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Name: Abigail Derrick Florette’s Garden Project:

Living things in our garden: creating a 3D garden-scape.

Description: This project will create a mural of a garden inspired by the children picture
book, Florette by Anna Walker. Paints and other art materials as well as recycled materials
will be used to create this garden mural.
Materials: paint, pipe cleaners, egg cartons, leaves, flowers, sticks, hot glue gun, glue, paper,
bottle tops, cardboard boxes (e.g. from cereal boxes), pompoms, pop sticks, paint brushes,
and children’s literature; Florette by Anna Walker.
1.   Read  the  book  Florette  by  Anna  Walker  
2.   Discuss  the  different  living  things  mentioned  in  the  book.  E.g.  butterflies,  ants,  
flowers,  trees,  daisies,  birds.  (Science  of  living  things  link  -­‐  ACSSU002:  Living  things  have  basic  
needs,  ACSSU017:  living  things  are  different)  (Kindergarten  Curriculum  guidelines:  Explore  
natural  and  constructed  environments;  investigate  the  interactions  between  people  and  living  
3.   Discuss  the  author  and  the  importance  of  living  things.  Mae  loved  the  garden  
because  of  the  butterflies  and  all  the  wonderful  things  in  the  garden.  
4.   Bring  out  the  different  materials  the  children  can  use  and  discuss  how  different  
insects  and  bugs  could  potentially  be  made.  Children  decide  what  animals  they  want  
to  make.    
5.   We  are  going  to  make  lots  of  different  living  things  and  then  add  them  all  together  to  
create  a  garden.  We  are  going  to  use  recycled  materials  and  new  materials  
(Sustainability  link)(Kindergarten  Curriculum  guidelines:  Respect,  care  for  and  sustain  the  
6.   Children  make  insects  out  of  materials  (caterpillars,  ants,  snails  out  of  egg  cartons  
and  butterflies  out  of  paint)    
7.   Children  plan  what  animals  they  want  to  make  out  of  the  egg  cartons  and  decide  
whether  there  is  enough  (Mathematics  link).  
8.   When  making  butterflies  discuss  patterns  and  shapes  looking  at  real  butterflies  
(Mathematics  link:  Copy,  continue  and  create  patterns  with  objects  and  drawings:  ACMNA005)  
(Kindergarten  Curriculum  guidelines:  investigate  symbols  and  pattern  systems)  
9.   Discuss  what  colours  children  should  paint  the  background  depending  on  what  kind  
of  weather  they  would  like,  and  what  time  of  day  they  would  like  (Science  link:  the  
weather  and  time  of  the  day  changes:  ACCSSU004b)      
10.  Paint  the  background  
11.  Create  a  family  tree  using  real  leaves  and  sticks  –  glue  them  to  the  background  
(Humanities  link:  Who  the  people  in  their  family  are,  where  they  were  born  and  raised  and  
showing  how  they  are  related  to  each  other,  using  simple  family  trees:  ACHASSK011)  
12.  Collect  flowers  with  children  and  the  other  insects  that  children  had  made.  Glue  
these  to  the  background  children  had  painted.    
13.  Get  children  to  sign  their  work  and  talk  about  how  art  is  displayed  (Art  Curriculum  link:  
14.  The  project  could  go  down  the  path  of  gardening,  fruit  and  vegetable,  food  and  
15.  This  project  could  go  down  the  path  of  recycled  materials  and  sustainability  in  more  
16.  This  project  could  go  down  the  path  of  other  living  things  like  pets  or  farm  animals.  

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