Chapter 5-Quantum Mechanics-ST

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Chapter 5:


VO LUONG Hong Phuoc

5.1 Wave function
5.2 The Schrodinger Equation
5.3 Electron is potential wells
5.4 Quantum tunnelling
5.5 Hydrogen revisited
5.6 Electron spin and the Periodic table
5.7 Lasers
Some Review…
Some different thought!!!...
5.1 Wave Function
5.1 Wave Function
For electromagnetic radiation, the probability per unit volume of finding a particle
associated with this radiation is proportional to the square of the amplitude of associated
electronmagnetic wave
5.2 Schrodinger Equation
5.2 Schrodinger Equation
5.2 Schrodinger Equation
5.2 Schrodinger Equation
5.2 Schrodinger Equation
5.3 Electrons in Potential Wells
Standing waves
5.4 Quantum Tunnel
Hình ảnh (35nm × 35nm)1 tạp chất Cr thế chỗ trên bề mặt của
Cấu trúc bề mặt mẫu Fe
Cấu trúc bề mặt mẫu Au
5.5 Hydrogen revisited

Hydrogen revisited
5.5 Hydrogen revisited
5.6 Electron spin and periodic table
5.8 Laser

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