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By : Kayla Adena Emte X.1

The holiday has come. This holiday, my friends and I decided to go on an adventure
to the Great Forest. We will explore the natural beauty of the forest and camp for one night.
This morning, we'll gather at Carla's house, and set off in her brother James' jeep. James will
accompany us during this trip.

"Mom, I'll go right now,"

“Yeah, honey. Do you still remember what I said?” ask Mom.

“Of course, mom. Always be careful and take good care of myself,”

“Well, have fun, honey. Don't forget to keep me updated,” said Mom.

"Yes Mom, don't worry," I started to step on my feet with excitement. I'm just going
to walk towards Carla's house. It's not far away, only 100 meters away from my house. When
I arrived at Carla's house, I saw that all my friends namely Sam, Tobby, Carla, Dasha, and
also James had gathered. James' car has also started, ready to set off.

"Well, Ella finally came! Let's get off!" exclaimed Tobby excitedly. We boarded
James' car with great excitement.

“Wow! It’s gonna be fun!” exclaimed Dasha.

James started driving his car and we sang along while enjoying the scenery along the
way. The Great Forest is quite far from the city center where we live. We would travel 4
hours by car. Well, 4 hours won't feel like it because we did a lot of fun things during the trip.
In addition to singing, we also chatted about many things and joked.

"Well guys, here it is! Welcome to The Great Forest! Get ready, we’ll going to
camping point right now!" exclaimed James.

"Yeay!" everyone was excited. Upon arriving at the camp point, we immediately set
up a tent and prepared to have lunch together. The adventure will start after lunch. Our first
destination was Tillet Lake.
The tents we have set up. Me, Carla, and Dasha set up one tent for us. Likewise with
Sam, Tobby, and James, they set up a tent for them. Our tents were facing each other, in the
middle of which we deliberately emptied for a bonfire later in the evening.

"Good job, guys! Now let's have lunch first. After that we will play to Lake Tillet."
James commanded us.

We had a hearty lunch. The 4-hour drive was enough to starve us. We had lunch with
the foods we brought from home.

"Alright. Now let's move on our way!" said Sam. As I have said before, we are going
to visit Lake Tillet. It is about 1 km away from our campsite.

"Remember guys, don't let anyone be separated from the group," Carla said.

We walked through the woods while chatting casually. On the way, we met a very
cute puppy. Tobby, the true puppy lover is very happy to see him.

"Oh god, why did you get here a little cutie puppy?" Tobby takes the puppy talking.
The puppy surrounded Tobby's legs with pleasure. Like most puppies, he is very active as

"Oh... can I take this puppy to come with us?" Tobby chimed in. We looked at each

"Sorry Tobby, I didn't mean to hurt your heart. But, wouldn't it be a hassle if he came
with us?" replied Dasha. Tobby's expression spontaneously became gloomy.

"Ah... alright Tobby. You can bring it. On the condition that you take full
responsibility for the puppy," James finally opened the voice.

"Oh really? Of course, I will guard! Thank you, James!" Tobby exclaimed happily.
Just as Tobby was about to catch the puppy standing next to his feet, the puppy ran into the
bushes. Subconsciously, Tobby directly chased the puppy without thinking first.

"Tobby! Don't follow the puppy!" I exclaimed.

But too late, Tobby had gone into the bushes and didn't hear my exclamation. We are

"How is this going? I told you that this puppy is a bad idea!" Dasha exclaimed in
"Ouch... we don't know the contents of this forest either," Carla muttered.

"Calm down everyone. Let's think of a solution with a calm mind," James tried to

"Let me remember again the direction of the bushes. I've explored this forest with my
dad before," sam said.

"AHA! I remember! If the puppy takes Tobby in the right direction, then they will
come out right on the shores of Lake Tillet. What if we keep walking towards the lake?"
proposed Sam.

"You're sure, Sam?" asked Carla confirmingly.

"Yes. I think this forest only revolves around one place, which is Tillet Lake.
Wherever you go, you will definitely find Tillet Lake." Sam replied.

"Alright. Let's go to Tillet Lake." We began to step on our feet, moving on. After
walking for 1 km, we finally arrived at our destination. We didn't find Tobby there at all.

"So, what should we do right now?" asked Dasha.

"We're waiting for Tobby here," Sam replied confidently.

"What if it turns out that he strayed elsewhere?" I asked. Sam shook his head.

"It won't. My hunch was to say that the puppy would bring Tobby here." Sam replied.

"Sam! You can't just rely on your hunch! It's a serious situation!" said Carla irritably.

“"Alright. Let's prove it. We will wait here only until 5 o'clock in the afternoon. If
until then Tobby is still not found, then we take the next step," James, as the eldest brother
among us, tries to keep the situation in check.

Time seems to be spinning for so long. Even Sam, the confident boy fell asleep on
one of the tree branches.

"I'm hungry," Carla complained to James.

"Be patient," James said. I kept praying that the puppy would take Tobby to our place.
Even though this is Tobby's fault, he is still our friend. Part of this entourage.
My prayer was granted. After hours of waiting, there was a sound of footsteps from
behind us. And, it was Tobby! He came out of the bush with very messy hair.

The puppy was still with him. His face looked very happy. And... wait, what's in that
pocket of his pants? The pockets of his pants looked full.

"TOBBY!" exclaimed Carla. Sam awoke from his sleep.

"Ah, I guessed it," Sam muttered.

"Tobby, where are you from?" asked James.

"You're making us all anxious, Tob," I said.

Tobby just chuckled lightly.

"I'm sorry guys. This puppy took me on an adventure to a beautiful place. Look at
this, as an apology, I brought a lot of delicious berries for you guys," Tobby said as he
reached into his trouser pocket, then took out a lot of berries.

"So, how can you know the way out?" I asked curiously.

"This little friend of mine led me here. And as it turned out, he got me to you guys."
Tobby replied, stroking the puppy.

"Thankfully luck is on the side of all of us. Thank you little puppy," Sam said,
stroking the puppy.

"You shouldn't repeat this again, Tobby," James said.

"Okay. One more, I'm sorry," Tobby said.

"Alright. I think it's quite an adventure today, all look exhausted. What if now we go
home to the tent, then have dinner and enjoy the berries from Tobby's adventure?" suggested

"Good idea! Let's go back to the tent." All nodded in agreement.

That's the story of our adventure. Full of obstacles and anxiety. But thankfully, the
puppy led Tobby back to get back together with us. It's an experience I'll never forget in my
entire life.

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