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Laguna State Polytechnic University
Philippine Christian University



The passage of the Data Privacy Act of 2012, establishes a new data privacy framework for all industries
and sectors, whether in public or private. Different agencies' policies have aimed to foster innovation and
the development of commercial and public sector technical skills. The hit COVID-19 pandemic pushed
academic institutions for a paradigm shift in the delivery of instructional and administrative services in
online platforms. This study assessed the Laguna State Polytechnic University's (LSPU) data privacy
policies and governance transformation to determine its best practices and establish an informational
privacy framework. LSPU commenced its full compliance in 2017, hence the researcher chose the
respondents whose employment at the university is between 2017 and 2021 to ensure they have sufficient
experience and skill in the implementation of the Data Privacy law promulgated in 2012 and its rules and
regulation in the university. Questionnaires were utilized to collect information, and interviews with unit
heads and university staff validated the results. Based on the study's hypothesis, it is determined that the
governance of existing data privacy policies at the institution is completely established. Since the results
of the analysis revealed a significant correlation, the respondents strongly support a very high degree of
data privacy implementation oversight. Further, using the path-analysis technique, it was found that the
governance has a positive effect on the current practices of data privacy in the university. Finally, the study
revealed that when there is a certain policy change responsive to the data privacy law that is to be
implemented in the university, it is expected that practices in the implementation of data privacy law will
show significant change.

Keywords: Data Governance, Data Practices, Informational Governance, Data Privacy Model

privacy argument sometimes lacks the definition

INTRODUCTION of privacy and overlooks its public worth
(Seubert & Becker, 2021).
Privacy is an essential component of With the passage of the Data Privacy Act of
democratic processes. It has a universal value that 2012, it establishes a new data privacy
is beyond an individual’s real but one that concerns framework for all industries and sectors, whether
the whole society. in public or private. The new data privacy law
The protection accorded by the constitution mandates compliance with the five pillars of data
on privacy rights is critical not just for individual protection. The same shall be investigated in the
rights but also for democracy: it safeguards the privacy governance of the Laguna State
integrity of the communication infrastructures that Polytechnic University - System to develop an
underlie democratic self-autonomy. However, the effective informational privacy governance

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

Proceeding of the 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (APCMR), 29 – 30 March 2023, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
SANCON, R.J.S., Data Privacy Best Practices of a Local Higher Educational Institution: A Model for Governance, pp. 9 – 16
framework suitable to the organizational in the informational privacy model in the
practices and processes of the university. Laguna State Polytechnic University.
The COVID-19 pandemic pushed academic Specifically, this study aims to answer the
institutions for a paradigm shift in the delivery of following questions:
instructional and administrative services in
online platforms. Those in tertiary education, 1. Determine the level of Governance of Current
have shifted from traditional face-to-face classes Data Privacy Practices in the Four Campuses of
to flexible learning. This is not only applicable in the Laguna State Polytechnic University in terms
the delivery of instruction but also applied in of:
providing services from student enlistment, pre- 1.1 Organizational Commitment;
enrolment process, assessment of fees, and 1.2 Employee Privacy Accountability;
payment. The need for compliance of academic 1.3 Data Risk Assessment;
institutions on data privacy protection becomes 1.4 Data Risk Control; and
more demanding and relevant at this time. 1.5 Informational Recovery.
Assessing the same would give the institution 2. Identify the level of Current Practices on Data
evidenced-based reference in designing data Privacy Law implementation among
privacy plans, strategies, and mechanisms that administrative and academic units, and their
will suit the organizational dynamics and culture respective personnel in the four regular
of the academic institutions. campuses of the Laguna State Polytechnic
It may be relevant to note however that the University in terms of:
use of online platforms and channels in 2.1 Data Privacy Governance Planning;
educational institution’s workplace have 2.2 Data Collection Practices;
generated big amount of data from people. The 2.3 Data Control Operations;
determination of data privacy measures and 2.4 Assessment of Data Privacy Risk; and
behavior/values towards the protection of the 2.5 Security Incident Management.
same within the institution would be a
benchmark in establishing a framework ideal for 3. Measure the effects of the Governance of the
the school’s organization. Current Data Privacy Practices on the Current of
During the pandemic, information and data Practices on Data Privacy Act implementation
management are critical considerations. among academic units and administrative units
According to Malindog-Uy (2020) the challenges in the four campuses of the Laguna State
of internet security and privacy in the Philippines Polytechnic University.
as a result of the growth of online and distance
learning. The problem of data privacy has been 4. Evaluate the Informational Privacy
largely ignored in this context since the majority Governance Model that should be implemented
of attention has been focused on developing in the Laguna State Polytechnic University
new teaching modes. The exposure of learners System.
to the digital world raises their risk of data leaks,
identity theft, and other types of data breaches METHODOLOGY
(Estrellado, 2021).
The researcher explores the data privacy In this study, a descriptive method of
practices of one tertiary education about its data research was employed to determine and
privacy governance. interpret the meaning and significance of
changes in data privacy practices toward the
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY development of data privacy governance from
2017 to 2021, as perceived by the respondents.
This study assessed the Changes of Data Quantitative research was utilized to measure
Privacy Practices and the Governance Change the extent of this

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

Proceeding of the 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (APCMR), 29 – 30 March 2023, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
SANCON, R.J.S., Data Privacy Best Practices of a Local Higher Educational Institution: A Model for Governance, pp. 9 – 16
issue, using numerical values to identify the size of data) or parametric data that fall short on the
objects or the relationship between independent normality test.
and dependent variables (Trinidad, 2018).
The study surveyed Laguna State Table 1
Polytechnic University's internal Data Users and Likert-type Scale and its Verbal Interpretation
Likert-type of Scale Verbal Interpretation
implementors, including Academic Unit Heads
4 – strongly agree Very High
(Deans and Associate Deans), Administrative 3 – Agree High
Unit Heads (Directors and Chairpersons), and 2 – Disagree Low
non-teaching personnel from the four regular 1 – Strongly disagree Very Low
campuses, which totals 323 respondents. Their
experience, knowledge, and engagement with RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
informational privacy governance serve as a valid
and reliable measure of the changes to data 1. Governance of Current Data Privacy
privacy practices and governance. Practices
Before beginning the research, the
researcher sent letters requesting permission Table 2
Level of Governance of Informational Privacy
from the University President, Vice-Presidents,
Indicators Weighted Std Verbal
and Campus Directors. An orientation was held Mean Dev Interpretation
either in-person or via Zoom or online conference Organizational 3.607 0.497 Very High
to explain the objectives and directions for Commitment
completing the questionnaire. Informal interviews Employee 3.678 0.446 Very High
were conducted for further clarification if needed. Accountability
The questionnaires were distributed both Data Risk 3.706 0.580 Very High
physically and online, with assistance from the Assessment
ICTS Office of LSPU-Siniloan Campus for the Data Risk 3.707 0.518 Very High
online distribution. After collecting the data, it was Control
Informational 3.552 0.527 Very High
monitored and prepared for analysis and Recovery
statistical treatment. To ensure confidentiality, a Over - All Mean 3.650 0.514 Very High
confidentiality agreement and consent form was
included with the physical questionnaires and Table 2 provides a very high level of
online forms. governance on informational privacy with an overall
This study utilized a survey questionnaire as mean of (M=3.650, SD=0,541). The data would
the main instrument to focus on data privacy reveal that Data Risks Control got the highest mean
practices and the culture of data privacy of (M=3.707, SD=0.518). Also, there is a very high
governance. A thorough review of related level of governance changes in terms of Data Risk
literature and studies was conducted to ensure Assessment mean of (M=3.706, SD=0.580). Also,
that the questions posed would be based on a Employee Privacy Accountability got a very high
solid foundation. The questionnaire was then level of change with a mean of (M=3.678,
checked by an advisor and a panel of experts, SD=0.446). Followed by Organizational
followed by a pilot test for validation and reliability. Commitment it got a very high level with a mean of
The researcher used the mean and (M=3.607, SD=0.497). Although, still on a very high
standard deviation as statistical tools in the study. level, Informational Recovery got the lowest mean
Correlation analysis was utilized in the study to of (M=3.552, SD=0.527).
determine the significant relationship between two Recent legislative efforts to rein in
or more variables. In particular, Spearman’s rank- contractual flexibility recognize this vulnerability but
order correlation (Spearman’s rho) was used. are incapable of resolving it on their own—and
Spearman’s rho is applicable when determining the neither can data ownership. The latter is both
relationship of at least two ordinal data (ranked improbable and insufficient as a solution to the

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

Proceeding of the 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (APCMR), 29 – 30 March 2023, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
SANCON, R.J.S., Data Privacy Best Practices of a Local Higher Educational Institution: A Model for Governance, pp. 9 – 16
issues at hand (Delacroix & Lawrence, 2019). a sense of accountability when it comes to
Clients struggle to regain control over their data as upholding the rights of data subjects. The lowest
a result of rising technical complexity and varied mean was for integrating remedial actions in
data-exploitation corporate tactics. However, it addressing risks, but it was still very high at
looks as if data protection legislation makes certain M=3.409. Employees and managers may disagree
assumptions about human decision-making to with the degree to which employers seek
strengthen individual control (Van Ooijen & Vrabec, confirmation in data rather than from employees
2019). themselves, thereby increasing employee-focused
The survey respondents reported a very collection of data, but in the process of
high level of organizational commitment to data technological advancement rather than employee
privacy practices and security measures. They had participation, and fostering the continuous
a strong sense of value towards the data privacy measurement of human resources practices (Jeske
practices implemented, developed security and Calvard, 2020). Employees have high regard
measures for the organization, and developed for the proper treatment of data which is manifested
security-focused data privacy response practices in by their very high extent of sense of accountability,
their day-to-day operations. The respondents also integrating remedial actions, and adherence to data
observed the governance change in developing privacy principles.
best practices based on international and domestic The results of this study show that
standards for data protection. The organization also respondents perceive a very high level of
developed ways to communicate the results of the governance of changes in informational privacy in
Privacy Impact Assessment. The lowest indicator terms of data risk assessment. This is evidenced by
among the survey questions was the "participatory a mean of 3.706 (SD=0.580) and includes
planning scheme" with a mean of 3.365. Likewise, developing regular assessment and evaluation of
organizational Commitment, which is the system security measures (M=3.728, SD=0.671),
fundamental link in the information security chain, developing risk mitigation plans (M=3.728,
is a significant predictor of employees' ISP SD=0.600), updating Privacy Impact Assessment
acceptance behavior. Managers should make reports (M=3.721, SD=0.613), developing
additional efforts to strengthen employees' sense of instruments for data risk assessment (M=3.709,
identification and belongingness with their SD=0.612), measuring vulnerability to risk
organizations. Due to the fact that high-commitment (M=3.700, SD=0.625), conducting data risk
workers are internally motivated to safeguard their assessment in Privacy Impact Assessment
businesses' information assets, managers may (M=3.700, SD=0645), training administrative units
encourage them to assist others in performing in self-assessing risks (M=3.697, SD=0.626), and
security behaviors (Liu et al., 2020). Findings of the preparing and submitting reports to the Data
study show that the management of the university Privacy Officer (M=3.684, SD=0.649). While the
includes data privacy as an integral part of the institutions “Developed a mechanism that
operations which is also in need of proper administrative offices conduct privacy risks are
monitoring if properly implemented and observed. done periodically” observed by the respondents to
The respondents also rated that the be very high level with a mean of (M=3.675,
employees have a very high level of Governance of SD=0.671) but it got the lowest mean among the
Changes on Informational Privacy in terms of indicators. The institution, like many organizations,
Employee Privacy Accountability. This was big data has developed into a valuable asset,
reflected in their adherence to data privacy offering enhanced operations. Results indicate that
principles such as transparency, proportionality, the university provides support to its employees on
legitimacy of purpose, knowledge of legal how to cascade information about data risk
consequences of data breaches, and providing assessment through training and providing a
immediate remedial action for system, together with mechanisms, and guidelines.
unauthorized/malicious disclosures. Furthermore, The university ensures that employees are
the respondents perceived the employees to have
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
Proceeding of the 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (APCMR), 29 – 30 March 2023, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
SANCON, R.J.S., Data Privacy Best Practices of a Local Higher Educational Institution: A Model for Governance, pp. 9 – 16
equipped with the necessary competencies on how Data recovery plays a significant role in
to construct plans to address risk. the processing of data. Based on the results, the
The respondents revealed that there is a university has a very high extent of changes of
very high level of governance change in terms of governance. This reveals that there has been a
data risk control and informational privacy. This policy implemented in the university concerning the
included developing policies to ensure data handling of data or information. This can be
collection from individuals, having a system that attributed to the initiatives of the university in
informs the data subject of the purpose of digitizing its processes.
collection, developing policies that are compliant
with the Data Privacy Act of 2012, having a system 2. Current of Practices on Data Privacy Law
that requires the collection of data for specified
purposes, implementing mechanisms that ensure Table 3
the data subject is informed and aware of the extent Level of Practices on Data Privacy Law Implementation
of data collection, and developing policies to Indicators Weighted Std Verbal
anonymize and de-identify information of data Mean Dev Interpretation
subjects. The lowest level of mean was for Data Privacy 3.324 0.463 Very High
developing a system that ensures to the data
subject that the information being collected is
Data Collection 3.646 0.386 Very High
necessary for the program. Employees’ security
practices on data risk control are critical for the Data Control 3.730 0.489 Very High
comprehensive protection of an organization's Operations
information (Herath et al., 2018). People are key in Assessment of 3.678 0.559 Very High
these systems; therefore, data governance should Data Privacy
give incentives and consequences to encourage Risk
good behavior. Data governance requires Security 3.729 0.550 Very High
cooperation between organizations and individuals Incident
(Janssen et al., 2020). This shows that the Management
university has a procedure in data processing and Over - All 3.621 0.489 Very High
release which is progressing in terms of its Mean
The respondents reported a very high level
of governance when it comes to mitigating data Table 3 shows the Summary of the Level of
breaches and protecting the data of data subjects. Practices in Data Privacy Law Implementation. All
This includes the development of systems, training indicators got a very high level of practice with a
of administrative units, implementation of the mean of (M=3.621, SD=0.489). The data presented
institution's data recovery procedures, shows that Data Control Operations got the highest
development of physical security measures, and mean of (M=3.730, SD=0.489). Followed by
technical security measures, as well as regular Security Incident Management with a mean of
policy development/updates and security policy (M=3.729, SD=0.550), then by Assessment of Data
implementation. Dissemination of the data privacy Privacy Risk with a mean (M=3.678, SD=0.559). It
management information also had a very high level, also revealed that among the five indicators, Data
though developing treatment on security measures Collection Practices come at fourth with a mean
that immediately address the data privacy issues of (3.646, SD=0.386). Lastly, the lowest among the
data subjects had the lowest mean among the indicators is Data Privacy Governance Planning
indicators. This is supported by Greve et. al. (2020). with a mean of (M=3.324, SD=0.463).
While this is unquestionably a beneficial
The institution is observed to have a very
development in terms of reducing digital inequality,
high level in terms of providing a schedule for
the rapid use of internet-connected equipment has
regular compliance assessments and security
resulted in greater security concerns.
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
Proceeding of the 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (APCMR), 29 – 30 March 2023, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
SANCON, R.J.S., Data Privacy Best Practices of a Local Higher Educational Institution: A Model for Governance, pp. 9 – 16
audits, allowing the participation of stakeholders in findings find support in the discussion of Serzo
Privacy Governance planning, considering best (2020) where he stated that data privacy and
practices in the domestic security standards on protection have reached the top of the list of
planning, consideration of technological concerns that organizations in the Philippines,
advancement, and evaluation of the Privacy particularly digital platforms, are concerned about
Management Plan. It is also observed to have a following the passage of the Philippine Data Privacy
high level of change in terms of considering Act of 2012 (the "DPA") and the National Privacy
practices in the international security standards and Commission's (NPC) aggressive enforcement
gathering inputs through surveys or interviews on efforts. The fact that the DPA is classified as
the data privacy practices for data governance legislation with a three-fold accountability, which
planning. The lowest mean among the indicators is forbids the improper treatment of personal data,
observed to be “Organizational Data Policy may contribute to the law's widespread acceptance.
Planning are participated by stakeholders Results of the study show that in the university, the
(Students/ Faculty/ Non-teaching Staff)” which still security of data is treated with a high extent of
has a high mean of 3.180. This is essential priority.
considering that regulatory pressure has been This survey reveals that the institutions have
growing in recent years for a number of reasons, undergone a very high level of changes in terms of
and it is becoming more costly on the institution’s data control operations and data privacy law
budgetary requirements. Management needs a implementations. The highest mean of 3.827 was
regulatory framework, through extensive and observed for the practice of proper documentation
careful planning and strategizing of organizational of authorized disclosure of the data freely given by
course of action, that reassures members of the a data subject. Other areas of high change include
institution, supports the adoption of a uniform policies introduced to ensure that the personal data
security architecture, and dispels the anxieties of will only be used for declared purposes, agreement
engineers in charge of technical controls. Based on or contract review to ensure data privacy policy
the results, the university has initiatives on compliance, employment of steps to protect
integrating data privacy in the development of its sensitive data loss, personal data loss, and
strategic directions which is participatory in nature personal data access, the introduction of inventory
as evident in the formulation of milestones set in the processes system for data and policies concerning
strategic plans and objectives. the restoration of data in case of loss. The lowest
The institution has a very high level of mean of 3.446 was observed for the employment of
practice on Data Privacy Law Implementation in reasonable steps to protect sensitive data access,
terms of Data Collection Practices. The highest yet still, this area saw a very high level of change.
mean was for the collection of sensitive data being This finds support in the study of Gonzales and
authorized by law or the implementing rules. Other Ching (2018) which provides that there are links
practices which received a very high level of between data collection, dissemination,
response were the collection of personal data being technology, privacy classification about public
based on the Data Privacy Act and its implementing expectation, and the political and legal
rules, programs of the university is based on its considerations that surround them.
designed purpose, data subjects being made aware The respondents observed a high level of in
of the purpose of collection, extent of the collection, terms of assessment of data risks and compliance
and the policy relative to the withdrawal of their with the National Privacy Commission's Privacy
consent in processing of information, collection of Risk Management. Moreover, the respondents had
personal data not being against morals, a very high level of change in the training of
anonymization and de-identification of collected employees for self-assessment of risks in their
information from data subject, and informing data respective units as well as the regularity of its
subjects on the legitimacy of collection. The act of occurrence during the Privacy Impact Assessment
collecting data coming directly from an individual or and the vulnerability to risk in the data
the data subject received the lowest mean. These management. Lastly, the regular assessment of
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
Proceeding of the 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (APCMR), 29 – 30 March 2023, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
SANCON, R.J.S., Data Privacy Best Practices of a Local Higher Educational Institution: A Model for Governance, pp. 9 – 16
data privacy risks of the institution got the lowest deviates from normality or is not normally
level of mean. Considering that LSPU has distributed. Based on this outcome Spearman’s rho
institutionalized the online processing of services correlation a non – parametric test was used to
either in the area of academics or administration, determine if there is a significant relationship or
the processing of data has been more efficient but effect between the two variables.
exposed to additional risks. With the nature of cyber
Table 4
technology, which serves as an innovative medium
Tests of Normality of the Distribution
of expression for students and provides access to Shapiro-Wilk
international information, comes the emergence of Statistic Df Sig.
new challenges. Students' improved access to the Level of Changes of
internet on university campuses has increased Practices on Data
.690 323 .000
Privacy Law
cyber piracy and other forms of unethical cyber
conduct (Aderibigbe and Ocholla, 2020). Level of Governance
The survey found that respondents had a of Changes on .718 323 .000
very high level of data privacy practices in terms of Informational Privacy
security incident management. This included
updating security policies with respect to the
processing of data, making units aware of security Since we have a sample size of 323,
measures in handling unauthorized disclosures, determining the distribution of the two variables is
integrating data privacy policies into day-to-day important in choosing an appropriate statistical tool
operations, and disseminating policies on or method. So a Shapiro – Wilk (W) test was
managing information risk. The findings are in line performed and showed that the distribution of the
with the discussion of Richardson et. al. (2020) practices on Data Privacy Law Implementation,
citing Zammani & Razali (2016). Their study W(323) = 0.690 ; p–value = 0.000 and Governance
explained that investigating patterns, learning from of Changes on Informational Privacy, W(323) =
worst-case situations, and adapting to the changing 0.718;p–value = 0.000. Since the p–value is less
environment are the most effective ways to than 0.05 then we can say that the distribution
safeguard a school on the internet. Taking those deviates from normality or is not normally
risky actions and taking meaningful action is an distributed. Based on this outcome Spearman’s rho
important element of the governance change correlation a non – parametric test was used to
process. As revealed by the results, the university determine if there is a significant relationship or
ensures that the existing policies and regulations effect between the two variables.
are implemented to a high extent by providing
support to its employees on how to be informed and 4. Changes Practices on Data Privacy Law
make necessary measures on how to internalize Implementation and Governance of
these data privacy-related policies and regulations. Informational Privacy

3. Normality of the Distribution Spearman’s rho correlation is a non-

parametric test used to determine whether there is
Since we have a sample size of 323, a relationship or influence between the Practices of
determining the distribution of the two variables is Data Privacy Law Implementation and Governance
important in choosing an appropriate statistical tool of Informational Privacy in the Four Campuses of
or method. So a Shapiro – Wilk (W) test was The Laguna State Polytechnic. Table 14 shows
performed and showed that the distribution of the that there is a high positive correlation between
practices on Data Privacy Law Implementation, Changes in Practices on Data Privacy Law
W(323) = 0.690 ;p–value = 0.000 and Governance Implementation and Governance of Changes in
of Changes on Informational Privacy, W(323) = Informational Privacy (rho = 0.698). Thep–value =
0.718;p–value = 0.000. Since thep–value is less 0.000, N= 323 generated from the table explains
than 0.05 then we can say that the distribution that we have enough evidence to show that
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
Proceeding of the 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (APCMR), 29 – 30 March 2023, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
SANCON, R.J.S., Data Privacy Best Practices of a Local Higher Educational Institution: A Model for Governance, pp. 9 – 16
Changes in Practices on Data Privacy Law
Implementation were significantly influenced by
Changes of Governance on Informational Privacy.
Table 5
Correlation Analysis on Practices on Data Privacy Law
Implementation and Governance of Change on Informational

Figure 1. Informational Privacy Governance Framework for

Changing policy texts and concepts can Laguna State Polytechnic University System
prompt and allow school systems to engage in
educational system building—that is, (re)building CONCLUSIONS
educational infrastructures to support more
coherent visions for instruction, albeit in a few It is concluded that changes in the level of
school subjects (Spillane et al., 2019). The governance on informational privacy led to changes
widespread adoption and implementation of digital in the implementation practices of data privacy law
technologies by organizations has resulted in a in the university. Since the outcome of the analyses
massive transformation that has the potential to found a positive relationship, a very high level of
impact the internal operations and processes of change in the governance results in a very high
many organizations. This transformation has an level of change in the implementation practices.
effect on various levels and stages of output In view of the findings and conclusion, the
creation and services in an organization, ultimately following are recommended: Sustain and develop
resulting in changes to their organizational additional measures to ensure Data Control
structures and practices (Kretschmer & Khashabi, Operations practices are in place in the
2020). implementation of policies. Data Privacy
Based on the result of the study, the Governance Planning, although still has a very high
changes in the governance and the changes in the level of change, the same may still be improved by
practices on implementing the data privacy law are being more inclusive by allowing other stakeholders
positively correlated in the context of the Laguna (regulatory agencies like CHED, National Privacy
State Polytechnic University. All indicators of Commission, and accrediting bodies like AACCUP)
governance (organization commitment, employee to participate and be heard in the data privacy
privacy accountability, data risk assessment, data governance planning. Also, since the high extent of
risk control, and informational recovery) and changes in governance might result in changes in
practices (data privacy governance planning, data the implementation practices of data privacy law, it
collection practices, data control operations, is recommended that policies or other similar
assessment of data privacy risk, and security initiatives to strengthen the level of adherence to
incident management) are both very high. Thus, data privacy law should be disseminated in a wider
when there is a certain change in policy responsive range to ensure its success. Establish defense
to the data privacy law that is to be implemented in protocols against data breaches and malicious
the university, it is expected that practices in the disclosures and inclusion of Data Protection
implementation of data privacy law will show Strategic Initiatives in the Institution’s Strategic Plan
significant change. which will set the informational privacy goals and

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

Proceeding of the 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (APCMR), 29 – 30 March 2023, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
SANCON, R.J.S., Data Privacy Best Practices of a Local Higher Educational Institution: A Model for Governance, pp. 9 – 16
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Proceeding of the 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (APCMR), 29 – 30 March 2023, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
SANCON, R.J.S., Data Privacy Best Practices of a Local Higher Educational Institution: A Model for Governance, pp. 9 – 16
Review, 62(4), 86–104. AUTHOR’S PROFILE
Atty. Rushid Jay S. Sancon is an
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Philippines. The ASEAN Post. As to his educational credentials, he graduated Doctor of Philosophy in Development
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in schools: The Human Factor. Educational College Recoletos-Manila. He finished his Juris
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Cagayan State University-Gonzaga Campus.
Serzo, A. L. O. (2020). Cross-border data regulation for
digital platforms: data privacy and security. COPYRIGHTS
Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS). Copyright of this article is retained by the
author/s, with first publication rights granted to
Seubert, S., & Becker, C. (2021). The democratic impact IIMRJ. This is an open-access article distributed
of strengthening European fundamental rights in
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
the digital age: The example of privacy protection.
German Law Journal, 22(1), Commons Attribution – Noncommercial 4.0
31-44. International License (http://creative
Spillane, J. P., Seelig, J. L., Blaushild, N. L., Cohen, D.
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An analysis from a behavioural perspective. Journal
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P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

Proceeding of the 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (APCMR), 29 – 30 March 2023, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
SANCON, R.J.S., Data Privacy Best Practices of a Local Higher Educational Institution: A Model for Governance, pp. 9 – 16

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