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Spatial and temporal groupings of water main pipe breakage in Winnipeg

Department of Civil Engineering, Universify of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man.. Canada R3T 2N2
Received June 6 , 1986
Revised manuscript accepted July 22, 1987

The spatial and temporal patterns of water distribution pipe failure in the City of Winnipeg are examined. The failures are
shown to be strongly clustered in space, where 22% of the total failures examined occur within 1 m of another failure and 46%
occur within 20 m of another failure. A strong temporal clustering is also apparent, with 42% of all failures that occur within 1 m
of another found also to occur within 1 day of the initial failure in the group. An exponential decrease in the marginal rates of
failure with respect to both the temporal and spatial interval parameter is also observed. Earlier failures in a particular location
appear to be an important key to assessing potential failures in that vicinity. These results suggest that a fruitful area for further
Can. J. Civ. Eng. Downloaded from by McMaster University on 10/23/14

examination for the reduction of failure rates is the change in the ground conditions resulting from an initial leak and its
subsequent repair.
Key words: failures, groupings, marginal rates, pipes, space, time, water distribution. Winnipeg.

Les rkpartitions spatiale et temporelle des ruptures des tuyaux du rCseau de distribution d'eau de la ville de Winnipeg sont
examinCes. On constate que ces ruptures sont regroupkes, tant dans le temps que dans I'espace : 22% du nombre total des
ruptures examinCes sont sCparCes d'une autre par un espace infkrieur a 1 m et 46% par un espace infirieur a 20 m. De la meme
f a ~ o n42%
, des ruptures qui surviennent a moins de 1 m d'une autre surviennent dans l'intervalle d'une journCe suivant la rupture
initiale. On observe Cgalement une diminution exponentielle des taux marginaux de rupture, si I'on tient compte du paramktre de
l'intervalle spatial et ternporel. L'examen des ruptures antkrieures survenues un endroit particulier sernble &treun ClCrnent clC
pour Cvaluer les risques de rupture dans une m&merCgion. Ces rCsultats semblent indiquer que des recherches visant a rCduire les
taux de rupture devraient s'attarder aux variations des conditions du sol causCes par une fuite et la rkparation subskquent de celle-ci.
Mots c l b : ruptures, groupages, taux marginaux, tuyaux, espace, temps, distribution d'eau, Winnipeg.
[Traduit par la revue]
Can. J. Civ. Eng. 15, 91-97 (1988)
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1. Introduction Walski and Pellicia (1981) and Walski (1982, 1985). The study
Recent publicity about urban infrastructure deterioration and described in this paper is not addressed to these cost issues, but
the resulting costs of maintenance and replacement has genera- is concerned with the problems associated with predicting pipe
ted increased interest in the problem of water main breakage. failure rates and identifying the causes of those failures. The
There has been considerable research activity in the area of approach taken is to first examine the spatial and temporal
water main breakage, and analysis can be loosely categorized patterns of pipe breakage in the City of Winnipeg. Factors that
into the following major subareas: may contribute to pipe breakage, and that can be identified from
(1) Analysis of historical records of pipe breakage in existing the observed pattern, are briefly discussed and then related to
distribution systems; conditions reported in other studies.
(2) Prediction of future breakage conditions in existing or 2. Review of literature
new distribution systems;
(3) Identification of condition? contributing to the occurrence While there hs been an interest in water distribution pipe
of pipe breakage; failures in recent years, the pipe breakage question has been an
(4) Investigation of means of reducing breakage rates in both issue of concern for municipal engineers for quite some time. A
existing and new systems; series of studies in 1960 investigated pipe failure causes in a
(5) Incorporation of known or estimated rates of breakage number of cities in the United States, and suggested some
into methods for determining replacement or repair criteria for preventative measures to improve performance (Arnold 1960;
existing systems; Clark 1960; Remus 1960; Niemeyer 1960). Morris (1967) and
(6) Integration of rates of pipe breakage into methods for the Fitzgerald (1968) also examined pipe failure conditions in cities
assessment and improvement of reliability in water distribution in the United States, and made spkcific recommendations that
networks. accurate and detailed leak and failure records should be
Although each of these subareas is related to a slightly maintained to develop and (or) maintain effective programs for
- ~

different aspect of the pipe breakage problem, all are dependent break reduction.
upon a knowledge of past breakage performance of existing One of the factors that a detailed examination of pipe failure
systems. Shamir and Howard (1979) claimed that analysis of might be expected to reveal is that the rate of failure increases
historical break data can assist in identifying the primary causes with age of the pipe. A series of studies has identified this
for breaks within a distribution network. Once these primary situation, and developed relationships that show an increase in
causes have been isolated, changes in pipeline design, such as failure rate with age of pipe (Shamir and Howard 1979; Clark et
pipe material, joint design, construction, and repair-mainten- al. 1982: Chambers 1983: Kettler and Goulter 1985).
ance procedures, can be initiated to improve the situation. Much However, a series of investigations into pipe breakage in New
of the work on cost issues associated with water distribution York and Philadelphia concluded that age is not as great a factor
repair, rehabilitation, and replacement has been performed by in pipe breakage as might be expected (O'Day et al. 1980;
O'Day 1982, 1983; Ciottoni 1983). These studies concluded
NOTE:Written discussion of this paper 1s welcomed and will be that higher rates of failure are experienced in the smaller
received by the Editor until May 31, 1988 (address inside front cover). diameter pipes. This conclusion was supported by the results of
92 CAN. J. CIV. ENG. VOL. 15, 1988

a number of other studies (e.g., Morris 1967; Fitzgerald 1968;

Sullivan 1982; Brcic 1983). Furthermore, Clark et al. (1982)
and Kettler and Goulter (1985) found a strong relationship
between failure rate and both age of pipe and pipe size
The fact that age is not as dominant a factor as might be
anticipated suggests that factors other than age, such as dia-
meter, pipe material, corrosiveness of the soil, etc., should be
investigated. Examination of the historical and spatial patterns
of failure will help to identify those locations or conditions that
appear most susceptible to failure. Once these conditions have
been identified, the physical characteristics that may be contrib-
uting to the failures are more likely to be identified. These
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physical parameters can then be examined in more detail,

leading hopefully to a means of reducing the failure rate in the
3. Data base and methodology LEGEND : 0 Location of pipe failure
The data base used in this study is the pipe failure record of FIG. 1. Schematic of the spatial search for failures: (a) one group of
the City of Winnipeg, which consists of 20 213 leaks occurring 7 failures; (6) one group of 3 failures (group 1) and one group of 4
between 1975 and 1985. As leaks for earlier periods are not failures (group 2).
presently stored in a computer data base of the City of
Winnipeg, they are not amenable to examination using the failure is found within d, of the new location, it is taken as part
algorithms described in this paper. However, while such of the same group of the current base location, and the search
failures were not considered directly, their implications for the procedure is repeated. A schematic of the spatial search is
results for the period 1975-1985 are recognized. shown in Fig. 1.
The term "failure" in this study is taken to correspond to a The failure records are scanned for groups associated with
leak entry within the computer data base, and constitutes a various values of d,. The search is also capable of identifying
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repair event. The leaks themselves can be categorized into three clusters of failures at exactly the same location, i.e., d , = 0. It
distinct types as follows: should be noted that clusters of failures associated with d, = 0
L = leaks: those failures or leaks considered to be distinct are essentially clusters of repeated releaks.
separate leaks in the failure record. The search technique also identifies how many failures are in
R = releaks: those failures or leaks considered to be each particular spatial grouping, and the number of groups with
reoccurrences of previous leaks that have occurred at the same 2 failures, 3 failures, 4 failures, etc.
location during and prior to the period of analysis, i.e., before
1975. Case 2: spatial and temporal groupings
RP = repeated releaks: these are leaks that are reoccurrences Two criteria were applied simultaneously in identifying
in the record of failures previously designated as releaks during patterns for this case. The first criterion is the spatial grouping
the period of analysis. procedure described in case 1. Each leak found to lie within d, of
The objective of the study was to identify spatial and temporal another leak is also screened to see if it occurred within a time
groupings in the leak data. To identify the groupings or patterns, interval, t,, of that other leak. The result of the application of the
the leak record was scanned for two different conditions. two criteria is the identifation of how the pipe failures are
clustered in both mace and time. The Darameter t, was varied in
Case I : spatial groupings a similar fashion 70 d , to see how t'he size of each "cluster"
The criterion used to identify the existence of a spatial group changes with change in the value of t,.
is based on a distance measure, d,, e.g., 1, 2, 5, 10 m. Within
the data set the leaks are arranged by street name. The precise 4. Application of methodology
locations of individual breaks are defined by spatial X-Y The results of screening the failure records according to case
coordinates in the failure records. A search algorithm developed 1 are shown in Table 1. One of the primary objects associated
for the study uses these spatial coordinates to determine the with spatial screening of the failure records as shown in this
distances between failures. A spatial group is taken to be present table is to attempt to identify the extent to which previous
when one or more failures occur within a specified distance, d,, failures may be indicative of future failures in the immediate
of another failure. The search begins by examining the first leak vicinity of the original leak. Two earlier studies by Shamir and
in the record. A check is performed to determine whether any Howard (1979) and Clark et al. (1982) investigated the issue of
breaks occur within d, of that particular failure. If there is no time between maintenance events, and found that average time
failure within the distance d,, the algorithm moves to the next between maintanance events for a given pipe decreased with
failure in the record and performs the same check. each succeeding maintenance event. Spatial clustering reflect-
If, however, a failure is found within the distance d,, a spatial ing the increased rate of failure for a given pipe that has failed
group is taken to exist. The algorithm then moves to the location once or more before is to be expected.
of that failure, and looks for another failure within d, of the Examination of Table 1 reveals several interesting features
"new" base position. If there are no failures within d, of the new related to this question. First, 22% of the total failures in the
position, then the group or spatial cluster is taken to be complete record occur within 1 m or less of another break ( d , = 1). Given
and the algorithm moves to the next failure and begins to check the considerable overall length of water distribution network
for a new cluster as described above. If, however, another pipes in which the leaks can occur (2187 km in 1983 (Chambers

TABLE1. Spatial groupings of failures

Total number
Total number of groups Number of
of failures containing Number of Number of Number of groups
Maximum distance within d, of failures groups groups groups with 5
between failures another within d, with 2 with 3 with 4 or more
ds (m) failure of each other failures failures failures failures
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NOTE:The numbers given for each d, value include the failures for all values of d, less than the d, for that line.
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Spatial Interval d , (rn)

FIG. 2. Marginal spatial failure rate RSds versus spatial interval d,.
1983)), the occurrence of the large proportion of leaks in such a failure; d,, = length of smaller screening interval; ds2 = length
small region indicates a strong clustering effect. The clustering of larger screening interval; dS2 > dsl. The RS,,, value thus
supports the conclusions of the earlier work by Shamir and determined is plotted at the midpoint of the interval between ds2
Howard (1979) and Clark et al. (1982) that the temporal rate of and dsl. It can be seen very clearly from Fig. 2 that the rate of
failure in a given location increases with the first and each failure reduces exponentially with increasing d,.
succeeding failure. It is also interesting to note from Table 1 that Table 1 also shows that the majority of the clusters consist of
approximately 46% (9 3691202 13) of all failures occur within two breaks. This is especially true for d, = 0 , i.e., repeated
20 m of another failure. The cutoff value of 20 m was chosen, releaks. The relative proportion of clusters containing only two
because it is believed that changes in conditions by either pipe leaks decreases with increasing d,, as those failures lying a
failure or repair are unlikely to extend further than 20 m away distance just greater than d,, (d, < 20) from another cluster will
from the "previous" failure. gradually be incorporated into the existing clusters of two leaks,
The effect of the clustering can be seen more clearly in Fig. 2. with each incremental step in d, changing them into clusters of
This figure shows the marginal rate at which the number of three or more leaks.
breaks included in a cluster decreases with successive incre- The results of screening the break records according to case 2
ments in the value of d,. This marginal failure rate, RSd, are shown in Table 2. Examination of Tables 1 and 2 together
represents the additional number of breaks per metre increase in shows that the failures are grouped in space and, as well, there is
d,, and is calculated as a strong temporal grouping within these spatial clusters.
Forty-two percent (186014463) of all failures occurring within
1 m of another failure also occurred within 1 dav of the initial
failure in the group. The increase in failures with increase in the
value of t, beyond 1 day is relatively small. For example, of the
where TSFl = total number of failures within dSl of another total of 20 2 13 failures (including releaks) identified in this
failure; TSF, = total number of failures within dS2of another study, 1860, or 9%, occur within 1 m and 1 day of each other.
CAN. J . CIV. ENG. VOL. 15, 1988
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Temporal Interval t ,(days)

FIG. 3. Marginal temporal failure rate R*; versus temporal interval ts for varying values of ds.

TABLE2. Spatial and temporal grouping of failures particular location greatly increases the chance that another
failure will occur within the vicinity of the location. The
Total number of failures for: increased occurrence of breaks may be a function of a general
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pipe weakening and pipe bedding deterioration directly related

Maximum distance Maximum time between failures t, (days) to the previous break and its subsequent repair. The pipe can be
between failures weakened by the failure itself, whereas the pipe bedding is often
ds (m) 1 2 7 30 90 disturbed by water leaking from the previous break and by
physical disturbance during the repair process. These issues are
disc~ssedmore fully in the following section.
It should be noted that the increase in marginal temporal
failure rate with R T with~ increasing d, is to be expected, as
each increase in the spatial interval, d,, permits the inclusion of
additional failures in the grouping for a given value of t,. What
is important, however, is that the marginal spatial failure rate is
also decreasing with increase in the temporal interval, t,. This
Extending the time between failures, t,, from 1 to 90 days for a
condition is demonstrated clearly in Fig. 4, which shows the
constant d , value of 1 m increases the number of leaks by only change in the marginal spatial failure rate with increase in the
681, which is 37% of the total occurring within 1 day. This spatial interval.
observation is further evidence of the strong combined spatial
In this case, the marginal spatial failure rate for given values
and temporal clusters of pipe failure. The clustering in both time of t, is calculated as follows:
and space is shown clearly in Fig. 3, which gives marginal
increase in failure rate with time from the "first" failure for a
range of values of d,.
This marginal temporal failure rate with respect to time for a
given value of d , is designated by RV;, and is calculated: where TTF$, = total number of failures within t , and dS2 of
another failure; TTE;, = total number of failures within t , and
d,, of another failure. All other variables are as described
where TTFi = total number of failures within t,, and d , of Examination of Fig. 4 shows a decreasing rate of failure with
another failure; TTF$ = total number of failures within tSzand increase in d , similar to that observed in Fig. 2. This similarity,
d, of another failure; t,, = length of smaller temporal screening which is true for all t, values, occurs in spite of the fact that the
interval; ts2 = length of larger temporal screening interval. data in Fig. 2 do not take account of the time interval between
Examination of Fig. 3 shows that the rapid decrease observed failures. This observation, together with conclusion from Fig.
for the marginal spatial failure rate RS4 also occurs for the 3, is further evidence of a strong tendency for failures to cluster
temporal failure rate, Re;. This reduction in temporal within a particular vicinity and within a particular time.
marginal failure rate is further evidence of a general clustering As is the case in Fig. 3, the increase in marginal spatial failure
of failure. The temporal clustering is imposed on the spatial RSS2, with increasing t, is due to the fact that, with increasing
clustering identified in the first search and lends additional t,, more and more failures can be included in the same temporal
support to the theory that the occurrence of a failure in a group for a given value of d,.
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Spatial Interval d, (m)

FIG.4. Marginal spatial failure rate RRSk versus spatial interval ds for varying values of I,

5. Discussion and comparison with earlier studies Within this record, there are many failures that are denoted as
releaks, but occur only once in the record and are hence counted
The relationships shown in Figs. 2-4 all show an exponen-
tially decreasing rate of failure with both time and distance from as leaks. These releaks occur only once, as the previous leak (in
For personal use only.

a given initial break. This exponential decrease in failure rate some cases there may be more than one) occurred prior to 1975,
which is the year in which leak records began to be entered on a
does not appear compatible with the results of an earlier study by
Shamir and Howard (1979), in which the number of breaks per computer data base. Furthermore, prior to 1975, there are a
unit length of pipe in any given year was described by an number of failures that would have also been included in the
spatial grouping. It was not possible to obtain these previous
equation of the form
failures without an almost impossibly long manual search
[4] NB(t) = N~(t~)e""-'u) through the uncomputerized leak records. Recognizing this
where' t = time; to = base time; NB(t) = number of breaks per fact, it can be seen, therefore, that the clustering effects are even
unit length of pipe at time t; a = coefficient relating the rate of more serious than they appear in the results of this study, which
increase in breaks with time. serves to define a lower bound on the severity of the problem.
The results given in this paper are associated with the spatial As indicated earlier in the paper, the physical reasons for both
and temporal grouping of breaks rather than being directly the increase in failure rate with time as identified in earlier
related to the increases in failure rate with time described by [4]. studies and the spatial and temporal clustering of the failures
These increases in failure rates with time can, however, be themselves can be related to two parameters. The first and most
interpreted in two different but related ways relevant to the obvious is the gradual reduction in the structural integrity of the
spatial and temporal grouping issues of this study. One pipe and possible deterioration in the quality of undisturbed pipe
interpretation is that at a particular location the probability of bedding. This parameter is probably more important for the
failure increases with time owing to general deterioration of the increase in overall failure rate than it is for the observed
undisturbed pipe and (or) its bedding. The other is that the clustering effects.
longer the pipe is in the ground, the more chance there is of The spatial and temporal clustering of failures is believed to
another failure occurring somewhere in the "vicinity" if not be related more strongly to the effects of the failure and (or) its
exactly at that location. The results of the study suggest that the subsequent repair on the surrounding environment. The follow-
occurrence of one failure appears to initiate other failures in the ing physical conditions may contribute to the initiation of
temporal and spatial "vicinity." Hence, the exponential increase further failure in the vicinity of the first failures:
in failure rate with time can be attributed to both the age of the (1) Leakage of water from the failed portion of the pipe into
system and the apparent tendency for initiation of subsequent the surrounding material prior to repair. This leakage changes
breaks following the first failure. The relationship between first moisture conditions in the immediate environment, including
and subsequent breaks was also identified by Clark et al. the bedding material, thus causing differences in the way the
(1982), who showed that the number of failure events appears to soil expands or contracts relative to the "undisturbed"
increase exponentially with time after the first event. There is, condition.
therefore, some similarity between the results of this study and (2) As shown in Table 3, a large majority of the failures occur
that of Shamir and Howard ( 1979). during the winter and early spring seasons (November to March,
It should be noted that the clustering effects and rates of inclusive). The average monthly failure rate for these five
reoccurrence of failure discussed in this paper are conservative. months over the period of analysis is 1966 as opposed to 1483 in
The data used to develop the various results have included only the other seven months. Exposure during the repair process of
those breaks that occurred in the system from 1975 to 1985. the failed pipe and surrounding soil to the very cold winter
CAN. J . CIV. ENG. VOL. 15, I988

TABLE3. Total failures by month tion may identify particular failure modes responsible for a
major portion of the grouping patterns observed in this paper. If
Month Number of failures particular failure modes are noted as being dominant within the
failure patterns, future research into the reduction of pipe failure
January in existing pipes can concentrate on the parameters that appear
February to be important for those types of failures. Such an analysis
March should also be expanded to see if the patterns differ with regions
April across the City of Winnipeg, and if so, suggest reasons why.
May Such research may identify specific variations in ground
July conditions that cause both changes in grouping patterns and
August changes in the patterns of particular modes of failure. The
September identification of such variations across the city will also help to
October isolate certain physical parameters-in particular, soil condit-
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November ions-that appear fruitful for further research into ways to

December reduce the pipe failure conditions in the city.
The authors acknowledge the work of Mr. F. Silva, who
climate in Winnipeg can change thermal conditions significantly assisted in the early development of the program for temporal
in the vicinity of the pipe, further contributing to differential and spatial grouping, and Mr. G. Chambers for his review of the
movement of the soil in the immediate vicinity of the repair. original manuscript.
These differential movement can induce further failures in a
relatively short time. ARNOLD,G. E. 1960. Experience with main breaks in four large
(3) The actual repair process will physically disturb the pipe cities-Philadelphia. Journal of the American Water Works Assoc-
bedding in the vicinity of the failure. iation, 53(8): 1041- 1044.
The significant clustering effects identified and reasons BRCIC,C. 1983. Criteria for replacement of watermains. 1983
American Water Works Association/Ontario Water Works Associa-
postulated for such clusters suggest that a promising way to
tion Joint Annual Conference, Toronto, Ont.
reduce pipe failure rates in existing pipes is to investigate means
For personal use only.

CHAMBERS, G. L. 1983. Analysis of Winnipeg's watermain failure

for maintaining and restoring ambient soil conditions in the problem. Report to City of Winnipeg Works and Operations
vicinity of the breaks. Such an investigation is likely to require Division, Winnipeg, Man.
geotechnical investigation not merely of soil conditions along a CIOTTONI, A. S. 1983. Computerized data management in determining
pipe length but, more specifically, right at the location of causes of water main breaks: The Philadelphia case study. Procee-
failures. dings of the 1983 International Symposium on Urban Hydrology,
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6. Conclusions and recommendations for future research ton, KY, pp. 323-329.
Pipe failures in the water distribution network of the City of CLARK,E. J. 1960. Experience with main breaks in four large
cities-New York. Journal of the American Water Works Associa-
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space and time. Examples of the clustering are the observations CLARK,R. M., STAFFORD, C. L., and GOODRICH, J. A. 1982. Water
that 22 and 46% of all failures occur within 1 and 2 0 m distribution systems-A spatial and cost evaluation. ASCE Journal
respectively of another failure. Similarly, 42% of the failures of the Water Resources Planning and Management Division,
that occur within 1 m of another failure also occur within 1 day lOO(WR3): 243-256.
of the initial failure in that group. This clustering suggests that F~TZGERALD, J. H. 1968. Corrosion as a primary cause of cast-iron
the occurrence of a failure is a strong indicator of increased main breaks. Journal of the American Water Works Association,
potential for further failures in the pipe in the vicinity of the first 60(8): 882-897.
failure, and within a relatively short time following other KETTLER, A. J., and GOULTER, I. C. 1985. An analysis of pipe
failures within a particular group. breakage in urban water distribution networks. Canadian Journal of
Civil Engineering, 12: 286-293.
The primary cause of the increased number of failures in the MORRIS, R. E. 1967. Principal causes and remedies of water main
vicinity of the first failure is believed to be related to breaks. Journal of the American Water Works Association, 54(7):
disturbances occurring in the surrounding soil as a result of the 782-798.
. failure itself, and the repair process. Further geotechnically NIEMEYER, H. W. 1960. Experience with main breaks in four large
based research into ground conditions in the vicinity of the cities-Indianapolis. Journal of the American Water Works Assoc-
failures rather than along existing unfailed lengths is recommen- iation, 52(8): 1051-1058.
ded, in order to isolate the physical parameters of the failure O'DAY,D. K. 1982. Organizing and analyzing leak and break data for
mechanisms apparently induced by the first failure. The results making main replacement decisions. Journal of the American Water
from such research will assist in determining whether a modified Works Association, 74(11): 589-596.
practice for bedding replacement is able to reduce the potential 1983. Analyzing infrastructure conditions-A practicaI
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for future breaks in the vicinity of the initial failure. The fact that O'DAY,D. K., FOX,C. M., and HUGUET, G. M. 1980. Aging urban
a larger number of failures occur in January and February also water systems: A computerized case study. Public Works, 3(8):
suggest that particular attention should be given to bedding 61-111.
replacement practice in those two months. REMUS,G.J . 1960. Experience with main breaks in four large
Further research is also needed to investigate the spatial and cities-Detroit. Journal of the American Water Works Association,
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circumferential cracking, sleeve holes, etc. Such an investiga- SHAMIR, U., and HOWARD, C. D. D. 1979. An analytical approach to

scheduling pipe replacement. Journal of the American Water Works -1985. Cost of water distribution infrastructure rehabilitation,
Association, 71(5): 248-258. repair and replacement. U.S. Army Waterways Experimental
SULLIVAN,J. P. 1982. Maintaining aging systems-Boston's Station, Vicksburg, MS, Technical report EL-85-5.
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