Internship Guidelines

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1. Introduction:
This forms an important ingredient of education at UG programs of CMR University.
It is an attempt to bridge the gap between professional world and academic institution.
UG students between IV and V Semesters have to undergo this internship. It would be
a simulation of real work environment. It expects the students to experience the rigor
of professional environment in form and substance. It also develops technical, social
and communication skills among student. This Internship is equivalent to 3 credits.
Students are expected to carry out their work with commitment, quality and
integrity. It carries a maximum of 100 marks including Viva-voce examination i.e. 75
Marks for Project work report and 25 marks for viva.

2. Objective of Internship:
● Entire effort in internship is in terms of extending the program of education and
evaluation beyond the classroom of a university.
● The educational process in the internship course seeks out and focuses attention
on many latent attributes, which do not surface in the normal class room
situations. These attributes are intellectual ability, professional judgment and
decision making ability, integrated critical thinking, inter-disciplinary approach,
skills for data handling, ability in written and oral presentation, sense of
responsibility. etc.

3. Where internship can be done?

a. Large, medium scale and Small companies
b. NGOs
c. Development agencies
d. Government departments and local bodies

1. Regulations:
a. Commencement: The internship will commence immediately after the
completion of the IV Semester SEE and to be submitted as per the Calendar of
Events issued by CMR University from time to time.
b. Registration of company name: Once the Company is chosen, the student shall
submit a duly filled in Registration form to the guide. The format of the
Registration Form is shown in Appendix I. This Registration form shall be
maintained by the school.
c. Students are not allowed to do the internship in the same company at any cost.
d. Proposal: The submission of proposal must be as per the time schedule and the
prescribed format. The format for the proposal is shown in Appendix II.
e. Internship Work Diary: Students and the guide shall have regular interaction.
The internship work diary shall be maintained by the respective guides in order to
enhance the quality of internship. The format for the internship work diary is
shown in Appendix III.

2. Role and Responsibilities of guides:

5. a. Internal Guides (University guides):
● The guide shall monitor the progress of the students under their guidance from
the selection of the topic to the submission of the report.
● The guides are authorized to reject the dissertation if it does not meet the
expected standard quality or the guidelines.
b. External Guides (Company guides):
● The Company guide has to arrange induction program’s to make the students
familiar with the hierarchy of a particular organization.
● The Company guide has to train the students regarding data collection and
presentation of the report.
● The Company guide has to finally assess the students by objectively looking
at the targets achieved and the reports submitted.
● Establish a weekly assessment for the intern to review progress and
satisfaction with the internship.
● Expected responsibility of the company guide is to establish a professional
rapport with faculty/internal guide from time to time, this is important
because faculty guide contributes to the theoretical knowledge of the students
and the company guides adds corporate/practical knowledge, if these two in
perfect synchronization, then the output would be fine-tuned.
3. Format of the Internship report: In order to achieve internship objectives, each
student will maintain and submit a file (Internship File) and a report (Internship

I. Internship File: The Internship File aims to encourage students to keep a

personal record of their learning and achievements throughout the Programme.
a. The Title Page – An Internship Experience Report for (student Name), name of
internship organization, name of the Supervisor/Guide and his/her designation, date
started and completed, and number of credits for which the report is submitted.
b. Table of Content – An outline of the contents of the file by topics and subtopics with
the page number and location of each section.
c. Introduction – Short, but should include how and why you obtained the internship
experience position and the relationship it has to your academic/professional and
career goals.
d. Main Body– Should include a brief summary/ executive summary of the Internship
Project Report that the student has worked on, an analysis of the
company/organization in which the student is working, a personal review of the
student’s management skills and how they have been developed through the
programme, the daily tasks performed, major projects contributed to, dates and hours
spent on a task, observations and feelings, meetings attended and their purposes,
listing of tools and materials and their suppliers, and photographs if possible of
projects, buildings and co-workers.
e. Appendices – Include pamphlets, forms, charts, brochures, technical and descriptive
literature, graphs and other information related to your Internship experience.

II. Internship Report: The Internship Report is a detailed report prepared by

student as per the format prescribed by the University.
Format of the Internship report:
Preliminary pages:
● Cover Page and Title Page (Format – Appendix IV)
● Certificate from the Company
● Declaration by the student (Format – Appendix V)
● Certificate of Originality by the Guide (Format-Appendix VI)
● Acknowledgements
● Table of Contents (Format- Appendix VII)
● List of Tables (Format – Appendix VIII)
● List of Graphs (Format – Appendix IX)
● Executive Summary

Contents of Chapters:
Chapter 1: Theoretical Background and Methodology
It includes significance of the internship study, Objectives of the study, scope of the
study, Methodology of the study, Limitations of the study etc.

Chapter 2: Industry Profile & Company Profile

It includes a brief introduction of the background of the Industry and the latest trends in
the Industry. Background and inception of the company, Nature of the business carried,
Mission, Vision, Values, Goals and objectives and Quality Policy, Product/Services
Profile, Area of Operation – Global/National/Regional, Ownership Pattern, Competitors
Information, Infrastructural facilities, Achievement Awards, strategic perspective plan (if

Chapter 3: Organisationl Structure

It includes Organizational structure, Main offices & Comments on the organizational

structure etc.

Chapter 4: Departmental study/ Functional Areas

a. Production Department
b. Human Resource Department
c. Finance Department
d. Marketing Department
e. Research and Development
f. MIS/IT(A brief insight into each department – its
functions and interconnectedness with the other

g. Any Other departments.

Chapter 5: SWOT Analysis and Interpretations:

● SWOT Analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats for the

● Mckinsey’s Seven S Model/other Model applicable to that organization.
● Annual Reports/Financial statements(If applicable)(disclose in annexures)
● Chairman and AGM Report (latest) (If applicable)(disclose in annexures)
Chapter 6: Summary of Findings, Suggestions/Recommendations and Conclusion

Chapter 7: Learning Experience

Bibliography (Format - Appendix X)

Appendices / Annexures (If Any): The Appendices contain material which is of interest
to the reader but not an integral part of the report and any problem that have arisen that
may be useful to document for future reference.

7. Presentation of the report:

o Typing should be done on one side of the A-4 size paper.
o The left side margin should be 1.75 inches, the right, top and bottom margin
should be 1 inch each.
o Font size: Chapter heading: 18; Sub-heading: 14 and text of the running
matter: 12.
o Fonts to be used are Times New Roman.
o The text of the project should have 1.5 line spacing; quotations and foot notes
should be in single-line space.
o Chapter heading should be capitalized and should be kept at center.
o Tables, graphs and diagrams should have respective number, captions and
o The body of the report must not be less than 50 pages.
o All pages in main text should carry the Arabic numerals placed on the bottom
at the centre. The Title page, Acknowledgement, Table of contents etc. should
be numbered in lower case Roman numerals.
o The numbering of chapters, divisions and sub-divisions should be done, using
Arabic numerals only. For example, sub-division 2 under division 4 of chapter
3 should be numbered as 3.4.2.
o Table and Figures appearing in the main text should have appropriate numbers
and captions. The third table in Chapter Two, the number of Table should be
assigned as 2.3. Tables and Figures should appear at the centre.
o Endnotes should be numbered consecutively within each chapter or
throughout the entire report. Citations on the main text should carry the
author(s) name with year, say for example, Sharma (2011) or (Sharma, 2011)
as the case requires. The full reference for the citation should appear in the
8. Plagiarism:
a. Copying of material from any source without appropriate referencing the source will
initiate plagiarism procedures. University will initiate stern action.
b. All the material that relates to the internship, including completed questionnaires or
tapes from interviews, should be shown to the guide and to be retained by the students
until the University has declared the results. Students are advised not to dispose off
the material away once their internship report is submitted, as they might be asked to
present it as part of the viva voce or otherwise.

9. Submission of Report:
The students should submit one copy of the Internship report in hardbound for school
Appendix I

Registration Form

1. Name of the Student :

2. Name of the Guide :

3. Name of the Company :

4. Write a brief note on your company: (Minimum 150 to 200 words)


Student’s Signature:

Guide’s Signature with date

Appendix II
Format of Proposal:
⮚ The Proposal should not exceed 2 pages
⮚ The cover page of the Proposal
⮚ The content of the Proposal:
o Name of the company
o Objectives of the internship study
o Scope of the study
o Methodology
o Data collection
o Plan of Analysis, and
o Chapter Scheme

Appendix III
Date of the meeting Topics discussed Progress as on date Signature of the faculty

Note: The Guide and student are expected to meet at least once in a week i.e. on Saturday.

Signature of the Student

Appendix IV
Title < Font size Arial Narrow 18-All caps & Bold>
Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of the Degree of<Font Size Arial Narrow 14>
< Font size Arial Narrow 14-All caps &Bold>

By(Font Size 14-Italic)

Name<Font size Arial Narrow 14-Title Case)
Reg. No. …

Under the guidance of

Name of guide. <Font size Arial Narrow 14-Title Case)
Designation of guide<Font size Arial Narrow 12-Title Case)
School of Economics and Commerce<Font size Arial Narrow 12-Title Case)

2020-23(Font Size 14)
[NOTE: Cover page should not contain any page number]

Appendix V


I hereby declare that the internship work entitled “Title of the Report” submitted to the
School of Economics and Commerce, CMR University, Bangalore, is a record of an original
work done by me under the guidance of “project guide name, his/her designation,
Department name he/she is associated with and the name of the University” and this project
work is submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements of for the award Bachelor’s
Degree in Commerce/Business administration by CMR University.

I also declare that this project is the outcome of my own efforts and that it has not been
submitted to any other university or Institute for the award of any other degree or Diploma or

Place: Name :

Date: Register Number:

Appendix VI


This is to certify that the internship

titled”------------------------------------------------------------------------“is an original work of
Mr./Ms.___________; bearing University Register Number ________________ and is being
submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce by CMR
University. The report has not been submitted earlier either to this University for the
fulfillment of the requirement of a course of study



Appendix VII
Table of Contents

Report Structure


Chapter No INDEX No

Theoretical Background and Methodology
2 Industry Profile & Company Profile

3 Organisation Structure

4 Departmental Study

5 SWOT Analysis and Mckinsey 7’s Model

Summary of Findings, Suggestions/Recommendations and

6 Conclusion

  Learning Experience


Appendix VIII

Table Number Table Name Page Number
1.1 …….
1.2 …….

Appendix IX
Figure Number Figure Name Page Number
1.1 …….
1.2 …….

Bibliography (System of Referencing)

References should be indicated in your dissertation in the following format:
Abraham, K. (2001), The Dynamics of Economic Reforms (Economic Liberalization and
Political Transformation), New Delhi: McGraw Publishers.

Edited Volume
Aharoni, Y. (2009) “On Measuring the Success of Privatisation”, in Ramamurthi, R. and
Vernon, R. (eds) Privatisation and Control of State Owned Enterprises. Washington, D.C.:
World Bank.
Boardman, D. and Vining, S. (1989) “Ownership in Competitive Environments: A
Comparison of the Performance of Mixed, Private and SOEs”, Journal of Law and
Economics, April, Vol. 1, No,32, pp.16-9.

Reports and Gazettes

Asian Development Bank (2008) India: Statistical Abstract 2008, April, 2008, Manila, ADB.

Newspapers and Magazines

Ahluwalia, M. (2003) ‘Some of the criticism directed at the IMF is not valid’, an exclusive
interview, D+C [Development & Cooperation], September, vol.30.


Ministry of Finance (2008) “Privatisation”, Viewed on 06/11/2003 in the MoF Website,

Ram Mohan, T.T. (2004) “Privatisation in China: Softly, Softly Does it”, accessed on
02/10/2010 at

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