is collaborating on this agreement as an alternative to litigation. Mr. Barron

and the ACLU of Georgia will endeavor to come to a formal agreement to present to the BRE on

or before September 18, 2020.

___________________________ ________________________________________
Andrés López-Delgado Richard Barron
Staff Attorney, ACLU of Georgia Fulton County Registration and Elections Director

Date: September 10, 2020 Date:

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