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‫كلية البنات لألداب والعلوم والتربية‬

‫قـسـم كيمياء حـيـوي وتغذية‬

‫ ساعتان‬2 :‫الزمن‬ ‫ تحليلية‬- ‫ دبلومة كيمياء حيوي‬: ‫البرنامج‬
May 2021- 2022 :‫امتحان دور‬ Haematology (BINU 506) : ‫المادة‬

Answer the following questions (70 marks)

Question (I) Write true or false and correct the wrong one (12 points)

) ( .Adult hemoglobin (HbA) contains 2α and 2γ polypeptide chains -1

) ( .Apoferritin is found in intestinal mucosa and combines with iron to form ferritin -2

) ( .Lymphocytes are formed in bone marrow -3

There is carbonic hydrase enzyme inside erythrocytes, which is important for carbon dioxide -4
) ( .transport

) ( .Rise of temperature increases affinity of Hb for O2 -5

) ( .In the fetus, erythropoiesis is restricted to the red bone marrow -6

) ( .The hematocrit value is greater in arterial than venous blood -7

In adults, 15% of erythropoietin is formed by tissue macrophage cells in the liver called Kupffer ( ) -8

) ( .Homeostatic function is stoppage of bleeding when blood vessel is injured by clotting mechanism -9

Cross matching means that agglutination occurs when adding blood of the doner to the serum of the -10
) ( .recipient

) ( .Possitive Rh+ female should never receive negative RH- blood -11

) ( .IgD bind to receptors on the basophil and mast cells -12

II- Complete the following: ( 28 points) Question

1- Bone marrow is destroyed by ………… and ……………. .

2- RBCs and ………… mainly ……… is responsible for the viscosity of the blood.
3- All vitamins are needed for erythropoiesis specially …………. and ……….. .
4- Neutrophils perform their functions through:
1) Margination, 2) …………. ., 3) .……….. ., and 4) ……….. .
5- Plasma proteins have free acidic …………. and basic ………….. groups which are easily dissociated, this give
them the power to act as weak acids or bases depending on the pH of the plasma, and are called the ………..
plasma proteins.
6- Aspirin inhibits ……….enzyme, thus reduces the production of both ………… and prostacyclin.
7- Types of hemoglobin are …….……. , and ………….. .
8- Platelets are produced in the bone marrow from ……….. cells called …………… .
9- Sources of erythropoietin (origin) in adults ………. and ………… , during fetal life………… .
10- Transfusion with incompatible blood leads to ……………, …………., ………………, and blockage of ............ .
11- There’s no fetal complication regarding the ABO blood groups because .....……….. cannot cross
…………… .
12- We need blood transfusion to restore ………… or ………….. .

Question III- Write short notes on each of the following: (16 points)
a- Hemophilia. b- Effects of anemia. c- Folic acid. (2 points each)
d- Complement system. e-Antigen-Antibody interaction. (3 points each)
f- Roles and types of cytokines. (4 points)

Question III- Choose the best right answer of the following: (14 points)
1- Which Immunoglobulin has the highest concentration in the blood?
a- IgE. b- IgG. c- IgM. d- IgA.
2- Antibodies lead to antigen removal by amplifying …………………..
a- the complement system. b- B cells. c- plasma cells. d- all of them.
3- Rejection of the transplant tissues is the function of:
a- Basophils. b- B cells. c- lymphocytes. d- any cells.
4- B cells recognize antigen via its :
a- Associated antibodies. b- Toll receptors. c- all of them. d- none of them.
5- ……………. cells are needed for full activation of B cells.
a- Helper T cells. b- Cytotoxic T cells. c- Suppressor T cells. d- Plasma cells.
6- Which cells recognize processed antigens in association with MHC?
a- B cells. b- NK cells. c- APCs. d- T cells.
7- Small molecules that can induce an immune response if attached to a carrier protein:
a- IFN. b-Paratopes. c- Antigens. d- Haptens.

8- 3- All the following are mechanical and chemical mechanisms of the nonspecific defense EXCEPT:
a- The epithelia. b- Acid secretion. c- Neutrophils. d- Mucous secretion
9- The second exposure to a pathogen :
a- activates natural killer cells. b- Produces a rapid and greater response.
c- Recognized by memory B and T cells. d- Produces a slower and less response
10- The insertion of perforins in the target cells is the mechanism of:
a- Monocytes. b- Plasma cells. c- Complement proteins. d- Cytotoxic T cells.
11- Activation of complement cascade results in:
a- Opsonization. b- Perforins. c- Histamine release. d- Antihistamine release.
12- All the following are responsible for cellular immunity EXCEPT:
a- Defense against most bacteria. b- Delayed allergic reactions.
c- Defense against viruses. d- Defense against tumours.
13- The principal opsonins that coat bacteria;
a- Chemotaxis. b- IgG. c- IgF. d- IgD.
14- Why the fetus is not usually rejected by his mother? Because :
a- The placental trophoblast express HLA-G gene. b- Clonal deletion occurs.
c- Clonal anergy takes place. d- All of them.

With our Best Wishes; Prof. Dr Magda Sayed and Dr Nadia Mahmoud Nasr😊

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