MBT LT PI 02 Superstar Interview

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2 Superstar interview

You are going to interview a successful film star. Before the interview think of some questions about:
• famous friends.
• how your guest started their career in films.
• if it is enjoyable to be an actor.
• plans for the next year.

School days
Where did you go to school?
Did you like it?

Did you enjoy your last holiday?
Who was that good-looking person
in the photographs with you?

You are starring in a new film.
What is it called?
What is the film about?
What was the most difficult thing
about making this film?

Social life
Who are you dating now?
Did you go out last night?
What did you do last weekend?
Is it true that the police arrested
you last Saturday night?


Film star
You are a very successful young film star!
You are going to be interviewed about your
life and your latest film. Before the interview
think about your answers to these questions:
• Where did you go to school?
• Did you like it?
• How did you start your career in films?
• What is your latest film called?
• What is the story?
• Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend?
• Where did you go on holiday?
• Why did the police arrest you last Saturday?

Photocopiable Learning Teaching Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2017. This page may be photocopied for use in class.
2 Superstar interview
Pairwork. Roleplay (interview).

Past simple verbs in questions, negatives and statements.

Photocopy one worksheet for each pair. Cut the worksheet
in half.

• Pairwork. Hand out the cards. In each pair, one student
should have the interviewer card, the other the film star
card. N.B. The film star role is a more challenging role and
should be given to the stronger student in each pair.
• Say that the students will take part in a TV interview.
Briefly explain the two roles. With stronger classes you
could suggest that the interview might be funny (maybe
the film star has had some ‘interesting’ events in her life?).
• Allow students at least five minutes to prepare. The
interviewer has some questions on their card but also
needs to think of more questions. The film star has to
prepare their answers.
• Students then work in pairs and take part in an interview.

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