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Dear ,

I am writing to request your permission and support for an initiative to help the families affected by a
recent house fire in Asinan, Kasanyangan, Zamboañga City. As you may be aware, several families have
been displaced, and their lives have been turned upside down as a result of this tragedy. We believe that
our organization can make a significant difference by providing them with the support they need during
this difficult time.

Our organization has a history of extending a helping hand to those in need, and we believe that this is
an opportunity to do so again. We would like to seek your permission to launch a donation drive to
support these families in their efforts to recover from the devastating impact of the fire.

With your approval, we would like to launch a fundraising campaign, with the aim of collecting monetary
donations -either through Gcash or cash on hand- that will go directly to the affected families. These
funds will be used to help them secure temporary accommodation, purchase essential items, and cover
other expenses that are essential to their recovery.

We believe that with your support to this endeavor, we can make a significant impact on the lives of
these families.

Thank you for considering our request. We look forward to hearing from you soon and hope that you
will grant us your permission to proceed with this fundraising initiative.


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