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 Management Function - Managers must monitor and evaluate

Describing what managers do isn’t easy. Just as performance to ensure that goals are being
no two organizations are alike, no two met and job is being done as it should be.
managers’ jobs are the same. In spite of this, - Controlling involves monitoring, comparing,
management researchers have developed three and correcting work performance.
approaches to describe what managers do:
In reality, what a manager does may not always
functions, roles, and skills.
happen in sequence. Regardless of the order in
- According to the functions approach,
which these functions are performed, however, the
managers perform certain activities or
fact that managers plan, organize, led and control
functions as they efficiently and effectively
as they manage.
coordinate the works of others.

Henri Fayol
 Management Roles
- French businessman,
- first proposed in the early part of the Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles and a Contemporary
twentieth century that all managers Model of Managing
perform five functions:
- planning, organizing, commanding, - Henry Mintzberg, a well-known management
coordinating, and controlling. Today these researcher, studied actual managers at
five functions were condensed into four: work. In his first comprehensive study,
planning, organizing, leading, and Mintzberg concluded that what managers
controlling. do can best be described by looking at the
managerial roles they engage in at work.
 Functions of Managing - The term managerial roles refers to specific
actions or behaviors expected of and
1. Planning
exhibited by a manager.
- Management function that involves setting
- (Think of the different roles you play—such
goals, establishing strategies for achieving
as student, employee, student organization
those goals, and developing plans to
member, volunteer, sibling, and so forth—
integrate and coordinate activities.
and the different things you’re expected to
do in these roles.)
2. Organizing
- When describing what managers do from a
- Management function that involves arranging
roles perspective, we’re not looking at a
and structuring work to accomplish the
specific person per se, but at the
organization’s goals.
expectations and responsibilities that are
- When managers organize, they determine
associated with being the person in that
what tasks are to be done, who is to them,
role— the role of a manager.
how the tasks are to be grouped, who
reports to whom, and where the decisions  These 10 roles are grouped around
are to be made. interpersonal relationships, the transfer of
information, and decision making.
3. Leading
- Management function that involves working 1. Interpersonal Roles
with and through people to accomplish - are ones that involve people (subordinates
organizational goals. and persons outside the organization) and
- When managers motivate subordinates, help other duties that are ceremonial and
resolve work group conflicts, influence symbolic in nature. The three interpersonal
individuals or teams as they work, select roles include:
the most effective communication channel, - figurehead
or deal in any way with employee behavior - leader
issues, they are leading. - liaison.
2. Informational Roles
4. Controlling - involve collecting, receiving, and
- After goals and plans are set, tasks and disseminating information. The three
structural arrangements put in place, and informational roles include:
people hired, trained and motivated, there - monitor
has some evaluation of whether things are - disseminator
going as planned. - spokesperson.

3. Decisional Roles

- entail making decisions or choices. The four supervisors learned from the skills training?
decisional roles include: Some things they mentioned were how to
- entrepreneur communicate more effectively and how to
- disturbance handler refrain from jumping to conclusions when
- resource allocator discussing with a worker.
- negotiator.
 Robert L. Katz
- As managers perform these roles, Mintzberg
proposed that their activities included both - is an American social and organizational
reflection (thinking) and action (doing). psychologist.
- He created the concept of managerial skills,
which describes how the required skills
structure changes, depending on the
management level. What types of skills do
managers need? Robert L. Katz proposed
that managers need three critical skills in
managing: technical, human, and

 Technical Skills

- Are specific job knowledge and techniques

needed to proficiently perform work task.
- These skills tend to be more important for
first-line managers because they typically
are managing employees who use tools
and techniques to produce the
Recently, Mintzberg completed another-hands-on
organization’s products or service the
and up-close study of managers at work and
concluded that,
- Having appropriate technical skills signify
“Basically, managing is about influencing action. that the person is competent and
It’s about helping organization and units to get knowledgeable with respect to the
things done, which means action”. activities specific to an organization, the
organization’s rules, and standard
operating procedures, and the
 Based on his observations, Mintzberg went on organization’s product and services.
to explain that a manager does this in three - Example: In accounting firm, technical skill
(3) ways: might include understanding of generally
accepted accounting principles, knowledge
 By managing actions directly (for of commercial laws, and knowledge of tax
instance, negotiating contracts, laws, etc.
managing projects, etc.)
 By managing people who take action  Human Skill
(for example, motivating them,
- it relates to the ability to work with people
building teams, enhance the
both individually and in group. Because all
organization’s culture, etc.)
managers deal with people, these skills are
 By managing information that propels
equally important to all levels of
people to take action (using budgets,
goals, task delegation, etc)
- Managers with good human skills get the
 Management Skills best out of their people.
- They know to motivate, communicate, lead
- (basahin nalang daw) Dell Inc. is a company and inspire enthusiasm and trust.
that understands the importance of - Some human skills that are generally
management skills, it started an intensive considered important are effective
five-day offsite skills training program for communication (both verbal and written),
first-line managers as a way to improve its motivating others and creation of a positive
operations. One of Dell’s directors of attitude, development of cooperation and
learning and development thought this was team spirit etc.
the best way to develop, “leaders who can
build that strong relationship with their  Conceptual Skills
front–line employees”. What have the

- These are skills managers use to think and quality and reduce cost so they become an
conceptualize about abstract and complex important ingredient in the efficient
situations. management of management.
- Using these skills, managers see the
organization as a whole, understand the
relationships among various subunits, and 5. Methods – refers to the normal and
visualize how the organization fits into its prescribed way of doing things. Various
broader environment. operations are performed according to
- These skills are most important to top certain systems and procedures. Use of
managers. right methods contribute to increase in
- Some conceptual skills that are generally efficiency of operations and contributes to
important are creativity, decision-making, effective management.
wing to wing interconnectedness, thinking
It is the duty of the management or managers to
as a whole, strategic thinking, problem-
understand the basic nature and functions of each
solving, etc.
M and the source of availability. Managers must
clearly know the purposes of which the other
factors are employed and coordinated to optimize
their combined productivity.

 Why study Management?

- The universality of management is an

It will also be disastrous for organizations not to important concept in the modern
properly and effectively organize the 5 M’s for the management thought.
organization’s success. - When describing management as universal,
we refer to the widespread practice of
Structural Elements (5 M’s) of Management management in all types of organizations
and we want to find ways to improve the
way organizations are managed.
- Management is universally needed in all
organizations, so we want to find ways to
improve the way organizations are

1. Money – it is the most critical and all-

purpose resource because it used to
acquire or hire other resources. In
organization, money is employed to
generate more in the forms of profit or
2. Manpower – it refers to the managerial
and non-managerial personnel employed in - Why? Because we interact with
an organization. Other resources cannot act organizations every single day.
by themselves and have to be utilized by - Are you frustrated when you have to spend
human beings. Human resources mobilize, two hours of waiting in a government office
utilize and allocate physical and financial just waiting for the releasing of your
resources of the organization. driver’s license?
3. Materials - represent the physical raw - Are you irritated when none of the sales-
materials and intermediate products which people in a retail store seems interested in
are converted and/or assembled into helping you?
finished products with the help of certain - These scenarios show problems created by
process and technology. poor management.
4. Machinery – machines are the equipment - Organizations that are well managed –
used to process the materials into semi- develop a loyal customer base, grow, and
finished or finished products. With the used prosper, even during challenging times.
of modern machinery, they help to improve

- By studying management, you’ll be able to - Business environment may be defined as all

recognize poor management and work to those conditions and forces which are
get it corrected. external to the business and are beyond
- Another reason of studying management, is the individual business unit, but it operates
the reality that you will either manage or within it. These forces are customer,
be managed. For those who plan to be creditors, competitors, government, socio-
managers, an understanding of cultural organizations, political parties
management forms the foundation upon national and international organizations
which to build your management skills. etc. some of those forces affect the
business directly while some others have
Summary of Learning Outcomes
indirect effect on the business.
- Managers are important to organizations
- First, organizations need their managerial
Totality of external forces
skills and abilities in uncertain complex, and
chaotic times. - Business environment is the sum total of all
- Second, managers are critical to getting things external to business firms and, as
things done in organizations. such, is aggregative in nature.
- Finally, managers contribute to employee
Specific and general forces
productivity and loyalty; the way
employees are managed can affect the - Business environment includes both
organization’s financial performance; and specific and general forces.
managerial ability has been shown to be - Specific forces affect individual enterprises
important in creating organizational value. directly and immediately in their day-to-day
- Managers coordinate and oversee the work working.
of other people so that the organizational - General force shaves impact on all business
objectives can be achieved. In a traditional enterprises and thus may affect an
structured organizations, managers can be individual firm only indirectly.
first-line, middle, or top.
- Management is what managers do and Dynamic nature
management involves coordinating and
- Business environment is dynamic in that it
overseeing the efficient and effective
keeps on changing whether in terms of
completion of other’s work activities.
technological improvement, shifts in
Efficiency means doing things right and
consumer preferences or entry of new
effectiveness means doing the right things.
competition in the market.
The four functions of management,
Mintzberg’s managerial roles and Katz’s Uncertainty
managerial skills can be adapted and use in
managing organizations and the - Business environment is largely uncertain
importance of studying management. as it is very difficult to predict future
happenings, especially when environment
External Environment and Organizational Culture changes are taking place too frequently as
in the case of information technology or
- The formula for business success requires fashion industries.
two elements –the individual and the
environment. Remove either value and Relativity
success becomes impossible.
- Business environment is a relative concept
- The term ‘business environment” implies
since it differs from country to country and
those external forces, factors and
even region to region.
institutions that are beyond the control of
- Political conditions in the USA, for instance,
individual business organizations and their
differ from those in China or Pakistan.
management and affect the business
Similarly, demand for sarees may be fairly
high in India whereas it may be almost non-
- It implies all external forces within which a
existent in France.
business enterprise operates. Business
environment influence the functioning of
the business system
- On the basis of the extent of intimacy with
the firm, the environmental factors may be
classified into different types-internal and

- The internal environment is the The organizational culture and overall

environment that has a direct impact on environment have bearing on them.
the business
- Here are some internal factors which are f. Company image and brand equity - The
generally controllable because the image of the company in the outside
company has control over these factors market has the impact on the internal
- It can alter or modify such factors such as environment of the company. It helps in
factor as its personnel, physical facilities, raising the finance, making joint ventures,
and organization and functional means, like other alliances, expansions and
marketing, to suit the environment acquisitions, entering sale and purchase
contracts, launching new products, etc.
1. INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Brand equity also helps the company in
same way.
a. Value system - The value system of the
founders and those at the help of affairs g. Miscellaneous factors - The other factors
has important bearing on the choice of that contribute to the business success or
business, the mission and the objectives of failure are as follows:
the organization, business policies and  Physical assets and facilities: facilities
practices. like production capacity, technology
are among the factors which influences
b. Mission and vision and objectives Vision the competitiveness of the firm. The
- means the ability to think about the future proper working of the assets is indeed
with imagination and wisdom. It is an important for free flow of working of the
factor in achieving the objectives of the company.
organization.  Research and development: Though
Mission R&D department is basically done
-is the medium through which the objectives external environment but it has a
are achieved. direct impact on the organization. This
- Vision: what you want to happen to your aspect mainly determines the
organization in the future company‘s ability to innovate and
- Mission: how you will conduct compete.
- Objectives: How you will fulfill your mission  Marketing resources: Resources like
and vision the organization for marketing, quality
of the marketing men, brand equity
c. Management structure and nature - The and distribution network have direct
organizational structure like the bearing on marketing efficiency of the
composition of board of directors company
influences the decisions of business as they  Financial factors: factors like financial
are internal factors. policies, financial positions and capital
structure are also important internal
d. Internal power relationships - The environment affecting business
relationship among the levels of the performances, strategies and
organization influences business. The decisions.
mutual co-ordination among them is an
important need for a business. The
relationship among the people working in - It refers to the environment that has an indirect
various levels of the organization should be influence on the business. The factors are
cordial. uncontrollable by the business. There are two types
of external environment.
e. Human resource - The human resource is
the important factor for any organization as a. Micro Environment
it contributes to the strength and weakness
- The micro environment is also known as
of any organization. The human resource in
the task environment and operating
any organization must have characteristics
environment because the micro
like skills, quality, high morale,
environmental forces have a direct bearing
commitment towards the work attitude,
on the operations of the firm. The micro
etc. The involvement and initiative of the
environment consists of the factors in the
people in an organization at different levels
company‘s immediate environment that
may vary from organization to organization.
affects the performance of the company.

These include the suppliers, marketing ability to provide non-financial assistance

intermediaries, competitors, customers and etc. are very important.
the public. The micro environmental factors
are more intimately linked with the 6. Public
company than the macro factors. The micro - Public can be said as any group that has an
forces need not necessarily affect all the actual or potential interest in or on an
firms in a particular industry in the same organization‘s ability to achieve its interest.
way. Some of the micro factors may be Public include media and citizens. Growth
particular to a firm. When the competing of consumer public is an important
firms in an industry have the same micro development affecting business.
elements, the relative success of the firms
depends on their relative effectiveness in
dealing with these elements. b. Macro Environment
Following are the factors of micro environment: - Macro environment is also known as
General environment and remote
1. Suppliers
environment. Macro factors are generally
- An important force in the micro
more uncontrollable than micro
environment of a company is the suppliers,
environment factors. When the macro
i.e., those who supply the inputs like raw
factors become uncontrollable, the success
materials and components to the company.
of company depends upon its adaptability
The importance of reliable source/sources
to the environment. Some of the macro
of supply to the smooth functioning of the
environment factors are discussed below:
business is obvious.
1. Economic Environment
- Economic environment refers to the
2. Customer
aggregate of the nature of economic
- The major task of a business is to create
system of the country, business cycles, the
and sustain customers. A business exists
socio-economic infrastructure etc. The
only because of its customers. The choice
successful businessman visualizes the
of customer segments should be made by
external factors affecting the business;
considering a number of factors including
anticipating prospective market situations
the relative profitability, dependability, and
and makes suitable to get the maximum
stability of demand, growth prospects and
with minimize cost.
the extent of competition.

2. Social Environment
3. Competition
- The social dimension or environment of a
- Competition not only include the other
nation determines the value system of the
firms that produce same product but also
society which, in turn affects the
those firms which compete for the income
functioning of the business. Sociological
of the consumers the competition here
factors such as costs structure, customs
among these products may be said as
and conventions, mobility of labour etc.
desire competition as the primary task here
have far- reaching impact on the business.
is to fulfill the desire of the customers..The
These factors determine the work culture
competition that satisfies a particular
and mobility of labour, work groups etc.
category desire then it is called generic
3. Demographic Environment
- Demography is the study of human
4. Marketing Intermediaries
populations in terms of size, density,
- The marketing intermediaries include
location, age, sex, race, occupation, and
middlemen such as agents and merchants
other statistics. Changes in the
that help the company find customers or
demographic environment can result in
close sales with them. The marketing
significant opportunities and threats
intermediaries are vital links between the
presenting themselves to the organization.
company and the final consumers.

4. Political Environment
5. Financiers
- The political environment of a country is
- The financiers are also important factors of
influenced by the political organizations
internal environment. Along with financing
such as philosophy of political parties,
capabilities of the company their policies
ideology of government or party in power,
and strategies, attitudes towards risk,
nature and extent of bureaucracy influence

of primary groups etc. The political

environment of the country influences the
business to a great extent.

5. Legal Environment
- Legal environment includes flexibility and
adaptability of law and other legal rules
governing the business. It may include the
exact rulings and decision of the courts.
These affect the business and its managers
to a great extent.

6. Technical Environment
- The business in a country is greatly
influenced by the technological
development. The technology adopted by
the industries determines the type and
quality of goods and services to be
produced and the type and quality of plant
and equipment to be used. Technological
environment influences the business in
terms of investment in technology,
consistent application of technology and
the effects of technology on markets.

7. Ecosystem Environment
- The ecosystem refers to natural systems
and its resources that are needed as inputs
by marketers or that are affected by
marketing activities. To avoid shortages in
raw materials, organizations can use
renewable resources (such as forests) and
alternatives (such as solar and wind energy)
for nonrenewable resources (such as oil
and coal). Organizations can limit their
energy usage by increasing efficiency.

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