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CASE STUDY TO ANALYZE THE USE OF GTM (Grammar Translation Method) IN




SESSION: 2021-2025


Distinguishing Features...........................................................................................................................4
SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY.............................................................................................................................4
PROBLEM STATEMENT:...............................................................................................................................5
RESEARCH QUESTION:.................................................................................................................................5
LITERATURE REVIEW....................................................................................................................................6
CASE STUDY TO ANALYZE THE USE OF GTM (Grammar Translation Method) IN



In Grammar-translation method students learn grammatical rules and then apply those rules by
translating sentences between the target language and the native language.

The Grammar Translation method embraces a wide range of approaches but, broadly speaking,
foreign language study is seen as a mental discipline, the goal of which may be to read literature in
its original form or simply to be a form of intellectual development. The basic approach is to analyze
and study the grammatical rules of the language, and then to practice manipulating grammatical
structures through the means of translation both into and from the mother tongue.

The method is very much based on the written word and texts are widely in evidence. A typical
approach would be to present the rules of a particular item of grammar, illustrate its use by including
the item several times in a text, and practice using the item through writing sentences and translating
it into the mother tongue. The text is often accompanied by a vocabulary list consisting of new
lexical items used in the text together with the mother tongue translation. Accurate use of language
items is central to this approach.

Generally speaking, the medium of instruction is the mother tongue, which is used to explain
conceptual problems and to discuss the use of a particular grammatical structure. It all sounds rather
dull but it can be argued that the Grammar Translation method has over the years had a remarkable
success. Millions of people have successfully learnt foreign languages to a high degree of
proficiency and, in numerous cases, without any contact whatsoever with native speakers of the
language (as was the case in the former Soviet Union, for example).

The Grammar Translation Method looks upon language learning as an intellectual activity. Until
twenty years ago, this method was commonly used in Europe to teach Latin in schools. Those
countries which were closely associated with Britain or France sometimes still bear the traces of this
association in the use of modified forms of Grammar Translation in language classrooms.

Distinguishing Features
In a typical Grammar Translation class the main focus is on reading and writing, with little attention
being given to speaking or listening. The central text for each lesson is literary. Passages are selected
from authors such as Mark Twain, George Orwell, Charles Dickens, or modern writers such as
Chinua Achebe and V.S. Naipaul. These passages are read and then comprehension questions are
asked and answered, first orally, then in writing. Grammar is taught deductively, through
presentation and study of the rules, followed by practice through translations and exercises.
Vocabulary selection is based on the reading text used. Words are taught through bilingual lists and
memorization. Students are often asked to write the new words in a sentence.


GTM focuses on the application of grammar and correct sentence structures. This is especially
helpful in teaching student how to read and write and to reach in another language, allowing them to
explore interchangeable words and phrases more effectively than a verbal teaching method. It makes
the concepts more clear and easy. Learning goes easier as the conduction is done in the native
language. It promotes the skills of reading and writing more effectively. The Grammar Translation
Method is a foreign language teaching method that originated in the late 19th and early 20th
centuries. This method is usually taught in the classical or dead language, for example, Latin and
Greek. The primary purpose of this method is to enrich their literature and language reading
proficiency. And for this reason, this method is also called the Classical Method. However, in the
19th century, this Classical method was recognized as the Grammar Translation Method. The main
purpose of the Grammar Translation Method is to learn a language in order to read its literature to
benefit from mental discipline and intellectual improvement. As far as skills are concerned reading
and writing skills are more focused than listening and speaking. GTM takes vocabulary from reading
texts the teachers teach through translation, memorisation and dictionary study. It chooses the
sentences as the basic part of teaching and language practice as well. It focuses on the accuracy of
grammar and translation. In GTM, teachers teach the grammar rules then gives examples. Teachers
teach in the mother tongue with little active use of the targeted language. Teachers and learners
maintain traditional roles of knowledge transmitter and knowledge receiver.
In the other hand, we have the student's role. Students acquire the knowledge that the teacher
instructs him/her to do. However, they have to memorize vocabulary lists, grammar rules required
for reading, writing and translation skills actively. Students have to learn about the target language.
Translation in groups can encourage learners to discuss the meaning and use of language at the
deepest possible levels as they work through the process of understanding and then looking for
equivalents in another language. Translation is a real-life, natural activity and increasingly necessary
in a global environment. A grammar-translation is one of the most effective methods that focuses on
reading and translating the sentences which demonstrates grammatical rules to acquire English as
second language. Translation is more than just changing the words from one language to another.
Translation builds bridges between cultures. It allows you to experience cultural phenomena that
would otherwise be too foreign and remote to grasp through your own cultural lens. In this method,
the unit of teaching is the word and the teacher translates each and every word, phrase, and sentence
of English into the mother tongue of the students. It lays more stress on grammatical accuracy
and explains grammatical rules therefore it gives correct and accurate knowledge of English.


Difference between public and private educational system of Pakistan due to traditional GTM which
is making educational gap.


The present research will:

 Identify the pros and cons of GTM.

 Evaluate the dominantly implemented system in Pakistan.
 Compare the two methodologies (GTM and CLT) used in public and private schools of


 What are the pros and cons of GTM?

 Is GTM dominantly implemented in Pakistan?
 Which of the two methodologies (GTM and CLT) is effective in teaching English in public
and private sectors of Pakistan?


This study used the grammar-translation approach to address issues with students' English-to-Thai
translations for the International Communication Major. Grammatical and lexical issues were the
primary issues. The grammatical error was reported in five ways: passive voice, tenses, connectives,
pronouns, and pronouns with the definite article "it" Phrasal verbs and words with numerous
meanings were the two areas where the lexical issue was discovered. The results of this study
revealed that before conducting the research, the samples had less knowledge and understanding
level of English structure translation. The low level of knowledge and understanding caused many
translation errors because the samples could not realize the appropriate meaning. After using the
grammar-translation approach, the students' post - test results showed that they had a higher level of
knowledge and comprehension when it came to translating lexicon and grammar. (Pornwiriyakit, P.,
& Dandee, W. (2022).)

According to the findings of this study, teaching English grammar effectively can be accomplished
using both the Grammar Translation Method (GTM) and the Communicative Language Teaching
(CLT) Shallow End Approach. The study indicates that CLT, on Knowledge, Comprehension, and
Application levels, is superior to GTM for teaching students English grammar. Results suggest that
CLT is equally effective to teach grammar. It does not ignore grammar but it has added the role of
grammar in the sense that the linguistic competence gained through grammar should be acquired
through communicative activities resulting in communicative competence. The study concludes that
both Grammar Translation Method and Shallow End Approach of CLT are effective in terms of
students’ achievement in English grammar. Kirn, U., Iftikhar, P., & Baig, A. (2021).

According to the findings of this research, language is seen as a collection of words which are
isolated and independent. So, students themselves are not seemingly able to produce sentences. This
has a negative effect on pupil's motivation. Because they fail to learn the difficult grammar rules of
the target language. Students cannot master all the four skills of English (listening, speaking,
reading, and writing). In GTM there is no interaction between the students and the teacher. But it is
the most common method used because the grammar-translation method is the easiest for a teacher
to employ. It doesn't require a teacher to speak good English or make good lesson preparations. So,
his knowledge might be lost into in oblivion.
Ahmed, S., & Eisa, H. (2020)

This paper presents the results of a case study on the Grammar Translation Method (GTM), which
uplift students' learning by using mother language, often separated words, and word combinations in
grammar classes.  The results were produced by comparing the outcomes of each method's data
analysis. Findings show that mother languages were commonly employed to impart instruction
among the three categories of GTM. Also indicates that many solitary words were used to introduce
new vocabulary, and putting words together were used to explain topic discussion. (Milawati, M.

This study presents the findings about the methodologies used by English teachers in Pakistani
schools, for this purpose, twenty English teachers of different schools were observed and results
indicated that all teachers start classes on time and end on time, present overview of the previous
class, mostly teachers present first key concept about the topic in class, they are follows lesson plans,
give relevant example to explain the topic. It is found that mostly teachers do not give relevant
example to explain the major ideas. It is concluded that some of teachers asked questions for
students’ readiness and they respond to students satisfactory, on the other hand mostly teachers do
not comment on student’s answer as necessary. And it is also found that all of government sector
teachers using Grammar Translation Method, translate text from English into Urdu. (Khan, F., Khan,
M., & Bibi, W. (n.d.).


The grammar translation method is the most commonly used method in Pakistan. This method
makes the concept clearer and also increases the vocabulary as the medium of instruction in this case
is the mother tongue i.e. Urdu. So students memorize the rules of grammar through textbooks and
solve different exercises which, resultantly, enhances their reading and writing skills. But Pakistani
students who does not know English find it difficult to understand the meaning of basic words and to
translate them into Urdu. Students also find it hard to memorize the rules of grammar. Also, GTM
focuses more on accuracy rather than fluency. According to Ahmed, S., & Eisa, H. (2020) this
difficulty in learning effects student’s motivation level, when students are unable to learn or
understand they lose their motivation and this has a negative effect on their learning ability. The
grammar translation method is mostly used in public sector schools of Pakistan, and according to
(Khan, F., Khan, M., & Bibi, W. (n.d.) the GTM method is preferred by the teachers because it is
easier to follow as compared to other methods of teaching. GTM does not require a lot of effort from
the teacher’s behalf as students have to do most of the work that majorly consists of memorization
from Urdu to English or vice versa. Contrary to this, the private sector schools mostly use CLT
(comunicative language teaching). This teaching method is pupil-centred and focuses more on
fluency than accuracy. In this method, the teacher acts as a facilitator provide a supportive, inspiring,
and tolerant environment as opposed to the humanistic GT classroom's formal setting.. According to
Kirn, U., Iftikhar, P., & Baig, A. (2021) when a comparative research was conducted to understand
which method is more preferred to teach English language to primary school students, it was seen
that both GTM and Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) were effective but the CLT showed
better learning results than GTM. However the lack of emphasis on grammatical knowledge in CLT
prevents learners from acquiring the metalinguistic and analytical skills required for L2 students to
study grammar on their own and to create and understand writings with complex syntax that act as a
barrier in formal settings.


Although Grammar translation method may not able to help students in acquiring all of the four
language skills, it is still important for second language learners as it increases the vocabulary and
lessens the possible grammatical errors. So for primary school students of Pakistan, both grammar
translation method and communicative language teaching method are important. The teachers of
public and private sector schools should integrate GTM and CLT in eclectic syllabus with a variable
focus on both methodologies so that the students will acquire fluency in listening and speaking
English as well as they will have a grip on the grammatical rules and have a vast vocabulary of

1. Ahmed, S., & Eisa, H. (n.d.). “The Pros and Cons of the Grammar Translation Method on the
Performance of Saudi EFL Learners.”

2. Bannu, K., Pakhtunkhwa, Khan, F., Khan, M., & Bibi, W. (n.d.). 500| Haleema Akbar An
Analysis of Teaching Methodologies of the Female English Teachers in the Public and Private
Secondary Schools in District An Analysis of Teaching Methodologies of the Female English
Teachers in the Public and Private Secondary Schools in District. Ilkogretim Online -Elementary
Education Online, Year, 20(5), 1500–1508.

3. Kirn, U., Iftikhar, P., & Baig, A. (2021). Effectiveness of Grammar Translation Method and
Communicative Language Teaching Approach on Students’ Achievement in English Grammar.
Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 5(3).

4. Milawati, M. (2019). Grammar Translation Method: Current Practice In EFL Context. IJELTAL
(Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics), 4(1), 187-196.

5. Pornwiriyakit, P., & Dandee, W. (2022). Translation Problems Analysis and Application of the
Grammar-Translation Method in EFL Class. Journal of Educational Issues, 8(1), 572

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