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Reference Books Remarks

1 Hal Varian Read everything, solve chapter end questions

2 Hal Varian Workbook After you read a chapter from the textbook, solve the corresponding chapter here
3 Hal Varian Workbook Solution Refer to this after you've done the entire chapter from the workbook
4 Nicholson Snyder Skip topics that don't seem relevant but try to work through all the solved examples and most of the chapter end questions


Solution to Nicholson Snyder This is not for the same edition as the one in the above link, but still works half of the time
IITK Lectures Good for entrance, do these
Marginal Revolution University Basic explanation of concepts, great animations
Khan Academy Not exactly the best way to study if you're short on time, though excellent to build concepts
MIT Lectures Watch if you've got spare time

Reference Books Remarks

Beware: Do not rely on any 1 book to cover the entire syllabus
1 Blanchard Start by reading this. Make this your primary source to learn macro. Do chapter end questions thoroughly.
2 Dornbusch This should be the next book you read. A bit more detailed, skip the parts that seem irrelevant. Attempt chapter end questions
3 Froyen Good alternative for Blanchard. Covers some topics that Blanchard doesn't
4 Abel Bernanke Do national accounting from this


Solow Model Start by reading chapter 2 of Daron Acemoglu. Then follow the other PDFs. Can probably get away withouth understanding the discrete time model but do give it a light read

Reference Books/Topics Remarks

1 NCERT Start every topic from this underrated book
2 Sydsaetor and Hammond Try to solve the entire book
3 Alpha C Chiang Has some specific topics that are missing from Sydsaetor like Convexity
4 Multivariable calculus (notes) Do only chapter 1,2 and 4
5 Homogenous and Homothetic Study notes and this video
6 Simon and Blume Great alternative to Sydsaetor and Hammond, good for real analysis, multivariable calculus.
7 I.A. Maron Great to practice calculus, has some solved questions
8 Curve Sketching One of the most important skills to have to prepare for the entrances
9 Real Analysis Relevant only for DSE. Do only if you have time left after covering the important topics


Curve Sketching Leard to draw them curves, you never know when she could ask you to draw her like one of your french girls
Unacademy JEE (Sameer Chincholikar) Excellent resource for most topics. Sufficient for most of them
Amit Goyal's videos on Convexity Must watch
Dr. Gajendra Purohit Covers most of the undergrad level mathematics, refer only when stuck in some topic
MaxPi Academy Linear Algebra covered specifically for MA entrances. Make sure you do the problem sets given with the videos
Professor Leonard In case you want to start at level zero. Highly recommend you to do calculus 1 and multivariable functions

Reference Books/Topics Remarks

1 NCERT Start with this
2 Joe Blitzstein Make this your bible for prob, solve the book several times. Do chapters 1-10 except for chapter 6, 8.3,8.4,8.5
3 Statistics Start with Khan Academy. Can also read DeGroot. Solve questions from Devore - chapters 6,7,8,9. Skip topics that seem irrelevant even in these chapters
4 Econometrics by Gujarati Chapters 1-13. Do chapter end questions. Can skip most proofs


Joe Blitzstein Harvard lectures Subset of the book. Incase you find reading a bit too boring. Skip 17,18,23,24,31,32,33,34
Khan Academy Great to understand the basics of stats
Jbstatistics Refer only when you get stuck on some topic
Brian Zhang Universality of the uniform
PennState 200 Do till lesson 9 or 10
Relevant websites Remarks Books/Notes/Past Years/DU Syllabus

Past years, other study material
Good for convexity, optimization
Game theory, probably need only half of the playlist. Some
topics are irrelevant for entrances
Solved examples
Brilliant animations to build intuitive understanding of math
International: Ricardian, Heckscher Ohlin, Specific factors
Practice problems

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