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Critical Analysis

Case 3:

Re-roofing Work to an Existing Building on Campus

Name : So Chun Kit

Candidate’s number : B28/07
HKIS Membership No. : 86003 P
Main Stream Practice : Project Management
Commencement Date of Training : 17 October 2007
Submission Date :
Contents Pages

1.0 Background 1

2.0 Personal Involvement 1

3.0 Tasks, Problem Encountered & Considerations

3.1 Selection of Repair Options 2-3

3.2 Selection of Re-roofing Materials 4-5

4.0 Experience Gained and Self-Assessment 6

Appendix A – Layout Plan of Subjected Roof

Appendix B – Photo Records

Case 3 – Re-roofing Work to an Existing Building on Campus

1.0 Background

The re-roofing work was carried out within the period between Feb 2009 and March

2009. As the time being, I was a Technical Officer in Estates, Health and Safety

Division of Vocational Training Council.

The subject flat roof was on an academic building in campus, which was built in year

1986, with reinforced concrete structure. It was approximately 330 m2 in area, regular

in shape, and finished with concrete tiles (Layout Plan at Appendix A). Water seepage

problem was often reported to the subject roof. Furthermore, the subject roof was

selected to house with the new chillers to the campus air-conditioning system.

2.0 Personal Involvement

With the guidance and support from my supervisor, an Architect, I actively

participated in the followings:-

 Carried out a desktop study with checking the maintenance records and relevant

building design drawings of subject roof and conducted a comprehensive

condition survey to the subject roof;

 To prepare relevant tender & contract documents and associated evaluation;

 Recommended appropriate remedial options and evaluated the performance of

various roofing materials;

 Liaise with the stakeholders and planned measures to minimize the disturbance

to existing building operation;

 Monitored progress of work with regular inspections and implemented quality

assurance measures.

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Case 3 – Re-roofing Work to an Existing Building on Campus

Tasks, Problem Encountered & Consideration

To identify the possible cause of water seepage, condition surveys to the subject roof

were conducted in dry and wet days. The existing waterproofing material was mastic

asphalt, aged over 20 years. The warranty of roofing system was expired. Only a few

utilities were resting on the roof and no pipe was concealed inside the roof slab. The

condition of the roof was poor with vegetation growth and defective roof finishes.

Based on the survey findings and maintenance record of the subject roof, I suggested

the most possible cause of the seepage was the rainwater penetration through the aged

roof system.

3.1 Selection of Repair Options

With assessment to the three available repair options, i.e. patch repair, overlaying and

complete re-roofing, I recommended complete re-roofing was the most appropriate

solution to the water seepage problem with the following justifications:-

a. Patch Repair (not recommended)

According to past maintenance record, patch repairs to the roof were conducted times

in the past years, but with unsatisfied performance. Besides, the leakage area was

found so extensive that patch repair was not suitable in terms of economical and

guarantee of performance and therefore not recommended.

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Case 3 – Re-roofing Work to an Existing Building on Campus

b. Overlaying System (not recommended)

The installation of new chillers system would increase the imposed loading to the

subject roof. Overlaying system was not recommended to prevent further increasing

the loading to the roof. Besides, overlaying system would also have the bonding

problem with existing roofing system whereas the complete re-roofing has no such


c. Complete Re-roofing (recommended)

The existing waterproofing layer was used over 20 years. The layer went beyond its

lift expectancy and showed the sign of deterioration. Therefore, complete replacement

of waterproofing layer would be considered the best solution.

Furthermore, the new chillers system to be installed would cause obstruction to any

large-scale re-roofing exercise after its completion. In order to minimize the

disturbance to occupants in the future, the complete re-roofing as a one-off solution

was preferred and would benefit most among all these three options.

After my presentation of the above justifications to my supervisor, he supported my

views and took my recommendation of complete re-roofing.

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Case 3 – Re-roofing Work to an Existing Building on Campus

3.2 Selection of Re-roofing Material

In order to select the most appropriate product between the two types of proprietary

waterproofing products available in the market (liquid-applied membrane & sheet-

applied membrane), I evaluated their performance in terms of time, cost and quality.

The following table has shown the result of my assessment:-

Liquid-applied Membrane Sheet-applied Membrane

Construction Time Longer Shorter
(Relatively) (Relatively)
Material Cost Lower Higher
(Relatively) (Relatively)
Labour Cost Higher Lower
(Relatively) (Relatively)
Thickness Control Difficult Easy
Seamlessness Excellent Acceptable
Table 1 – Comparison between to proprietary waterproofing products available in the market

a. Time Required

The construction period of liquid-applied membrane was relatively longer than the

sheet-applied one due to its longer drying time. However, the difficulty increased by

the existence of new concrete plinth for chillers would reduce the time difference

between the two types.

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Case 3 – Re-roofing Work to an Existing Building on Campus

b. Cost Required

The existence of new concrete plinth for chillers would increase the wastage when

applying the sheet-applied membrane, thus further increase the material cost to the

type. Liquid-applied membrane was considered more economical due to the high

skilled labour cost required can be offset with the lower material cost to the sheet-

applied membrane.

c. Quality Assurance

Even though the subject roof was flat and regular in shape, the newly installed

concrete plinth for the chillers plants would cause obstruction to the sheet-applied

membrane installation. Such obstruction would increase the difficulty and workability

for sheet-applied membrane and increase the change of water leakage at the joint

between the water-proofing layer and the plinth.

After due consideration above, I recommended adopting the liquid-applied

waterproofing membrane for this re-roofing project and was agreed with my superior.

However, higher quality assurance measures were required when adopted the liquid-

applied membrane, as the product was not a ready-made product like sheet-applied

one. In this connection, detailed material specification and warranties requirements

were listed in the contract. Vetting on the submission of material samples, catalogs,

method statement and frequent site supervisions were conducted especially at the time

of clearing the existing defective surfaces to guarantee the work performance (site

photos in Appendix B). Testing like flooding test were also conducted to assure the

quality performance (site photos 7-8 in Appendix B).

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4.0 Experience Gained and Self-Assessment

Every task has its own characteristic and usually has options for selection like the

repair options and different re-roofing materials in this project. Critical thinking,

which was practically enhanced in this project, enabled me to abstract useful

information and data and to balance the key issues in order to have a best selection as

a result.

Besides, through this re-roofing project, I have a chance to develop a dimensional

thinking and consider things in different perspectives. In the past, I only focused on

the project side, such as project duration, ease of equality control and cost

effectiveness. However, I revealed that communication with the stakeholders was the

key of the project success. Having consideration in different parties’ view would help

to balance different options and make the project running smooth.

In conclusion, the project offered me a practical experience on carrying out

maintenance or repair work and improved my analytical ability for a suitable remedial

proposal. I believed the valuable experience gained would greatly enhance my

confidence and professional manner to manage similar project independently in


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Appendix A

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Case 3 – Re-roofing Work to an Existing Building on Campus

Appendix B

Removal of Existing Aged Roofing System

Photo 1 Photo 2

Installation of new concrete plinth for the new chillers system

Photo 3 Photo 4

Applying liquid-applied sheet membrane

Photo 5 Photo 6

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Case 3 – Re-roofing Work to an Existing Building on Campus

Quality Assurance - Flooding test

Photo 7 Photo 8

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