English 9 Q1 W6

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Textbook/Supplementary Materials/Self-Learning in ENGLISH 9
Modules based Instruction paired with MELC-Based
Quality Assured Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) Quarter 1 Week 6

Name: _____________________ Grade & Section: _________________________

Teacher: _______________________ Date Submitted: __________________________

MELC 2: Use conditionals in expressing arguments.

Lesson/Topic: Review on Conditional Sentences (zero, first, second)

1. Identify the different types of conditionals (zero, first, second)
Activity No: 1 Activity Title: Identifying Conditionals: Zero, First, Second Day: 1
Key Concept:

Conditional statement - a sentence that has an if-clause which states a condition and a main clause that states what
happens as a result of the condition. Below are the types of conditional sentences discussed from the previous

a. Zero conditional – used to state facts which are generally true form: present simple + present
simple example: If you stand in the rain, you get wet.
b. First conditional – use to state a possible situation in the future; predicting a likely result in the
future form: present simple + will/won’t + verb example: If it rains, we will cancel the trip.
c. Second conditional – used to state hypothetical or unlikely situations; unreal or improbable
situation now or in the future
form: past simple + would + verb example: If they
sold their house, they would be rich. If I won
the lottery, I would buy a big house.

Directions: Identify whether the following sentences are zero, first or second conditional. Check the box which
corresponds to your answer. The first one is done for you.

Zero First Second

1. If I didn’t go to their party, they would be offended.
2. If he tells the truth, she will forgive him.
3. If you don’t eat, you get sick.
4. If you feel sick, you go to the doctor.
5. I would be very frightened if somebody pointed out a gun at me.
6. If she has enough money next year, she will buy a car.
7. I’m sure Mary would understand if you explained the situation.
8. We will go to Malajog beach if the weather is fine.
9. If I don’t know a word, I look it up in the dictionary.
10. If you mix red and blue, you get purple.
Lesson/Topic: Third Conditional References/Sources:
1. Identify clause to complete third conditional sentences.
2. Complete third conditional sentences.
Activity No: 2 Activity Title: Third Conditional Day: 2-3

Key Concept:

Third Conditional - used when a person is imagining a different past or stating imaginary situation
that did not happen
For example,
• If he had studied harder, he would have passed the exam.

The first action which is the if-clause, (studying hard) did not happen. But in the case that it happened,
the result was passing the exam. The third conditional is very similar to the second conditional. But while
the second conditional refers to something unrealistic now or in the future, the third conditional refers to
something unrealistic in the past.

We often use the third conditional to express regrets – describing things we are sorry happened or
didn’t happen. For example,
• If my alarm had gone off, I wouldn’t have been late to work.
• If there hadn’t been so much traffic we wouldn’t have missed our flight.

To make a sentence in the third conditional, we use,

If + had + past participle + rest of the sentence, would/wouldn’t have + past participle + rest of the
sentence Examples:
• If you had told me about the meeting, I would have come.
• If you had not lied to me before, I would have believed you.
• If you had told me about the meeting, I wouldn’t have missed it.
• If I had listened to your advice, I wouldn’t have regretted what I did.

As with all conditionals, you can also invert this structure:

Would have + past participle + rest of the sentence + if + had + past participle + rest of the
• I would have come to the meeting if you had told me about it.
• I would have believed you if you had not lied to me before.
• I wouldn’t have missed the meeting if you had told me about it.
• I wouldn’t have regretted what I did if I had listened to your advice.

Activity 2A
Directions: Identify the appropriate main clause to complete the third conditional sentences by
checking the box next to the statement.

If I had studied hard, _______________________.
I would have become an honor student
I would have been famous in school

1. If Jenny had slept early, __________________.

she would have gone late to work
she would have arrived early at work

2. __________________ if I had known that it’s going to rain.

I wouldn’t have washed the clothes
I would have gone to the beach
3. If Tomas had worked on his project early, __________________.
he would have played more
he would have submitted it on time

4. ___________________ if he had practiced more.

Roy would have forgotten his lines
Roy would have performed well

5. If the team members had cooperated, ____________________.

they would have won the game
they would have laughed at their opponents

Activity 2B
Directions: Read the text about poor old Marge and then complete the third conditional sentences about her day.

Marge’s Day

Marge is a woman of 55 who lives on her own in a small house in Davao City. She did not have a very nice
day yesterday!
As she was leaving the house, she forgot her bus ticket. Only when she got to the bus stop did she realize
this, so she had to hurry back to the house. She opened the door, put the keys on the telephone table, went into
the kitchen to get her bus ticket and left again without her keys.
She caught the 8.42 a.m. bus instead of her usual 8.30 a.m. bus and arrived at work about ten minutes late.
Mr. Jones, her boss, was in a bad mood yesterday and shouted at her when she arrived late. As a result, they
had an argument in front of all the other people in the office. Mr. Jones told her she would have to stay behind
for fifteen minutes at lunch to finish some important work.
At lunch, Marge only had time for a quick sandwich and didn't go to the office cafeteria with the others as
normal. Everyone returned from lunch very happy because they had met a new employee who had told some
very funny jokes. Marge was not happy. She was hungry and tired.
She was so hungry as she left the office at 5 o'clock that she bought a hot dog from the man on the street corner.
Within an hour, she didn't feel very well and had a pain in her stomach. It was not her day!
She arrived home and realized she didn't have her keys, so had to walk two miles to her sister's house to get a
spare set of keys. She went into her house, closed the door and went straight to bed.

Example: If Marge had not forgotten her bus ticket, she wouldn't have had to return home.
1. If she hadn't put her keys on the table, __________________________________________________.
2. _________________________________________ if she had caught an earlier bus.
3. Her boss wouldn't have shouted at her_________________________________.
4. If Marge hadn't been late, __________________________________________.
5. _______________________________ if she had gone to the canteen.
Lesson/Topic: Third Conditional
References/Sources: English Expressways III Page No.: 243-244
1. Use third conditional in expressing arguments
Activity No: 3 Activity Title: Using Third Conditional in Expressing Arguments Day: 4

Using conditionals in expressing arguments is a good way to convince others. Conditionals make your arguments
more convincing and more accurate because they offer both sides of an argument.

Issue: Cars are not important inventions.
I agree because if cars had not been invented, we would still have unpaved roads.
I disagree because if cars had not been invented, we would have experienced living with clean air and
fewer colds.

Directions: Below are some issues in our society today. Do you agree or disagree with the statements
below? Present your arguments using third conditionals. Look at the examples above to serve as your

1. Filipinos hate racists.


2. It is important to treat others with justice and fairness.


3. Poverty is the biggest problem in our country.


4. Everyone is susceptible to COVID 19.


5. Young people do not need to be vaccinated against COVID 19.


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