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Lo Labs, Mt Creation Accounts | in the Ancient Near East | and in the Bible Richard J. Clifford | ‘Monograph Series | The Catholic Biba! Query Ts My Brothers Joe Bl, Peter, Poul, Bob, and David died the Memory of My Siter Connie Contents Abbrerintons 3 1. The Cancepeof Craton 2d Creation Account in the Ancient Near East ar 2. Craton Account in Mesopotamia: Suarian Tx 1 3 Ceaon Asoune in Mesopotma: Abe Texts 4 “. Creton Accounts n Egyptian Thought 99 5. Graton coun Camsnie Tess 77 CGueation Accounts inthe Bible 1s 6, Genesis oat a7 Saath gorse 16 9. The Waadom Laterre_ 17 Sst ibliogranhy 204 How dhe word beam it gson sha fiat bal auhors and {her neighbors eles han moder people, T) know the ba of ‘liming issomelon to om tx cnc Modern abd ancien gues ‘tskimesing om sore sbou begining. This books aboot woes ‘SFesasin nthe Besse of Mesopoania, Eat, Canzan, and the Bible Scholae long ecogsize ha some alent osmogonis layed important line conetng pope base cri he woe tn ht ae conmognies, ot Sed wo operations fancied the nivale fou poopy sad helo exploring portant ol Toei today stong historians, bal aden and theologians ‘tcheaopeal excavations ore ep decades vee up ne cs ‘hogonicy andthe nerpecion and anltion ofboth nen ong Thom tx ss become more pee, Heightned modern entity tonuareaeason® and ou nterdependnes ith ithas le eet {a anen account labial sues, the bene of cation, once 2 poor cousin te theme ohio Pascoe of own. Tetaly roa nnd Iterature Paver, Qh, Jo, Sack, Wistom Ut Solomon), wich deals with be ested word nd how #03 ‘nying renisenee: Fly acetic comelogy (sing sh “enor sont the oii ofthe nie, provoking ire in cot ‘Sites tom ancet snd mode, The te spe rocking sans fem ae mck wld “This bok ecko clan he esning of cea inthe ancient Neat Estandin the ible and they nbs s ad cones inna hemes nbsp hae so ec ase ‘brat sy of al ical cesta scours bstopen ee treat edhe cn devon . ms “Thishook ders rom atc die of ance craton nou way. Fit, limis te pic of can ty cot iol counage counts ofceaion eerthany stg ery eee ee resto is regucat ancient tex that messing cach ens isfarboond oe aor done bro Cnmogonie eee fae stay is win each, vn Second, he book pusiical cosmogonicsin thir ancien canter ‘Tae itrodactory chaps eviews some fc scan snd debs Behar of ac etn sus Dt Oneal te lee of Mesopotamia, Ege Cana, and Pho, bth re sr ae and olay fasten for ine compson eat ie The two chp on Steopormis ae by acca egy eer ke imterin hrponaly der and chs sage of ope ‘on Taba tn gst wa har pon omparing pene mare peda than comparing iced mest ews tempo ie de Bie ay sper eres ‘be ey and pean of mnbha osmogie ae ntde ‘he biel wor e 7 Thi in Br To (onthe Bib), the book anes beyond Gene 1-11 lear cnmogonies-os the Ps eae sd the Windom Ltr Prerbs snd Jo) Genes smc dlminatsdscusion of eeation atone lrg the uo axe ‘em comin he Bie Fr the ical ea er eg sos casio wei cad an hy on each ck wie ‘sngon funtons within pene ad eats ean Esa ‘terion rw dyening ny con whee nly Camping fal eee bene nib ly leech ook an hinder compen an Ber dee ‘he whole and lave woke the tk of dvall cep ec ; = tothe sb Bie, sing tae deeop the etn this bole {hth ere of ey Jasin and the Ne Teeament Fourth ce book ty design the work of se autor hus ier og rm cet lamer y sein in Sumerian, Altace, Ves, [inl Egyptian lac Tama of spealizepodace the sable Lt sssance di monde Soar ntl Pai Su 99) andar {ov dans Orton Anton LD tay ae Cer) theta trpora be working the tee fant Nest Easter reson dete dccton of Professy Karel in der Toor een ee pre i ot howe the metho ofthis bok. Speciale ofr inser of el rw om thonsle tft el Ata can ‘Shy operte wit dilferng hump and dents ving tbe poor teal tamale the sompurtone snd dente cnn. mg ton, ‘hough ned ae at kp oa sige met thoghowt and mae te vw of the whole, Arh soe sothor of hs book, Ihave wed to be am assure eporer of wht I do at know fistand Sumerian tnd Eaypia) or ar fom suet n (Akkadian) or the el {have lone copied whoo and shoes, J Yan Dv fo Stern Inert, and Erk Hornung and umes Ale fo Egyptian, Sloe that meri date fom owe calre em e ier rete diferent by ober thar Ele main comets ‘ih otter scholars bu do nx bette to ake ou 09 my ow The bok dace wot dei with he burpsoning scenic Bld of cox mology despite the fo that the ater spe we with images ht Inenc oor reading he Be. Thee are writen and ie cen ‘accounts in Eph James efi, Tv Moment of Cation Now ‘Yorke Mac 9); Seven Weber, The Fst Thre Minas New “Yr: Rs ook and Alan ihn, Ancona (MA: Harvard Univer, 990 Pr of tht book hav appeared lewhee Some of be inteucory ‘cal pened in Ors (8) 2650. A verano ceston nthe ‘alms appetedin Craton nthe Bia radios eR]. Cod tnd} Cling CEQMS 2, ehington, DC Catholic Biel Aso ‘Shia, 198), Some ofthe mae nthe chaps Iai 40-35 Sppened inthe CQ $52 agg) 7. Except whee ood al ane Sowidetangng bok shone coud nt have ee ten witout smh encourages xp aif thes Jame Ser, SI ‘oleanr of ek at the Ronis ileal neural eo dente screed othe Cathe Biel Avena gh rs bok, Das my sacl sneer ny pena te Tot hia ste nds cond een thet Ving Pelee Svano Varo, Sf aed Ci Sraenagen hae wh ne the es ‘mcresonn Mesopotamia nd Fgype: Th iba of he ial ibis, Fry Bel eae my yi ele en lens lary. Poesor Jan van Die prior emer the ihe Insite, Kindy rea prs ofthe manne fictgepert aie od 'n oe cine caning aiff at especially for ths boat at Indeed abo wo Profser Wii I. Many flee emesis op Haran Universi whose lezrs on Meepatanan lin gel simlaing new approaches aad queons {hn ested scl fo Profesor on D. Lemon, Mark. Sat and my calergu se Reson Joh Kelman, $8. Calagoesin the Hebrew Srpuss/ON! Tes et Collum ofthe Boston Theologian have tenet to Shs es poly enone oe thn hey woul hk nd od [etned withthe comings of sb apo for lle ‘hoe intrest and question encore ne bring the work tse gleon when shore projets beckoned Lan us by mem lest, Link Scr hs brea an exemplary edo, naringcomusteny ina ot fring perepesgeton onthe pum, A ct fom be Lal Eenlowmecr made posse the Roman sabbata Richa cio Weston Shoot of Thess Combe, MA 02158 Abbreviations ABbveistons wed thoughout wk ae those foal i the toxrane fe Conta” CBD 46 (1984 39-408, wth helo a ‘Wissenschaften zu Leiprig: Philologisch-historische Aerie ‘Anmie de Fle pacigur der hates aden Wie Sachs Bet entered aden Peon Boutso, LD. Boat and SN. Kear, Leg ler dix {ecu ete, es Galina) pwr Daley, MEA Jtsobn Lambert Alrabass a cin, AL Peto, Mesachenbi Rua (emt dane orient Ancien Leto divine 2, Cones de TACFER Lil 1985 oF FM. ros, Canaanite th and Heb Bp (Cambell, Mase: Harand Unvety rss Gineform Tents ra Baboon Tee inthe Brash Museum (Londons Department of Wen Ave Aniguti, 896-), 5. Daley, yh fom Mesopotamia: Creation, the Fld, Gigameth and Cher (Onto Oxord aise Pres, 1985) T Jacobsen, The Hare tht once: Samerin Univerty Press 38) Kelsie as Arar relies tba, Wisenschatehe Vefentichnngen see deothen Onengeeishae XX, OOTY (tepie vo, a9) KinlersLteratar Lesion (arch: Kindle, WG. Lember ad AR. Mila Ars The Babli Story of i Fad Oxo laren Pre, 96) Lasiton der Apolo o, W. Hak and E. ws, Wistalen: Harms, 72-8) eas, MM Lichen, Aeon Ebon Litre Bere Unity of Clone, gy 5 vole Matron smerichen Leon (Rome G. Rear, Ds atontatche Moho wed die smershon nd ache Shepergen (ede Wier, Pine ie hl ame, a Zeitschrift fir Neypixche Sprache und Alt The Concept of Creation 1. Creation and Myth Thathe gsr th wld wa simpy ta for gated ought Ahearn Nes Ese. Th el pers ald of riage, lames abe metic lnsracions or oon po ‘Bro gas In vew of thi omnipresent amp ah Fit ak fost forth cll ow eenon wil be uderstaod i the prevent dy etniton of cation such the god's go brining omathing ing ng oo general and nat be made more pre. The sera ‘trhgin H Lng forelegs x as type sod Ihe srucueceaon fom noting esti rom haa, cson fom acownis egy wrl-pret myth separaion of heen abd ‘Cin Sumerian yc eergence mi (eeu as mother, ‘Satson orbit wh ile men to heath) ander smyth {ps sme die ito te dee for 4 pee oe! The cst {Gina Ween dings for per acardagothe ype of act ‘Geaton by brh or stneson of bir cretion seth eof sre ‘vicar creation yan acto sett ey separton, Frat ‘ttn beings ud reo tough word Sach petitions of ‘ebro concept are ali and hl, bu the ndstanding of "on inthis book 4 nano esol am terse in cosmogoe athe tha in vey al ‘on. renin too geal stp s book ta soe boa Say sed compressive Hence wk i comet lsc only cosmos ‘of ereation which occur mh tanec at do statements about creation. The word cosmogony ig mm the ae ds hid os naan Seo on dion cgay Ss age a smyth “is one type of narrative ad desipteaned {be cretion of te wien” Potted aad ee 25) ie only to como ces ‘minnow aircon e creo a inthe dine pech of cape eae mE SSesand nuances ta eu decuson seed ‘Mesopotamia mos cosmogonies weed tan oreeecn i butothen such as Ath wee coord pln ings problems she il comagoic we plorsry™ ‘Gens errand ta cevan event, “pertain and eo ‘ana mes Secomds and “ison ood moe be oppor [adkbowows mane icy wing acento text toc ural bs ge dept re acy a Bama acon Inthe il the prngcthem ioral Boo sly “earth” Bue cesonaly “eel when Cod dane peat bona ge Byimene nd somecioes by eigen aod hora arate he much in common, 1, Previous Scholarship om Cosmogonis Brandon and Weseermann Mos ofthe sholanip om ancien cretion wil be dscased un indus pes buco books deserve Sri dacaion ahs poi ‘Newly tity yas apn Bandon wotethe Bis conpresenne (nati fn the ible has inners whole peaeation of ibid ‘hot. ‘Gestion Lends ofthe Anco Noar Esty Brando, profesor of compunne gon ath Univer of Manchest peated he ft ‘Sompehense ody of the ancient Nest Euter conogoie” (0) “The book opens mth» bi chit om he oi ofthe consps of ‘restates in tine he flowed by enh chsper seaping ose pager on Eypt, Mesopormi, sad and Ges “Theta conse with shor sre ofl and opp epg Theda ava Mesopotamia 963 were barely sient fo syne 8 N- Kramers ponetngceten of Sumerian ology adbecn das evi ty Thor Jacnn but toe fant sons dni the ys Brandon's capt on Mesopo {dmis Sic the mid peor much Alan materi Rar ome gs ‘Arahas w propery pubis oni 963, Enna sch Deter Chern ody nt many “minor” comopoics hae been exe ‘Mule For Egy Brando able ton eg Saeros amps impetnanee ne sores ed oanagl sian fom craton oth tiene’ Te dios seer Sore Hic mens sce me ofthe oes ‘ceva anon nce erie eos cer nal onic" heaping ede ee ee ‘orelenmoprn een mca ie ese Stabe won nr fat of mand or a te se Tate, ana Mocponan eon ee ey sncompuian wehbe Teno ee eek cry auch set ala boat oan sre ind thy we lege pone ee cone ey ere. tepurt of ch pps as uy mane tg thet af at eosin oe inte fe ce aca fcresmmn comnts thees moaatSaes ce and esi tan ep oa psn iy ene ere othe psf on See the wen hen eft chs pope abo nae p ro 0Onte coy. aioe cae Sot Eepin a Mors comic arse ‘angimpotan psoas bio ee, keys ttc pp Fidos aa Benoni it Cees Pia a Pt The the you cometary on Genesis Clas Weems po eonrof Od Taman Heder, comprehen ad writen Coton tog permecve ei general eed as land ‘bark or tsbead caneage and se adgent Inmet Wenermann {Sprednonany fon cs from that penpete he has publised ‘cco che Ply ad ih a6 He as writ poplar fukn ren? aad mone hid he eon to sm mentary on Gens devoted he pera ope ideas es fom, purulary his dnacton beeen cron ofthe we and ‘reaton ofthe one ate bee externa Rac ler as ‘ed a tion inhi dy of Sco sah, Job and ss and er Dal bs applied to tba Wisdom Lex? Some ears fm hi views on esto re theefore nese "tencrmanscovnbton och undessding of Geese 1-1 icon siderable rin ncece capi 3 0 chaps 4-9 empbanes the conn wah clue? and shows bow the one fpie cen [Iu fod complenen tho ofthe eli pie Coe on aw Fin binge in hope qT of Weuermanas ens on ceston Ireespecly npr forte tees of books inser on com Pring te waltonof Geese tas with lore fm asin (oot Fisansiene Near Een tions), and bi dninasonbeween re th ote whole and ceston ofthe ape ‘Wesetants ringing niet word mythologies to bese on CGensis mats pleas Myth lem outside te apctent New Est trent puto the word of dest of Gene hey id ot conta to Gene so id Adah ar do dey sate Ne Eases (ho Enna lsh and Poo Bybee Westermann ges a explanation Sto why be we ndcriminaely world moles and soc Nest Entra nytolop for compan, nbs peace perhaps crallary ots tery a th ete or Weermann he core of te Pest tc coma in Exon 38, a Gene Ir xen he i ‘ican of thee veto word ent.) "orl for ines fo singly so cghborng clues Bu 0 the entize weed I he Is ‘xing world mthlog for comparion because Gees 11 fe t9 siete nl shoal emer hbo A Scone, he sharp dination betwen creation ofthe whol snot ends has peace fr thee emt lear ines of distinction berween the creation of the one and the cress {oft wie Ter ae muy oe sree Theatpimen thre er mune oom near ar ‘tempor prays imal sine "ime and cane” ale deans whee sirSnt Manos om cnn set st Serr oe mop Pogonies” His most important ancient Near Easters cis ‘nda Sumerian nts have ben incorporse! te compeedin, Bablonian eis like Gipames oct Enns lah owing oa ‘oni ped celoe nia Tere snd op A ca age Sic ee inh ea et Ba tne ee ray ol i Sonar owt tomo vk Wena wpe thology would be ald forthe ancient Nest Et be eat ochrarng en tan on sl ei ie eerie Hrdniconieeth mare tr hs ni Sc ata a ‘seo enone eel at Tce ane ings, are created within the system? ne ston human - 1, ilferences berween Aacient and Modern Concepts of Creton onsen ancl: New Essen conmogpies one mas echon With the flewncs beeen scent and madern cocepes Thee a foot ‘Seniesa of dergece tere the ance Semi apd moder ‘irs of ean the process th produto emergent he mance of ‘Rporng an the rer of ath The pocerz Ancient Net Esntet people fegvemly imagined cosmogony onthe tel of human acter ata! posse, Oe ‘Toll wilco, with one party winning vary over acter ‘Morera he ts had, eton 9 the impersonal teraction lps ces extending oer sons ey jot ey peeling ‘ithe prt, Assen Near Ester fxs de not mae the modern Schoo dict eeweon “tue” and humankind, a some {ine fed poche and wc explananes for onbumanphetomens “The proce: In he cet Neat Eat, wha ee othe pocest inhuman oct eran rte service Of he od. To moder pope, tthe ther hands enon ic nepal word, pil the nee noe lar sed le stn, Common andere do ovenme ints sonsderion, Iie edie in anneon with res ‘nti sl ie tint prinaine olopal ae, Thi impor “he Aadian epic Eon sh he ate second millenia Bc cen eld up a the Sandal cogony™ vache cma we ‘Mardy fe scons of Tia emo a bingover he wkd ‘fgole ad furan ange Elling tbe exalt of Mark mong ‘he dein Tiber IV and Ve the organ of Ballon soci, Men nd women ar cet sete pds Vs 29-37 206-20, ‘Siey Mark honel in he temple Babylon. Te By nares, essed byte pl gee upon Manda voles Vand VI oy act icin“ Up the divine ssn of rer ad ion catch ad in hes. The ic tn of Mandal sabe nn of dine aod amare ‘sane (Bayon kingship and eens tt el ed onder to ee unto Tei, oa, contains sine conmogoie naeting the eb Imes of soci na puculse place Psn 7 commana let, reals “the woes of ol hat bought ois exces he water st yon, © Gad, onThe cds pore oh ner, the Soude unded forth The earth gute leone You pa uth he iy wae, Uy tke Hand Ot Mets Atos, ‘Which rts way though sen, S desroying wit i wom pow esp po fs nd Wht enc se Confit and vice isa peopled by Yc oa wc end. Moses ord Ae apie es he pone “ a anguage ow sph por he Boe ike Ex 53-ef and scons ‘ofc ie P43 prey teste et ‘iteal degen bcc of mene ces soa ‘ec in Yes and Ane cmagons ee pemeiynessed ine omernc of pacar soy. oped By memo fe ec caine ote xs and woop stems vial appoint king (some other ind eden and iahip spin. The something ew lc was neh tie torte me sc nies barter "word of aman lng tated wo me hep Mc of ebrtngs Te ac of vergence she manner of cpt tbe proce ram eet sec pe Thi ference ‘teen of eo eset lle npanong ofthe proces Movers conceputng ene ob vlssomary apd personal pro {ccling soning to sce Lane Av ARs Pecocke, 1 pyc (Sicncha an thelopan ped ovine Bmpr Ltrs 1978 toc comologie the pinay oss" desing comme ‘Rime ptt of vet scp tency bran {ring si pally nee woe” aed once» aloe etagal scm epee pap dee dete Imling mls orbpoinen abot se, and octal er telco eo mann orate manoncs “The anes saw sings dferenty proces fen mean will in om Fis bence rma the es ry ith pla. Thetmode of pent Ine conespondeia each ene othe underpin concpions fe procs ach aproch hae se dat and poems sleet fshion Seminole new iat re dat veto br explaind. Anse devas new tre noe variant xing ome, when ey ‘tithe cxlan new ements ofthe ori es tala es) or ‘oder popes who spl spar ory ate cnet ot “Totton to ake the wry ll ae» cari of serious meaning. Ye forthe acess ho sw rion sng wil ory wes he tal ‘oe of eporing teat Nuance snd erect ete comedy he Siecion nd omton onan deta andy eelapnet fh The acon leone fr seer eso of ingle as plea thie to th understanding Further, rma sors Yes aed oncrese ‘oun. The gods thunder fon hiking and eer plas xpress ‘Citron tl Moder exec ceato hear wit empl ‘erence to esi ll te dat to be compare wheter reed ‘hei an a. Tale w domo makes the typhi supers, Thee isatendeney eo demand = compl explanation The cero oft foc ancien Nea Enea conmogonit onthe ther hen, war dase sored around the pausity of the ry. nt See at no ks empl than the etic acount bs eal oe ‘mesure ied: Dramatis cncete tea cer ‘thes out of consideration. Evans eich need inte doe sblishent f abo cy, Ahain in the ance of ame fees necessary for man beng ov ely. Cosmogony in Psat {9 ncades the isalaon ofthe Dare hing, Gent essen ok the plc of human within the vier T ONE | Creation Accounts; in the Ancient Near East ia Creation Accounts in Mesopotamia Sumerian Texts Among the vas quantities of clay bes xed in Mesopotania are ‘fiber of cosmogonierweites i he Somers abd Akan Ln {npes Thee ang n dato theme ofthe third the end ‘fake st mileaium tc Montblong othe sealed seam of (or ten col nnn and epee by erations a pr ictal sere, Aspe he elaborate ing erie bad cy tues prsibed by of ex hich mere reed in Ba pve Slletons and temple sche, The same wrk an ths Be found on {thc of ese tess and dnt! Thecoamogoniesprsered bythe Sream of aon tesco, were ot sosyerane works br widely on and dated in her weds, “eon” "The scan of waitin exec fat Doond Mesopotamia. Standard sens hive been found at Boghakoy (ances Ha) in te Hie itera Upayand en at Meiddo sn Pest (agent of (panes) Recent excoatnes hve turned ops impressive May st Mesoptamia sn evant The beary Benge velkvrary Fe peat and nana seal omnia ex The ind roepoaly fast west Mesoptami exter andes y Lenin les, Since Alan wos a dptomati engage the lo second el fis millenia: We can resonbly sure tha ens meses ‘uploed in Canasie and lal temples and places wee hal {nthe walonal manner by copying anand tens Cen eee Commercials pla ay nox arprsing find Mesure Iam ifloens on Czosnite and tal eae the eee a the ceanontood sry a Upaitani be Bie “The ean Mesoptnian coma die lepuns, cre pu pose and date, making cacao somewhat ea, The lon. Ing vison is based on cology ad gee 0 chi nd capac ileum omogpei (Sane Sp ss 3) ere xf se Narcan o amie ms ©) sunt eofe Ende wluon ofan na 1 dsc and fst lou cosmoponis (Aad 3 te anlage Comoe Aha and Ems Becausof he number nd complet of Sumerian dod Akkian cos Imogones, they are coed i repartee, Sri waa vn langage nthe hid lle Xs ing imo the soond andre miles ays angngo lating nd ‘alae. Mose Sumerian tes ate the tad sey Seem ‘ami. fer the Ol abylrin prio, cleaned oping een ores of Sumerian tx yal yen, doy Sl ay epic {Ex Some chlirs tly no lager sharply dnp Sumer sa ‘Allan clae, peter pek of single Mesopotamian cv Fe sion known fom bo emeian nd Akkadian ets Bu Breas he ‘Rucser sla whe ane gon the mor setsine enon wea) ‘Neoqonter—‘Thorld corn, Semel Nock Kram nd Jon van infec te mee Sura this chapter We therm alo, Dngh witht denying the uny of Mesopotamian care ‘Nos pf Sunran econ ow te ns pan as een fund’ Desopions and sllsea osama ound in god ss, Innolutons te tals nd per and ye Allg, the ex do trpeld swan oxmoginy. Anaent Near Eastern apparel id ceapst ssp coherent count tlrtng iad dren vesons the Bening of ee word The Sunerologist move interested in systemating Sumerian conmogoni ht fn an De na spore sie of 19654 he ‘Shine he ean exe under to deal "moo se cose Sn homie thereby bringing ore ode to conning eo texts ‘The comic mor bused om the perception that heaven sar ae sotseat ete interdepeden ne dosnt coma speak. ‘Crane cles asta snd nic phnomens bu of eae and fash ht onic ea The terdeemene sexi by a cs (dm feraled Earth and lm ion ase od oa, “fn Dik’ conic motif has 4 senai: a precretion pid (oe embryonic ord ay of enon thane ceon of ama bigs ‘froth ene (-cmersncc of enn, pate, bom he ethos Sonetan et Alben ane sd Ad Oras A i Spoink Fon ey ty ack), andthe spread of ciation. The moi aos among a prelominany pastel popu for whom ain safhce bs ha ites was Nippus, he hy of Eas nan some Ea ‘shisocl ines Er was then nay of Sone Enis me Dentin the cox Beet fora he sept Rene ‘eat (erase of th Pes bom), En hen ued with he oon soddes oe the diuration Sumer ond Winer below). wine tee ‘the sage forthe ovgntaton of aru Iman Dik chthonic mot Ea blgs the earth oi by inondating lor nscminating it with the undeqzoand waa rey td cle um beings ar created by formato: Ea forms the cay sop ‘acc, Thao ripe among asco fl for whens ann ‘athe hin an wee neal folie emer difwaonrne Eek neatly val of Niput snd he ste ofa ancuaytn the gad eaks he ‘as asocied with wae, Vn Dik deo ales the soe ‘mot but provides och ss deal septding hr hone el This ‘ae adops ran Dik’ clacton, tough npc of on oad “hthonie” aoe the categories Nippur and Eda taditons Some evidence for bath systems ond god lit (4 elo The artes at, howe, the bet sores ft the Nippon, td Eee aon (blow A. The Go Liste Among may sg al word as oniedy Mesopotamian ‘ucliss of dvne name. Van Dik sso ofthe fo seated "ce of osmogonies in fw iss Ober scholars se lacoe e ‘helins assure for soxmoenir on the grounds het i esaning inciles ae unknown o that they rest ex prc spans "ater than popular py For an Dik howee the les Conca ‘cc Amu al; Cg Undo hap ge iS ed ae int Ese te Hy a ad | i | thir ntialsequenee of names fs gene commogoie "Thre iss rp cam pa i wt comogonc petions om Nprur (suPsssgh tis tranoly in Olt alae agile” Ther Sina sage clan item deirdre diet setae Sinners eid Sand eaers ipso more names Seiipse Grab na ag, an 60 more : enter the system by way of syncretism. He istrates the see usp erte we ont oer enn ae hey 7 lt ——— Ninna Nibomps Nin i na Nab Bel Saat Ba cd with Anum (Ki), afr the mabe odes being equated with Ninbrtags Inthe ioe i tan Dif char aber, Rese {Sumer Soe Seite] ae mo ode Eak thon ate Is Enis Bother. The main mene of the go et seme Sess Sap ‘stains em fol ets the pation aint fom ihe maa ‘bin ofhesen and earth An (Heres) mans Ri(Eah deme union ses nll ond ofthe earth and the eer yu, Bae Stage thre masa embryonic” o pecan pened Two god lins (TCL XV ro=de Conus and n= Ane) ‘omine both End and Nippur mote TCL XV so aa OW baby lone wlan known exe fom a wal cgay with 7 mies! I pod hha te cane Babes lise Anam. TCL XV 0 open wth ahem poe thes os eons Ao, all and En edn om te pet yd Es of the opening pa enki sri ‘omal mal dena Sina Serena nan St St 0 Suk smu Stet [ie eooarage of Ea) [tbe mother goddess satin begining of the at (a in An=Amen) do zr ntae Dis nen some s rein bot he ban ihe primera cy beige he ae of eeaon* The best evidence or SME Gy ogous parce ae of eatin ae sh pre go ‘ins nt es lg rey a names. The mala iy comic forces: Ea snd Ni are“the ‘edad kr andr eee load uni’ Ena Toray ofthe primera iy” Acct see eh pat gs Inkabied the primo h sn Die ns TCL XV soo genealogy: 2 versal one of he error unvenecoliningin he pean of Ananda seo ein oneledingt he geneton of El and Eni. [niet divin pis A ca The theogny of the exer at, SLT ssn, hat Been expanded by 4 ‘ries of dn pas vag ia the embryonic ners tha precedes An ‘The comic marge of with arth ied Ua here) aks place {SiS lowe spe snd tee ope acted uefa, Yeti ne hy Roose td} ld afer he patio ofthe pineal ey An ake he hy wih he ie m argely on the basis ofthis text, van Dijk proposes a scenario fr hi coun oa x peeing cabo mine whee he ps of Seas ee nye comated aap ony eeliy thos fn tare who romeo lt pote 57 kt mone een pat rom a em eon the gem godt ais ho ‘hint kat ht the Arn gis ofthe ae Old Ba lovan period. Mich expande sd eed, te max symm of {hel Tames he ads wh ented ere the separation of bese inert, The parallel clu ges the ALK etal o eter ‘Miosnaton aboot the god toned i he arn ini Sarmcam # anton igh mor divin pa devurwahie snarls 24 ee amsceeanasckepne, “he parents of An? dac-n-nheg iia Sahin bance armeeg Sincagrinsie haere Shostak) samme ‘hin Fee sor ‘tint Sesto [ibe gus ofthe co af An wey pa te god the cour of Fall Ths hogonychans the aon of TCLXV o. Hee ane arc anlogynous and origina thea, he nae A Plesen Elen td lay sagpee: Ei nr ebordinse to Am but on he ane ec, is pled ther pale peli El eno deen fom the *nohes a tess arin TCL XV ro, aber ehngee tiv the inane of Ua to the sneer of An, the crenon of rach Earl a ery imiaing the cone ‘ofthe peel cy andthe inodeson of ar Ts cones "in Ds he od Is ele cosmogini aon sod ene Be Sbjct to sce and labora. Van Diss ofthe gd isos cepted yal pias, a owed abore® Knine posta etc leet se of pimonlste ‘rier ses beat the csmic mountain hen aden wid oer ‘hich tear god En ae Beyens He does ts however preset ‘ach evidence for hi hes Hon convincing an suse piso cons pce ion embryonic cy? Does the paceman of th im the hao the lis expres simply thar general promincnce nee pantheon tit cat fer andi amembnyni overs where verytog eid ia Grabt tetanus Dinan Meena AO BOE 9) one sonia They one hei exo the mara non of been An big Ba (an ro, me ene ele Mr cata darken tbe lver meld wes em the wns aot hgh openig in te earth eakng wasp om te cat ero ad ot ese pusston were oe crt on aE eel) of heen ma no adore, she dl at sifnen an Ess woe one 0 ech ther Forming) hey were se ied, {Te mown fl oc ine) darks sre Hen showed te sing ce Dagan [eseny vel], ewe coald mre the The ul of Eat one he an ha or come abot, the pe Lay of Enns had nor yet cee fone? the gad of een, the pods of exh] were not yet the. “The es depict the prio before cretion eaten and eth ee eres te ha ore sop oat hey cold ome ack oeetor im macage Only heen enjoyed ight fines 9)sthe unde [pound wand px yer Scope earth hog an pean Foe {Be fee through rs and caval ie 2) “scoring in Aw ore (Be) ofthe pineal ci asin the patie TCL Vso Aion ones able, howee InSb ‘Besley Enlil pot Any ws lo of Sur and And (tet bes rele by Maral). Wan Di sous ots poem so compare ‘he ce mth Kini in Heron, hich sof the ucesion of ulin gous lhe was even fc the thane by Ao and ales fae ache underworld Kama Alas son, die Ana rm he throne Fie tallof Any sod of he ford ofthe primer ey (Emre ‘ifthe undo cm eink, an DE age, om th Care Coda: Tha tear the fests of the mashes aed thes of Ea The pineal deste aed a gatelarpers of he een underworld Tn ation to he nares, seal epithe amgned wo An ply conn muaes mun taeaara Che who makes the eed Sto fe fhe whe ae” slp en aun sun aes the Lng the lord who tad the sed pow, made peopl del on fart) sgl di nds mambo i bea igh the ball Sm aks the sed grow) “Though bec ofthe han ce prt and pz of he cose cura pericalanl in Games Enki, ed the Underworld an [ethecpies ane seal tex tly concer he bmg bes threes on “tha ay” Emer van ier for ig hun Thc opesgtns of he Hyer to Bog Link commie mcrige and meio. Ent emplen dy) the he dein ad ee ao a whee Aa ad engndee th eae scent ea i ee kann a ei Temes he “set ada dio wd af “ng es poco he our te oo lt Bon Ftc abe ke sft Eiko 5 noe Se ons ped Beirar tahoe el ge cone sa Fete tlie Annee ee The text dpi the prio before reion. Henten and eanh wee nde they ha ore aero tha hey could comeback together mariage. Onl hese ejoed igh ins 9h the wor: the eds thragh ers ad canals ie Acoring he 1, An ws red (Be ofthe primera ci in te theaogy Eni, at Aa, was lord of Sumer abd And rb se ceded by Maral) Vn is solution hs poem sto compare the Hite meh Kinghip im eave, whic llr ofthe acasion of ‘ling gods Alcs was dn fn the throne by Am ad ther age ses Tuenininlonsah caesar hero Fees make underor; Kami, Al ny dives An roo the throne ilo hy go of enc sol ofthe pineal ey Ear ec undcewrid on bene an Dik ages, fom he Cre Rouse Ther tens teens ofthe mothers ang fers of El {fhe brinoal gods a stented as pthecpers af the seven underworld if dion othe nares, evel epithets aged to An ply comic mariage tugni- sasinam-rra he who makes the see ft ofthe we wives sla on un am gar ‘Ekmthe ing he ad who ade the seed ye, made people diel on (eth sng i da umn whe hes i ead hight Bll ‘Sho mas the sed gow)" Thou he ess ofthe bua ep apd pared ofthe osm artingeperscaar in Gigaset Ente sd the Undvwc nd IBtbe epics above eel et dy Concer se aman beings thar spowed on that dy” Emery Ds ter for hae “The opening ins of he Hy 0 emg the Ek temple in Eid tak conic marge snd mca, ‘he snes ne rh en ged eh An ad engendered the et fhe » ae ern wernt an cratipenit a rare Sopaitierecs detrei armen phlei ete urn nen en sehen humane re gh cat se ie plans (Bent che Lod of Ab, King Ek, Bish of ser and pasa The rete ations desi in the ine an pane: the ng deine the enpenerng ofthe yer af abundance, hamsn beng verging om he er race, ade big ofthe temple. At ne expec tmp bn, Ek bus his Bone o he very ay Phar fom two oe txts, which wil be ised in dei ow luo shoe human bigs spot rom the sed imparted by ese RAR 4 34, "they spout om the ground lke bay" and The ales Lagasse te back bended peopl bd sn in their age™™ Then nporent Np exon the retin of man the oie pow, Pave of he can manuripr sem nt to rte the Old ‘blond, poe ay te rhe Ey Dyas ped (ca asoo me), Inerretson made ify wc variats ad sharma pelings, word and spay and perhaps deliberate osc {nian for s earned tence Thea putiytholgi coming ‘Coumogony in ns 34,filoned ys desripon of te loan ‘ofthe peat to vaowe gods ines gor. Te seco part consi ‘two plays on he word phen? and he eed pt on ewe of ‘he pcan A dosology conclues the pom Clas Wilke hs anaaed ‘hever obs coumogone separation fen scart Ea with ‘Beppe nat dscrpon of the plckax 2-1) esto of humane ty Ea wih he el ofthe pick ond rick mold (ran que of ‘he Asuna gods for human woke (22) bth of hams by the Spsny of Niameana, Enis ving of ther names, the llomene of ‘Bans othe a and th beso fhe picks upon them 2 ‘netherworid, 7 ce ei a el mk Tech ar battering ra again a forces wal ‘Soothed (the heart of) Enlil with cheis prayer, “Leeann Samo Mla pe Js ‘Secession The Sti i 2 he ity 3. me enorme ier vie ‘ie paren: His purpose bo make the see Sumer pro ie 9, He fin the now ep ene nde with pila which ther ‘here temo ofthe werd ors mooring re ong tech Duta, 4 leing for Nop, tthe place bere Hen Implanted hissed incidence eed wer human beings rea > ‘ere nen he hed ol would be locnened by the che El ce {he pkace compote werk of cei and hen stg othe pk: i dein (name) obese insrumen of human sor ies 1), Cnrey Suen to peuppos tht man asin sold bere bth ‘fom teeth the Hoes sppet to Bend formato aad emer ted ‘ecology haman bongs might ese re th pe The ft mes ‘he gun damage human bags nthe Eu od Ga ate Tosummaro te Nippur adiion, ration tks plac though the smarng of Heres and Earth, The at compen nling the 1c rom Hever nde The et onc wins emso= the ier cy wah a “puseo gods? the mariage, serosa wae . Neratioe Tent ofthe Evid Tditon spring water Series earth by means of riers and canal, easing Le Urcuding aman ile snd ke} wre slong te bank Unde hs man eng ot ofc. "fo undeaad ow Ea cvtes ee sat sve the Suen ex the concrpt ome: yasous taste a be” or bere” Dynamic ate than stati me made up the essence of ths The Suen word tt cnn pe te nf ee ‘ch arma rsa oa By ‘ao eps water mr foe power in the vine phere was mela (i, ining bing” ence paca theinbng pome (nel ane bn manios ‘pollan* Hae camps lo mela In gash Glee, ‘Secon hlig he momen Mapu a iy ae it ‘afl mela ty pccaing pe hi seen marae 0m. ‘Pibouthomelun, Hoveva ido lea ain by Cane InGibwvsshan! Aer Gigmoch apes on the wa are ten se tong he ble. One ant enogh to ake ccm al Sead (ine tn The Descent of own, naan, hing robe qe fhe (aunt sl enn cheese decent Esch pee ‘ier cecing contin me, Esp her sie and ques of unde Std, as ann tipped of oe Sem cing tech of th sen [ne of thurs ans aes ee Era aed ond Srerippowee Theme, ic dc tht something moc than he fet Torte Surin, god she penned vne™ Ip 9 Bod Fotis pened by the bod Inthe Eade radon tt rnp fei ot osreb bon sec om andre ch ake he ear ee We play ar [Deion sdk behing ht es inset om ur nether ord onc fa oee she god of water Wet {ows he tng wth fons ge ie frm is esuy ad ake the ‘Seu nn boop Tus ino immanent eer ‘hdres sot god Ens comeron wth he wold of aed ek mae ml rkin obese pala, wom, The emis wih Enki as reo am En and the Worl Orde, Ent ond Nahar (The Dim lye) ine oon oh tanon Brand Fok Enki ond Nieman the Semen oad Sy Ualethe sings cou mariage of he Nip aon, the Eda Sounoqoric titans ced whined ras hich Eni cual creaing opens ony onc are The rena an ve. veloute wy lem sr for vase vet I Fo She Word Order a ees in eel sages) binging wet ‘upto she wld and designating the gos of eure Ent and Ninhusag open wth remarkable ables ofthe sccy mx yet ested by Ea ‘oe going ot the st of creation: The dlpuson ir Fah expla ext of onthe ok af ann Ea Thesstcl Ent ad Ninh decries Eiri aaa fom a. The fourth yb, Eni and Niomch, tv pec enon to the formato of man, which prominent nth txt. The th myth the Somerton Flood Sor divides the eeblshment athe hur tao two sage. After the Hood sary, we examine oer et of reton ih En nd the World Orders known fom Ol Babylonian copies ae dey Wich the sn peri (gg5a739 ne) econ sy ‘econ and wo ative seins, na i ellie, Ea pe, “From the Ek the Hoan of En boob feat oy Ale of Enda Enki temple. Tam the fund ed esac By ‘he reac wil ox, Lam he it Born son of Ay / Lam the res rm ‘tho goes fro fe pres Br am the no the and = Tate ist arate secon, Ends raves to eel places ana bcses ‘hem Nippr, Ut Mela, Dlmun He then pare ey tthe ‘dey eminsting he Tg and uphtes with ter eet the earthy the ert wl bing hat wae othe el EDK ping vee and so ces though the eng rer Aer fer Esk Sad ed ve he He sod up poly ea rpc bl Siac eaten ite ae The wi cow cing fxs om th pss, he scrion [The Tg adr Bm, a) «samp Brg jy ete ii egal je?) ‘gi bith, The wae be boost paling wate its “wie” tes set 2erThe grin he beh ceckred pi, the people eat Web Eni, all eis, oppure ged) eeton though providing water este fr i, ee temporal ‘Existence before the insemination. Nanetheles, the text may intend 20 the second narrate sexon of Eni and the World Onder, Enki asses the gous apo forte clic of Same. Toe dee inade response the water ply of Suny, oer odor Shing {sesh water and wil soter fr Bsn in sk wether wl be 1 golds fr ao, to pt for echt oe each ee wd end

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