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Here's the complete merged index:


Acute abdomen (Def, cause) - Page 69

Acute bacterial parotitis (treatment) - Page 26
Acute pancreatitis (cause, complication) - Page 18
Acute pyogenic osteomyelitis (organism,
investigation, treatment) - Page 38
Acute retention after haemorrhoidectomy
management - Page 25
Anaesthetic agent (local) - Page 37
Anesthetic premedication (drugs) - Page 63


Benign enlargement of prostate (consequences,

indication of surgery methods, complication) - Page
Benign enlargement of prostate ix - Page 45
Bimanually palpable mass ix - Page 60
Blood transfusion components - Page 34
Blood transfusion complication - Page 35
Boil - Page 33
Breast abscess (findings, investigation) - Page 45
Breast abscess (trt, surgical step) - Page 46
Breast lump (treatment modality) - Page 28
Burn assessment - Page 35
Burn: Fluid calculate needed - Page 36
Burst abdomen (cause, treatment) - Page 29


Carcinoma Rectum - Page 21

Carbuncle - Page 33
Cellulitis - Page 33
Chest trauma in surgical practice - Page 65
Chronic osteomyelitis (pathogenesis, x-ray findings) -
Page 15
Chronic osteomyelitis (treatment, complication) -
Page 16
Circumcision (indication, contraindication,
complication) - Page 27
Colorectal carcinoma RX - Page 77
Compound comminuted fracture management - Page
Cushings triad - Page 12
Cyst - Page 2
Cyst (definition, classification) - Page 30

Deep vein thrombosis (confirmation, risk factors,

preventive measures) - Page 5
Direct vs indirect inguinal hernia - Page 68


Ectopic testis sites - Page 26

Endotoxic shock (def, pathogenesis, effect) - Page 61
Enlarged spleen vs left kidney swelling - Page 24
ERCP (indication, compl, contra) - Page 66
Early morning diarrhea, blood with stool, weight loss
(D/D, examination, investigation) - Page 21
Extradural hematoma c/f - Page 37


False cyst - Page 76

Fistula cause of persistence - Page 2
Fluid calculate needed in burn - Page 36
Fracture (def, outstretched hand) - Page 36
Fracture classification - Page 8
Furuncle - Page 33

Gallstone - (classification, effect) - Page 40

Gastric outlet obstruction (electrolyte change) - Page
Gastroduodenal ulcer (operation name and
indication) - Page 17
Giant cell tumor of bone (clinical, radiological
feature) - Page 50
Glassgo coma scale - Page 13
Graft - Page 51


Haemorrhoid treatment - Page 20

Haemothorax Def, Source of bleed - Page 66
Hernia def - Page 40
Hilton's method - Page 47
Hilton's method (def, place) - Page 62
Hernia classify - Page 68
Hepato renal syndrome - Page 22
Hepato renal syndrome (postoperative complication)
- Page 23
Hilton's method (def, place) - Page 62
Hypokalemia (cause, C/f) - Page 76

Imperforate anus types - Page 19

Imperforate anus surgical option - Page 20
Inguinal hernia (diagnosis, investigation, cardinal
feature, gut viability) - Page 23
Intertrochanteric fracture - Page 50
Intravenous urography (prepare patient) - Page 10
Intusussception (diagnose) - Page 57
Intusussception def, rx - Page 65
Interventional radiology uses, ex - Page 66
Intestinal obstruction - Page 39
Ischiorectal abscess C/f - Page 69


Jaundice - (history, investigation) - Page 22


Left kidney swelling vs enlarged spleen - Page 24

Malignant melanoma of lower limb Rx - Page 75
Malignant tumor route of spread - Page 1
Malignant tumor staging - Page 75
Malignant ulcers of the skin - Page 3
Meconium ileus - Page 65
Midline swelling cause - Page 25
Muscle relaxant types - Page 11


Neck swelling & difficulty in swallow (questions) -

Page 59
Non-specific ulcer (stage of natural history) - Page 2
Non-Union fracture (cause, treatment) - Page 8


Osteo sarcoma and Ewing sarcoma (radiological

feature) - Page 9
Osteogenic sarcoma (treatment) - Page 10
Osteomyelitis (organism, investigation, treatment) -
Page 38
Osteomyelitis complications - Page 39
Osteosarcoma (treatment) - Page 10

Palpable kidney cause - Page 24

Painful perianal conditions - Page 20
Painful jaundice, palpable gallbladder D/D - Page 70
Painless enlargement below ear lobule Dx confirm -
Page 74
Painless jaundice, palpable gallbladder D/D - Page 70
Palpable kidney cause - Page 24
Parotid abscess (symptoms, sign) - Page 25
Parotitis treatment - Page 26
Paralytic ileus (cause) - Page 57
Peptic ulcer complications - Page 39
Per rectal bleeding cause - Page 69
Perforated peptic ulcer (clinical sign, investigation,
management) - Page 70
Primary hemorrhage - Page 30
Proximal femur fracture cause - Page 76
Pseudo pancreatic cyst (Rx) - Page 58
Pseudo pancreatic cyst (pathophysiology) - Page 76


Radio-sensitive and radio-resistant tumors - Page 10

Radiation source - Page 37
Reactionary hemorrhage (cause, diagnosis, trt) - Page
Rectal carcinoma - Page 21
Regional anesthesia - Page 53
Renal colic character - Page 24
Renal stone treatment - Page 24
Road traffic accident - Page 6


Safe triangle - Page 37

Salivary gland tumor classify - Page 74
Secondary hemorrhage (pathophysiology, trt) - Page
Seminoma testis Rx - Page 73
Shock (definition) - Page 34
Shock (type, c/f) - Page 61
Sinus vs fistula - Page 34
Spinal anesthesia (complication) - Page 11
Sterilization - Page 1
Strangulated inguinal hernia Rx - Page 68
Stricture urethra ix - Page 73
Superficial vs deep burn (fluid) - Page 63
Supracondylar fracture complications - Page 8
Surgery complication - Page 29

Tension pneumothorax C/F - Page 66

Tension pneumothorax management - Page 36
Testicular torsion (predisposing factor) - Page 44
Testicular tumor (classify, stage) - Page 73
Tetanus (c/f, Rx) - Page 62
Thyrotoxic crisis Rx - Page 74
Thyrotoxicosis patient (preoperative preparation) -
Page 31
Thyrotoxicosis operation complication - Page 31
TNM staging (breast lump) - Page 28
Transfusion reaction (prevention) - Page 4


Underwater seal drain - Page 12

Undescended testis complications - Page 26
Urethral stricture cause - Page 72


Vaginal hydrocele (vs) inguinal hernia - Page 67

Vomiting after meal, normal appetite (examination) -
Page 55


Wound (def, factor influencing) - Page 47


X-ray for Git - Page 53


Yellow eye & high color urine (compl. Investigation) -

Page 58

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