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Republic of the Philippines


Written Work No. 2

Name: ____________________________________________________________________

Grade and Section: ________________________________________________


English 7 EN7G-III-c-2 Use the passive and active voice

meaningfully in varied contexts.

ENG7G-III-h-3 Use the past and past perfect tenses

correctly in varied contexts.

A. Multiple Choice
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer in each of the following
sentences. Write the answer in your notebook.

1. It is the quality of the verb that shows whether the subject is the doer or
the receiver of the action.
a. voice b. active c. passive d. verb

2. Active voice means that the subject is the doer of the action. Which
of the following sentences is in the active voice?
a. The SK Council prepared Covid 19 safety kits for the people living in
the barangay.
b. Covid 19-safety kits were prepared by the SK Council.
c. Covid-19 safety kits were prepared.
d. The barangay was prepared for the safety kits

3. Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a. Vaccines were given to people by our government.
b. The government gave vaccines.
c. The vaccines came from China.
d. The government accepts donations from other countries.

4. What verb should be used in the sentence? “Father ________ his son a
new bike.”
a. gave b. gives c. was given d. were given

5. What tense of the main verb should be used in the passive voice?
a. past tense b. present tense c. future tense d. perfect tense

6. What voice of the verb is used when the subject receives the action?
a. active b. passive c. voice d. tense

7. Change the statement “Students were provided modules by the

Department of Education into an active voice.
a. The Department of Education provided modules for students.
b. The Department of Education had provided modules.
c. The modules are provided to students
d. The Department of Education provided modules.

8. What tense of the verb expresses an action that happened in the

indefinite time in the past?
a. present b. past c. future d. perfect tense

9. Which is not a verb in the past tense?

a. thought b. watched c. painted d. write

10. Which situation does NOT require the past perfect tense of the verb?
a. Something that happened in the past and continues in the present
b. One thing happened before another in the past
c. Action happened before a specific time in the past
d. Action that happened in the indefinite time in the past
B. Use the appropriate past tense or past perfect tense of the verb that
completes the sentence.

11. Many teenagers_______________ last week for violating the curfew

a. were caught b. catch c. have caught d. was caught

12. She ____________ her hand before she put on the alcohol.
a. Washed b. wash c. had washed d. have washed

13. The baby ____________ before her father came.

a. cried b. had cried c. was crying d. cry

14. The rain _____________ an hour ago.

a. had stopped b. stopped c. stop d. will stop

15. The players _________ hard all year.

a. had trained b. train c. had trained d. is training

Prepared by:

Master Teacher 1
Guronasyon Foundation Inc. NHS

Checked and Validated by:

Principal I
Pag-Asa National High School

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